Recent papers in Yogācāra
Published by Penguin Classics on January 26th (in the US on April 11th).
At least in its mystical traditions, Indian philosophy tends to " look down " at human condition, considering it either illusory (māyā) either " accidental " (āgantuka) and seeing its suppression as the soteriological goal. The present... more
Mahāyāna Buddhism, hostile to any kind of conceptual construction (vikalpa), which is blamed for operating artificial delimitations within a homogenous and amorphous reality, presents its own doctrine not as a “truth” but rather as... more
A brief summary of Ratnākaraśānti's life and work.
This is an edited volume on the Yogācārabhūmi and its reception history. The Yogācārabhūmi, a fourth-century Sanskrit treatise, is the largest Indian text on Buddhist meditation. Its enormous scope exhaustively encompasses all yoga... more
释迦佛说每个众生是个五蕴聚,可是五蕴也是宇宙万法,也就是说一众生为一宇宙。那么无数无量的众生便有无数的宇宙。这个概念要到唯识学比较清晰。根据唯识学无外境的学说,每一个众生都是活在自己的宇宙里,其中没有一个所谓共同的宇宙,至少这个共同的宇宙和今天科学家的认知完全不同。今天已经有实验显示,我们所谓共处的一个世界只是个幻觉。而物理学最先进的弦理论其中的一个最重要的依据是有无数的宇宙或平行宇宙。... more
In Buddhist literature the application of metaphors and other affiliated forms of comparison are significant. The current study examines the core concept of the Yogācāra tradition, the ālayavijñāna, through the working of metaphoric... more
Kambala's Sādhananidhi ("An Ocean of Sādhana Practices") is a commentary on the Herukābhidhānatantra, the oldest tantra (compiled sometime between the 9th and 10th centuries) of the Buddhist Cakrasaṃvara (or -śaṃvara) tradition.
The question of what, if anything, remains for the yogin who realizes emptiness gave post-classical Bka’ brgyud exegetes a fruitful hermeneutical instrument for differentiating between affirmative (cataphatic) gzhan stong and negative... more
About string theory which is supposed to be a theory of everything: - It says everything can be traced to vibrating strings - It started with bosonic string which has 22 extra dimensions. - Among many perceived deficiencies,... more
MA Dissertation. Historiographical Review on Nalanda Mahavihara and the importance of "Nalanda Tradition" of Tibetan Buddhism.
The Yogācāra school of Buddhism is well known for maintaining that the sentient beings are divided by nature according to five different spiritual dispositions (gotra). These five spiritual dispositions are established as a pentad and... more
The Pātañjalayogaśāstra concludes with a description of the pinnacle of yoga practice: a state of samādhi called dharmamegha, cloud of dharma. Yet despite the structural importance of dharmamegha in the soteriology of Pātañjala yoga, the... more
This volume gathers together six studies published in several journals, between 2013 and 2018, as individual papers. They were not conceived to form a whole but rather as independent articles. Nevertheless, in the present volume, we... more
Chinese Studies master's thesis on the Chinese and Tibetan Yogācāra Buddhist philosophy and practice.
A sinológia mesterképzésen készített diplomamunkám a jógácsára buddhizmus filozófiájáról és gyakorlatáról.
A sinológia mesterképzésen készített diplomamunkám a jógácsára buddhizmus filozófiájáról és gyakorlatáról.
十二处是根触境和合生识的处所,对唯识学来说,十二处是万法所生处。可是十二处像是被动的处所,怎么能够独自生起万法呢?根据根触境和合生识的说法,根应该也是生起万法的主要因素。可是唯识虽然推理有根的存在,但不认为有物质性的根,那是否我们的前五根都是非物质性的根呢?二十二根是早期就有的佛法,通常不被提起也被忽略,这里建立唯识学的根便是二十二根。除了十二处,「种子」是唯识解释宇宙万法的根本,十二处与二十二根共生「种子」便是一个非常重要的课题,而不是简单的归于「法尔本有」。深入探索会发现... more
Selection of a few passages from the Yogācārabhūmi related to medicine.
The Awakening of Faith, one of the most seminal treatises in East Asian Buddhism, is well-known for its synthesis of the two Mahāyāna concepts of tathāgatagarbha and ālayavijñāna. Unlike early Yogācāra texts, such as the Yogācārabhūmi, in... more
Chapter two of my dissertation, describing Ratnākaraśānti's interpretation of Nāgārjana as (a) in harmony with Maitreya and the third-turning literature and (b) a proponent of the three nature (trisvabhāva) theory.
This article is the study on the verse of anitya in Yogācārabhūmiśāstra. By detailed explaning the meaning of each sentence in the verse, it shows the process of eradicating defilements and then liberation. By extensively linking the... more
After being engendered through the appropriating activity (upadana) of the mind (manas), applied to the universal experience of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijñana), the individual experience is constituted through the conjoint... more
Xuanzang (602–664) is famous for his legendary life, his important translation works, and also his Discourse on the Realisation of Consciousness-Only (Vijñapti-mātratā-siddhi, 成唯識論). This text, which is considered as a synthesis of... more
The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little... more
Consciousness is always misunderstood to be just mental processes. The definition and understanding of consciousness in science today are very narrow and myopic. This limitation is comparable to the old world-view of the world is flat.... more
Paper presentation from the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, 2021
While you are reading this paper, there are likely some demodex mites having sex on your face, and some of which just laid some eggs after eating the sebum in your hair follicle. Though not common, there could be dust mites living in your... more
This paper investigates the Yogācāra notions of "conceptuality", represented by terms such as vikalpa, on the one hand, and of "non-conceptuality" on the other. The examination of the process of thinking as well as its absence has played... more
A biography is not only a record of a person’s life, but also what Hayden White calls a ‘narrative’. Xuanzang’s biographies, such as the Da Tang Da Ci’en si sanzang fashi zhuan 大唐大慈恩寺三藏 法師傳 [Biography of Tripitaka Master of the Great... more
The categorization of the East Asian Yogācāra traditions should be reconsidered, since it is based on later historiographies or orthodoxy in Japanese Buddhism. In this paper, I would like to approach this problem by examining Wŏnhyo’s... more
There are two different modal logics: the logic T assuming contingency and the logic K = assuming logical determinism. In the paper, I show that the Aristotelian treatise On Interpretation (Περί ερμηνείας, De Interpretatione) has... more
The brain is probably the most complex object in the universe. Many think that the neuron structure in the brains resembles the structure in the universe, however, this thinking is not supported by any theory other than figurative... more
In East Asia, many Mahāyāna Abhidharma literatures, such as Huiyuan’s Dacheng yizhang, Ji’s Dacheng fayuan yilinzhang and so forth, were written mainly based on Yogācāra Buddhism. Silla Buddhists also wrote same kind of literatures, and... more
According to Vijnanavada, the idealist school of Buddhism, individual being represents an erroneous limited projection of the universal consciousness, of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijnana). The sphere of human experience does not... more
This paper examines the potential of theological collaboration between Buddhists and Christians given similarities between Yogacara thought and Husserlian phenomenology, adopted by Western thinkers in the "French Theological Turn" of the... more
The article deals with the relationship between the two levels of phenomenal existence accepted by Yogācāra Buddhism: the conceptual and linguistic sphere, specific to human experience, and the all-encompassing conditional flow. Unlike... more