Supercritical Flow
Recent papers in Supercritical Flow
A total of 49 extended abstracts are included in this volume of papers presented at the 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, held 17 February - 1 March, 2000, Caesarea, Israel. Also see... more
1] The classical hydraulic jump, which is a hydraulic jump formed in a horizontal, smooth, and prismatic laboratory flume, has often been used for estimating hydraulic and morphologic characteristics of mountain river channels. However,... more
Turbidity currents in the ocean are driven by suspended sediment. Yet results from surveys of the modern sea floor and turbidite outcrops indicate that they are capable of transporting as bedload and depositing particles as coarse as... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Hydraulic data defining the dune:antidune transition in fine gravel are compared with potential flow theory, and information is drawn from published experiments and field-based studies. Attention is given to both transitional bedforms and... more
We describe here the cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry of Fe(bpy)l* (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) in SO, at temperatures up to 174" C, above the critical point of SO2 (T, = 158O C, PC = 77.8 atm), and discuss the effect of... more
We have investigated shallow water flows through a channel with a contraction by experimental and theoretical means. The horizontal channel consists of a sluice gate and an upstream channel of constant width b 0 ending in a linear... more
This is a review of the Hydrologic Criteria and Drainage Design Manual (Clark County Regional Flood Control District 1999) of the Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD). Areas of needed research relative to channels... more
Bedforms and associated sedimentary structures, formed under supercritical water¯ow over an aggrading sand bed, were studied in a laboratory¯ume. Although the geometry and hydraulic characteristics of these bedforms (antidunes,... more
A series of laboratory experiments in a 6 m long chute using glass particles of mean diameter 100 μm were performed to investigate the interaction of a supercritical, granular flow with obstacles. It was found that the collision of the... more
Turbidity currents in the ocean and lakes are driven by suspended sediment. The vertical profiles of velocity and excess density are shaped by the interaction between the current and the bed as well as between the current and the ambient... more
Recent experience gained at AFRL with the injection of cryogenic fluids into high back-pressures is summarized. In the experimental investigations described, a jet of a cryogenic fluid, typically liquid N2, is injected into a chamber... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time f maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding... more
A series of laboratory experiments in a 6 m long chute using glass particles of mean diameter 100 μm were performed to investigate the interaction of a supercritical, granular flow with obstacles. It was found that the collision of the... more
Heat transfer in upward flows of supercritical water in circular tubes and in tight fuel rod bundles is numerically investigated by using the commercial CFD code STAR-CD 3.24. The objective is to have more understandings about the... more
We are reporting a novel synthetic approach to prepare organic modified Ba-hexaferrite nanocrystals with controlled size and morphology under a supercritical water (SCW) flow reactor process. The surface of the Ba-hexaferrite nanocrystal... more
A new algorithm for the solution of the shallow water equations is introduced. The formulation is founded on a suitable operator-splitting procedure for which a characteristic-based rational form of including balancing dissipation terms... more
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources. gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Ternary phase equilibrium data are presented for acetic acid-water mixtures with supercritical carbon dioxide at temperatures of 313 and 323 K and pressures of 73, 104 and 139 bar. Selectivities and distribution coefficients were obtained... more
This paper presents a coastal hydrodynamic model for simulating coastal barrier breaching flows through an inlet which are mostly induced by extreme hydrological conditions such as storm/hurricane surges, waves and tides. In order to... more
A non-reacting-flow experimental investigation was undertaken to gain a better understanding of some of the underlying physics associated with the interaction of acoustic waves and a coaxial-jet injector similar to those used in cryogenic... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
This technical note studies the supercritical junction flow occurring at the right-angled confluence of four equal-width channels in which two upstream channels carry flow towards the junction. The note seeks to investigate, firstly, the... more
Impact forces by snow avalanches on narrow obstacles need to be taken into account in the design of many constructions in avalanche prone terrain, such as masts of electrical power lines, ski lifts and cable cars. An important question in... more
Se estudiaron alternativas de diseño para la rápida curva de un aliviadero mediante la complementación entre modelación física y matemática, en la que el principal fenómeno de análisis fueron las ondas cruzadas generadas bajo el régimen... more
We describe here the cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry of Fe(bpy)l* (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) in SO, at temperatures up to 174" C, above the critical point of SO2 (T, = 158O C, PC = 77.8 atm), and discuss the effect of... more
The weakly nonlinear dynamics of long waves embedded in marginally stable shear flows that vary in the streamwise direction are shown to be governed by a variable-coefficient Boussinesq equation. Depending on the local stability... more
pressures up to 100 atm, and residence times up to 550 sec. Analysis, by HPLC/UV, of the toluene reaction products led to the unequivocal identification of 27 individual PAH, up to 10 rings in size. The experiments showed that PAH yields... more
: An experimental study on the effects of an externally-imposed transverse acoustic field in a N2 shear coaxial jets at sub-, near-, and supercritical pressures is presented. Such fields and their interaction with the jets (i.e., breakup,... more
A system response matrix method, which directly solves the linearized differential equations in the matrix form without Laplace transformation, is introduced for the supercritical fluids flow instability analysis. The model is developed... more
A series of laboratory experiments in a 6 m long chute using glass particles of mean diameter 100 mum were performed to investigate the interaction of a supercritical, granular flow with obstacles. It was found that the collision of the... more
A fundamental problem in avalanche engineering is to determine the impact pressures exerted on structures. This task is complicated because snow avalanches flow in a variety of regimes, primarily depending on snow temperature and moisture... more
We present estimates of internal shear rates of real-scale avalanches that are based on velocity measurements. Optical velocity sensors installed on the instrument pylon at the Swiss Vallée de la Sionne test site are used to measure flow... more
Impact forces by snow avalanches on narrow obstacles need to be taken into account in the design of many constructions in avalanche prone terrain, such as masts of electrical power lines, ski lifts and cable cars. An important question in... more
RESUMEN: El diseño de descargadores de fondo es el resultado de la evaluación conjunta de múltiples aspectos. En ese contexto, la traza de un descargador de fondo aguas abajo de una compuerta podría seguir una curva, por lo que el flujo... more
Two forced convection film boiling correlations are proposed for Fuel Coolant Interaction codes: one for fuel drops in premixing and explosion, and one for fuel fragments in explosion. They include features which are not always taken into... more
In a previous report, we have presented the argon nanojet injection simulation results under vacuum condition. This study also focused on the effect of injector shape on jet breakup behavior. However, geometrical effects were not so... more
Supercritical flow interaction occurring in the marine boundary layer between closely spaced coastal capes is investigated with a mesoscale numerical prediction model. As an extension of previous work, the U.S. Navy's Coupled... more
To better understand the nature of the interaction between acoustic waves and liquid fuel jets in rocket engines, cryogenic liquid nitrogen is injected into a room temperature high-pressure chamber having optical access on its sides. A... more