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Deze paper vertrekt van een casus omtrent de weigering van een handdruk binnen de islamitische context voor het vak Islamitische Ethiek van prof. M. Ajouaou voor de master Islamitische Theologie aan de Kuleuven.
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      Islamic Studiesapplied Islamic ethics
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic EthicsIslamScience and Islam
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      Middle East StudiesHuman RightsIslamic StudiesIslamic Ethics
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      Applied EthicsMuslim ethicsapplied Islamic ethics
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      Applied Ethicsapplied Islamic ethics
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      HIV/AIDSIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic StudiesContemporary Movements and Trends in Islam
Invited Lecture at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. 11/25/20
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesTransgender StudiesQueer Theory
The following review explores Intercultural Information Ethics (IIE) in terms of comparative philosophy, supporting IIE as the most relevant and significant development of the field of Information Ethics (IE). The focus of the review is... more
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A version of this paper was originally published in *International Journal of Decision Ethics*, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 125-149. Published in 2006, this paper is based on ideas developed several years earlier. It represents an early stab... more
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      Comparative ReligionEthicsKantApplied Ethics
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      EthicsIslamic StudiesIslamic EthicsVirtual Worlds
The practice of independent legal reasoning (ijtihād) is a core tool for achieving the moral mission of the discipline of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh); it generates juristic rulings that help people become morally committed humans.... more
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      Islamic EthicsIslamic Law and Legal TheoryIjtihadapplied Islamic ethics
الطب أحد المجالات البارزة التي شهدت تغيرات جذرية، سواء على مستوى المعرفة أم على مستوى الممارسة، الأمرُ الذي فرض العديد من التساؤلات والتحديات التي نشّطت عملية الاجتهاد الفقهي المعاصر في المجال الطبي، وفرضت تأثيرات مهمة في ميدان الفقه... more
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      Islamic LawMedical EthicsIslamic StudiesFatwa and Islamic Shariah Law
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      ReligionComparative ReligionLawIslamic Law
No doubt life in its all forms enjoys a very high status in Islam. Human life is one of the most sacred creatures of God. Therefore, it must be appreciated, respected and protected. In this regard, the paper refers to different parts. The... more
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      BioethicsIslamic bioethicsapplied Islamic ethics
Since Lynn White’s 1967 essay, The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis, religion has generally been perceived as either the source of much of the modern environmental crisis, or as negatively impacting attitudes towards that crisis.... more
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      Islamic LawEthicsApplied EthicsEnvironmental Education
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      Islamic bioethicsapplied Islamic ethicsIslamic law and jurisprudence
چكيده: امروزه در جوامع اسلامي نوعي ابهام در خصوص جايگاه و نسبت فقه و اخلاق پزشكي وجود دارد. اين مشكل ناشي از ابهام در خصوص ماهيت رابطة اخلاق اسلامي و فقه است. هر دوي فقه و اخلاق،احكام ارزشي (گزارههايي حاوي محمولاتي همچون بايد، نبايد و …)... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EthicsIslamic bioethicsapplied Islamic ethics
Certo pensiero islamico contemporaneo insiste sull'idea che il buon credente debba conformare il proprio comportamento al modello divino oltre che a quello profetico, dunque all'essere e al fare di Dio (cfr. la dottrina dei Nomi). A... more
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      Virtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Islamic StudiesIslamic Ethics
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      Business EthicsEthicsApplied EthicsTheological Ethics
Abstract The paper addresses the relationship between the murīd and shaykh on the engagement of the spiritual journey (wuṣūl) to God. The main question is how can a murīd initiate the spiritual journey by using self-cultivation to attain... more
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      SufismMystical Theologyapplied Islamic ethics
The Islamic ethical tradition has drawn generously on the Aristotelian ethical framework, and consequently emphasises the nature of the virtues and the cultivation of wisdom. Link:... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic Ethicsapplied Islamic ethicsQur'anic Exegesis
Jureidini, Ray & Hassan, Said (Eds.). (2020). Migration and Islamic Ethics. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. This book addresses how Islamic ethical and legal traditions can contribute to current global debates on migration and... more
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      Middle East StudiesHuman RightsIslamic StudiesIslamic Ethics
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      GlobalizationInternational Affairsapplied Islamic ethics
Asked to serve in an ongoing position as Editor for the International Review of Information Ethics, I join a team of seven editors for IRIE. "The IRIE is the official journal of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). It... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness EthicsComparative ReligionHistory