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The 51st State
The 51st State
The 51st State
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The 51st State

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Patrick Steele is an accountant with training in a variety of physical skills. He has made himself a self-styled Robin Hood available to right the wrongs of society using his skills as an accountant and a man of violence.
The Gurentai, a more benevolent sub-group of the Japanese Yakuza, set Steele up with a Swiss bank account with sufficient remuneration to purchase an empty factory unit and set it up as a training facility and garage for him. He also is to follow Aikido training to hone his skills in hand-to-hand combat and to adopt the spiritual attitudes of the Gurentai. This is after a successful earlier association in which Patrick helped out the Japanese with a ‘problem’.
After persuading his Japanese companion, Takuo Sumisu, to become involved, he also elicits assistance from the German and French secret services. There then ensues a variety of actions that take Patrick and his Japanese allies across Europe and eventually from the south of England to the eastern seaboard of the US before returning to the UK.
In an earlier encounter with the Gurentai, Patrick had met a girl with whom he had a relationship. That girl is super ceded by Naomi Kobayashi but in the line of work they are involved can they reasonably expect to have a ‘normal’ relationship?
After the excitement of racing across Europe and the US, Patrick is forced to involve two of the more extreme English political parties in an effort to disrupt the activities of the USAF on English soil. Their actions take them in to Scotland where the CIA is discovered in clandestine operations.
Have the efforts of Patrick and his cronies been enough to drive a rift between the USA and the UK? Discover the outcome in ‘The 51ST State’

Release dateJan 16, 2012
The 51st State

David L Atkinson

Born in Sunderland in 1950, retired after 34 years teaching and then a further 6 years working in a bank.I began writing in 2009 and have published 10 Patrick A Steele stories, a dystopian novel and 2 collections of original poetry.

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    The 51st State - David L Atkinson


    Thanks to friends and relatives for the help provided in producing this work.

    Kodoma ga san nin imasu

    Ross, Nicholas and Charlotte

    This is the second ‘Steele’ novel.

    The first is ‘I Have To Get It Right’

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction.

    The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it

    are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance

    to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is

    entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © David L Atkinson November 2011

    First published by CompletelyNovel.com 4th November 2011

    ISBN – 13 9781849142182

    ISBN – 10 1849142181

    Printed by Lightning Source UK Ltd

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

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    The 51st State


    David L Atkinson

    Chapter 1

    Walking home from the pub is not pleasurable anymore, from two main points of view. First, the alcohol offered in the pub is no longer the smooth, hoppy beverage, that was not particularly high in alcohol content, but that fuelled the social interaction between friends, neighbours, colleagues and lovers. No! Now it is sweet, fizzy and unnecessarily strong fuelling nothing other than drunkenness, violence and noise. The kids’ party has grown up and moved into the pub! The second is the rubbish in the streets. It is almost impossible to put a foot down without stepping on or kicking some detritus from a fast food shop or coffee emporium. I suppose that comment is as much about the way we teach our children to clear up after themselves as it is on the way that food is presented for purchase. Much of this, of course is not biodegradable and firms based in the USA sponsor all of it and there of course is the root of the problems we now have.

    During World War 2 our leader, Winston Churchill, was desperately eager to persuade the Americans to take their share of responsibility for world peace, when he coined the phrase ‘special relationship’, which he then applied to the relationship between the UK and the US. It worked then and probably has its basis further back in history but whatever, since Churchill’s time, it has been used as a guilt-provoking tool to engineer what are actually false relationships between the two nations. Thatcher used the term, as did Gordon Brown when we were descending into recession in 2008 –09. Whenever it has been used there has been some source of stress in the country. The problems growing out of the ‘special relationship’ have all come back to bite us!

    These were the thoughts running through my head as I picked my way through the litter on my way home. I have been walking this route home for almost five years and the volume of rubbish has increased noticeably in that time. To make matters worse a car veered towards the pavement I was walking on and a hand shot out of the window and a half full carton of coffee was thrown towards me. The car was full of drunken youths. A metaphor for the things I had been thinking moments before!

    Once I got to bed I went on thinking along similar lines. Sleep wouldn’t come! Our little country had been so influential round the world for centuries, but what were we now? An American annexe! The media perpetuated the situation both overtly and covertly, if that’s possible. Americanisms are infecting every aspect of our lives and therefore our English culture. The major crisis came when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ of 2008 hit the world. It is probably an oversimplification but political decisions made by Mrs Thatcher and subsequent US Presidents making borrowing easy have fuelled this sad situation. How ludicrous to allow people to borrow seven times their salary! How can they pay it back? Of course when it all went wrong US sneezed and we all caught a cold as the saying goes, but did we learn our lessons? No!

    It is very difficult when the youth and young adults in the country worship everything American; our culture has no chance when we are so easily persuaded by the shiny baubles of their culture. Surely our roots should be with Europe if we are to maintain our independence.

    The really worrying situations that have arisen over the freeing of the Lockabie Bomber and the oil well disaster in the Gulf of Mexico give greater cause for concern. MPs from the Scottish and English Parliaments summoned to face US senate hearings! The Scots made me proud with a downright refusal as they should have, but what did we do in England? We actually considered going and then the Foreign Secretary decided he couldn’t because he was on holiday. No balls! We are not answerable to the American Government and never should even have considered the possibility of going.

    So what does it all mean? Has our government sold us down the river? Are we really to be the 51st State of the Union or are we already there? It may not be the case formally but at times there seems that there is nothing to choose between us.

    What can be done about it? Are these just the ravings of a slightly drunk old-fashioned Englishman? Is this all from my imagination? I spent some time pondering what actions ordinary people could take to turn the tide away from the west and back to the glories of our own culture. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the sun was up. I still felt disquieted by the thoughts of the previous evening and wondered what was to be gained by thinking in that way.

    It could have been set off by the chat in the pub last night or maybe the visit to this country of a senate delegation looking into the amalgamation of the US and UK banking systems. Surely that would lead to one currency and therefore one country – hence the 51st state!

    My job is to chase money and ‘fix’ problems. That’s what I do I fix problems and get paid for it. Anonymously! How I do the fixing depends on the nature of the problem. I have developed a number of skills both legitimate and not so! Some developed during a very interesting three weeks learning to be a Bodyguard at Officer Training School. Also my time at university in the gun, sailing and climbing cubs. How I got a 2:1 in Maths I don’t know.

    The courage to take action! I was 16 when my Uncle was killed. I had been a regular visitor, spending holidays. He was an interesting man and I enjoyed his company. But one afternoon someone walked into his house and robbed him of his wallet and frightened him so much he had a stroke. He fell against an armchair, which was then pushed against the gas fire and it started to smoulder. My Uncle died of smoke inhalation. To cut a long story short I found out who he was and went after him with my Dad’s golf club – the driver! I was young and got away with a non-custodial sentence, but the dye was cast.

    My name is Patrick A Steele and I am an independent agent in the fight against unfairness. Sounds grand but I suppose the best way that I can explain it is that I am a sort of 21st Century Robin Hood acting both independently and occasionally with the Gurentai. They are a sub group of the Japanese Yakuza, a mafia style organisation that spent centuries making money from the proceeds of crime and its’ members were Robin’s merry men of centuries ago who used the proceeds purloined by the Yakuza to help the needy in society. They are still in existence as are the Yakuza, although the relationship is not at all close, and I had been recruited by one of their number one Takuo Sumisu. I did a job on the Italian Mafia a few months ago and have hit various targets since saving ordinary people from extortion and other crimes. This was a rather different situation because I want the backing from the Gurentai to help me overcome what is possibly even too grand a proposition for them. This is an international situation that could be nothing more than a figment of my imagination but I would stake my life that I am correct.

    All of this before breakfast! I would text Sumisu and set up a meeting. My first action was to work out. I put on my jogging suit and set off to my private facility. It is a mile or so from my apartment and has been well furnished by the payments I received into my Swiss bank account from previous work done for the Gurentai. It is well appointed too. A lot of equipment that you would find in a standard gym including a sauna; a dojo where I practise my aikido with the help of a local black belt - Vince Thompson has been installed; there is also a garage for my three vehicles; and, a limited domestic facility.

    The cars are my toys. I have a Jaguar XF Portfolio with a 3 litre V6 diesel engine in dark blue; a silver Mercedes M Class Grand Edition with the ML 300 CDI BlueEfficiency engine with stunning off road capability; and, finally a black Renault Megane Hatch Privilege for anonymous work. They are always prepared for use thanks to Bill Fordyce who keeps my second place in full working order. He and his wife Stacey look after all my domestic needs. They are a middle aged couple who are in semi retirement and wanted part time work to see them through to full retirement; both are in their mid-fifties and have been with me for three years. Absolutely reliable and trustworthy and they have become quite close friends. They don’t ask too much about what I do and I allow them to share the gym facilities. I turn a blind eye to them allowing their family to use my facilities as long as it is limited. Stacey keeps my apartment in immaculate condition but also deals with mail when I am not around, secretarial work really, but with attitude! I am indebted to both of them.

    My Aikido sensei, Vince, is retired and comes to my dojo everyday for an hour in the morning and we have an intense 45 minutes work out that includes meditation techniques as well as attack and defence. He thinks I am at black belt level, which I should be with all the individual tuition I have received, but can’t understand my reticence in not wanting to go to an assessment event. It is too public and that doesn’t fit with what I do. Even so I am still no match for Sumisu!

    I texted him to request a meeting at a local and anonymous hotel. As usual I would have to wait without any real sense of when he would get back to me so rather than waste time I thought about the argument in favour of this assignment in which I want to involve the venerable gentleman! Essentially I would provide him with the evidence as I see it and then outline the visit from the American politicians and the possible consequences. As far as I am concerned incontrovertible!

    After a rather frustrating day I received a rather terse message,

    "The Hilton, Leeds tomorrow at 13:00"

    As always I arrived slightly before time but not early enough to get there before Sumisu san. He was in the lobby enjoying his usual cup of Ocha – green tea.

    Konnichiwa Patrick san. O genki desuka? he smiled.

    I bowed as did he, but mine was lower because he is senior to me.

    Konichiwa Sumisu san. O genki desu, Arigahto. Anatawa? I replied.

    The revered gentleman smiled benignly,

    I am well thank you Patrick, and your accent is improving! this with a slight chuckle.

    We’ve come a long way since our first ‘job’ although proprieties still need to be observed.

    Why have you requested this meeting Patrick san? he inquired politely.

    It’s a long story going back many years Sumisu san. Suffice it to say that it began when our government was almost begging support from the US towards the end of WW2 to the present day when the latest bill to be discussed in Parliament is the Gun Bill which is intended to give our citizens the right to own hand guns! I stated.

    We are no more than an addition to the USA. Our culture is disappearing and I feel we need to stop the rot. Even our language has been hijacked; you can’t get served without the obligatory ‘have a nice day’

    I finished my torrent of words feeling somewhat flustered and slightly embarrassed.

    Patrick san you are obviously very upset about the situation in your country. This is a situation that has been progressing for seventy years why do you think we Gurentai could have any influence on such an embedded condition? he responded.

    This is the point where I had to get my sales pitch correct or I was on my own.

    It centres on US foreign policy that has been in force for many years. It brought about the fall of Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollahs in Iraq and the division of Afghanistan. If the UK with its dwindling world influence becomes an annexe of the US the tide of their influence will eventually sweep over Europe and will continue to spread eastwards. Japan will not be immune in years to come. The signs are there already. Just look at your department stores Sumisu san. Where are the cultural reminders in the goods for sale? They have gone and been replaced by cheap rubbish driven by the vulgar music business from America. I had been talking really rapidly and when I finished there was a pause that seemed to go on forever.

    I understand your argument Patrick san. What I am prepared to do is to discuss this at a higher level. It may be seen as too late for the UK in which case we won’t be able to help. On the other hand your argument may be seen as totally correct and if this proves to be the case, you will have our full backing. However, I would imagine the answer will be somewhere in the middle of those two extremes and that is only because of the excellent work you have done for us in the past. I will contact you in a few days with the decision. He finished.

    Thanks Sumisu san. I said gratefully.

    The remainder of the meeting was about the range and type of activities I might indulge in to turn the American tide. After an hour or so we took our leave of each other.

    While I was ‘cooling my heels’ waiting for Sumisu to get back to me I started to think about my own plans if the Gurentai were not going to help.

    At the Hilton we had discussed the types of long term action that would have the desired deep cleansing affects. There were various assassinations that would create a political storm but in some respects there were too many targets. I had the feeling that it would come to that in the end anyway when a suitable target had been identified and if all else failed. For now the disruption of things American in connection with our future is probably the route to take to establish some quick wins, which in turn may galvanise the apathetic masses to rise up and make themselves heard against the indomitable tide of US colonialism.

    So the initial move would be to disturb the forth-coming visit of the US Finance group. There were some easy actions that could be taken. Initially to disrupt the travel plans from Heathrow and then, a little more ambitious, cause injury to one of the delegates. One thought that had crossed my mind was the abduction of one of the members of the Treasury department but that could well be too extreme and what would be gained? Probably very little because the government could slap a ‘D’ Notice on the media and stop publicity. The first two steps I have outlined would not be difficult to achieve and would certainly attract enough attention to raise the matter. Working on the principle that ‘trouble comes in threes’ there must be something else that would focus the attention on the reasons to be anti-US.

    The first step, with or without the Gurentai, would be to carry out a little research into the US delegations travel plans. I assumed that they would fly into Heathrow but something in the back of my mind was niggling me about that. I believe that Royalty, Senior Politicians and other notable personages tend to fly to a military establishment. There are a number close enough to London to be suitable and I would need to find out which one and be there before our visitors from across the pond. There are nine airports in and around London so it would not be easy to ascertain the date, location and time of arrival. Sumisu may be able to help with that through one of his many contacts.

    The other issue, the ‘accident’ to one of the group may be a little trickier. I would have to get very close to the party, their hotel, or wherever they were being billeted. There will be massive security cordons round them from the moment they touch English soil to the moment they leave. Another job for the Gurentai! I was being very dependent on them and I had received no assertion from Sumisu that they would be involved in anyway whatsoever. So I would need travel arrangements and information as to where these Americans would be staying before I can even begin. I went to bed that night feeling fired up at the prospect of some action and frustrated that I would have to wait for the Gurentai before I can finalise my plans.

    Chapter 2

    The US party would be in the UK in a week and I still had heard nothing and was on the verge of texting Sumisu when he turned up at my annexe. He has a habit of doing that. I turned round during one of my slow one legged balance turns on my dojo and there he was!

    You have gained a greater level of self-control Patrick san. He smiled. Good morning Patrick san!

    Good morning Sumisu san, I said bowing low.

    He indicated we should go into my living quarters. I led the way. Stacey Fordyce was cleaning up. When she saw us entering the living room, she got flustered and excused herself very rapidly. Sumisu smiled and bowed which made her even more embarrassed and she almost ran out of the kitchen into the gym! I would have to explain the correct procedure to greet my ‘boss’ and de-mystify him a little. I invited Sumisu to sit down and then offered green tea – ocha.

    Patrick san, Sumisu began, my superiors have come to a decision and it is as I suspected. They concur with your assessment of the overall situation and feel that it may be too late for the UK but they also feel that the USA must be stopped before they have achieved world domination. They do see a further possibility that may protect UK sovereignty and that is closer links with some of the European countries, principally Germany and France, both powerful movers in their own right with similar problems as the UK although not as advanced. We are prepared to offer the full facilities we possess to help you achieve your aims acknowledging the fact that you may not be successful!

    That was a salutary warning in no uncertain terms but it wasn’t something I didn’t expect.

    Thank you Sumisu san and I would appreciate you expressing my gratitude to your principles. May I begin with two requests? It may seem indecent haste but the Americans will be here in a week’s time and only for three days. I stated.

    Certainly Patrick san go ahead, he replied.

    "Firstly, I require information about where they will arrive in the UK and the time as well as where they are to stay. Secondly, I

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