CAN 2018 – Highlights and Favourites

As 2018 comes to a close, we take a moment to look back at the outstanding work done this year. From spectacular machines, intricate tools and mesmerising performances and installations to the new mediums for artistic enquiry – so many great new projects have been added to the CAN archive! With your help we selected some favourites.

DESCENT – A meditation on one of humanity’s blackest hours

Created by Peter Burr, Mark Fingerhut, and Forma, DESCENT is a “spiraling interdimensional narrative”, a meditation on one of humanity’s blackest hours. The downloadable exe gives the user a brief glimpse of a world descending into darkness – an unrelenting plague indifferent to the struggles of the user.

Solace: How We Made the Interactive Speculative Fiction

Part of a new series of posts inviting artists and curators to share latest projects on CAN, we’d like to introduce you to Evan Boehm, and his latest collaboration with Nexus Studios. Solace is an interactive animated film based on celebrated science fiction writer Jeff Noon’s short story about a near future in which marketing and addiction are disturbingly intertwined.

Pent – A short film created using Grand Theft Auto V

Created and directed by Roland Spencer, Pent is a short film entirely created using Grand Theft Auto V. Since the video games have taken leaps towards realism, Roland felt it was something worth putting time and effort into. The finished piece is a story about anger, control and pay off, told using a video game.

Vitreous – Robert Seidel, 2015

vitreous is a new experimental film by Robert Seidel. Originally conceived as a media façade artwork of 80 × 24 × 14 Meters, it later developed in a large-scale projection of 4 × 14 Meters. The short film released this week and features a music score composed by Nikolai von Sallwitz.

Postgram – A bot for ‘human storytelling’

Created by Sebastian Vargas at ECAL (Bachelor Media & Interaction Design), Postgram is a bot for human storytelling that explores issues of public data, privacy and image making using a process of “fair hack” to develop a story narrative. It speculate about the social network behaviour and search for new possibilities for film content.

CLOUDS – Code, Creativity, and Immersion

An interactive (and immersive) documentary on code and creativity,  Jonathan Minard and James George’s CLOUDS is an ambitious project that is several years in the making. CAN donned an Oculus Rift DK2, explored its landscape and has weighed-in with a review.

Deep Lab, Deep Dive – Book Sprint at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry

This past December a dozen artists, activists, and researchers converged at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry for a book sprint. Led by Addie Wagenknecht, the all-women cadre convened under the collective moniker Deep Lab, and examined how privacy, security, surveillance, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts, culture and society.



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