Statistical Reasoning
Recent papers in Statistical Reasoning
You yourself, or what is the same, your experience is such ``coin'' that, while you aren't questioned, it rotates all the time in ``free flight''. And only when you answer the question the ``coin'' falls on one of the sides: ``Yes'' or... more
The paper shows how error statistical theory can be deployed to grasp the deeper epistemic logic of the peer-review process. The intent is to provide the readers with a novel lens through which to make sense of the practices of academic... more
Little is known about the way that teachers articulate notions of variation in their own words. The study reported here was conducted with 17 prospective secondary math and science teachers enrolled in a preservice teacher education... more
In recent years, there has been a growing focus on central statistical ideas or ‘big ideas’ in statistical reasoning such as center, distribution, and variability in research studies. To date, however, there is a paucity of assessments... more
Rapan, K., & Valerjev, P. (2020). Test statističkog rasuđivanja [Statistical reasoning test]. In V. Ćubela Adorić (Ed.), Zbirka psihologijskih skala i upitnika - Svezak 10 (pp. 103-112). University of Zadar. U radu je prikazan i opisan... more
Recent research in statistical reasoning has focused on the developmental process in students when learning statistical reasoning skills. This study investigates statistical reasoning from the perspective of individual differences. As... more
ABSTRACT. We report a study where 195 students aged 12 to 15 years were presented with computerbased tasks that require reasoning with multivariate data, together with paper-based tasks from a well established scale of statistical... more
The focus of assessment in statistics has gradually shifted from traditional assessment towards alternative assessment where more attention has been paid to the core statistical concepts such as center, variability, and distribution. In... more
Until recently, studies within the dual-process approach were mainly focused on group differences in processing, and individual differences were neglected. However, individual differences have proven to be a significant factor in conflict... more
Little is known about the way that teachers articulate notions of variation in their own words. The study reported here was conducted with 17 prospective secondary math and science teachers enrolled in a preservice teacher education... more
CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license Appearing in Proceedings of JSM2018 (Vancouver, BC): Based on a presentation I gave in a session on quantitative literacy that I organized for the Meetings. Statistical literacy is critically... more
Evolutionary approaches to judgment under uncertainty have led to new data showing that untutored subject reliably produce judgments that conform to may principles of probability theory when (a) they are asked to compute a frequency... more
To date, there are abundant studies on statistical reasoning in descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Nevertheless, the types of statistical reasoning assessments used in those studies are different from each other. Hence,... more
The idea that naturally sampled frequencies facilitate performance in statistical reasoning tasks because they are a cognitively privileged representational format has been challenged by findings that similarly structured numbers... more
The study reports on collaborations with practitioners to examine the results of students’ performances on high stakes tests as a means to strengthen practitioners’ knowledge of probability and statistics and to empower their conduct of... more
The study reports on collaborations with practitioners to examine the results of students’ performances on high stakes tests as a means to strengthen practitioners’ knowledge of probability and statistics and to empower their conduct of... more
The focus of assessment in statistics has gradually shifted from traditional assessment towards alternative assessment where more attention has been paid to the core statistical concepts such as center, variability, and distribution. In... more
Statistical reasoning should precede the statistical method in the teaching of statistics because the students should master the concepts before they perform computations. To find out whether the students were aware of this principle,... more
Based on a synthesis of literature, earlier studies, analyses and observations on high school students, this study developed an initial framework for assessing students' statistical reasoning about descriptive statistics. Framework... more