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2012 Rite of Way
2012 Rite of Way
2012 Rite of Way
Ebook68 pages1 hour

2012 Rite of Way

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About this ebook

The only 2012 book published with actual World Predictions, 2012 Rite of Way is a panic free and spiritual guide to year 2012, making it a must read for any who wish to move forward into the New Age. Proving that the world will not end on 21st December 2012, world events are predicted including, earthquakes and eruptions, an important peace treaty, birth and a major discovery.
Taking us up to January 2013 with a message of hope for all mankind, this book is a journey of discovery. All seven of the natural laws which govern the Universe are brought to light with the urgent message that there is still time to realise your true nature and just how powerful you are. With understanding and love, learn how to connect to the energy in all matter and manifest everything that you want and need.

PublisherDana Kokla
Release dateDec 21, 2011
2012 Rite of Way

Dana Kokla

Dana writes fiction, non-fiction, spiritual, new age, self-help and gift-books. Trained by a Christian Spiritualist Minister to be a medium, Dana has worked for 20 years as a medium, dream interpreter, psychic artist, psychic detective and flower reader. Originally from Newcastle in England, Dana now lives in Greece with her husband and two children and works from home, writing, cooking and gardening.

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    Book preview

    2012 Rite of Way - Dana Kokla

    2012 Rite of Way

    By Dana Kokla

    Copyright 2011 Dana Kokla.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    (The Law of Free Will)

    (The Law of Cause & Effect)

    (The Law of Karma)

    (The Law of Attraction)

    (The Law of Vibration)

    (The Law of Love)

    (The Law of One)

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7 - World Predictions 2012


    New Releases

    Other Books


    We have been forewarned now for almost twenty years, of impending earth changes and the dawn of a New Age. Perhaps some of you have become bored and forgetful waiting for this to happen or at least evidence that something is happening – because all of us want change. Every person on the planet at this moment wants their life and that which surrounds them to change. We can sense the changes happening and those that will come soon – we can feel restlessness inside ourselves, a sense of quickening.

    More and more people are becoming clairsentient and empathic. Where, twenty years ago, I was something of a rare occurrence as a clairsentient amongst mediums that were clairvoyant or clairaudient – now I meet people who are empathic, even though they don’t realize it. It is becoming the norm. As a group consciousness, mankind is evolving spiritually and psychically already. Earth changes are already happening, more and more and they are coming faster – if you look back over the last two years.

    So, we were warned that this would happen and that it had nothing to do with global warming and what we have done to our planet. This is not our fault; it is not a punishment but rather a blessing, a miracle. These changes are perfectly natural and have occurred before – it is meant to be this way. Have you prepared for it? How? Do you know when it will occur, exactly?

    No-one is coming to our rescue, to take us off the planet whilst these changes occur. You are here now, today because you wanted to be here at this great time. All of the souls that have already departed the planet within the last twenty years have done so as part of their life plan, in the most. These souls are helping all of us right now along with our cosmic brothers, each and everyone sending us the love and wisdom that we need.

    This event is not a judgment day. There will be no distinguishing between peoples or countries, religions or philosophies. The idea is that we all prepare and have as many souls as possible continue their lives on this planet, into the next age. Have you ever heard the saying, When things are at their worst, humanity is at its best? This saying carries a great truth and it is this that will bring about the leap in the group consciousness of humanity, whatever our creed, whatever our spiritual age, no-one will be forgotten or left out. We are building up to a critical mass of spiritually aware and psychic souls and at the last moment, at the dawn of the New Age, we will evolve and leap forward as a civilization, never being able to again slide back or lose that higher vibration.

    The only way is forward, onwards and upwards – the countdown has begun.

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    To be ready in a spiritual and practical way for the dawn of the New Age and the coming earth changes, you need to be in-tune with your spirit-self. You need to access the knowledge and memories that are stored in your soul so that you can see your path, your route to safety and your life’s mission.

    In accepting that you

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