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1813 yılında doktora tezi olarak hazırlanmasının ardından, Schopenhauer felsefesinin temeli haline gelen Yeter Sebep İlkesinin Dört Katlı Kökü Üzerine (Über die vierfache Wurzel des Satzes vom zureichenden Grunde) başlıklı çalışma, var... more
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      LogicSchopenhauerCausalityThe Principle of Sufficient Reason
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAtheismCausationCosmological Arguments
ABSTRACT: As a supplement to John L. Heilbron's account, I will argue that, although the label 'experimental physics' can be rightfully used to describe aspects of Petrus van Musschenbroek's (1692-1761) work, the latter's understanding of... more
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      Experimental philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of Science18th Century Philosophy
When reflecting on the causal antecedents of human action in the right manner and context, it is easy to get the impression that morally relevant freedom is impossible. I call this the “non-existence impression.” The objective of this... more
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      Free Will, Moral ResponsibilityCausationExplanationFree Will
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      René DescartesImmanuel KantRationalismChristian Wolff
Discussion Piece
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      PhysicsPhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Science
There is stock argument against libertarianism: that the indeterminism it postulates makes human choice a matter of chance and this is no better as a basis for practical rationality and moral responsibility than the most rigid... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityHumeVirtue Ethics
Inductive conclusions rest upon the Uniformity Principle, that similar events lead to similar results. The principle derives from three fundamental axioms: Existence, that the observed object has an existence independent of the observer;... more
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      LogicInductive ReasoningDavid HumeSyllogisms
This article analyses the principle of sufficient reason in the systems of I. Kant and A. Schopenhauer, making the parallels with the Chr. Wolff’s metaphysics. Also the author demonstrates how the principle was being transformed from... more
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      PhilosophyKantContinental PhilosophyArthur Schopenhauer
یکی از مهم ترین براهین اثبات وجود خداوند، استدلال جهان شناختی ست. تقریر های سنتی استدلال جهان شناختی، که مبتنی بر اصل علیّت و اصل جهت کافی است، همواره چالش های فراوانی را پیش روی خود داشته است. از این رو، این برهان در طول تاریخ خود،... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionModalityPossible Worlds
The two problems are: a) Does one ever have sufficient reason for what one does; and if not, should this be a cause for concern? If, when reasons for action conflict, reaching a decision is always a non sequitur, then it looks as... more
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      PsychoanalysisAristotleNelson GoodmanPsychology of Unconscious