Recent papers in Tartuffe
Didactic presentation of Molieres comedy.
Literarni spisi s primerjavo dveh besedil.
Bellek çalışmaları, çeviribilim ve tiyatrobilim alanlarına disiplinlerarası yaklaşmayı hedefleyen bu çalışmanın amacı dramatik metinlerin çeviri ve yeniden çevirilerinin erek kültürdeki geleneksel unsurları dönüştürerek yeniden üretmeye... more
Segunda Parte de la conversación con el realizador y restaurador Luciano Berriatúa ¿Cómo consigue financiación para restaurar las películas?, ¿Cómo se inició en ese mundo de la conservación de archivos? Yo trabajo para archivos, y los... more
APA: Ergil, B. (2020). Batı kanonu hayal perdesinde: Tiyatrotem yeniden yazım ve yeniden çevirilerinde "absürd", "tragedya" ve "komedya" kavramlarının dönüşümü. Dünya Dilleri, Edebiyatları ve Çeviri Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 26-58.... more
It would take another two-hundred seventy years, post-Molière, before the fiery green Wicked Witch of the West would explode into L Frank Baum’s 1939’s superlative imaginative literature, and onto the floor of Oz’s Munchkin Village, and... more
Artigo dedicado à encenação do texto Tartufo de Molière. Publicado na revista Folhetim, abril, n. 6, abril de 2000.
Maylis Ardit écrit dans le magazine 50-50 : « Implicitement, Madame de Villedieu adresse à Louis XIV, à sa cour et à notre société aujourd'hui les questionnements sur la place des sujets face au pouvoir politique. Quelles sont les marges... more
Literarni spisi s primerjavo dveh besedil oz. odlomkov.
An analysis of Chekhov's engagement with Dostoevsky. An interpretation of Uncle Vanya as reference to Moliere's Tartuffe and Dostoevsky's The Village of Stepanchikovo. Chekhov's polemic with Dostoevsky and his rebellion against melodrama.... more
Abstract: this article argues that Molière’s Le Tartuffe ou l’imposteur has much in common with the biblical Book of Esther. Adopting the mythocritique theoretical perspective, the paper first demonstrates that both narratives unfold... more