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Tag Archive for OOW

My NoSQL/SQL and MySQL Cluster sessions at Oracle OpenWorld

I have 2 sessions at Oracle OpenWorld in San Francisco this Thursday (2nd October 2014); please come along if your in town and feel free to grab me after the sessions for any extra questions:

NoSQL and SQL: The Best of Both Worlds [CON2853]

Thursday, Oct 2, 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM – Moscone South – 252

There’s a lot of excitement about NoSQL data stores, with the promise of simple access patterns, flexible schemas, scalability, and high availability. The downside comes in the form of losing ACID transactions, consistency, flexible queries, and data integrity checks. What if you could have the best of both worlds? This session shows how MySQL Cluster provides simultaneous SQL and native NoSQL access to your data—whether it’s in a simple key-value API (memcached) or REST, JavaScript, Java, or C++. You will hear how the MySQL Cluster architecture delivers in-memory real-time performance; 99.999 percent availability; online maintenance; and linear, horizontal scalability through transparent autosharding.

MySQL Cluster: Dive into the Latest Developments [CON3815]

Wednesday, Oct 1, 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM – Moscone South – 250

I’ll be co-presenting this session with Bernd Ocklin – Director MySQL Cluster, Oracle

MySQL Cluster does more than scale beyond a billion transactions per minute. It’s also the in-memory database at the heart of mobile phone networks and online games. Scaling for the masses. A touch of your mobile phone’s green button likely has already gotten you in contact with MySQL Cluster. Driven by these extreme use cases, this session covers how to build business-critical scalable solutions with MySQL Cluster.

MySQL Connect & Oracle OpenWorld 2012

Oracle OpenWorld 2012

Oracle OpenWorld 2012

I’m lucky enough to be involved in a number of sessions across Oracle OpenWorld as well as the (new for this year) MySQL Connect session that precedes it. MySQL Connect runs on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September and the Oracle OpenWorld on through Thursday October 4th.

The sessions I’ll be involved with are:

  • MySQL Cluster – From Zero to One Billion in Five Easy Steps: Of course it takes more than five steps to scale to more than one billion queries per minute, but the new configuration features of MySQL Cluster make it much simpler to provision and deploy MySQL Cluster on-premises or in the cloud, automatically optimized for your target use case. This BoF session is designed to give you a demo of the new features, showing how you can use them to quickly build your own proof of concept and then take that into production. The MySQL Cluster Engineering team will be on hand to answer your questions and also listen to the requirements you have for current or future MySQL Cluster projects. This is Birds-of-a-Feather session and is part of the MySQL Connect conference.
  • Developing High-Throughput Services with NoSQL APIs to InnoDB and MySQL Cluster: Ever-increasing performance demands of Web-based services have generated significant interest in providing NoSQL access methods to MySQL (MySQL Cluster from Oracle and the InnoDB storage engine of MySQL), enabling users to maintain all the advantages of their existing relational databases while providing blazing-fast performance for simple queries. Get the best of both worlds: persistence; consistency; rich SQL queries; high availability; scalability; and simple, flexible APIs and schemas for agile development. This session describes the memcached connectors and examines some use cases for how MySQL and memcached fit together in application architectures. It does the same for the newest MySQL Cluster native connector, an easy-to-use, fully asynchronous connector for Node.js. This is a conference session and is part of the MySQL Connect conference.
  • Introduction to MySQL High-Availability Solutions: Databases are the center of today’s Web and enterprise applications, storing and protecting an organization’s most valuable assets and supporting business-critical applications. Just minutes of downtime can result in dissatisfied customers and significant loss of revenue. Ensuring database high availability is therefore a top priority for any organization. Attend this session to learn more about delivering high availability for MySQL-based services. It covers

    • The cause, effect, and impact of downtime
    • A methodology for mapping applications to the right high-availability solution
    • An overview of MySQL high availability, from replication to virtualization, clustering, and multisite redundancy
    • Operational best practices to ensure business continuity

    This is a conference session and is part of Oracle OpenWorld.

Early bird pricing is available for the MySQL Connect until 13th July – same date for Oracle OpenWorld.