Supercritical Flow
Recent papers in Supercritical Flow
A total of 49 extended abstracts are included in this volume of papers presented at the 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, held 17 February - 1 March, 2000, Caesarea, Israel. Also see... more
A series of laboratory experiments in a 6 m long chute using glass particles of mean diameter 100 μm were performed to investigate the interaction of a supercritical, granular flow with obstacles. It was found that the collision of the... more
Recent experience gained at AFRL with the injection of cryogenic fluids into high back-pressures is summarized. In the experimental investigations described, a jet of a cryogenic fluid, typically liquid N2, is injected into a chamber... more
A series of laboratory experiments in a 6 m long chute using glass particles of mean diameter 100 μm were performed to investigate the interaction of a supercritical, granular flow with obstacles. It was found that the collision of the... more
A new algorithm for the solution of the shallow water equations is introduced. The formulation is founded on a suitable operator-splitting procedure for which a characteristic-based rational form of including balancing dissipation terms... more
Ternary phase equilibrium data are presented for acetic acid-water mixtures with supercritical carbon dioxide at temperatures of 313 and 323 K and pressures of 73, 104 and 139 bar. Selectivities and distribution coefficients were obtained... more
A non-reacting-flow experimental investigation was undertaken to gain a better understanding of some of the underlying physics associated with the interaction of acoustic waves and a coaxial-jet injector similar to those used in cryogenic... more
This technical note studies the supercritical junction flow occurring at the right-angled confluence of four equal-width channels in which two upstream channels carry flow towards the junction. The note seeks to investigate, firstly, the... more
Se estudiaron alternativas de diseño para la rápida curva de un aliviadero mediante la complementación entre modelación física y matemática, en la que el principal fenómeno de análisis fueron las ondas cruzadas generadas bajo el régimen... more
The weakly nonlinear dynamics of long waves embedded in marginally stable shear flows that vary in the streamwise direction are shown to be governed by a variable-coefficient Boussinesq equation. Depending on the local stability... more
: An experimental study on the effects of an externally-imposed transverse acoustic field in a N2 shear coaxial jets at sub-, near-, and supercritical pressures is presented. Such fields and their interaction with the jets (i.e., breakup,... more
A series of laboratory experiments in a 6 m long chute using glass particles of mean diameter 100 mum were performed to investigate the interaction of a supercritical, granular flow with obstacles. It was found that the collision of the... more
ABSTRACT Experimental analysis concerning supercritical flow over a dentated sill in nonsubmerged conditions and the local scour downstream of this sill is presented. In this case, the energy dissipation is incomplete so that a scour... more
We present estimates of internal shear rates of real-scale avalanches that are based on velocity measurements. Optical velocity sensors installed on the instrument pylon at the Swiss Vallée de la Sionne test site are used to measure flow... more
RESUMEN: El diseño de descargadores de fondo es el resultado de la evaluación conjunta de múltiples aspectos. En ese contexto, la traza de un descargador de fondo aguas abajo de una compuerta podría seguir una curva, por lo que el flujo... more
Two forced convection film boiling correlations are proposed for Fuel Coolant Interaction codes: one for fuel drops in premixing and explosion, and one for fuel fragments in explosion. They include features which are not always taken into... more
In a previous report, we have presented the argon nanojet injection simulation results under vacuum condition. This study also focused on the effect of injector shape on jet breakup behavior. However, geometrical effects were not so... more