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Hit and Run
Hit and Run
Hit and Run
Ebook330 pages5 hours

Hit and Run

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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For years now Keller's had places to go and people to kill.

But enough is enough. Just one more job—paid in advance—and he's going to retire. Waiting in Des Moines for the client's go-ahead, Keller's picking out stamps for his collection at a shop in Urbandale when somebody guns down the charismatic governor of Ohio. Back at his motel, Keller sees the killer's face broadcast on TV. A face he's seen quite often. Every morning. In the mirror.

Keller calls his associate Dot in White Plains, but there's no answer. He's stranded halfway across the country, and every cop in America has just seen his picture. His ID and credit cards are no longer good, and he just spent almost all of his cash on the stamps.

Now what?

Release dateMar 17, 2009

Lawrence Block

Lawrence Block is one of the most widely recognized names in the mystery genre. He has been named a Grand Master of the Mystery Writers of America and is a four-time winner of the prestigious Edgar and Shamus Awards, as well as a recipient of prizes in France, Germany, and Japan. He received the Diamond Dagger from the British Crime Writers' Association—only the third American to be given this award. He is a prolific author, having written more than fifty books and numerous short stories, and is a devoted New Yorker and an enthusiastic global traveler.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Keller gets framed. Keller gets away. Keller gets even. This entire book was so unnecessary that it became super fun. I felt like Block is having a ball here.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    John Keller is a hit man on assignment. He's picked up at the airport by his contact, given the choice of two guns for the job, picked the weapon he wants and is dropped off at his hotel.The next day he reads that the governor of Ohio has been assassinated. The killer used a Glock automatic. The same weapon Keller had his hands on the prior day. Then he sees his photo on CNN and knows he's been part of an elaborate set-up.He drives back to New York and finds that his friend and business assoicate Dot has apparently been murdered. Someone has broken into his apartment and stolen his computer and stamp collection.Needing a place to hide, he thinks of New Orleans with the aftermath of Katrina, this would be a good place. Soon after arriving he hears a woman scream. Unstead of avoiding conflict and possible legal involvement, he goes to the sound of the scream and finds a woman about to be raped. He saves her and dispatches the rapist. He intended victim, Julia Roussard, is so greatful, she doesn't care when he tells her he's on the run from an attempted frame. She belives his story and lets him stay at her home where they become intimate. In a surprising plot twist, his friend Dot reemerges. She faked her murder by killing another woman, removing her own false teeth and replacing the woman's false teeth, then setting the home on fire so the body would be identified by dental records as Dot. This was a preposterous event that I have trouble with Block for its unbelievability.The narrative story is a fast paced read but little in real action and much of the suspense misses. There are lengthy portions of the novel where nothing happens.Keller has been a good character in the past stories but seems like a cow put to pasture in this one. Julia Roussard was an interesting character and would be fun to see her development in a future story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Block's Keller is a guy of habits and detachments. These stories work because they are about disrupting his detachment and involving him in life change.Everything changes in Keller's life, as he has to go on the run quickly, leaving behind his savings, his stamps, and his associate Dot. Much of the story is about the sticky situation he's landed in and his survival strategies. Feels like the end of the Keller series, but it's a great sendoff.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great read about your everyday assassin who collects stamps
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Classic Block, taking theoretically heartless characters and making them human as only literature can. "Retiring" a character (and who knows if Keller will stay retired) takes some skill to make it something other than a cop-out, and Block does that very well here.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this latest...and, seemingly, last...installment in the John Keller stories. Keller has been framed for a murder he didn't commit and we get to see him trying to make good on his intent to retire and collect stamps. As always with this series, we have a fairly ordinary man rather than some super hitman trying to make his way. A bit of action, a bit of romance, nothing super exciting but, somehow, it all comes together as a finale to the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Probably (?) the last book about Keller, the hired killer, who nevertheless is very sympathetic. There are several of books about Keller, all readable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't know why Lawrence Block didn't just take the time to pad out some more of the many Keller short stories into full novels like this, they read much better. I love the stamp-collecting hitman and the way Block writes him in any form, but there's no real character development in the shorter instalments and a lot of repetition.Keller is framed for the murder of a politician and has to go on the run, cutting all ties - or having them cut for him - with his old life. Mourning the loss of his stamp collection and tormented by the fate of his only friend, Dot, the future looks increasingly bleak - until fate, in the form of a New Orleans teacher nursing her dying father, steps in. Keller adopts an alias and trades one practical profession for another, happy with his new life, but still has one or two loose ends to tie up first.This story could stand alone, in my opinion - Block refers back to a lot of the short stories anyway, so reading the first and fourth books would probably be enough to get the gist of the series. Entertaining, well-paced, funny and even sad in places, Keller scores a bulls-eye with this one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I have always enjoyed Lawrence Block's "hit man" series -- the stories of a down-to-earth killer who is an avid stamp collector. Keller seems to be a pretty nice guy, considering he kills people for a living; and there's a refreshing absence of high tech toys and James Bond-like adventures in the books. As Keller himself puts it, the people he kills usually know why they've been targeted -- they're not innocent lambs being herded to the slaughterhouse.In a sense, it's this very lack of high strung dramatics that makes the Keller books such a refreshing read. So it was with some surprise that I realized this latest book was a sharp departure from the norm. Keller agrees to take on one last job before he permanently retires from the field. Of course, it's one job too many -- as he discovers he's been set up to take the fall for a very public political assassination. Stranded in Iowa, Keller finds himself cut off from his closest associate with every law enforcement agency in the country after him. And that's not the worst of his troubles -- the men who arranged the assassination are also on his trail, hoping to shut his mouth and quench his curiosity permanently.As always, it's Block's masterly limning of his characters that makes reading his books a pleasure. Keller is no superhuman MacGyver, using bubble gum and a sock to wriggle out of impossible situations. Au contraire. . .it's Keller's very human reactions to the tight spots he finds himself in that connects him to the reader. His dogged determination to survive, and to figure out how he can recreate a new life from the ashes of his old one is captivating. A most enjoyable read. Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Keller, the stamp collecting, real estate viewing, assassin undertakes his last job then comes out of retirement to take revenge upon the people who frame him. A typically sparse, hard-edged novel by Block coloured with his characteristic wit.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Hit and Run is, believe it or not, a Naturalist thriller. It's premised on the question: What would it be like if a hit man were to settle down, get a real job, work on his stamp collection, and try to leave the past behind?The problem is, who cares?As it turns out, in case you wanted to know (as if anyone would), he's a pretty good home remodeler, but he prefers laying bathroom tile to sanding wood floors. Also, he likes New Orleans Saints ball caps better than Homer Simpson ones. And he watches a lot of television. Which we're told all about. For no apparent reason.The book has absolutely zero action in it, except for one scene. There is another that might almost count, because he shoots a guy---but it's a convenience store clerk, and that's all there is to it, he just pulls out a gun and shoots the guy and that's it. He then proceeds to rob the man, in what turns out to be the only scene in the book in which the author exercises any selectivity in an attempt to convey some meaning---we're told that the convenience store guy has a stack of hardcover Ayn Rand novels and a blow up doll with an Ann Coulter mask on it in his bedroom. This is apparently the author's weak idea of portraying a right-wing loser---the only problem is, as anyone who has read Ayn Rand knows, she has about as much in common with Ann Coulter as she does with Michael Moore.And for a hit man, the main character is incredibly dimwitted. The second something goes wrong, he's completely paralyzed. He's not exactly a master of disguises (the aforementioned Homer Simpson ball cap is the best he can do), and he can't come up with a plan to save his life---literally. He pretty much just gets by on dumb luck (or rather by the author's whim, since this is fiction, but the author can't contrive any believable means for him to negotiate his situation). It's as though the author hasn't done any research at all, but just sits at his writing desk relying on pure imagination---and unfortunately, he is singularly unimaginative.All in all, this has got to be the dullest "thriller" ever written. At least, it was the dullest one I've ever had the misfortune to read, and I've read my share.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book takes off quickly. It also ends a little too quickly, perhaps, but along the way it brings a fresh look at Keller, my favorite of Block's characters.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another very enjoyable read from Lawrence Block in the Keller hitman series. In this one we get a much closer examination of Keller's relationship with Dot. I know a lot of reviewers have complained that the middle section of the book drags. I beg to differ, Block very cleverly begins to lead us into believing that Keller is really a normal guy capable of ordinary relationships. He gets an ordinary job, has abandoned his stamp collecting. Then (no spoiler so I'll omit the details) Block drags us back into the old world. I don't think anyone can write mundane conversation with such realism and skill as Block.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    JP Keller, Des Moines, a hit paid in advance anonymously, and then an assassination, and his picture on the evening news. Dot in White Plains is not answering. And where is his stamp collection? Then he meets Julia in New Orleans.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I must admit I love the Keller series. In this one, just as he's planning his retirement from being a hit man, Keller is set up and loses everything, including his best friend Dot, his big screen TV and NYC apartment, not to mention his treasured stamp collection. But getting kicked out of his old life opens a new one, where he finds new and surprising abilities and depths to his personality. There's a reason Lawrence Block is a best selling author… he's created an intriguingly complex character in Keller and his prose just swims you along. I confess, this isn't the first time I've read this book. Block's books are fun the second and third times around.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the 4th book in the author's Keller series. Keller is a hit man for hire, but very different than what you might normally run across. The first three books were short stories loosely put together as novels and as a result there was a lot of repetition and things didn't always flow so well. Nevertheless I liked the preceding books. This book is the first that feels written as a novel. We get to dive deeper into character without it being repeated which is really nice. I thought we were going to have the first "great" Keller novel but one thing in the story pretty much killed that thought. Keller's partner 'Dot' does something really disturbing and disgusting. I won't say more except that the event almost spoiled the book for me. Still I liked it more than not and think this was the best Keller book yet. I was also pretty happy with how it ended. The series could have, maybe should have ended here with this 2008 book but one more came out, "Hit Me" in 2013 which I think I will read soon. Then I think we'll be done.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    For Block fans, of which I am a card carrying member. The first half is a close to monologue as Block ever gets, but without giving away the plot, there is good reason for it. Sometimies I felt what was written was more Block's observations from his many travels around the world as opposed to Keller's thoughts but that's a small nit.Richard Poe does an admirable job in his reading, even if some of the character voices slip on occasion. I imagine it's a bit of a challenge to maintain the same character voice over the days it takes to read one of these.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I almost always like Lawrence Block but this book has a MAJOR plot hole around page 75. Couldn't continue.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Hit man J. P. Keller is framed for a political assassination. Even worse, he loses his best friend and his stamp collection. He takes to the road to avoid arrest and, in the process, finds true love and a latent talent.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I picked up Hitman awhile ago, on a whim and because it was on sale. I thoroughly enjoyed it. So I saw Hit and Run and picked it up on a whim. And it was as enjoyable, perhaps even more so, than the first in the series. It is a very interesting character study of a hitman; one who has been framed for a murder he did not commit. There is little gore and other than his career choice, Keller is an average man just trying to live his life. This novel has a lot more suspense than Hitman did, and it keeps you turning the pages because you care what happens to Keller and need to know how it gets resolved. However, I suspect the novel would be a little less suspenseful if you had not read any other in the Keller series because this novel does not explore the origins or relationships or lifestyle of Keller and Dot; it just covers this one "issue" of being framed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review Hit and Run - by Lawrence BlockOn the personal side - after reading Hit and Run; and this being my first ever encounter with this particular author, I just want to tell you that I will be buying, begging, borrowing or stealing as many of this authors books as I can get my grubby little paws on. Especially the ones that feature Hit and runs protagonist - Keller. There are 4 novels altogether in this series and I sincerely hope that Hit and Run won't be the last. The books include Hit Man (the 1st), Hit List (2cd), Hit Parade (3rd) and lastly the one I'm currently reviewing, Hit and Run.. The protagonist is a stamp collecting hit man named Keller and as this novel opens, we see him hard at work trying to decide if he wants to add a series of Swedish stamp reprints to his collection. At the conclusion of his transaction we learn that the Governor of Ohio has just been assassinated while in Iowa. What a coincidence, the hit that Keller was contracted to do was in, you guessed it - Iowa! Has Keller been lured to do a particular hit for a nefarious reason beyond the usual? The plot starts to thicken quite quickly and moves along at a pleasant pace, while Keller learns more about the double deal dealt to him with the help of his long time friend and assistant Dot. Keller soon figures out that he must run for his life, if not, for his precious stamp collection. His journey across America; to what he thinks of as salvation in the form of his NY city apartment, is amusing and introspective as well as slightly harrowing at times. The last half of the book is surprisingly and also thoroughly enjoyable, when he takes refuge in New Orleans and finds himself a new "Friend" and a new and gentler life style.This was a wonderful read, and Lawrence Block does a wonderful job of teaching us that all is not what it always seems like on the outside. I would have not thought that I could enjoy a book about a hit man, but Mr Block has proved that he can breech my biases. Thank you Lawrence Block.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So much to love... My favorite part is Keller's self-talk. Next favorite: the plot twists--satisfyingly complex.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a mixed experience for me. On one hand you have Keller, hard-boiled assassin for hire that gets framed with high profile kill and forced to run. And nothing, just run.

    First half of the book is Keller on a scout mission for his latest work, he gets framed and then he runs. But he is not running like he has cops closing on at him - no he eludes his pursuers (shown pretty good how cool and skill can be of great help here) and he gets himself on the run from one place to another.
    And he runs.... main goal is to run and nothing else. He runs for days (if I got everything correct even months). And he runs.... And it gets somewhat tiresome but he just keeps running.

    Finally he meets a lady and is life turns for better but again nothing happens - now he lives normally, disguised as much as possible but nothing else happens.

    So we are talking about a hard man, very proficient at what he does who gets framed, loses all possession he has, has his closest friends killed in a most gruesome way and he does not even think about revenge? At all? Feels slightly out of character, does not it.

    Finally twist occurs and he has a conversation and somebody says - "Hey those b******s deserve to die!" and he goes "Hmmmm, sounds kinda cool", does his job and story ends.

    I can get that main character is maybe tired of his hired-gun life but I cannot fathom that anybody could get so out-of-character and not even think about getting their hands on those that framed him.

    As I said - mixed experience. Nevertheless it is good crime/action novel and if you enjoy these give it a shot - maybe you'll see something I missed and everything will have more sense :)
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    You can tell from the moment the protagonist learns of the assassination what is going to happen. And then it predictably happens. OK, his shacking up with some random lady from New Orleans is unexpected but everything else falls in line.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I almost always like Lawrence Block but this book has a MAJOR plot hole around page 75. Couldn't continue.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Keller is a hit-man who does contact work for an aging mob boss. Keller has a partner, Dot, who helps him keep his jobs running smoothly, is also his financial adviser helping him build up sufficient funds to allow early retirement. Keller takes one last job before retiring and living the good live enjoying his stamp collecting.But suddenly Keller is framed for killing the Governor of Ohio and he must go on the run to elude a nationwide manhunt.This the first book I read by Block so I didn't know what to expect. What I found was a simple, relaxed story that drew me in to care about (and like) both Keller and Dot and to hope that they escape the killers and police that are searching for them. It was a fun and curiously satisfying read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    First-rate. Lawrence Block shows he is still a master. Terrific plotting, appealing characters, page-turner from beginning to end.

Book preview

Hit and Run - Lawrence Block


Keller drew his pair of tongs from his breast pocket and carefully lifted a stamp from its glassine envelope. It was one of Norway’s endless Posthorn series, worth less than a dollar, but curiously elusive, and missing from his collection. He examined it closely, held it to the light to make sure the paper hadn’t thinned where a hinge had once secured it to an album page, and returned it to the envelope, setting it aside for purchase.

The dealer, a tall and gaunt gentleman whose face was frozen on one side by what he had explained was Bell’s palsy, gave a one-side-of-the-face chuckle. One thing I like to see, he said, is a man who carries his own tongs with him. Minute I see that, I know I’ve got a serious collector in my shop.

Keller, who sometimes had his tongs with him and sometimes didn’t, felt it was more a question of memory than seriousness. When he traveled, he always brought along his copy of the Scott catalog, a large 1,100-page volume that listed and illustrated the stamps of the world from the very first issue (Great Britain’s Penny Black, 1840) through the initial century of philately and, in the case of the British Empire, including the last of the George VI issues in 1952. These were the stamps Keller collected, and he used the catalog not only for its information but as a checklist, deliberately circling each stamp’s number in red when he added it to his collection.

The catalog always traveled with him, because there was no way he could shop for stamps without having it at hand. The tongs were useful, but not indispensable; he could always borrow a pair from whoever had stamps to sell him. So it was easy to forget to pack tongs, and you couldn’t just tuck a pair in your pocket at the last minute, or slip them in your carry-on. Not if you were going to get on an airplane, because some clown at Security would confiscate them. Imagine a terrorist with a pair of stamp tongs. Why, he could grab the flight attendant and threaten to pluck her eyebrows…

It was surprising he’d brought the tongs this time, because he’d almost decided against packing the catalog. He’d worked for this particular client once before, on a job that took him to Albuquerque, and he’d never even had time to unpack. In an uncharacteristic excess of caution, he’d booked three different motel rooms, checked into each of them in turn, then wound up rushing the job on an impulse and flying back to New York the same day without sleeping in any of them. If this job went as quickly and smoothly he wouldn’t have time to buy stamps, and who even knew if there were any dealers in Des Moines?

Years ago, when Keller’s boyhood stamp collection rarely set him back more than a dollar or two a week, there would have been plenty of dealers in Des Moines, as there were just about everywhere. The hobby was as strong as ever these days, but the street-level retail stamp shop was on the endangered species list, and conservation was unlikely to save it. The business nowadays was all online or mail order, and the few dealers who still operated stores did so more to attract potential sellers than buyers. People with no knowledge of or interest in stamps would pass their shop every day, and when Uncle Fred died and there was a collection to sell, they’d know where to bring it.

This dealer, James McCue by name, had his store occupying the ground-floor front of his home off Douglas Avenue in Urbandale, a suburb whose name struck Keller as oxymoronic. An urban dale? It seemed neither urban nor a dale to Keller, but he figured it was probably a nice enough place to live. McCue’s house was around seventy years old, a frame structure with a bay window and an upstairs porch. The dealer sat at a computer, where Keller figured he probably did the greater portion of his business, and a radio played elevator music at low volume. It was a peaceful room, its manageable clutter somehow comforting, and Keller picked through the rest of the Norway issues and found a couple more he could use.

How about Sweden? McCue suggested. I got some real nice Sweden.

I’m strong on Sweden, Keller said. At this point the only ones I need are the ones I can’t afford.

I know what that’s like. How about numbers one to five?

Surprisingly enough, I don’t have them. But then I don’t have the three skilling orange, either. That stamp, cataloged as number 1a, was an error of color, orange instead of blue green, and was presumably unique; a specimen had changed hands a few years ago for three million dollars. Or maybe it was euros, Keller couldn’t remember.

Haven’t got that fellow, McCue said, but I’ve got one through five, and the price is right. And, when Keller raised his eyebrows, he added, The official reprints. Mint, decent centering, and lightly hinged. Book says they’re worth $375 apiece. Want to have a look?

He didn’t wait for an answer but sorted through a file box and came up with a stock card holding the five stamps behind a protective sheet of clear plastic.

Take your time, look ’em over carefully. Nice, aren’t they?

Very nice.

You could fill those blank spaces with these and never need to apologize for them.

And if he ever did acquire the originals, which seemed unlikely, the set of reprints would still deserve a place in his collection. He asked the price.

Well, I wanted seven-fifty for the set, but I guess I’ll take six hundred. Save me the trouble of shipping ’em.

If it was five, Keller said, I wouldn’t have to think about it.

Go ahead and think it through, McCue said. I wouldn’t really care to go lower than six. I can take a credit card, if that makes it easier.

It made it easier, all right, but Keller wasn’t sure he wanted to take that route. He had an American Express card in his own name, but he hadn’t used his own name at all this trip, and figured he’d just as soon keep it that way. And he had a Visa card he’d used to rent the Nissan Sentra from Hertz, and to register at the Days Inn, and the name on it was Holden Blankenship, which matched the Connecticut driver’s license in his wallet, on which Blankenship’s middle initial was J., which Keller figured would help to distinguish him from all the other Holden Blankenships in the world.

According to Dot, who had a source for credit cards and driver’s licenses, the license would pass a security check, and the cards would be good for at least a couple of weeks. But sooner or later all the charges would bounce when nobody paid them, and that didn’t bother Keller as far as Hertz and Days Inn and American Airlines were concerned, but the last thing he wanted to do was screw a stamp dealer out of money that was rightfully his. He had a feeling that wouldn’t happen, that the credit card company would be the one to eat the loss, but even so he didn’t like the idea. His hobby was the one area of his life where he got to be completely clean and aboveboard. If he bought the stamps and avoided paying for them, he was essentially stealing them, and it hardly mattered if he was stealing them from James McCue or Visa. He was perfectly comfortable with the notion of having official reprints on the first page of his Swedish issues, but not stolen reprints, or even stolen originals. If he couldn’t come by them honestly, he’d just as soon get along without them.

Dot would have a snappy comeback for that one, he supposed, or at the very least roll her eyes. But he figured most collectors would get the point.

But did he have enough cash?

He didn’t want to check in front of an audience, and asked to use the bathroom, which wasn’t a bad idea anyway, after all the coffee he’d had with breakfast. He counted the bills in his wallet and found they came to just under eight hundred dollars, which would leave him with less than two after he bought the stamps.

And he really wanted them.

That was the trouble with stamp collecting. You never ran out of things to want. If he’d collected something else—rocks, say, or old Victrolas, or art—he’d run out of room sooner or later. His one-bedroom apartment was spacious enough by New York’s severe standards, but it wouldn’t take many paintings to fill the available wall space. With stamps, though, he had a set of ten large albums, occupying no more than five running feet of bookshelf space, and he could collect for the rest of his life and spend millions of dollars and never fill them.

Meanwhile, it wasn’t as though he couldn’t afford six hundred dollars for the Swedish reprints, not with the fee he was collecting for the job that had brought him to Des Moines. And McCue’s price was certainly fair. He’d be getting them for a third of catalog, and would have cheerfully paid close to full catalog value for them.

And did it matter if he wound up short of cash? He’d be out of Des Moines in a day or two, three at the most, and aside from buying the occasional newspaper and the odd cup of coffee, what did he need cash for, anyway? Fifty bucks to cover a cab home from the airport? That was about it.

He shifted six hundred dollars from his wallet to his breast pocket and went back to have another look at the stamps. No question, these babies were going home with him. Suppose I pay cash? he said. That get me any kind of a discount?

Don’t see much cash anymore, McCue said, and grinned. One side of his mouth went up while the rest stayed frozen. Tell you what, we can skip the sales tax, long as you promise not to tell the governor.

My lips are sealed.

And I’ll throw in those Norway stamps you picked out, though I don’t guess that’ll save you much. They can’t come to more than ten dollars, can they?

More like six or seven.

Well, that’ll buy you a hamburger, if you don’t want fries with it. Call it an even six hundred and we’re good.

Keller gave him the money. McCue was counting it while Keller made sure he had all of the stamps he’d bought, tucking them away in an inside jacket pocket, adding the pair of tongs to another, closing the stamp catalog, when abruptly McCue said, Oh, holy hell! Hold everything.

Were the bills counterfeit? He froze, wondering what was the matter, but McCue was on his feet, walking over to the radio, turning up the volume. The music had stopped and an agitated announcer was interrupting with a news bulletin.

Holy hell, McCue said again. We’re in for it now.


Dot must have been sitting right next to the phone. She picked it up halfway through the first ring and said, That wasn’t you, was it?

Of course not.

I didn’t think so. The picture they showed on CNN didn’t look much like the one they sent us.

It made him nervous, talking like this on a cell phone. The technology kept improving, to the point where you had to take it for granted that there was a record somewhere of every call you made, and that the authorities could access the information in a heartbeat. If you used a cell phone, they could pinpoint the location of it when you made the call. They kept building better mousetraps, and the mice had to be correspondingly more resourceful. Lately, whenever he had a job, he would buy two prepaid cell phones for cash from a store on West Twenty-third Street, making up a name and address for their records. He’d give one to Dot and keep the other for himself, and the only calls either would make were to the other. He’d called a few days ago, to report his arrival in Des Moines, and he’d called again earlier that morning to say that they’d told him to wait at least one more day, although he could have hit the guy and been on his way home by now.

And he was calling now because someone had just killed the governor of Ohio. Which would have been noteworthy under any circumstances, given that John Tatum Longford, the best OSU running back since Archie Griffin, who’d gone to law school after he blew out his knee in his one pro season with the Bengals, was personable and charismatic and the first black governor ever to grace the statehouse in Columbus. But Governor Longford had not been in Columbus when a well-placed bullet blew out more than his knee, had not in fact been anywhere in Ohio. The man was a hot presidential prospect, and Iowa was one of those important early states, and the night before Longford had been in Ames, addressing a group of students and faculty at Iowa State University. From there the governor and his party had driven down to Des Moines, where he’d spent the night at Terrace Hill as the guest of the governor of Iowa. At 10:30 the next morning he’d appeared onstage at a high school auditorium, and around noon he’d shown up to address a Rotary luncheon. Then the gunshot, and the race to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

My guy’s white, he told Dot. And short and fat, like the photograph.

It was a head shot, wasn’t it? I mean the photograph, not what happened just now. So you couldn’t really tell that he was short. Or fat, as far as that goes.

He was jowly.


And you could certainly tell he was white.

No argument there. The man was white as the ace of clouds.


Never mind. What are you going to do?

I don’t know. I saw my guy just yesterday morning, I was almost close enough to spit on him.

Why would you want to do that?

What I’m getting at is that I could have done the job and been home by now. I almost did it, anyway, Dot. With the gun or with my hands. I was supposed to wait but I thought, hell, why wait? They’d have been pissed but I’d have been out of here, and instead I’m in the middle of a manhunt for a killer they haven’t identified yet. Unless there’s been something on the news in the last few minutes?

I’ve got the set on, she said, and there hasn’t. Maybe you should just come home.

I was thinking of that. But when you think what airport security is going to be like around here—

No, don’t even try. You’ve got a rental, right? You could drive to, I don’t know, Chicago? And catch a flight there.


Or just drive all the way. Whatever you’re more comfortable with.

You don’t think they’ll have road blocks set up?

I didn’t think of that.

Of course I didn’t do anything, but the ID’s fake, and just attracting any attention—

Is not the greatest idea in the world.

He took a moment, thought about it. You know, he said, the son of a bitch who did this, they’ll probably catch him in a matter of hours. My guess is he’ll be killed resisting arrest.

Which will save somebody the trouble of sending a latter-day Jack Ruby to take him out.

You asked if this was my doing.

I really knew it wasn’t.

Of course not, he said, because you know I’d never touch anything like this. High-profile stuff, it doesn’t matter how much they pay, because you don’t live long enough to spend it. If the cops don’t kill you your employers will, because it’s not safe to leave you around. You know what I’m going to do?


Sit tight, he said.

And wait for it to blow over.

Or burn itself out, or something. It shouldn’t take too long. A few days and either they catch the guy or they know he got away from them, and people stop giving a rat’s ass about what’s happening in Des Moines.

And then you can come home.

I could even do the job, as far as that goes. Or not. Right now it wouldn’t bother me to give the money back.

For perhaps the first time in my life, Dot said, I feel that way myself. Still, all things being equal—

Whatever that means.

I’ve often wondered myself. It does get a sentence started, though. All things being equal, I’d just as soon keep the money. And it’s the last job.

That’s what we said, he said, about the job before this one.

I know.

But then this one came along.

It was a special situation.

I know.

You know, if it really bothered you, you should have said something.

It didn’t really bother me until a few minutes ago, he said, when the radio switched from ‘The Girl with Emphysema’ to ‘This Just In.’



‘The Girl from Ipanema,’ Keller.

That’s what I said.

You said ‘The Girl with Emphysema.’

Are you sure?

Never mind.

Because why would I say that?

Never mind, for God’s sake.

It just doesn’t sound like something I would say.

Call it a slip of the ear, Keller, if that makes you happy. We’re both a little rattled, and who can blame us? Go back to your room and wait this out.

I will.

And if anything comes up—

I’ll let you know, he said.

He closed the phone. He was sitting behind the wheel of the rented Nissan, parked at the first strip mall he’d come to since leaving McCue’s place. His new stamps were in an envelope in one pocket, his tongs in another, and his Scott catalog was on the seat beside him. He was still holding the cell phone, and he had no sooner put it in a pocket than he changed his mind and took it out again. He opened it and was looking for the Redial button when it rang. The caller ID screen was blank, but there was only one person it could be.

He answered it and said, I was just about to call you.

Because you had the same thought I did.

I guess so. Either it’s a coincidence—

Or it’s not.


I have a feeling that thought was in both our minds from the minute we got the news flash.

I think you’re right, he said, because when it just now came to me it felt like something I’ve known all along.

Day to day, she said, before Longford made the news, did it feel wrong?

It always does.


Lately, yeah. That’s one reason I want to pack it in. You remember Indianapolis? The plan there was that they’d kill me once I took out the target. They put a bug on my car so they’d always be able to find me.

I remember.

If I hadn’t overheard two of them talking—

I know.

And then the other job for Al, the one in Albuquerque, I was so paranoid I booked three motel rooms under three different names.

And didn’t stay in any of them, as I recall.

Or anywhere else, either. I did the job and came home. Most of the time everything’s fine, Dot, but I’m gun-shy, and I take so many precautions I trip over them. And then when I start to relax, somebody shoots the governor of Ohio.

She was quiet for a moment. Then she said, Be careful, Keller.

I intend to.

Lay low as long as you have to, if you’re sure you’re in a safe place. Don’t even think about doing the job for Al, not as long as there’s the slightest chance that this might be a setup.

All right.

And stay in touch, she said, and rang off.


Was it a setup?

That would explain the delays. His purported quarry, the short fat white guy who was manifestly not the governor of Ohio or anyplace else, was not a terribly difficult target. An hour or so after Keller’s plane had landed, the man who’d met it was driving Keller through a tree-lined neighborhood in West Des Moines, near Holiday Park. The driver, a big man with large facial features and a lot of hair growing out of his ears, eased up on the accelerator as they passed a ranch house with compulsively symmetrical shrubbery in front of it. A man in Bermuda shorts and a baggy T-shirt stood on the flawless front lawn, watering it with a hose.

Everybody else on earth, he said, sets up a sprinkler and leaves it the hell alone. That jerkoff has to stand there and hold it. I guess he’s the kind’s got to be in charge.

Well, Keller said.

Don’t he look just like his picture? That’s your guy. Okay, now you know where he lives. Next thing we’ll do is drive past his office.

And, in downtown Des Moines, the driver pointed out a ten-story office building, on the sixth floor of which Gregory Dowling had an office. Except you’d have to be nuts to hit him down here, he told Keller, with all the people around, and they even got a security staff in the building, and there’s traffic to make it tough to get away when the job’s finished. You go to his house, catch him watering his lawn, just cram the nozzle down his throat till it comes out of his ass.

Slick, Keller said.

Just a manner of speaking. You know where he lives, you know where he works, now it’s time to take you home.


We’re putting you up at this place, the Laurel Inn. Nothing fancy but not too shabby, either, you know? Nice pool, decent coffee shop, plus you got a Denny’s right across the road. You’re right at an interstate exit, so you’re on and off in a hurry. And it’s all taken care of, so you got no bill to pay. Charge anything you want to the room, it’s on the boss.

The place certainly looked good from the highway. Around back in the parking lot, the big fellow handed Keller a palm-size cardboard folder holding a key card. Only the name of the motel appeared on the key card; the room number, 204, was written on the folder.

They never told me your name, the fellow said.

They never told me yours, either.

Meaning let’s keep it that way? Fair enough. Name you’re registered under is Leroy Montrose, and don’t blame me, ’cause I ain’t the one picked it out.

The hair on the man’s head was neatly cut and styled, and Keller wondered why his barber didn’t do something about the hair growing out of his ears. Keller had never thought of himself as particularly fastidious, but he really didn’t like to look at it, all that hair sprouting out of the guy’s ears.

Leroy Montrose, Room 204. Any charges, just sign your name. Well, Leroy’s name. You sign your own name, which I guess you like keeping a secret, and they’ll just look at you funny.

Keller didn’t say anything. Maybe the ear hair functioned like antennae, maybe the guy was getting signals on it from his home planet.

Thing is, the guy said, it’s good you’re here now, but it might be a while before you can go ahead and do your thing.


There’s a guy has to make sure he’s someplace else when it goes down, if you get my drift. And there’s a couple other whatchacall variables involved. So what they want you to do is stay pretty close to the room so we can call you and keep you in the loop. Like go ahead or don’t go ahead, you follow me?

As day follows night, Keller said.

Yeah? Good way to put it. What am I forgetting? Oh, right. Open the glove compartment. See the paper bag? Take it out.

It was heavy, and he didn’t need to open it to know what it contained.

Two of ’em, Leroy. Okay if I call you Leroy?

Feel free.

Get the feel of ’em, pick the one you like. No rush, take your time.

They were handguns, of course, one a pistol, the other a revolver. Keller didn’t much want to handle them, but neither did he want to look squeamish. The pistol fit his hand better, but pistols could jam, which gave the revolver a definite edge.

But did he want either of them?

I’m not sure I want to use a gun, he said.

You really like the idea of jamming the nozzle down his throat, huh? Still, you want to keep your options open. They’re both loaded. I got an extra clip for the Glock auto somewhere. The revolver, I can send over a box of shells later on.

Maybe I’ll take them both.

Walk up on him with a gun in each hand? I don’t think so. I had to guess, I’d say you look like a Glock guy to me.

That was reason enough for Keller to choose

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