Dr Ian Nnatu is a psychiatrist at the Doctify-rated Nightingale Hospital (doctify.co.uk).*
Q I have always had an issue with germs and cleanliness. The Coronavirus epidemic has heightened my anxiety, so how can I keep it in check?
A The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of anxiety in the general population and it is entirely normal to have such feelings. However, people who have underlying anxiety disorders are particularly at increased risk of anxiety at this time.
This would include people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, where patients might have an underlying obsessional fear of contamination. However, there are a number of strategies that might help to keep symptoms of anxiety ‘in check’.
The scientific advice is for people to wash their hands for 20 seconds. Set this as a limit, and wash for no longer than that. This will reduce the risk of obsessive washing. Try to think about the function of hand washing, which is to cut the risk of transmission of the virus, and do your best not to keep washing until it ‘feels right’. You may find it
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