Solid Waste Incineration
Recent papers in Solid Waste Incineration
The city of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, which has a population of 804,474, and has been experiencing rapid growth over the last 15 years, generates approximately 1.39 kg capita-1 day-1 of municipal solid waste (MSW). Nearly 700... more
Featured Application: Yielded research results indicate that the problems of the computational grid resolution in the CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system cannot be neglected during air quality impact assessment at a local scale for regulatory... more
This case overview and presentation comes naturally in place to cover some rather rational questions as to what has been happening in a small town in central Greece, which hasn’t exactly been vocal about anything in the past, in such a... more
At the turn of 2015/2016 it is planned to launch in Poland a few new municipal solid waste incineration plants. This type activities causes usually concerns of the local community due to their potential negative impact on air quality. Are... more
The planned construction of new municipal waste incineration plants over the next few years in Poland results in protests of local communities, which arise mainly from fear of an increase in the air pollution in its vicinity. These... more
The city of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, which has a population of 804,474, and has been experiencing rapid growth over the last 15 years, generates approximately 1.39 kg capita(-1) day(-1) of municipal solid waste (MSW). Nearly 700... more
The city of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, which has a population of 804,474, and has been experiencing rapid growth over the last 15 years, generates approximately 1.39 kg capita(-1) day(-1) of municipal solid waste (MSW). Nearly 700... more