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Ebook206 pages3 hours


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

PublisherSimon Pulse
Release dateMay 11, 2010

Francine Pascal

FRANCINE PASCAL, creator of the Sweet Valley High series, was one of the world's most popular fiction writers for teenagers and the author of several bestselling novels, including My Mother Was Never A Kid, My First Love and Other Disasters, as well as the series Fearless. Her adult novels include Save Johanna! and If Wishes Were Horses, and the nonfiction book, The Strange Case of Patty Hearst. As a theater lover and Tony voter, Ms. Pascal sat on the Advisory Board of The American Theatre Wing. Her favorite sport was a monthly poker game. She died in 2024 at the age of ninety-two.

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    Sex - Francine Pascal

    Have you ever looked in the mirror and started to wonder if the real you was the one in the mirror and you were actually the mirror image?

    Or what about this—have you ever woken up from a dream and realized that you were actually still dreaming, and then kind of lost track for a while of what was reality and what was the dream?


    No, I’m not high. I know that’s what you’re thinking already, but the fact is, I don’t do drugs. I just think too much.

    Okay, here’s my point. Whether you’ve read the works of Plato or you’ve just warbled a couple of rounds of Row, Row, Row Your Boat in the backseat of a car, you’ve still come across this theory: Life is but a dream. Rings a bell, yes?

    Well, I have to say, I think that pretty succinctly describes my life at this point. After everything I’ve been through and discovered in the last forty-eight hours or so, I’m honestly not sure I can tell the difference between reality and dreams. Nor am I sure I want to. Yes, sir, I am so deep through the looking glass at this point, I may just have to change my name to Alice.

    Example: My uncle has informed me that I wasn’t born fearless. He says my fear genes are totally intact and that in fact I’ve only been fearless because of some kind of serum that my father and the Agency injected into my bloodstream when I was a baby.

    Follow me on this one.

    So my uncle gives me this new injection. This serum that’s supposed to counter what my father did to me and make me feel fear again. (Drink me. Eat me. Are you with me on this?) And once I took the serum, let’s just say, for the sake of brevity, that I went nuts. Real nuts.

    Yeah … there were delusions, paranoid freak-outs, the works. But after a few revelations,

    What is the reality and what is the dream? Have I, unbeknownst to myself, been in love with Ed for the last year and only dreaming we were nothing more than friends? Or are we still only friends in reality, and this glorious perfect morning is only a dream? See, I’ve fallen asleep and awoken so many times in the last forty-eight hours, I’m honestly not sure anymore. I’ve coasted in and out of sanity so many times, I’m not altogether sure I’m not insane at this very moment.

    But if I am insane, or if lying next to Ed is only a dream, then I’m begging you, whoever makes these kinds of decisions up there, please, please don’t let me wake up. Please just let me sleep. Because this dream is so superior to any reality I’ve had in months. And as long as everything around us stays quiet, I think perhaps it just might last. the most important of which was that Loki has created at least two Josh clones (yes, clones—welcome to my dream world), I think I’ve finally recovered from my very unfortunate experiment with fear.

    But here’s the thing. I honestly don’t know if my uncle was lying or not. So which thing is real? Am I fearless, and I was just temporarily dreaming I could feel fear? Or am I actually capable of fear, and I’ve just been living a seventeen-year dream that I was fearless? I honestly do not have a clue.

    Here’s a much more immediate example: Around four-thirty this morning, I realized something that I think I already knew. I am in love with Ed Fargo. Not a temporary crush. Not any kind of teenage puppy love or romantic experimentation. Just love. Pure and simple.

    But after the last forty-eight hours of madness, I can’t help wondering….

    His lips… what was it about his lips?

    28 minutes



    Ed had pulled his lips away from Gaia’s and brought his head back just far enough to look her in the eyes. His hair was still hanging down on her forehead, keeping them connected, as he smiled at her with the most Ed-specific guileless adoration.

    Why? Gaia whispered, doing her best to breathe regularly in spite of the fact that her heart was beating triplets.

    Aren’t you freezing? he whispered sweetly. You’re shivering like crazy.

    Gaia froze from sheer embarrassment, though she wasn’t the least bit cold. Her eyes froze over as well, with a momentary attack of deer-in-headlights syndrome. Oh… y-yeah, she stammered. The window. Good idea.

    Ed reached over Gaia in the bed and dragged his bedroom window shut, cutting off what was left of the city street noise at five in the morning.

    She actually would have much preferred to keep it open, but what was she supposed to say? Was she supposed to tell him the truth? That she was shivering from his kisses, and his soft lips on her neck, and the feeling of his palms and his fingertips running along her waist? That the shivering was some kind of involuntary physical manifestation of how inconceivably happy she was at this moment, on his bed, in his arms, in the abnormally bright mix of ocean blue moonlight and stark white New York streetlight?

    No. That was unquestionably something to be felt and not to be said. Like a million other things she was feeling now, staring back into his eyes.

    The brief window exchange had finally pulled their lips and bodies apart after twenty-eight minutes, and Ed leaned back to his pillow, running his finger along Gaia’s cheek.

    Just twenty-eight minutes. Gaia couldn’t believe it. Twenty-eight minutes since she’d confessed—at least, in her own way—that she loved him. How could this version of them be only a half hour old?

    But that really wasn’t true, was it? Not if Gaia wanted to be completely honest with herself. Not if she wanted to dig past the paper-thin labels and relationship rules set up by the pre-When Harry Met Sally generation. The fact was, that movie wasn’t just for liberal Upper West Side yuppie men and women over thirty. In truth, if all seventeen-year-olds could speak as honestly as Harry Burns and Sally Albright, then they, too, would have to confess that there was probably something else going on under their best friendships with members of the opposite sex.

    Friends might once have been the label for Gaia and Ed, but given the particularly honest mood she was in at this moment, Gaia had to admit that in some way, she and Ed had sort of been courting since the school year started. In spite of all the love and tragedies they’d experienced apart from each other. In spite of a million other things, Gaia and Ed were a constant.

    Maybe that was why, once she’d admitted what she was feeling, it was suddenly so easy to be so close. Almost as if they’d been together this way the entire time. Twenty-eight minutes into this relationship, and Gaia was finding herself with a boyfriend whom she knew inside and out and trusted even more than she did herself.

    Ed cocked his head and searched Gaia’s eyes with a mildly bemused smile. What are you thinking?

    Nothing, Gaia responded instantly. Man, did she need to work on the spoken-honesty thing.

    You’re still working on the spoken-honesty thing, aren’t you? Ed asked. God, he was good.

    No. Gaia squirmed. I just… Oh, Gaia, cut it out. You’ve got nothing left to hide now. Yeah, she admitted. Yeah, I’m having a little trouble in that category.

    Okay, Ed said purposefully, jamming his elbow into his pillow and leaning his head on his hand, let’s do a little exercise in spoken honesty—

    Oh, hell, no, Gaia interrupted.

    Come on. Ed laughed. It’s five in the morning. Who’s going to know? What, are you afraid?

    Oh, he didn’t want to go there. Gaia didn’t want go there. That was the question of the hour. The question. Was her uncle’s injection a phony or not? Was fear now a part of her life, or was that all a hoax? Was her fearlessness genetic or part of some governmental excuse for a science project put together by her father and a bunch of freakazoid CIA doctors? No, sir, she would not be going there. Not on this beautiful dark morning in this safe bed with her glorious new everything looking into her eyes. Whether she was now capable of fear or not, in this bed, with this boy, she wasn’t afraid of anything.

    No, Gaia assured him. I am most definitely not afraid.

    Fine, then you just have to answer a few questions honestly.


    "Fine. Okay. Question one: Do you find me… attractive?"

    Okay, I quit, Gaia said, turning toward the window.

    Kidding, Ed laughed, pulling her back toward him.

    You’ve got one more shot, she said, with a comical glare.

    Okay, Ed agreed, staring into her eyes again. He shifted onto his stomach and moved closer until their noses were nearly touching. But he really shouldn’t have done that. Not if the goal was to have a conversation. It had already been established in the last twenty-four hours that when the two of them got this close, talking was not the first inclination. Okay…, he began again. All right… Ed seemed unable to produce a full sentence since his eyes had refocused on Gaia’s mouth. Okay…

    His mouth was so dose to hers, she could feel the consonants rolling off his lips. And the shivers had started again. First lightly in her toes. Then sudden heavy trembles in her stomach. His lips… what was it about his lips? Before she could answer her own question, she found that her hand had drifted up to his mouth to investigate. Without any specific orders from her brain, her fingers began to gently trace a line from his lips to the corner of his mouth.

    Um, he uttered, inching his face closer. Do you…?

    What…? she whispered, doing her best to cover the shivers.

    Ed seemed utterly dazed by her fingers. Do you want—

    Yes. Gaia pressed her lips against his, channeling all the pent-up energy of her trembling into her kiss. Ed responded with equal force, wrapping his hands tightly around her waist. But Gaia’s T-shirt had ridden up slightly when he grabbed her, leaving Ed’s wide palms suddenly pressed against her waist. This sent another bolt of electricity up her spine that in no way helped to calm her shivers.

    Ed’s shirt had also apparently hiked up slightly, and when Gaia’s hands drifted down to his waist to hold him, her fingers ended up grazing the bottom of his exposed abs, sliding up along his muscular back, and clinging to his bare shoulders under his shirt. It might have been an accident, but it only led to higher-voltage trembling.

    And with her lips on his lips and their hands clinging to each other’s backs, Gaia slowly began to realize that the moment when her brain or her body would bring things to a halt did not seem to be coming. She didn’t want to stop. There was no reason to stop. Not when she loved him this much. Not after building months of totally untainted trust. All she wanted now was to be closer to him. As close as was humanly possible.

    Her hands on his bare back didn’t have to be an accident. Not if she didn’t want it to be. So she simply let her hands follow through. Without rushing or tugging, Gaia let her arms continue to slide upward, lifting Ed’s T-shirt higher and higher off his chest, until he’d raised his arms and let her pull the T-shirt off.

    She slid her hands across his bare shoulders and kissed him again as he returned his palms to the exposed small of her back. Now she could feel just how quickly his heart was beating.

    But Ed pulled back momentarily, bringing his hands up to Gaia’s face and giving her a kind but penetrating stare. Gaia, he said between increasingly rapid breaths, are we about to do what I think we’re about to do?

    I think so, she whispered breathlessly.

    He kissed her again and then searched her eyes. Are you sure you’re ready?

    THE QUESTION WAS LIKE A LOUD, piercing bell shaking Gaia awake from the floating dreamland of Ed’s bed. All her warm tingles and electric vibrations took a sharp and very sudden turn. Her body continued to buzz, but it was as if all the sweetness and heat had been drained away, leaving a cold and constricting drone in its place.

    Fade to Black

    And there it was again. A feeling she’d honestly thought—well, at least hoped—she’d shaken for good. That dreadful, horrid, and unmercifully yucky sensation that Gaia had been forced to term fear for lack of any better word or preexisting knowledge.

    Goddammit. This feeling was supposed to be an illusion she’d already conquered. This was supposed to be a hoax perpetrated by one of her pathologically unreliable elders—father, uncle, whoever. But here it was, coursing through her body again so suddenly, as though someone had mixed together every conceivable unpleasant sensation known to man and injected the sadistic concoction directly into Gaia’s chest. Three parts excessive caffeine, two parts fingernails scraping against a chalkboard, two parts sushi-induced food poisoning, and a healthy dose of a good hard kick to the gut that had knocked the wind out of her completely.

    Two things that clearly did not go together: passion and direct questions. Not only was Ed’s question deeply disconcerting, but it also seemed to yield him the very opposite of what he was looking for. He wanted clarity. He wanted Gaia to speak straight from her heart. He wanted her to tell him what she wanted. It was an excellent question. But what Ed got instead of an answer was her hopelessly childish, enigmatic silence.

    Ready? How could she possibly answer such a question, given all the ludicrous and unbearable circumstances of her life just beyond Ed’s closed window? Wanting it and being ready for it were two completely different things. How the hell could she know if she was ready for something she’d never even experienced?

    In most categories, Gaia’s knowledge exceeded that of the average department head at an Ivy League university. But in the category of actual sex… Well, her knowledge was sufficient—late night cable and the World Wide Web had made that nearly impossible to avoid. But her experience? That is to say, her actual sexual experience… That would fall under the mathematical heading of Absolute Zero. As in, she had none.

    This moment was where all her book knowledge left her behind. This was where reality diverged from fiction. Couldn’t things just fade to black now? Like they did in the movies. Wouldn’t that have been perfect? Right in the middle of their most passionate moment. Maybe right after she’d pulled his shirt off his chest and breathed the words, I think so. Boom. Right there. Fade out. Cut right to the next morning.

    But no. That was a tad unrealistic, wasn’t it? In reality it seemed that sex wasn’t just about love and passion and the perfect moment. No, in keeping with Gaia’s usual misfortune, she’d been introduced to fearlike feelings just in time to discover that sex was also apparently… rather scary.

    Gaia, Ed said softly, sliding his fingers down her cheeks and gripping her shoulders with the purest kindness. "You don’t have to say anything, okay? We could just lie here like this for

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