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The article discusses effective ways to reduce the cost of operating vapor recovery units and increase the financial result of their operation. The first method is based on regulation of the power-on time of the installation. The second... more
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    • Environmental Science
In recent data on neutron induced acoustic cavitation in deuterium--containing liquids obtained by neutron measurements it was shown that very high temperatures could arise in some special cases. To study temperature of so--called bubble... more
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Thermoacoustic refrigeration systems: recent developments TS02 Paweł Owczarek Details and experimental results of a stand-alone container cooled by a solar driven multi-stage traveling wave thermoacoustic system TS04 Chris Lawn... more
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      EngineeringThermoacousticsThermoacoustic heat engine
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have become prevalent tools in the numerical modeling of complex thermoacoustic phenomena. The basic problem concerning a CFD simulation of a complete system is the computational cost. To... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPhysicsAcousticsComputational Fluid Dynamics
In this article were developed one-dimensional steady state heat transfer equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, neglecting or not the viscous dissipation. We used second order approximations for the development of a... more
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      PhysicsMechanicsHeat TransferCylindrical Coordinate System
The aim of the article is the review of two phase flow pattern maps for horizontal tubes. The flow pattern in evaporation and condensation section in a small tube has been analyzed ín this article. The two-phase flow pattern map for... more
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Na toj osnovi su analizirane prednosti i nedostaci asinkronih i sinkronih motora u komercijalnoj primjeni. Od sinkronih motora uzeti su u obzir klasični sa četkicama, beskontaktni s uzbudnim namotima i najmoderniji s permanentnim... more
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The impact of emissions from the fuel and energy sectors adversely affects the environment on the economies of countries. One of these pollutants is volatile organic compounds (VOC), which contribute to the formation of tropospheric... more
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      HYDROCARBONSVaporsVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
ABSTRACTThis work is devoted to microwave heating of graphite for studying the processing of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by graphite vaporization. We have applied heating by microwaves (MW) (power 800W, frequency 2.45 GHz) in air at 20–90... more
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      Materials ScienceMicrowaveCarbonCatalysts
The aim of this work was to modelling the moisture sorption isotherm of the Rhecktophyllum Camerunence (RC) fiber at 23 by using the BET, GAB and DLP models. The fibers samples of 0.1g were submitted to hygro-thermal ageing in an... more
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The Phébus fission product (FP) programme studies the phenomenology of severe accidents in watercooled nuclear reactors. Five tests were performed in the frame of the programme covering fuel-rod degradation and FP behaviour released via... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringAerosolsTransportModels
Electronic cigarette (EC) use is currently subject to a debate concerning safety, regulation need, and probable contribution to smoking cessation. An important gap in this debate is the lack of distinction between minors and adults. This... more
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      Environmental HealthDelinquencyMedicineElectronic Cigarettes
Mobile Robot Enabled Detection of Explosives and Biological Agents Gregory W. Auner1, Abhilash Pandya1, Golam Newaz1, Grant Gerhart2, Greg Hudas2 ... 1 GK Kannan, JC Kappor, Adsorption studies of carbowax and poly dimethyl siloxane to use... more
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      EngineeringWaterRaman SpectroscopyAir
The strain analysis of GaN film on nitridated Si(111) substrate with different growth times between 0 and 660 s via metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) was conducted based on the precise measurement of the lattice parameters... more
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceSiliconThin film growth
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents thereof.
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      EngineeringBiocidesAir flowHydrogen Peroxide
An alarm system was designed which continuously monitors the gas output from vessels in which cryogens are either stored or used. The system is fail safe in nature. It provides a visual and an auditory alarm in the event that venting is... more
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      Environmental ScienceCryogenicsQuantum MechanicsSafety
Diec-~of f1ublic A~f V nroc Istitute of Technofogy (ATC) KEY ~~ ~ 2 J_______ ~U N 1981 Wight-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 19 K YWOROS (Continue or-octorms &)do ol no, .eary and Idsent11Y by block num~ber) 20 ABSTRACT (Conlinett e... car.... more
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      MedicineIndustrial HygieneCalibrationAnesthesia
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      EngineeringPhysicsMicrowaveNatural Gas
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      Materials ScienceChemistryDesignHydraulics
The thermal effects which affect the development of leading edge cavitation in an inducer were investigated experimentally using refrigerant R114. For different operating conditions, the evolution of the cavity length with the cavitation... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMechanicsChemistry
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA's) thermal ground plane (TGP) effort was aimed at combining the advantages of vapor chambers or two-dimensional (2D) heat pipes and solid conductors by building thin, high... more
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      Materials ScienceMicroelectronicsStressFluids
Kontejnerski transport u kojem najvažniju ulogu imaju kontejnerski brodovi, ključna su stavka u svjetskoj trgovinskoj razmjeni. 70 % svjetskog i 90 % generalnog tereta prevozi se kontejnerima. Svijet kakav danas znamo nezamisliv je bez... more
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    • Construction
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      EngineeringComputer GraphicsMaterials ScienceChemistry
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U ovom diplomskom radu opisane su vrste bodova u pomorskom prometu te u koje skupine brodova spadaju. U glavnom djelu rada opisati ćemo elektroenergetski sustav jednog od brodova. Veći dio će biti posvećen samom pogonu i njihovoj izvedbi.... more
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      Mary Queen of ScotsShip
In this paper, an electronic tongue (ET) based on a quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor array was designed and the methods for sensor data analysis were described. In this regard, as chemical sensors, QCM crystals coated with three... more
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      Computer ScienceElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Theory and experimental procedures are developed to allow measurement of ion-molecule reaction rates with plasma chromatography. The procedures Include the use of the exponential dilution flask. Diagnostically, the dlssociative electron... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryAnalytical ChemistryAmerican Chemical Society
Detailed measurements have been made in a high pressure, adiabatic (boiled at the inlet) annular flow in a narrow, high aspect ratio duct using a gamma densitometer, hot-film anemometer and high-speed video photography. Measurements of... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMechanicsHigh Pressure
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      Materials ScienceCarbonDopingDefects
Measurements of fluid thermal properties using the wansient hot-wire technique are described. When barc hot wires arc used in electrically conducting fluids there are additional measurement uncertainties due to the formation of electric... more
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      Materials ScienceDesignPerformanceEarth and Environmental Sciences
Public reporting burden for this colleOtion of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instru data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information Send comments... more
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      Case StudiesHealthSimulationAir flow
Heat transfer surfaces operating in cold regions often involve condensation. The analytical and experimental progress made in understanding the process of condensation on extended surfaces (fins) is reviewed in detail. The review covers... more
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      ChemistryConservationHeat TransferFilms
The main motivation of conducting this work is to present a rigorous analysis and investigation of the potential effect of the heat pipe adiabatic region on the flow and heat transfer performance of a heat pipe under varying evaporator... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHeat Transfer
The microscale transport processes in droplet condensation and removal due to interfacial phenomena were studied. In particular, this paper concerns the movement of a condensed ethanol sessile drop into a concave liquid film in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceImage Processing
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is currently developing enabling science and technologies for high-performance chemical detection systems based on sensor arrays. This report describes progress in new pattern-recognition methods. A... more
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A numerical method based on the SIMPLE algorithm has been developed for the analysis of vapor flow in a concentric annular heat pipe. The steady-state response of a concentric annular heat pipe to various heat fluxes in the evaporator and... more
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      EngineeringNumerical AnalysisHeat PipesReynolds Number
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This article explores the ways in which the contemporary legacies of the Cheju Massacre are intergenerationally transmitted and ritually reenacted in postmemory practices involving spirit possession and the reburial of dead bodies after... more
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      Spirit Possession (Anthropology)Ritual (Anthropology)Postmemory, Transgenerational MemoryState and Political Violence
The sorption of vapors by cellulose samples and by some cellulose derivatives was studied at 25 oC. To describe sorption isotherms, a thermodynamic equation was proposed: A=Ao/[1-(RT/g)lnφ], where Ao is maximal sorption value, φ is... more
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Experiments have shown that ions can substantially increase vapor-to-liquid nucleation rates. However, interpretation of these experiments is complicated by ambiguities arising from the manner in which the ions are produced. Several... more
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      ThermodynamicsWaterMedicineChemical Kinetics
Over the past few years, thermal design for cooling microprocessors has become increasingly challenging mainly because of an increase in both average power density and local power density, commonly referred to as "hot spots". The current... more
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      EngineeringThermal EngineeringDesignRefrigeration
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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The heat pipe though has a wide application; the information available towards the development of an efficient heat pipe is seldom seen in the open literature. In the present study, investigations are carried out for optimizing the fluid... more
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      Heat Pipesheat pipe
Brodski dizelski motor je složen multivarijabilni neli-nearni dinamički sustav. Njegova osnovna struktura se sastoji od međusobno povezanih podsustava i velikog broja različitih komponenti, te se kvarovi mogu pojavi-ti na bilo kojoj... more
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This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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The thermal and hydrodynamic performance of passive two-phase cooling devices such as heat pipes and vapor chambers is limited by the capabilities of the capillary wick structures employed. The desired characteristics of wick... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceEvaporationHeat Transport
The shapes of optical-pumping transients in rubidium vapor were studied in detail. Observed transients can be separated into a sum of exponential components. These components are found to be in agreement with a theoretical model based on... more
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      PhysicsAtomic PhysicsRelaxationLight
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      Environmental ScienceChemistryAnalytical ChemistryEnvironmental Sciences
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      ChemistryMedicineChemical Warfare AgentsAcetylcholinesterase
Carey et a/. utilized principal components analysis (PCA) to analyze frequency shift data obtained from piezoelectric sensors formed by coating quartz crystals with 27 different GC stationary phases and tested using 14 analytes. The... more
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      MathematicsAnalytical ChemistryChemometricsPrincipal Component Analysis