For the past three decades we have witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral investment treaties (BIT) and free trade agreements (FTA) with investment provisions all over the world. The result of the signing of these treaties has... more
For the past three decades we have witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral investment treaties (BIT) and free trade agreements (FTA) with investment provisions all over the world. The result of the signing of these treaties has been the development of what Jagdish Bhagwati called a “spaghetti bowl of treaties” that has created a phenomenon of lack of governance of global investment protection rules and a flourishing of ISDS cases against developed and non-developed states all over the world. This chapter focuses on the debate that arose in 2012, which is on investment facilitation rules. The investment facilitation debate came to light in the multilateral forums, especially in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and G20. Also, UNCTAD and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have been working on different aspects of this new topic. However, first of all, it should be said that investment facilitation does not focus on protection rights for foreign investments but it sticks to facilitation rules. This difference has been presented by some of the proposing countries (like China) as a point that overcomes many of the investment protection system problems. This proposal is rather new, and thus, it still is very much unknown to the public, policymakers, and also to academia. The changes to the system are moving fast, and the analysis capacity is not yet keeping up with these variations.
The paper "Brazil and The WTO informal Dialogue in 2017: History and Achievements" addresses the challenges for the launch, in 2017, of the Informal Dialogue on Investment Facilitation for Development at the World Trade Organization -... more
The paper "Brazil and The WTO informal Dialogue in 2017: History and Achievements" addresses the challenges for the launch, in 2017, of the Informal Dialogue on Investment Facilitation for Development at the World Trade Organization - WTO. It also highlights the importance of enhancing countries' regulatory environment to attract and facilitate foreign investment and presents perspectives for the theme.
La FI es un término laxo e impreciso. Engloba acciones regulatorias, roles institucionales y procedimientos administrativos con el fin de facilitar la entrada, operación y salida de los inversores. No existe una definición común ni un... more
La FI es un término laxo e impreciso. Engloba acciones regulatorias, roles institucionales y procedimientos administrativos con el fin de facilitar la entrada, operación y salida de los inversores. No existe una definición común ni un listado determinado de reglas para facilitar las inversiones. Hasta ahora, la FI aparece como un cúmulo de principios como “transparencia”, “consistencia” y “previsibilidad”, cuyo objetivo es la modificación de ciertas regulaciones nacionales con el fin de hacer más simple la circulación de las inversiones.
Many countries seek to attract foreign investment without giving equal importance to the issue of facilitating business visas. This article innovates by addressing the main difficulties faced by such travelers, concluding that the... more
Many countries seek to attract foreign investment without giving equal importance to the issue of facilitating business visas. This article innovates by addressing the main difficulties faced by such travelers, concluding that the adoption of appropriate policies, whether multilateral or not, is essential for nations.