The article discusses effective ways to reduce the cost of operating vapor recovery units and increase the financial result of their operation. The first method is based on regulation of the power-on time of the installation. The second... more
The article discusses effective ways to reduce the cost of operating vapor recovery units and increase the financial result of their operation. The first method is based on regulation of the power-on time of the installation. The second method is based on using the potential energy of the fluid flow of the gravity section to supply the system equipment with energy. The potential savings on VRU maintenance will reduce the risks of payback of installations. The proposed methods will have a significant impact on society, as the possibility of a wider distribution of installations that protect the environment from emissions of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere will become available.
In recent data on neutron induced acoustic cavitation in deuterium--containing liquids obtained by neutron measurements it was shown that very high temperatures could arise in some special cases. To study temperature of so--called bubble... more
In recent data on neutron induced acoustic cavitation in deuterium--containing liquids obtained by neutron measurements it was shown that very high temperatures could arise in some special cases. To study temperature of so--called bubble plasma it is desirable to have micro--detectors of X-rays, which can be prepared on the basis of room--temperature semiconductor detectors, in particular on mercuric iodide ($\alpha$--HgI$_2$) crystals. Having in view this aim, the properties of gel--grown ($\alpha$--HgI$_2$) crystals was studied by means of isothermal currents, and trap parameters was estimated. Results are promising for special aim of preparing X-ray detectors with moderate energy resolution needed in bubble--plasma diagnostic, though improving of crystal growing technology is necessary. {\it PACS:} 29.40.Wk; 52.70.La {\it Keywords:} X-ray and gamma--ray measurements; semiconductor detectors; mercuric iodide; plasma diagnostics; cavitation
Thermoacoustic refrigeration systems: recent developments TS02 Paweł Owczarek Details and experimental results of a stand-alone container cooled by a solar driven multi-stage traveling wave thermoacoustic system TS04 Chris Lawn... more
Thermoacoustic refrigeration systems: recent developments TS02 Paweł Owczarek Details and experimental results of a stand-alone container cooled by a solar driven multi-stage traveling wave thermoacoustic system TS04 Chris Lawn Optimization of the loop in a travelling-wave thermo-acoustic engine TS05 Maurice-Xavier Francois The VALTA project: full scale conversion of CHP engine flue gas heat into electricity 12:20 13:20 Lunch Grand café 13:20 14:40 Session 2a Erlenmeyer AE05 Douglas Wilcox Development of a compact thermoacoustic-Stirling electric generator AE02 Jeffrey Lin High-fidelity simulations of a standing-wave thermoacousticpiezoelectric engine AE04 Bakhtier Farouk Signal conditioning of carbon nanotube loudspeaker AE01 Ken Kaneuchi Evaluation of bi-directional turbines using the two-sensor method 14:40 14:50 Coffee The Gallery 14:50 16:10 Session 3a Erlenmeyer AE03 Johan Brussen Modeling and controlling the generator of a thermoacoustic Stirling engine AE06 Maurice-Xavier Francois Space thermoacoustic radio-isotopic power system: SpaceTRIPS TS15 Hiroaki Hyodo Dynamics of forced synchronization in thermoacoustic system 16:10 16:20 Coffee The Gallery 16:20 17:20 Session 4a Erlenmeyer TC01 Marialuisa Napolitano The role of stack non acoustic parameters on thermodynamic performance of standing wave devices TC02 Esmatullah Maiwand Sharify CFD study of oscillatory flow around parallel plates in a traveling-wave thermoacoustic engine
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have become prevalent tools in the numerical modeling of complex thermoacoustic phenomena. The basic problem concerning a CFD simulation of a complete system is the computational cost. To... more
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have become prevalent tools in the numerical modeling of complex thermoacoustic phenomena. The basic problem concerning a CFD simulation of a complete system is the computational cost. To overcome this problem, a CFD simulation tool using an impedance matching boundary (IMB) condition has been developed to analyze the characterization of the flow field in a looped-tube travelling-wave thermoacoustic engine. The thermodynamic processes were simulated using a two-dimensional numerical solution for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. By imposing an impedance matching boundary condition, flow fields around the regenerator and heat-exchanger plates were simulated. The boundary condition being defined as an acoustic load which was derived from experimental data. From the simulations, features of the flow field such as nonlinear vortex generation around the regenerator and heat-exchanger plates were observed that were not present in the analytical solutions. Furthermore, the temperature oscillations were obtained around regenerator plates, and the operating mechanism of a looped-tube travelling-wave thermoacoustic engine was characterized both qualitatively and quantitatively. The CFD tool was validated by obtaining good agreement when comparing results with those from experimental data and analytical solutions. As a result, it was concluded that CFD
In this article were developed one-dimensional steady state heat transfer equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, neglecting or not the viscous dissipation. We used second order approximations for the development of a... more
In this article were developed one-dimensional steady state heat transfer equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, neglecting or not the viscous dissipation. We used second order approximations for the development of a computational code. Some applications were made and errors were analyzed.
The aim of the article is the review of two phase flow pattern maps for horizontal tubes. The flow pattern in evaporation and condensation section in a small tube has been analyzed ín this article. The two-phase flow pattern map for... more
The aim of the article is the review of two phase flow pattern maps for horizontal tubes. The flow pattern in evaporation and condensation section in a small tube has been analyzed ín this article. The two-phase flow pattern map for evaporation is proposed by Wojtan et al. while the condensation section is proposed by Thome and El Hajal. The simulation was in MathCAD and the results are presented in diagrams. In the simulation refrigerant R134a was used. Nomenclature d diameter (m) x vapor quality (-) G mass velocity (kg/sm) m mass flow rate (kg/s) p pressure (Pa) Q heat flux (W/m) T temperature (K) f friction factor (-) A area of tube (m) Greeks heat transfer coefficient (W/mK) thermal conductivity (W/mK) void fraction (-) dynamic viscosity (Ns/m) surface tension (-) density (m/kg) Index l liqued v vapor tp two phase
Na toj osnovi su analizirane prednosti i nedostaci asinkronih i sinkronih motora u komercijalnoj primjeni. Od sinkronih motora uzeti su u obzir klasični sa četkicama, beskontaktni s uzbudnim namotima i najmoderniji s permanentnim... more
Na toj osnovi su analizirane prednosti i nedostaci asinkronih i sinkronih motora u komercijalnoj primjeni. Od sinkronih motora uzeti su u obzir klasični sa četkicama, beskontaktni s uzbudnim namotima i najmoderniji s permanentnim magnetima. Motori su analizirani iz aspekta primjene u podtrupnim porivnicima, odnosno fiksne ugradnje u trup broda. Zaključeno je da su za ugradnju u podtrupne porivnike najbolji sinkroni motori s permanentnim magnetima, ali da kod manjih snaga, uglavnom zbog znatno niže cijene, može biti isplativa i primjena asinkronih kaveznih motora. Među elektromotorima za ugradnju u trup broda, su za vrlo velike snage trenutačno još uvijek najpovoljniji klasični sinkroni motori s uzbudnim namotima i četkicama, a za manje snage asinkroni kavezni motori u kombinaciji s reduktorom.
The impact of emissions from the fuel and energy sectors adversely affects the environment on the economies of countries. One of these pollutants is volatile organic compounds (VOC), which contribute to the formation of tropospheric... more
The impact of emissions from the fuel and energy sectors adversely affects the environment on the economies of countries. One of these pollutants is volatile organic compounds (VOC), which contribute to the formation of tropospheric ozone. Emissions of hydrocarbon formation in the form of volatile organic compounds occur in four stages of the fuel and energy industry sector: 1) production; 2) processing; 3) transportation; and 4) storage. The oil and gas industry ranks among the top polluting industries in terms of VOC emissions. Research of the negative impact of VOCs, as well as CO 2 emissions from the consequences of the extraction, processing, transport, and storage of oil and gas on the ecosystem of the planet and the population, has begun to be studied by science recently. Typically, these studies were conducted using laboratory and field analyses, as well as using data on anthropogenic emissions in the development of regulatory documents and requirements governing the control of VOC and CO2 emissions in the oil and gas industry.
ABSTRACTThis work is devoted to microwave heating of graphite for studying the processing of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by graphite vaporization. We have applied heating by microwaves (MW) (power 800W, frequency 2.45 GHz) in air at 20–90... more
ABSTRACTThis work is devoted to microwave heating of graphite for studying the processing of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by graphite vaporization. We have applied heating by microwaves (MW) (power 800W, frequency 2.45 GHz) in air at 20–90 min. The oven temperature was approximately 1200°C. The condensed material was collected on a fused silica target. After deposition, the morphology of carbon nanotubes was studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The samples were found to contain nanotubes, nanoparticles and fibers (at 1.30–2.80 micrometers to 6–11 micrometers) which appeared to be highly graphitized. It was observed that multi-walled nanotubes (MWNT's) were produced by this method.
The aim of this work was to modelling the moisture sorption isotherm of the Rhecktophyllum Camerunence (RC) fiber at 23 by using the BET, GAB and DLP models. The fibers samples of 0.1g were submitted to hygro-thermal ageing in an... more
The aim of this work was to modelling the moisture sorption isotherm of the Rhecktophyllum Camerunence (RC) fiber at 23 by using the BET, GAB and DLP models. The fibers samples of 0.1g were submitted to hygro-thermal ageing in an environmental enclosure of 23%, 54% and 75% relative humidities at 23°C in accordance with NF EN ISO 483: 2006-01 standard. After 7 hours of exposure the equilibrum moisture was reached and gravimetric measurements were achieved on the specimens. The maximum moisture content was calculated. Their isotherms were modelled by interpolating the experimental datas of the maximum water content as a function of the relative humidity with the BET, GAB and DLP equations. The isotherms presented the sigmoid shape of type II. The parameters of those mathematical models were also deduced and the goodness of fit have been evaluated. The DLP model gave an excellent adjustment.
The Phébus fission product (FP) programme studies the phenomenology of severe accidents in watercooled nuclear reactors. Five tests were performed in the frame of the programme covering fuel-rod degradation and FP behaviour released via... more
The Phébus fission product (FP) programme studies the phenomenology of severe accidents in watercooled nuclear reactors. Five tests were performed in the frame of the programme covering fuel-rod degradation and FP behaviour released via the coolant system into the containment. To model FP transport and behaviour in the coolant system, numerous physical and chemical phenomena have to be taken into account. In the vapour phase, for example, FP speciation, vapour condensation and vapour/surface or vapour/aerosol reactions have to be considered. The aerosol phase has to be modelled with nucleation, growth and deposition processes. Finally, remobilisation phenomena like resuspension and revaporisation have to be taken into account for delayed release into the containment. Four Phébus FP tests (FTP0, FPT1, FPT2, FPT3) have been modelled with the ASTEC/SOPHAEROS code. Modelling shows an overall good estimation of retention for the main FPs (e.g., I, Cs, Mo). Furthermore, a strong connection is revealed in the gaseous phase chemistry between I, Cs, Cd and Mo which has a great impact on gaseous iodine release into the containment. The Phébus FP test modelling also exposes disagreement on FP retention when laminar gaseous flow is not well developed. Finally, probably the most significant shortcoming in modelling that Phébus-FP tests highlighted concerns vapour-phase iodine-chemistry modelling at low temperature. The study of this latter point is on going with the experimental programme ISTP/CHIP.
Electronic cigarette (EC) use is currently subject to a debate concerning safety, regulation need, and probable contribution to smoking cessation. An important gap in this debate is the lack of distinction between minors and adults. This... more
Electronic cigarette (EC) use is currently subject to a debate concerning safety, regulation need, and probable contribution to smoking cessation. An important gap in this debate is the lack of distinction between minors and adults. This is problematic because other principles of prevention apply to long-term users (such as most adult smokers) and experimental or probable users (more common in minors). This commentary focuses on two less discussed aspects of the EC debate: 1) whether EC use is likely to be additive to conventional cigarette and other tobacco use among minors, and 2) if EC use is likely to contribute to an overall increase in alcohol consumption and other drug use among minors. We find the results by Hughes et al. and others indeed suggestive of both. We conclude that EC use is likely to be additive to other tobacco use and increase the risk for alcohol use, therefore serving as another potential route to hazard for even mildly risk-prone minors. Policies to restrict the access and use of EC among minors are encouraged.
Mobile Robot Enabled Detection of Explosives and Biological Agents Gregory W. Auner1, Abhilash Pandya1, Golam Newaz1, Grant Gerhart2, Greg Hudas2 ... 1 GK Kannan, JC Kappor, Adsorption studies of carbowax and poly dimethyl siloxane to use... more
Mobile Robot Enabled Detection of Explosives and Biological Agents Gregory W. Auner1, Abhilash Pandya1, Golam Newaz1, Grant Gerhart2, Greg Hudas2 ... 1 GK Kannan, JC Kappor, Adsorption studies of carbowax and poly dimethyl siloxane to use as chemical array for nitro ...
The strain analysis of GaN film on nitridated Si(111) substrate with different growth times between 0 and 660 s via metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) was conducted based on the precise measurement of the lattice parameters... more
The strain analysis of GaN film on nitridated Si(111) substrate with different growth times between 0 and 660 s via metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) was conducted based on the precise measurement of the lattice parameters by using highresolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD). The nitridation time (NT) was changed at a fixed growth condition. The a-and c-lattice parameters were measured, followed by the in-plane and out-of-plane strains. Then, the biaxial and hydrostatic components were extracted from the total strain values obtained, and were then discussed in the present study as functions of the NT. The biaxial strain and stress are also strongly affected by the non-uniformity of the SiN x buffer layer thickness.
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents thereof.
An alarm system was designed which continuously monitors the gas output from vessels in which cryogens are either stored or used. The system is fail safe in nature. It provides a visual and an auditory alarm in the event that venting is... more
An alarm system was designed which continuously monitors the gas output from vessels in which cryogens are either stored or used. The system is fail safe in nature. It provides a visual and an auditory alarm in the event that venting is restricted or a component failure takes place. Repeated manual checking of venting is eliminated, thus allowing the experimenter to concentrate upon the investigation without risk that high pressures may be developing within Dewars containing the cryogenics.
Diec-~of f1ublic A~f V nroc Istitute of Technofogy (ATC) KEY ~~ ~ 2 J_______ ~U N 1981 Wight-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 19 K YWOROS (Continue or-octorms &)do ol no, .eary and Idsent11Y by block num~ber) 20 ABSTRACT (Conlinett e... car.... more
Diec-~of f1ublic A~f V nroc Istitute of Technofogy (ATC) KEY ~~ ~ 2 J_______ ~U N 1981 Wight-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 19 K YWOROS (Continue or-octorms &)do ol no, .eary and Idsent11Y by block num~ber) 20 ABSTRACT (Conlinett e... car. rtecaar and idolitily by block numrn.) ATTACHED DD I F'ZIF, 1473 EOITION OF 1 0 6 5 OSO E T EK,, UNCLASS-sib! C I A' t(3 OF THIIS PAGEk *'7...
The thermal effects which affect the development of leading edge cavitation in an inducer were investigated experimentally using refrigerant R114. For different operating conditions, the evolution of the cavity length with the cavitation... more
The thermal effects which affect the development of leading edge cavitation in an inducer were investigated experimentally using refrigerant R114. For different operating conditions, the evolution of the cavity length with the cavitation parameter was determined from visualizations. The tests were conducted up to two-phase breeding. The comparison of tests in R114 and in cold water allowed us to estimate the amplitude of the thermodynamic effect. The results show that the B-factor depends primarily upon the degree of development of cavitation but not significantly upon other parameters such as the inducer rotation speed or the fluid temperature, at least in the present domain of investigation. These trends are qualitatively in agreement with the classical entrainment theory. In addition, pressure fluctuations spectra were determined in order to detect the onset of cavitation instabilities and particularly of alternate blade cavitation and rotating cavitation. If the onset of alterna...
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA's) thermal ground plane (TGP) effort was aimed at combining the advantages of vapor chambers or two-dimensional (2D) heat pipes and solid conductors by building thin, high... more
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA's) thermal ground plane (TGP) effort was aimed at combining the advantages of vapor chambers or two-dimensional (2D) heat pipes and solid conductors by building thin, high effective thermal conductivity, flat heat pipes out of materials with thermal expansion coefficients that match current electronic devices. In addition to the temperature uniformity and minimal load-driven temperature variations associated with such two phase systems, in their defined parametric space, flat heat pipes are particularly attractive for Department of Defense and commercial systems because they offer a passive, reliable, light-weight, and low-cost path for transferring heat away from high power dissipative components. However, the difference in thermal expansion coefficients between silicon or ceramic microelectronic components and metallic vapor chambers, as well as the need for a planar, chip-size attachment surface for these devices, has limi...
Kontejnerski transport u kojem najvažniju ulogu imaju kontejnerski brodovi, ključna su stavka u svjetskoj trgovinskoj razmjeni. 70 % svjetskog i 90 % generalnog tereta prevozi se kontejnerima. Svijet kakav danas znamo nezamisliv je bez... more
Kontejnerski transport u kojem najvažniju ulogu imaju kontejnerski brodovi, ključna su stavka u svjetskoj trgovinskoj razmjeni. 70 % svjetskog i 90 % generalnog tereta prevozi se kontejnerima. Svijet kakav danas znamo nezamisliv je bez kontejnerskog transporta, a nova tehnologija koja bi u budućnosti zamijenila kontejnere nije na vidiku. Nove generacije kontejnerskih brodova su sve veće u svojim dimenzijama i kapacitetu, a mjere za ispuštanje ispušnih plinova su sve strože. Brodari su pronašli rješenje kako graditi kontejnerske brodove enormnih veličina, a pritom smanjiti udio ispušnih plinova na minimum. Rješenje je korištenje prirodnog ukapljenog plina kao gorivo umjesto dizela i teškog goriva. U ovom radu opisane su nove generacije kontejnerskih brodova na LNG pogon u smislu konstrukcijske izvedbe, izvedbe samog pogona, te prirodnog ukapljenog plina kao gorivo.Container transport, in which container ships play the most important role, is a key item in world trade. 70 % of world a...
U ovom diplomskom radu opisane su vrste bodova u pomorskom prometu te u koje skupine brodova spadaju. U glavnom djelu rada opisati ćemo elektroenergetski sustav jednog od brodova. Veći dio će biti posvećen samom pogonu i njihovoj izvedbi.... more
U ovom diplomskom radu opisane su vrste bodova u pomorskom prometu te u koje skupine brodova spadaju. U glavnom djelu rada opisati ćemo elektroenergetski sustav jednog od brodova. Veći dio će biti posvećen samom pogonu i njihovoj izvedbi. Spomenuti ćemo brodske instalacije i rezervne pogone koji su bitni u slučajevima u nuždi te za vrijeme popravaka i testiranja samog generatora i ostatka pogona. Shemama će biti prikazano spajanje brodova sa obalom i dati ćemo kratki opis toga. Prije kraja ćemo posvetiti pažnju brodu Qeen Mary 2 te kasnije zaključiti koje vrste brodova su pogodnije za koju izvedbu samog pogona tj. Elektroenergetskog sustava.This graduate work describes the types of ships in maritime traffic and in which groups of ships they belong. In the main work we will describe Electrical Power Load Analysis of one of the ships. Most will be dedicated to the drive itself and their performance. We will mention ship installations and backup drives that are essential in emergency s...
In this paper, an electronic tongue (ET) based on a quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor array was designed and the methods for sensor data analysis were described. In this regard, as chemical sensors, QCM crystals coated with three... more
In this paper, an electronic tongue (ET) based on a quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor array was designed and the methods for sensor data analysis were described. In this regard, as chemical sensors, QCM crystals coated with three different phthalocyanines were employed to discriminate toxic chemicals in liquid media. For sensors' preparation, an automatic coating instrument was developed based on the airbrush technique. The oscillator circuits used in the coating instrument and measurement setup were optimized to minimize the noise and mutual interference of the other oscillator circuits in the sensor array. The designed measurement system, which was responsible for collecting and storing data, communicating with a computer, consisted of a field-programmable gate-array-based control unit. The measurement system collected training data from the sensor array, and then computer application using MATLAB used an artificial neural network to find the composition of toxic chemicals in the sample water. The measurement system was tested for three different toxic chemicals, and the average success rate in predicting them was 4.08%. The desired chemicals can be detectable by preparing the necessary sensor array with the proposed ET.
Theory and experimental procedures are developed to allow measurement of ion-molecule reaction rates with plasma chromatography. The procedures Include the use of the exponential dilution flask. Diagnostically, the dlssociative electron... more
Theory and experimental procedures are developed to allow measurement of ion-molecule reaction rates with plasma chromatography. The procedures Include the use of the exponential dilution flask. Diagnostically, the dlssociative electron capture of chlorobenzene is shown to procede at a rate of 7.1 f 3.1 X IO-" cm3 molecule-' s-' in agreement with similar results obtained with swarm beam techniques.
Detailed measurements have been made in a high pressure, adiabatic (boiled at the inlet) annular flow in a narrow, high aspect ratio duct using a gamma densitometer, hot-film anemometer and high-speed video photography. Measurements of... more
Detailed measurements have been made in a high pressure, adiabatic (boiled at the inlet) annular flow in a narrow, high aspect ratio duct using a gamma densitometer, hot-film anemometer and high-speed video photography. Measurements of void fraction, droplet frequency, velocity, drop size, and interfacial area concentration have been made to support the three-field computational capability. An important aspect of this testing is the use of a modeling fluid (R-134a) in a vertical duct which permits visual access in annular flow. This modeling fluid accurately simulates the low liquid-to-vapor density ratio of steam-water flows at high pressures. These measurements have been taken in a narrow duct of hydraulic diameter 4.85 mm, and a cross-section aspect ratio of 22.5. However, the flow displays profiles of various shapes not only in the narrow dimension, but also in the width dimension. In particular, the shape of the void profiles depends on the entrained droplet flux from the edges...
Measurements of fluid thermal properties using the wansient hot-wire technique are described. When barc hot wires arc used in electrically conducting fluids there are additional measurement uncertainties due to the formation of electric... more
Measurements of fluid thermal properties using the wansient hot-wire technique are described. When barc hot wires arc used in electrically conducting fluids there are additional measurement uncertainties due to the formation of electric double layers on the surfaces of the wires and the cell wall. If the electrical conductivity of the fluid is large enough there is also significant power generation in the fluid. These measurement uncertainties can be eliminated by electrically insulating the hot wires with a thin f'flm. The use of tantalum hot wires with an anodized layer of tantalum pentoxide is demonstrated with measurements on nonpolar argon and polar 1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane (R134a). Although coated tantalum hot wires have been used previously in a transient mode to measure the thermal conductivity of liquids, this work is the first demonstration of the use of coated wires to measure thermal conductivity in the liquid, vapor, and supercritical gas phases.
Public reporting burden for this colleOtion of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instru data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information Send comments... more
Public reporting burden for this colleOtion of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instru data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other asp this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0181 4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing t(valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS.
Heat transfer surfaces operating in cold regions often involve condensation. The analytical and experimental progress made in understanding the process of condensation on extended surfaces (fins) is reviewed in detail. The review covers... more
Heat transfer surfaces operating in cold regions often involve condensation. The analytical and experimental progress made in understanding the process of condensation on extended surfaces (fins) is reviewed in detail. The review covers condensation of pure vapor as well as dehumidification of air. The analytical models discussed range from simple Nusselt-type analysis to the three-dimensional conjugate approach, in which the conservation equations for the condensate film are tightly coupled to conduction in the fin. A separate section discusses the topic of dehumidification of air on finned cooling coils. Other topics reviewed include condensation on horizontal integral-fin tubes, convective condensation in internally finned tubes, and condensation in micro-fin tubes. Although condensation on horizontal integral-fin tubes appears to be well understood, our understanding of convective condensation in internally finned tubes, particularly the micro-fin tubes, is very limited. Furthermore, there exists no established methodology for designing extended surfaces for condensation applications. This report contains several examples illustrating the theoretical results that provide some insight into the design process.
The main motivation of conducting this work is to present a rigorous analysis and investigation of the potential effect of the heat pipe adiabatic region on the flow and heat transfer performance of a heat pipe under varying evaporator... more
The main motivation of conducting this work is to present a rigorous analysis and investigation of the potential effect of the heat pipe adiabatic region on the flow and heat transfer performance of a heat pipe under varying evaporator and condenser conditions. A two-dimensional steady-state model for a cylindrical heat pipe coupling, for both regions, is presented, where the flow of the fluid in the porous structure is described by Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer model which accounts for the boundary and inertial effects. The model is solved numerically by using the finite volumes method, and a fortran code was developed to solve the system of equations obtained. The results show that a phase change can occur in the adiabatic region due to temperature gradient created in the porous structure as the heat input increases and the heat pipe boundary conditions change. A recirculation zone may be created at the condenser end section. The effect of the heat transfer rate on the vapor radial v...
The microscale transport processes in droplet condensation and removal due to interfacial phenomena were studied. In particular, this paper concerns the movement of a condensed ethanol sessile drop into a concave liquid film in the... more
The microscale transport processes in droplet condensation and removal due to interfacial phenomena were studied. In particular, this paper concerns the movement of a condensed ethanol sessile drop into a concave liquid film in the corner. An improved image analyzing procedure was used to evaluate the curvatures and contact angles for both the drop and the concave corner meniscus at different condensation rates. The experimental results demonstrated that the condensate removal rate was a function of the curvature and contact angle, which self-adjust to give the necessary force field. The use of a dimensionless, shape dependent, force balance was demonstrated. For small drops, the intermolecular force was found to be much larger than the gravitational force and dominated droplet removal. Microscale pressure fields can be experimentally measured whereas interfacial temperature differences cannot.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is currently developing enabling science and technologies for high-performance chemical detection systems based on sensor arrays. This report describes progress in new pattern-recognition methods. A... more
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is currently developing enabling science and technologies for high-performance chemical detection systems based on sensor arrays. This report describes progress in new pattern-recognition methods. A new chemometric method has been developed for classifying unknowns by transforming the vector containing the responses from a multivariate detector to a vector containing descriptors of the detected analyte. These descriptors characterize the detected analyte. In principle, this allows characterization and possibly identification of unknown vapors that were not tested in a training set. Previously, this approach was derived for gravimetric polymer-coated sensors, such as polymercoated acoustic wave devices. In the present report, we have derived mathematics showing how these new chemometric methods can be applied to other sensor types. In particular, it is shown how they can be applied to volume-transducing polymer-coated sensors. An example of this type of sensor is the chemiresistor technology with polymer/carbon black composite sensing layers. We also discuss the application of this method for surface acoustic wave sensors where the responses of the sensors have both a gravimetric and a modulus component, the modulus component representing a volume-based transduction mechanism. In summary, this report describes how our new chemometric pattern-recognition approach can now be applied to a variety of sensor technologies. It is not restricted solely to gravimetric polymercoated sensors.
A numerical method based on the SIMPLE algorithm has been developed for the analysis of vapor flow in a concentric annular heat pipe. The steady-state response of a concentric annular heat pipe to various heat fluxes in the evaporator and... more
A numerical method based on the SIMPLE algorithm has been developed for the analysis of vapor flow in a concentric annular heat pipe. The steady-state response of a concentric annular heat pipe to various heat fluxes in the evaporator and condenser sections are studied. The fluid flow and heat transfer in the annular vapor space are simulated using Navier-Stokes equations. The governing equations are solved numerically, using finite volume approach. The vapor pressure and temperature distributions along a concentric annular heat pipe are predicted for a number of symmetric test cases. The vapor flow reversal and transition to turbulence phenomena are also predicted. The results are compared with the available numerical data and have shown good agreement in all cases. Therefore, the vapor flow model developed in this paper has shown good accuracy and convergence behavior in the range of low to moderate radial Reynolds numbers.
This article explores the ways in which the contemporary legacies of the Cheju Massacre are intergenerationally transmitted and ritually reenacted in postmemory practices involving spirit possession and the reburial of dead bodies after... more
This article explores the ways in which the contemporary legacies of the Cheju Massacre are intergenerationally transmitted and ritually reenacted in postmemory practices involving spirit possession and the reburial of dead bodies after exhumation. It inquires into questions of violence, memory, silence, and memorialization with resspect to a formative historical event, the Cheju Massacre, or the Cheju April 3 Event in 1948, which is regarded by scholars as the direct precursor of the Korean War, one of the first outbreaks of violent ideological conflict in the early Cold War. More specifically it examines contestations over the meaning of mass death and social suffering in the divergent works of personal, family, and official memories of the violent events and their aftermath.
The sorption of vapors by cellulose samples and by some cellulose derivatives was studied at 25 oC. To describe sorption isotherms, a thermodynamic equation was proposed: A=Ao/[1-(RT/g)lnφ], where Ao is maximal sorption value, φ is... more
The sorption of vapors by cellulose samples and by some cellulose derivatives was studied at 25 oC. To describe sorption isotherms, a thermodynamic equation was proposed: A=Ao/[1-(RT/g)lnφ], where Ao is maximal sorption value, φ is relative pressure of vapors, and g is specific thermodynamic potential. Depending on the g -value, this equation can describe isotherms of various shapes that occur for cellulose and its derivatives. Application of the equation makes it possible to calculate such structural characteristics of the polymers as accessible specific surface and crystallinity, as well as the substitution degree of cellulose derivatives. Moreover, amounts of monomolecular and multimolecular fractions of the sorbate can be determined.
Experiments have shown that ions can substantially increase vapor-to-liquid nucleation rates. However, interpretation of these experiments is complicated by ambiguities arising from the manner in which the ions are produced. Several... more
Experiments have shown that ions can substantially increase vapor-to-liquid nucleation rates. However, interpretation of these experiments is complicated by ambiguities arising from the manner in which the ions are produced. Several studies have concluded that water has a general preference for anions over cations. We show that specification of the ion's sign alone is insufficient to provide an understanding of the aqueous ionic cluster thermodynamics and that classical ion-induced nucleation theory does not treat the cluster physics properly to describe ion-induced nucleation accurately.
Over the past few years, thermal design for cooling microprocessors has become increasingly challenging mainly because of an increase in both average power density and local power density, commonly referred to as "hot spots". The current... more
Over the past few years, thermal design for cooling microprocessors has become increasingly challenging mainly because of an increase in both average power density and local power density, commonly referred to as "hot spots". The current air cooling technologies present diminishing returns, thus it is strategically important for the microelectronics industry to establish the research and development focus for future non air-cooling technologies.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER OF 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON
The heat pipe though has a wide application; the information available towards the development of an efficient heat pipe is seldom seen in the open literature. In the present study, investigations are carried out for optimizing the fluid... more
The heat pipe though has a wide application; the information available towards the development of an efficient heat pipe is seldom seen in the open literature. In the present study, investigations are carried out for optimizing the fluid inventory in a typical heat pipe. A "flooded" (with exceedingly large amount of working fluid) heat pipe has slow response and has limited lower range of operation in terms of operating temperature. On the other hand, "starving" (with too little amount of working fluid) heat pipe although exhibits fast response to heat loads, shows severe limit at high temperature conditions. In the present study, an attempt is made to design, fabricate and test a miniature heat pipe with 5 mm diameter and 150 mm length with a thermal capacity of 10 W. Experiments were conducted with and without working fluid for different thermal loads to assess the performance of heat pipe. The working fluids chosen for the study were same as those commonly use...
Brodski dizelski motor je složen multivarijabilni neli-nearni dinamički sustav. Njegova osnovna struktura se sastoji od međusobno povezanih podsustava i velikog broja različitih komponenti, te se kvarovi mogu pojavi-ti na bilo kojoj... more
Brodski dizelski motor je složen multivarijabilni neli-nearni dinamički sustav. Njegova osnovna struktura se sastoji od međusobno povezanih podsustava i velikog broja različitih komponenti, te se kvarovi mogu pojavi-ti na bilo kojoj komponenti sustava. Stoga, za pobolj-šanje pouzdanosti i sigurnosti brodskih strojnih susta-va metode dijagnostike kvarova imaju sve veću i veću važnost. Ovaj rad pruža poseban osvrt na dijagnostič-ke metode zaključivanja u funkciji pravovremene lo-kalizacije i izolacije kvarova. Analiza stabla kvarova prikazuje sve uzroke neispravnog rada separatora teš-kog goriva. Analiziran je utjecaj nečistoća u gorivu na okoliš i moguće kvarove u sustavu goriva kao izravna posljedica neispravnog rada separatora. Kvarovi u su-stavu goriva su izvedeni na brodostrojarskom simula-
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit:
The thermal and hydrodynamic performance of passive two-phase cooling devices such as heat pipes and vapor chambers is limited by the capabilities of the capillary wick structures employed. The desired characteristics of wick... more
The thermal and hydrodynamic performance of passive two-phase cooling devices such as heat pipes and vapor chambers is limited by the capabilities of the capillary wick structures employed. The desired characteristics of wick microstructures are high permeability, high wicking capability and large extended meniscus area that sustains thin-film evaporation. Choices of scale and porosity of wick structures lead to trade-offs between the desired characteristics. In the present work, models are developed to predict the capillary pressure, permeability and thin-film evaporation rates of various micropillared geometries. Novel wicking geometries such as conical and pyramidal pillars on a surface are proposed which provide high permeability, good thermal contact with the substrate and large thin-film evaporation rates. A comparison between three different micropillared geometries -cylindrical, conical and pyramidal -is presented and compared to the performance of conventional sintered particle wicks. The employment of micropillared wick structure leads to a 10-fold enhancement in the maximum heat transport capability of the device. The present work also demonstrates a basis for reverse-engineering wick microstructures that can provide superior performance in phase-change cooling devices.
The shapes of optical-pumping transients in rubidium vapor were studied in detail. Observed transients can be separated into a sum of exponential components. These components are found to be in agreement with a theoretical model based on... more
The shapes of optical-pumping transients in rubidium vapor were studied in detail. Observed transients can be separated into a sum of exponential components. These components are found to be in agreement with a theoretical model based on complete mixing in the excited state. From a study of the times of the individual components as a function of light intensity, relaxation times can be deduced,
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
Carey et a/. utilized principal components analysis (PCA) to analyze frequency shift data obtained from piezoelectric sensors formed by coating quartz crystals with 27 different GC stationary phases and tested using 14 analytes. The... more
Carey et a/. utilized principal components analysis (PCA) to analyze frequency shift data obtained from piezoelectric sensors formed by coating quartz crystals with 27 different GC stationary phases and tested using 14 analytes. The objective of the analysis was to determine an optimal reduced set of coatings for detection of the analytes. The results were correlated with those obtained from cluster analysis. In this paper the data are re-analyzed using correspondence analysis (CA). The advantage of using CA include a symmetric treatment of sensor coatings and analytes and better identification of the representation of the analytes in terms of the detection components. The results obtained by the conjunctive use of PCA, a varimax rotation and cluster analysis were obtained by CA.