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Hit Man: A Mystery Novel
Hit Man: A Mystery Novel
Hit Man: A Mystery Novel
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Hit Man: A Mystery Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Keller is an assassin – he is paid by the job and works for a mysterious man who nominates hits and passes on commissions from elsewhere. Keller goes in, does the job, gets out: usually at a few hours’ notice . . . Often Keller’s work takes him out of New York to other cities, to pretty provincial towns that almost tempt him into moving to the woods and the lakeshores. Almost but not quite.

But then one job goes wrong in a way Keller has never imagined and it leaves him with a big problem. Finding himself with an orphan on his hands, Keller's job begins to interfere with his carefully guarded life. And once you let someone in to your life, they tend to want to know what you do when you're away. And killing for a living, lucrative though it is, just doesn't find favour with some folks.

Release dateMar 17, 2009
Hit Man: A Mystery Novel

Lawrence Block

Lawrence Block is one of the most widely recognized names in the mystery genre. He has been named a Grand Master of the Mystery Writers of America and is a four-time winner of the prestigious Edgar and Shamus Awards, as well as a recipient of prizes in France, Germany, and Japan. He received the Diamond Dagger from the British Crime Writers' Association—only the third American to be given this award. He is a prolific author, having written more than fifty books and numerous short stories, and is a devoted New Yorker and an enthusiastic global traveler.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Block is not the first writer to tell a story from a contract killer's point of view. Max Collins has done it with his Quarry series. Barry Eisler has done it with his John Rain series. But, I guess it was Block's turn to try this exploding genre. Keller is a little different from most hit men. His stories are not chock-full of action and intrigue. There are few, if any, running gun battles. Rather, his stories are filled with introspection and curiosity. Keller does psycho-analysis until he gets tired of his psychiatrist's twisted ways. Keller goes to open houses in cities where he has contracts and muses about what it would be like to live there. Keller has a dog and a dog walker. It is an enjoyable series and really shines at the development of this character: Keller. Most of his background isn't known, but what the reader is told is quite fascinating. He kills for a living, but enjoys doing crossword puzzles and walking dogs, spends most of his time having coffee and going to the gym. After he finishes with his therapist, he takes to telling his anxieties to his dog, "Soldier." All in all, a solid, enjoyable read, but it lacked something deeper and grittier that I found in Block's Scudder series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'd never read any Lawrence Block before, and picked up "Hit Man" on a whim. What I found was an author who could write circles around a lot of his peers. This is a tight, deft narrative about a man we should despise. Instead, we come to care about Keller, and understand something of what drives him, of what makes him human. I really recommend this book highly, not just for entertainment value, but if you want to learn more about the craft of writing and how an effective narrative is constructed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First off, we all know that one should NOT like an assassin, but (lowers voice in a conspiratorial whisper) I do like quirky Keller.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Book source ~ Purchased on AudibleJohn Keller is a regular guy. Not too handsome, not too fugly, just pretty much forgettable. Which is the way he likes it considering he’s a hit man. Based out of New York City, he works with an Old Man in White Plains who acts as the broker for such jobs. Keller travels a lot, usually at a moment’s notice, and kills people, but he makes a decent living, so he’s fine with it.This is a bit different than I was expecting. Yes, Keller is an assassin. But he’s so damn likeable it’s hard to root against him. This is also a series of short stories which I didn’t realize when I bought it. It’s all good though. Each story is self-contained in the life of John Keller. Various jobs, how he went about them, and what he does in-between. There’s interaction with the Old Man from White Plains and his assistant Dot. He even starts seeing a psychiatrist. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Keller is a fascinating character, his jobs are varied, and the whole thing is just so interesting. I hate to say that a book about an assassin is an enjoyable read, but it is. It really is. I also had no idea that there are more Keller books. I’m going to be putting those on Planet TBR for future entertainment.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Mystery, detective and hardboiled type novels usually aren't my cup of tea. After reading Block's Hit Man, I still maintain my position there, but it was enjoyable enough. My wife's uncle gave it to me, so I felt a little obligated to read it. Usually, he and I synch up better, but I at least don't feel cheated on my time reading this. Block creates some fun characters, even if those characters happen to kill people for a living.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    PLOT OR PREMISE:Keller is a hit man. The contracts come from White Plains, from an unseen man upstairs and the man's assistant named Dot. He gets the jobs and he does them. A pro...no mistakes. Life is good. And every time Keller goes to a new town, he gets real estate agents to show him houses he'll never buy. Then he kills the target and goes home. And goes to therapy, gets a dog, gets a girlfriend, meets an agent from the government, and generally cruises through life piling up bodies. But there are always little problems -- like the man who hires him through a front and then neglects to pay the second half. Or the two rivals who both hire Keller to kill the other and he has to choose which one. Or the three "innocents" that the government has him kill. In the end, he decides to retire. And find a hobby. And even that doesn't work out as planned..WHAT I LIKED:"The character is interesting and business-like. He has trouble killing a man he likes because he knows the man is waiting for it and Keller had saved his grandson from drowning, so he is somewhat conflicted. And the search for explanations about his life and his past are at once both deep and superficial -- deep questions that Keller can turn away from anytime he wants and simply shrug. And mean it. On the lighter side, he uses various identities when he travels, identities of real people. So, just for fun, he occasionally calls the wives from the hotel he is staying in so that when the couple complain to American Express that they weren't there, the call appears to be them to their own home, just to mess with them. But then he feels guilty, so he sends the wife flowers from the husband - charged to the husband's card of course. And his depictions of some places in New York City were a nice ""homecoming"" since I was there a while ago and know all too well the places he was describing. Favorite lines:- ""Keller, what difference does it make how Lyman Crowder pronounces his last name?"" ""I just wondered."" ""Well, stick around for the funeral. See what the minister says.""- There were eight million stories in the naked city, most of them not very interesting, and he was one of them.- ""He had killed a thousand miles to ride a woman he'd never met"" (A deliberate misquote of a Louis L'Amour advertisement: ""He rode a million miles to kill a man he'd never met"").- It was an unusual experience for him to travel under his own name and use his own credit cards. He sort of liked it, but felt exposed and vulnerable. Signing it at the restored downtown hotel, he wrote down not only his own name but his own address as well. Who ever heard of such a thing?".WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE:Some of the chapters seem somewhat disjointed, which is likely a reflection of the fact that many of the chapters appeared "as is" in Playboy magazine as short stories. The only other complaint is that in a couple of places the story jumps back to New York City a little two fast and the reader is left wondering exactly what happened and how he killed the target. Particularly for the guy who initially stiffs Keller on the second half of his fee -- there is no explanation whether Keller kills him or not. He plans it but then has to go back to New York City suddenly. No explanation. A good set of stories overall, although its hard to get into the character since the character is presented rather cold and superficial. Almost like a description of someone's life in the past, it's hard to feel tension or great interest in the day to day happenings. .BOTTOM-LINE:Maybe you've met a hitman and didn't know it. .DISCLOSURE:I received no compensation, not even a free copy, in exchange for this review. I am not personal friends with the author, but I do follow him on social media.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I admit to buying books like this purely because one of my favourite films is Grosse Pointe Blank with John Cusack, about a hitman who goes home for his ten year high school reunion, but occasionally I find a story - or set of short stories - worth reading on their own merit. I would have preferred one continuous story, but I enjoyed - if that's an appropriate word for a book about a contract killer! - reading about Keller, who is dispatched by a mysterious and ailing man, via a woman called Dot, to carry out his particular brand of troubleshooting around the country. He reminds me a lot of old school detectives like Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe, cool enough to deal with trouble but still human enough to care. Keller loves animals - he briefly adopts the pet of one of his victims, and strikes up a relationship with the woman he hires to walk the dog in his many absences - and even starts collecting stamps while briefly considering 'retirement'. Sometimes the job improbably comes to him and occasionally he makes a mistake, but each chapter is a new story in a new city, only vaguely linked to the others. Entertaining if ethically unsound reading!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The worlds most boring hitman - the most interesting thing about it being that he manages to be both phlegmatic and neurotic at the same time. I think it would've been more entertaining if the Hitman game series was based on these books with missions interspersed with dog walking, stamp collecting and generally desperately trying to find something to fill the time between murdering people. Not that the protagonist finds murder interesting either.

    Book is very laid back, like the character.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the first in a short series of crime fiction novels where we follow the "Hit Man" Keller. Stories and novels about assassins is not generally my "go-to" sub-genre. This book has ten episodes, ten short stories that come together to create a picture of our interesting character. Keller goes about the business of being a killer so matter-of-factly that it is easy to not think of him as a bad guy, but just as a regular guy who has a job to do. Block writes this so well in a simple, yet obviously skilled manner. Improbably it works. Keller is something of a melancholy man with simple needs and daydreams. The story/stories themselves are about all the little things in his life as he goes about his business. He finds great inexpensive Mexican food in Roseburg, Oregon and happily starts working his way through their menu, daydreaming about the life the waitress is going to have with her new husband, the kind of house maybe they should get as a starter home, the kind of house he might like to have if he lived here ... He misses his dog "Soldier" he had as a kid. This is really sounding kind of silly when I write this, but it adds a charm to these stories that pulls you in, and you like Keller even as he puts into play the little pieces needed to carry out his hit on someone who seems like a very nice guy as well. So that's the first story and the additional stories just build off of this. These stories are full of surprise twists. By the end of the book Keller is thinking of retiring. However, he has re-sparked his childhood interest in stamp collecting and would not that be a great hobby instead of killing people, but the expense may just keep him working a little longer! I loved stamp collecting when I was younger and all the stamp stuff towards the end of the book was icing on the cake.Bit by bit as we go through the stories (this never did feel like a regular novel) we learn more about Keller as he tries to learn about himself and why he is the way he is. Of the ten stories only one seemed "off," the ninth one. By off I mean not possible, involving a supposed Social Security scam. I am most certainly going to be reading later books in this series, and sooner rather than later. I really like Keller and Block's down to earth matter of fact writing style for this. Very good stuff!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A well written, fun read. One gets inside Mr Keller's head, an odd and quirky place indeed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I recall liking this quite a bit. The narrator had the perfect voice for the writing style & character, too. It's been too long since I've listened to it for a decent review, though.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sometimes it skimps a little bit on the details of the hits, which let's face it is why most of us are reading the book. A bit too episodic as well, but Keller is more interesting and fully-developed than the neurotic hit men you usually see in movies.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book. Series of short stories revolving around Keller. His wry humor will make you want to read the next ones. Funny stuff with interesting plot.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a collection of stories featuring Block’s stamp-loving hitman, Keller. If you are looking for a thrill-a-minute with car chases and leaving off tall buildings, keep on going. On the other hand, if you want a well-crafted collection of stories that slowly but painstakingly reveal a man’s character through the most mundane of details, you will find a lot to satisfy your cravings.

    Keller is portrayed as a normal businessman suffering often from the ennui common to travelers, making minor comments about his surroundings and life in general, people’s foibles, society’s silliness, in between doing his job, which happens to be killing people. He’s totally amoral, seems to have no loves (except perhaps for a dog and Dot, although my perception of that may be colored by what I know happens in some later stories.) His mere mundaneness is a comment in itself.

    Block is one of the most talented writers working in the mystery genre and always well-worth reading, except perhaps the Tanner series (he the lover or lost causes and spy who cannot sleep) which, while often humorous and entertaining, seem forced and silly.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I like Lawrence Block, especially the Scudder series. Hitman, a standalone, chronicles the life (in short vignettes) of John Keller, ur average New Yorker who's ur decent apartment neighbour who once in a while takes a flight to assassinate people. He's likeable, polite, and wields his own brand of right and wrong. When he comes to the crossroads of whether his "job" is getting the better of him, quirky things begin to happen. This includes a psychiatrist, a dog, a romantic fling, and a hobby. The story is very much noir / blck humour and quirky enough to keep u hooked. The sessions with the shrink alone is worth the price of the book! Highly recommended.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was very surprised at how much I liked this story - if you like books about bad things that aren't also full of morals, you should like this too. It's not a mystery/thriller... and it's not much like a true crime novel either - it's sorta like a character study, except the character you're studying happens to be a contract killer. He isn't cruel at all, but also is not soft n' cuddly either. The book does not explore the morals or reasons behind Keller's job, or even go much into details on how he kills (it's not gory at all)... it's more like an insight into some guy's mind that you would expect to be abnormal or exciting, or something, but turns out that he really isn't that much different from other people who don't happen to kill for a living.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Did you ever think you would find yourself sympathizing with the plight of a professional hit man? After reading Lawrence Block's story about John Keller you might change your mind. Hit Man is the first novel of four in this long running series. This book was written in the late 90's but has continued through to today with Block's latest story in the series, Hit and Run; which was released earlier this year. If you like mob style stories and wish to venture into a new serial series than Hit Man is right up your alley. Just be sure to keep your eyes open at all times, because you never know who is in the alley with you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is not one of Lawrence Block's Best. Block is usually a quick read, and this did not hold my attention. Some good dialogue between Keller and Dot, but Keller was not really a believable character. The ending was good, but it didn't come soon enough.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    very different, great read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Begins as a collection of short stories about a single character (Keller, the hitman), flows into a novel narrative by the end. A nice piece of work... if you enjoy stories about hit men.

Book preview

Hit Man - Lawrence Block


Answers to Soldier

Keller flew United to Portland. He read a magazine on the leg from JFK to O’Hare, ate lunch on the ground, and watched the movie on the nonstop flight from Chicago to Portland. It was a quarter to three local time when he carried his hand luggage off the plane, and then he had only an hour’s wait before his connecting flight to Roseburg.

But when he got a look at the size of the plane he walked over to the Hertz desk and told them he wanted a car for a few days. He showed them a driver’s license and a credit card and they let him have a Ford Taurus with thirty-two hundred miles on the clock. He didn’t bother trying to refund his Portland-to-Roseburg ticket.

The Hertz clerk showed him how to get on I–5. Keller pointed the car in the right direction and set the cruise control three miles an hour over the posted speed limit. Everybody else was going a few miles an hour faster than that, but he was in no hurry, and he didn’t want to invite a close look at his driver’s license. It was probably all right, but why ask for trouble?

It was still light out when he took the off ramp for the second Roseburg exit. He had a reservation at the Douglas Inn, a Best Western on Stephens Street. He found it without any trouble. They had him in a ground-floor room in the front, and he had them change it to one a flight up in the rear.

He unpacked, showered. The phone book had a street map of downtown Roseburg, and he studied it, getting his bearings, then tore it out and took it with him when he went out for a walk. The little print shop was only a few blocks away on Jackson, two doors in from the corner, between a tobacconist and a photographer with his window full of wedding pictures. A sign in Quik Print’s window offered a special on wedding invitations, perhaps to catch the eye of bridal couples making arrangements with the photographer.

Quik Print was closed, of course, as were the tobacconist and the photographer and the credit jeweler next door to the photographer and, as far as Keller could tell, everybody else in the neighborhood. He didn’t stick around long. Two blocks away he found a Mexican restaurant that looked dingy enough to be authentic. He bought a local paper from the coin box out front and read it while he ate his chicken enchiladas. The food was good, and ridiculously inexpensive. If the place were in New York, he thought, everything would be three or four times as much and there’d be a line in front.

The waitress was a slender blonde, not Mexican at all. She had short hair and granny glasses and an overbite, and she sported an engagement ring on the appropriate finger, a diamond solitaire with a tiny stone. Maybe she and her fiancé had picked it out at the credit jeweler’s, Keller thought. Maybe the photographer next door would take their wedding pictures. Maybe they’d get Burt Engleman to print their wedding invitations. Quality printing, reasonable rates, service you can count on.

In the morning he returned to Quik Print and looked in the window. A woman with brown hair was sitting at a gray metal desk, talking on the telephone. A man in shirtsleeves stood at a copying machine. He wore horn-rimmed glasses with round lenses and his hair was cropped short on his egg-shaped head. He was balding, and that made him look older, but Keller knew he was only thirty-eight.

Keller stood in front of the jeweler’s and pictured the waitress and her fiancé picking out rings. They’d have a double-ring ceremony, of course, and there would be something engraved on the inside of each of their wedding bands, something no one else would ever see. Would they live in an apartment? For a while, he decided, until they saved the down payment for a starter home. That was the phrase you saw in real estate ads and Keller liked it. A starter home, something to practice on until you got the hang of it.

At a drugstore on the next block, he bought an unlined paper tablet and a black felt-tipped pen. He used four sheets of paper before he was pleased with the result. Back at Quik Print, he showed his work to the brown-haired woman.

My dog ran off, he explained. I thought I’d get some flyers printed, post them around town.


I hope you get him back, the woman said. Is it a him? Soldier sounds like a male dog, but it doesn’t say.

It’s a male, Keller said. Maybe I should have specified.

It’s probably not important. Did you want to offer a reward? People usually do, though I don’t know if it makes any difference. If I found somebody’s dog, I wouldn’t care about a reward. I’d just want to get him back with his owner.

Everybody’s not as decent as you are, Keller said. Maybe I should say something about a reward. I didn’t even think of that. He put his palms on the desk and leaned forward, looking down at the sheet of paper. I don’t know, he said. It looks kind of homemade, doesn’t it? Maybe I should have you set it in type, do it right. What do you think?

I don’t know, she said. Ed? Would you come and take a look at this, please?

The man in the horn-rims came over and said he thought a hand-lettered look was best for a lost-dog notice. It makes it more personal, he said. I could do it in type for you, but I think people would respond to it better as it is. Assuming somebody finds the dog, that is.

I don’t suppose it’s a matter of national importance, anyway, Keller said. My wife’s attached to the animal and I’d like to recover him if it’s possible, but I’ve a feeling he’s not to be found. My name’s Gordon, by the way. Al Gordon.

Ed Vandermeer, the man said. And this is my wife, Betty.

A pleasure, Keller said. I guess fifty of these ought to be enough. More than enough, but I’ll take fifty. Will it take you long to run them?

I’ll do it right now. Take about three minutes, set you back three-fifty.

Can’t beat that, Keller said. He uncapped the felt-tipped pen. Just let me put in something about a reward.

Back in his motel room, he put through a call to a number in White Plains. When a woman answered he said, Dot, let me speak to him, will you? It took a few minutes, and then he said, Yeah, I got here. It’s him, all right. He’s calling himself Vandermeer now. His wife’s still going by Betty.

The man in White Plains asked when he’d be back.

What’s today, Tuesday? I’ve got a flight booked Friday, but I might take a little longer. No point rushing things. I found a good place to eat. Mexican joint, and the motel set gets HBO. I figure I’ll take my time, do it right. Engleman’s not going anywhere.

He had lunch at the Mexican café. This time he ordered the combination plate. The waitress asked if he wanted the red or green chili.

Whichever’s hotter, he said.

Maybe a mobile home, he thought. You could buy one cheap, a nice double-wide, make a nice starter home for her and her fellow. Or maybe the best thing for them was to buy a duplex and rent out half, then rent out the other half when they were ready for something nicer for themselves. No time at all you’re in real estate, making a nice return, watching your holdings appreciate. No more waiting on tables for her, and pretty soon her husband could quit slaving at the lumber mill, quit worrying about layoffs when the industry hit one of its slumps.

How you do go on, he thought.

He spent the afternoon walking around town. In a gun shop, the proprietor, a man named McLarendon, took some rifles and shotguns off the wall and let him get the feel of them. A sign on the wall read GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE UNLESS YOU AIM REAL GOOD. Keller talked politics with McLarendon, and socioeconomics. It wasn’t that tricky to figure out his position and to adopt it as one’s own.

What I really been meaning to buy, Keller said, is a handgun.

You want to protect yourself and your property, McLarendon said.

That’s the idea.

And your loved ones.


He let the man sell him a gun. There was, locally, a cooling-off period. You picked out your gun, filled out a form, and four days later you could come back and pick it up.

You a hothead? McLarendon asked him. You fixing to lean out the car window, bag a state trooper on the way home?

It doesn’t seem likely.

Then I’ll show you a trick. We just backdate this form and you’ve already had your cooling-off period. I’d say you look cool enough to me.

You’re a good judge of character.

The man grinned. This business, he said, a man’s got to be.

It was nice, a town that size. You got into your car and drove for ten minutes and you were way out in the country.

Keller stopped the Taurus at the side of the road, cut the ignition, rolled down the window. He took the gun from one pocket and the box of shells from the other. The gun—McLarendon had kept calling it a weapon—was a .38-caliber revolver with a two-inch barrel. McLarendon would have liked to sell him something heavier and more powerful. If Keller had wanted, he probably would have been thrilled to sell him a bazooka.

Keller loaded the gun and got out of the car. There was a beer can lying on its side perhaps twenty yards off. He aimed at it, holding the gun in one hand. A few years ago they started firing two-handed in cop shows on TV, and nowadays that was all you saw, television cops leaping through doorways and spinning around corners, gun gripped rigidly in both hands, held out in front of their bodies like a fire hose. Keller thought it looked silly. He’d feel self-conscious, holding a gun like that.

He squeezed the trigger. The gun bucked in his hand, and he missed the beer can by several feet. The report of the gunshot echoed for a long time.

He took aim at other things—at a tree, at a flower, at a white rock the size of a clenched fist. But he couldn’t bring himself to fire the gun again, to break the stillness with another gunshot. What was the point, anyway? If he used the gun, he’d be too close to miss. You got in close, you pointed, you fired. It wasn’t rocket science, for God’s sake. It wasn’t neuro-surgery. Anyone could do it.

He replaced the spent cartridge and put the loaded gun in the car’s glove compartment. He spilled the rest of the shells into his hand and walked a few yards from the road’s edge, then hurled them with a sweeping sidearm motion. He gave the empty box a toss and got back into the car.

Traveling light, he thought.

* * *

Back in town, he drove past Quik Print to make sure it was still open. Then, following the route he’d traced on the map, he found his way to 1411 Cowslip Lane, a Dutch Colonial house on the north edge of town. The lawn was neatly trimmed and fiercely green, and there was a bed of rosebushes on either side of the path leading from the sidewalk to the front door.

One of the leaflets at the motel had told how roses were a local specialty. But the town had been named not for the flower but for Aaron Rose, an early settler.

He wondered if Engleman knew that.

He circled the block, parked two doors away on the other side of the street from the Engleman residence. Vandermeer, Edward, the white pages listing had read. It struck Keller as an unusual alias. He wondered if Engleman had picked it out for himself, or if the feds had selected it for him. Probably the latter, he decided. Here’s your new name, they would tell you, and here’s where you’re going to live and what you’re going to be. There was an arbitrariness about it that somehow appealed to Keller, as if they relieved you of the burden of decision. Here’s your new name, and here’s your new driver’s license with your new name already on it. You like scalloped potatoes in your new life, and you’re allergic to bee stings, and your favorite color is cobalt blue.

Betty Engleman was now Betty Vandermeer. Keller wondered why her first name had remained the same. Didn’t they trust Engleman to get it right? Did they figure him for a bumbler, apt to blurt out Betty at an inopportune moment? Or was it sheer coincidence or sloppiness on their part?

Around six-thirty the Englemans came home from work. They rode in a Honda Civic hatchback with local plates. They had evidently stopped to shop for groceries on the way home. Engleman parked in the driveway while his wife got a bag of groceries from the back. Then he put the car in the garage and followed her into the house.

Keller watched lights go on inside the house. He stayed where he was. It was starting to get dark by the time he drove back to the Douglas Inn.

On HBO, Keller watched a movie about a gang of criminals who had come to a town in Texas to rob the bank. One of the criminals was a woman, married to one of the other gang members and having an affair with another. Keller thought that was a pretty good recipe for disaster. There was a prolonged shoot-out at the end, with everybody dying in slow motion.

When the movie ended he went over to switch off the set. His eye was caught by the stack of flyers Engleman had run off for him. LOST DOG. PART GER. SHEPHERD ANSWERS TO SOLDIER. CALL 555-1904. REWARD.

Excellent watchdog, he thought. Good with children.

He didn’t get up until almost noon. He went to the Mexican place and ordered huevos rancheros and put a lot of hot sauce on them. He watched the waitress’s hands as she served the food and again when she took his empty plate away. Light glinted off the little diamond. Maybe she and her husband would wind up in Cowslip Lane, he thought. Not right away, of course; they’d have to start out in the duplex, but that’s what they could aspire to, a Dutch Colonial with that odd kind of pitched roof. What did they call it, anyway? Was that a mansard roof, or did that word describe something else? Was it a gambrel, maybe?

He thought he ought to learn these things. You saw the words and didn’t know what they meant, saw the houses and couldn’t describe them properly.

He had bought a paper on his way into the café , and now he turned to the classified ads and read through the real estate listings. Houses seemed very inexpensive. You could actually buy a low-priced home here for twice what he would be paid for the week’s work.

There was a safe deposit box no one knew about, rented under a name he’d never used for another purpose, and in it he had enough currency to buy a nice home here outright for cash.

Assuming you could still do that. People were funny about cash these days, leery of letting themselves be used to launder drug money.

Anyway, what difference did it make? He wasn’t going to live here. The waitress could live here, in a nice little house with mansards and gambrels.

Engleman was leaning over his wife’s desk when Keller walked into Quik Print. Why, hello, he said. Have you had any luck finding Soldier?

He remembered the name, Keller noticed.

As a matter of fact, he said, the dog came back on his own. I guess he wanted the reward. Betty Engleman laughed.

You see how fast your flyers worked, he went on. They brought the dog back before I even got the chance to post them. I’ll get some use out of them eventually, though. Old Soldier’s got itchy feet, he’ll take off again one of these days.

Just so he keeps coming back, she said.

Reason I stopped by, Keller said, I’m new in town, as you might have gathered, and I’ve got a business venture I’m getting ready to kick into gear. I’m going to need a printer, and I thought maybe we could sit down and talk. You got time for a cup of coffee?

Engleman’s eyes were hard to read behind the glasses. Sure, he said. Why not?

They walked down to the corner, Keller talking about what a nice day it was, Engleman saying little beyond agreeing with him. At the corner Keller said, Well, Burt, where should we go for coffee?

Engleman just froze. Then he said, I knew.

I know you did. I could tell the minute I walked in there. How?

The phone number on the flyer. I tried it last night. They never heard of a Mr. Gordon.

So you knew last night. Of course you could have made a mistake on the number.

Engleman shook his head. I wasn’t going on memory. I kept an extra copy of the flyer and dialed the number right off it. No Mr. Gordon and no lost dog. Anyway, I think I knew before then. I think I knew the minute you walked in the door.

Let’s get that coffee, Keller said.

They went into a place called the Rainbow Diner and had coffee at a table on the side. Engleman added artificial sweetener to his and stirred it long enough to dissolve marble chips. He had been an accountant back east, working for the man Keller had called in White Plains. When the feds were trying to make a RICO case against Engleman’s boss, Engleman was a logical place to apply pressure. He wasn’t really a criminal, he hadn’t done much of anything, and they told him he was going to prison unless he rolled over and testified. If he did what they said, they’d give him a new name and move him someplace safe. If not, he could talk to his wife once a month through a wire screen and have ten years to get used to it.

How did you find me? he wanted to know. Somebody leaked it in Washington?

Keller shook his head. Freak thing, he said. Somebody saw you on the street, recognized you, followed you home.

Here in Roseburg?

I don’t think so. Were you out of town a week or so ago?

Oh, God, Engleman said. We went down to San Francisco for the weekend.

That sounds right.

I thought it was safe. I don’t even know anybody in San Francisco, I was never there in my life. It was her birthday, we figured nothing could be safer. I don’t know a soul there.

Somebody knew you.

And followed me back here?

I don’t even know. Maybe they got your plate and had somebody run it. Maybe they checked your registration at the hotel. What’s the difference?

No difference.

Engleman picked up his coffee and stared into the cup. Keller said, You knew last night. You’re in that program. Isn’t there someone you’re supposed to call?

There’s someone, Engleman said. He put his cup down. It’s not that great a program, he said. It’s great when they’re telling you about it, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

I’ve heard that, Keller said.

Anyway, I didn’t call anybody. What are they going to do? Say they stake my place out, the house and the print shop, and they pick you up. Even if they make something stick against you, what good does it do me? We’ll still have to move again because the guy’ll just send somebody else, right?

I suppose so.

Well, I’m not moving anymore. They moved us three times and I don’t even know why. I think it’s automatic, part of the program, they move you a few times during the first year or two. This is the first place we’ve really settled in since we left, and we’re starting to make money at Quik Print, and I like it. I like the town and I like the business. I don’t want to move.

The town seems nice.

It is, Engleman said. It’s better than I thought it would be.

And you didn’t want to develop another accounting practice?

Never, Engleman said. I had enough of that, believe me. Look what it got me.

You wouldn’t necessarily have to work for crooks.

How do you know who’s a crook and who isn’t? Anyway, I don’t want any kind of work where I’m always looking at the inside of somebody else’s business. I’d rather have my own little business, work there side by side with my wife. We’re right there on the street and you can look in the front window and see us. You need stationery, you need business cards, you need invoice forms, I’ll print ’em for you.

How did you learn the business?

It’s a franchise kind of thing, a turnkey operation. Anybody could learn it in twenty minutes.

No kidding?

Oh, yeah. Anybody.

Keller drank some of his coffee. He asked if Engleman had said anything to his wife and learned that he hadn’t. That’s good, he said. Don’t say anything. I’m this guy, weighing some business ventures, needs a printer, has to have, you know, arrangements so there’s no cash-flow problem. And I’m shy talking business in front of women, so the two of us go off and have coffee from time to time.

Whatever you say, Engleman said.

Poor scared bastard, Keller thought. He said, See, I don’t want to hurt you, Burt. I wanted to, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I’d put a gun to your head, do what I’m supposed to do. You see a gun?


The thing is, I don’t do it, they send somebody else. I come back empty, they want to know why. What I have to do, I have to figure something out. You’re positive you don’t want to run?

No. The hell with running.

Swell, I’ll figure something out, Keller said. I’ve got a few days. I’ll think of something.

After breakfast the next morning, Keller drove to the office of one of the real estate agents whose ads he’d been reading. A woman about the same age as Betty Engleman took him around and showed him three houses. They were modest homes but decent and comfortable, and they ranged between forty and sixty thousand dollars.

He could buy any of them out of his safe deposit box.

Here’s your kitchen, the woman said. Here’s your half-bath. Here’s your fenced yard.

I’ll be in touch, he told her, taking her card. I have a business deal pending and a lot depends on the outcome.

He and Engleman had lunch the next day. They went to the Mexican place and Engleman wanted everything very mild. Remember, he told Keller, I used to be an accountant.

You’re a printer now, Keller said. Printers can handle hot food.

Not this printer. Not this printer’s stomach.

They each drank a bottle of Carta Blanca with the meal. Keller had another bottle afterward. Engleman had a cup of coffee.

If I had a house with a fenced yard, Keller said, I could have a dog and not worry about him running off.

I guess you could, Engleman said.

I had a dog when I was a kid, Keller said. Just the once. I had him for about two years when I was eleven, twelve years old. His name was Soldier.

I was wondering about that.

He wasn’t part shepherd. He was a little thing. I suppose he must have been some kind of terrier cross.

Did he run off?

No, he got hit by a car. He was stupid about cars, he just ran out into the street. The driver couldn’t help it.

How did you happen to call him Soldier?

I forget. Then, when I did the flyer, I don’t know, I had to put ‘Answers to something.’ All I could think of were names like Fido and Rover and Spot. Be like signing John Smith on a hotel register, you know? Then it came to me. Soldier. Been years since I thought about that dog.

After lunch Engleman went back to the shop

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