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Can U Get Away?
Can U Get Away?
Can U Get Away?
Ebook309 pages4 hours

Can U Get Away?

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About this ebook

Shantessa Williams can be summed up in one word...trouble! She draws it like a moth to a flame. As she finds herself in one precarious situation after another, Tony Carter is there to save the day. He appears as her personal knight in shining denim but Tess has long given up on fairy tales. Her reality tale lies in Cole "Blue" Haynes. Young, handsome and hood rich, Blue's main desire is a family to call his own. His path crosses with Tess and her young son and a family is quickly born. Head over heels in love, they finally have it all within their grasp but as lies and betrayals circle the air; will their dreams turn into nightmares?

Release dateAug 1, 2014
Can U Get Away?

Kali James

Kali James was born to a close knit family in Oakland California. Kali discovered an insatiable love for reading at an extremely young age due largely to the countless hours shared reading with her mother. Throughout her early childhood, it was quite common to see Kali curled up on the couch totally engrossed in a book.As an adolescent, a lifetime love for book s spurned a passion to write. At the tender age of 16, the first major tragedy of Kali’s young life manifested itself when her first boyfriend was murdered. In the aftermath of her heartbreak, Kali’s time spent writing increased greatly as it proved to be a prime therapeutic tool for her. Three short months later a second storm swept through Kali’s life, this time her older brother, whom she loved dearly was also murdered. Broken to the core, Kali found the endless possibilities in a world which she could completely control the outcome a necessary refuge. Thus writing, which once was but a hobby, now became her haven of solace.It was years later when Kali James became motivated to share her work with others. Emboldened by the encouragement and positive feedback she received from family and friends Kali became confident that she could make a career out of her talent for ‘making things up’. Kali draws from the many tragedies conquered in her own life as well as the lives of those around her to craft her tales.

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    Book preview

    Can U Get Away? - Kali James

    Chapter 1: Kiss the Bride

    And do you Shantessa take this man, whose hand you hold, to have as your lawful wedded husband; do you promise to love, honor and obey… He is interrupted by the laughter throughout the audience.

    Tess obey? Even the groom has to laugh. She rolls her eyes at him. The minister resumes the wedding without further interruption.

    You may now kiss the bride. The minister concludes with a hint of a smile around his lips.

    Bout time. He mutters to the amusement of their gathered family and friends.

    She smiles up at him; her face the perfect picture of love and happiness. Observing such a smile causes his heart to tighten in his chest. The amount of love he has for this woman is immeasurable. They fought long and hard to get to this point but that smile, that smile right there, made all the pain and drama worth it.

    He smiles down at her as he searches her eyes for any sign of doubt about the commitment they made. She winks at him with a small smirk. He tilts her backwards and lays a kiss on her that causes her heart to flutter and the crowd to laugh.

    God I love you. She whispers against his lips.

    Love you for life. He whispers back. As he sets them upright, he addresses the crowd. We want to thank you all for comin’. If you turn around, you’ll see a row of candles. Follow them to the end of the hall where we’ve set up a small reception. Eat, drink, and kick it. We’ll meet up with ya’ll later.

    Tess rolls her eyes as she nestles closer to his side. Kick it? You are so ghetto.

    He winks back at her. And you love me for it.

    She turns serious and places her hand on his cheek. God help me but I do. I love you so much.

    No more runnin’? He asks seriously.

    She smiles as she leans in for the kiss. No more running. For better or worse, you got me.

    A pair of hands thumps at her legs and she looks down to see her sons’ smiling face. She bends down to scoop him up but her husband beats her to the punch. She watches as the two hug and her heart swells with love for the two most important men in her life.

    You happy lil man? She asks as she kisses his cheek.

    Trey nods enthusiastically. Grandma said we a real family now.

    Go tell your grandma we always were a real family. He instructs Trey with a wink at her. He sits him down and they watch as he runs off to relay the message.

    As the last of the guests exit, he takes her hand and leads her down the narrow row of steps. They enter the bridal room. He turns and lifts her to sit on the small dresser. Her hands automatically go for his zipper as he pushes up her Vera Wang dress. He laughs when he sees she wears nothing underneath.

    Baby, I know you. She laughs along with him.

    Her laugh turns to a moan as his lips press against her collarbone. They join quickly as her hands run up and down his back. Throwing her head back, she lets out soft thanks for this man coming into her life.

    Look at me. He commands. She opens her heavy lidded eyes and sees his burning with love and desire. They continue to stare deeply into each other as they enjoy their first time as husband and wife.

    As they try to catch their breath, they share a smirk. All those late night conversations about their sex life falling off once they got married were obviously unnecessary.

    Hi husband. She touches his face.

    He kisses the inside of her wrist. Hello wife. He helps her down from the dresser and straightens her tiara. You ready?

    To start my life with you? You know this. She says as she tightens her grip on his hand. To be in a room full of people who hate me? Pass.

    They don’t hate you. Well the men don’t hate you anyway. He frowns at the thought. No matter what they all have to respect you and they know it. End of the day, who cares if they love you? Long as they fear me and respect you, we straight right?

    She lets him lead her from the room as she mumbles, Right.

    He stops in the entryway of the reception hall and waits for the master of ceremonies to announce them. It does not take long for the revelers to take notice. His presence is commanding. There is little wonder why he is the head of the largest cartel in California. Everything about the man screams power and domination.

    She gazes up at him adoringly. She basks in the aura that surrounds her husband. Every woman wants to be with him and every man wants to be him. He is simply that nigga.

    And I have him. Tess thinks smugly as she sends a smirk in the direction of some of the more bitter wedding guests. When she first noticed he had invited some of his exes she was livid but with the shade they are throwing her way, Tess revels in it. That’s right pigeons, choke on it. I got him, FO LIFE.

    He squeezes her hand which causes her to look up. The smirk in his eyes lets her know as usual he’s reading her thoughts. Forget them birds baby, today is about you. Behave.

    Tess shrugs one bare shoulder in response. Hey, you wanted them here. I’ma do what I do papa, believe that.

    Ignoring the rest of the room, he pulls her roughly by the back of the neck and kisses her hard on the mouth until she is weak and clinging to him. Drawing back, he smiles down at her. Ignore those tricks.

    She blinks up at him. What tricks? They laugh as they walk into the reception.

    Through the fog clouding her mind, Tess comprehends little of what Dr. Ivy says. She can make out a few words here and there such as critical condition, emergency surgery, bullet fragments, and no guarantees. He leaves after being given consent to operate. All around her friends and family nervously chat and pray but it is as if they are a million miles away.

    She twists the blood stained wedding band around her finger. What were you thinking? She berates silently. Why’d you let him love you? What were you thinking? You knew better Tess. The love of her life, the man who placed the ring on her finger four hours ago with a promise to love her forever, is now in surgery fighting for his life.

    She never should have married him. She tried to tell him loving her would bring nothing but pain to his life but he would not listen. He was convinced she was a gift from god put here for him to love. She was convinced loving her would lead him to his death.

    He managed to convince her for a while though, the strength of his love was just too powerful to ignore. She started to buy that he could bring her out of the darkness she lived in and she let the light of his love lead her most of the way home. She should have known better.

    Her husbands’ right hand man separates himself from the group to sit by her. He reaches for her hand and she snatches it away as she jumps to her feet. "Don’t touch me. Don’t ever touch me. What’s wrong with you?"

    He ignores her outburst and reaches for her hand again. It’s a’ight Tess. He’ll pull through this, you know that. Tomorrow he’ll be barkin’ out orders.

    She stares at him with ice in her eyes. "He took ten shots, TEN. Five of those should have been mine but he threw himself over me. He’s not going to walk away this time; do you get that? He’s going to die and I killed him."

    You didn’t do this to him Tess. We was all there, we know who responsible. He argues back. It’s killing him that he wasn’t able to get to his best friend in time. He vows that he will see every last one of them dead before it is all said and done.

    She hisses at him. "But why did it happen? Because we’re in love and my crazy ex can’t take it. He told me if we got married he’d kill us both and I didn’t listen. I let him convince me he’d handle it. He always thinks he can handle everything but I should’ve known better."

    We all thought it was handled Tee! Nobody should’ve survived that. He protests.

    I knew better. I always felt he was alive but ya’ll told me I was crazy. I should have just stayed with him then none of this would have happened. Her voice cracks as she sinks to the floor racked in tears.

    Instantly, he is by her side. He tries to calm her down as everyone looks on in silence. Only Tess can hear how hard he is talking in her ear as he holds her close. "Little Mama, you gotta soldier up. I know you hurtin’ but you got a position to play. He loves you, you hear me? He loves you more than life itself. Now show you deserve it. Pull it together and be the soldier we know you are. This weak chick lying on the floor ain’t you. If you can’t be strong for yourself, be strong for ya’ll family."

    She knows he is right. Her husband is all about playing the game and she knows he would flip at her display of weakness in front of all these people but he cannot possibly expect her to be strong when she is losing him. Their family is all that matters to her and its coming apart at the seams.

    Suddenly the voices in the background become distant as the fog envelops her mind and threatens to take over everything and leave her with nothing and honestly; nothing looks pretty good. She starts to give in.

    Distant shouts suggest she is freaking out. A few seconds later a needle prick pierces her flesh. As she starts to black out one thought flits across her mind, How’d it come to this?

    Chapter 2: The Beginning

    Blue feels the muscles in his back tighten. He stretches to work out the kink as he walks over and punches him again. The man spits out blood. Blue stares at him. There is not a hint of warmth in his deep blue eyes. Dame yanks his head back. Blue leans over and lets him look into the eyes of death.

    The count came up short again. You're either skimmin' or stupid. Either way you're a liability we can't afford. He nods for Dame to finish it.

    Flint slumps as the bullet enters the back of his head. They walk out and leave him there. As they ride through East Oakland, Blue watches the scenery with cold and disinterested eyes.

    As Tess cleans, she sings along with the radio. "I got this jones forming in my bones, from a man, who indeed took over my soul." Truer words have never been spoken. When the last shelf is dusted, she collapses on the couch.

    Wiping her brow, she jumps for the phone when it rings. Hello?

    Why it take you so long to pick up? Blue growls.

    Tess rolls her eyes but smiles. Her boyfriend, Cole Blue Haynes, is always flexing about something or other but the sound of his voice is enough to bring a smile to her face every time. I answered on the second ring. What’s your problem now?

    He smiles on the other end. I’m messin’ with you. What you doin’ right now?

    "What you doin’ right now? She teases playfully. I’m cooking and cleaning, caveman."

    He shifts in his seat. What you cookin’?

    You told me what you wanted, Tess enters the kitchen to stir the sauce, lobster, steak, wild rice, and snow peas.

    I know I ain’t said snow peas. Blue exchange looks with Dame. You can miss me.

    She rolls her eyes. Vegetables won’t kill you. What about broccoli?

    I can live with that long as you throw some cheese on it. Blue concedes.

    Dame nudges him. Hey, let Tess know I’m back with Shelly.

    Tess can hear him in the background. Baby, it’s too late. I don’t have enough food for an extra person.

    You can make it enough. You got skills. Blue coaxes her.

    Her eyes narrow. That ain’t working. Man you always do this to me. Why can’t you get a head count from the gate like I asked you too? Tonight they are having a dinner party and all Tess asked for was a head count, that is it, but as usual, he couldn’t even do that.

    His demeanor changes abruptly. Why you always gotta cop an attitude? You know what man? You ain’t gotta cook. Matter of fact I’ll check you in a day or two.

    What? She shrieks. "I been cleaning all day for you and your friends and you just blow it off like that? Ugh Blue I swear sometimes…"

    Sometimes what? Blue challenges. Plus you should have the house clean anyway, what you complainin’ about?

    She blows out a breath and tries to calm down. I’m not complainin’. I’m just askin’ you to be somewhat considerate damn. I don’t know what I’m gonna do for another lobster tail. I guess I can run to the store or you can stop and pick one up for me.

    Naw I got another move to make so you need to handle that. He pulls into Ben’s Burgers parking lot. He throws a nod to two chicken heads walking by. They eye the Escalade and diamond bezel on his watch with interest. He gives a smirk.

    Tess is rattling off the list of errands she still has to run. She notices the other end is silent. Are you listening to me?

    Yeah I hear you. He hasn’t heard a word. You wearin’ that dress I bought you for tonight? He takes his attention off the girl in the mustang and refocuses on Tess.

    Yes Blue I’m wearing it. I think you doing too much but whatever. She throws on her 3-inch sandals then gets her keys from the hook. I was telling you I have errands to run so don’t be checking the mileage and freaking out cause you think I’m running the streets.

    He focuses on what she said and frowns. Wait what? Where you goin’?

    I told you already, not my fault you don’t pay attention. A’ight baby I love you, see you later. She hangs up quickly. The phone rings right back but she ignores it.

    He feels his temper start to flare as her cell rings for the fourth time. Man I’m tellin’ you, one of these days I’ma snap her neck. Always tryin’ to be out in these streets.

    Yeah right, Dame laughs, Tess got you whipped and you know it.

    Blue gives him a look as he hops out the car to place his order. Dame runs across the street to buy a lighter. As he walks back, a car screeches to a halt and four men jump out. They grab at Dame. He fights to get them off. Blue looks up when he hears him yell.

    He doesn’t hesitate to run outside and pull the first man off. He tosses him to the side like a rag doll. They have Dame on the ground kicking him. Blue breaks through and manages to get the others off long enough for him to stand up. They fight against the others together. It is two against one.

    Dame holds his own against his two while Blue puts in work on the two he has. They stop when they hear a gun cock. The driver stands behind Blue with a gun pointed at his head.

    Dame does not make a move. If he does, Blue will be shot. Blue turns around slowly. The person with the gun yells for him not to move. Blue fixes his ice blue eyes on him and literally holds him hostage with the look in his eyes.

    "Get that gun out of my face and I might let you walk away." The man looks to his friends and Blue jumps on the opportunity. In one swift motion, he takes the gun away from the guy before he can fire a shot. He tucks it in his waistband and proceeds to beat the brakes off him. The remaining four are too stunned to react which gives Dame time to draw his gun.

    Blue zones out as he beats on the man. Dame hears sirens in the distance. Blue, we gotta go. Come on.

    The others scramble for their friend and drag him to the car. They take off and leave Blue and Dame in their dust. Blue walks back into the burger joint. The girl behind the counter shakily hands him the bag. He takes it, pops a fry in his mouth, and walks back to the Escalade as if he has all the time in the world.

    Once he is in, Dame burns rubber out of there. What was you thinkin’ man? Dude could have killed you.

    Man I smelled the fear. He ain’t a killer.

    Dame rubs his head hard. Man this beef with Jay’s squad has to end soon.

    Blue sneers as he eats his burger. Soon as I catch that fool slippin’, he’s good as got, trust.

    Dame pulls up to his apartment complex. Blue finishes his food then climbs in the drivers’ seat. Let the rest of the squad know what’s up.

    They throw up deuce signs then Blue heads out. A short drive later, he exits the freeway to Kelly Hills. As he pulls into the driveway he notes Tess’s car is gone. He shakes his head as he jogs to the front door. After a long shower he walks through their home with his towel slung low on his waist.

    His cell phone rings just as he is reaching into the pots. He checks the caller ID and smirks. Where you at?

    On my way to the mall. Tess yells over the music. She hears the pot top rattle. Get your hands out the pots greedy, there ain’t enough as it is.

    He ignores her as he takes a piece of lobster from the sauce. You check on Trey?

    Yeah my mama said he’s having a good time. Tess smiles as she thinks of her four-year-old son.

    As he replaces the lid, he smiles too, I miss little man already. Can’t believe he go be gone two weeks. Biologically he is not the father but he has been raising the boy since he was two.

    Yeah me too. Tess tries not to let the thought make her sad. He wanted to go so there’s nothing more we can say on it.

    He nods, Yeah you right. Plus with the time alone, maybe we can get back to basics. Like tellin’ ya man ya moves before you make em.

    What you mean? Tess switches lanes. I told you where I’m going.

    He pours a drink from the bar. I told you I want you at home. You know it’s a war going on out here.

    Excuse me but you are the one who sprung a last minute guest on me. I told you I had to go to the store. She pulls into Valley Fair mall parking lot. As she steps out the powder blue Benz, she adjusts her short skirt and smiles brightly. She knows she is turning heads and revels in it.

    What do the mall gotta do with goin’ to the store? He pours another drink as tension creeps back into his neck. I need you here man my back is actin’ up again.

    She adjusts the earpiece. "Again? You need to see a doctor babe." She stops in front of a shoe store display and contemplates buying the pumps in the window. Knowing he will kill her if she comes in with more shoes, she moves on.

    He sits on the couch and closes his eyes for a minute. Naw what I need is you home with me. Where you at now?

    I’m at Valley Fair. She mumbles low. The explosion does not take long.

    San Jose?! Who said you could ride that far out? Get in the car NOW! Do you hear me? NOW!

    Blue if you want me to wear that dress I need a special bra. This store is the only one who carries it. Plus I’m picking you up a little something something. She notices one particular man is staring at her hard. She shifts uncomfortably.

    When she sees him again inside Nordstrom’s she realizes he is following her. He is about twenty-five or so, dark skin, medium build with a goatee and dreads.

    You hear me? Blue sits up when she does not answer. Tess, you hear me?

    She tries to shake it off as she gets on the elevator. No, what you say?

    What you doin’? He asks irate.

    She turns around and looks through the glass elevator. She can see the man below watching her. He starts for the escalator and she feels panic set in. Baby, I think someone is following me.

    What! He jumps up and runs into their bedroom.

    She steps off the elevator and heads for the register. I don’t know. Every time I turn around this dude is watching me. At first, I thought he was jocking but now I’m getting scared. He’s not looking at me right, you know?

    I want you to stay public. I’m on my way. What store you in? He is dressed and checking his gun.

    She breathes a sigh of relief as she leans against the counter. I’m in Nordstrom’s. Hurry up a’ight?

    Within two minutes, he is on the freeway. You still see him?

    Not right now, no. Maybe I’m tripping. She shrugs it off. You know what? I’ma do what I have to do and come on home. Sorry I worried you babe.

    Blue doesn’t trust it. Naw, we goin’ with your gut instinct. I want you to stay put.

    She hears static over her earpiece. She pays for her purchases, turns around, and bumps right into the man.

    He smiles down at her. You’re Tess right?

    She is taken aback he knows her name. Um do I know you?

    He holds out his hand. No but I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m a friend of Blue’s. She shakes his hand briefly then lets it drop.

    She smiles at the man in apology. I’m sorry; I didn’t catch your name.

    He smiles back. I’m Jaylen but my friends call me Jay.

    She freezes. Excuse me. She moves around him.

    He catches up to her at the store exit. I was headin’ out. Let me walk you to your ride.

    No thank you. She looks down at the hand on her arm and gets a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She jerks her arm but he tightens his grip.

    You know it really ain’t safe out here.

    An undertone to his statement sets off alarms in her brain. She is about to swing when she spies a familiar face coming toward her in all his chocolate glory, Anthony Tony Carter. Hey Tony!

    Jaylen spins around as Tony rolls up behind him. He places himself between Tess and Jaylen. You need to bounce.

    Jaylen nods and rubs his chin. A’ight you got that. Yo, Tess let ya man know I said holla.

    When he is safely away, she allows herself to breathe. Thank you.

    Let’s get you to your car then I’ll follow you home. Tony starts to walk but she stops him. She puts her arm around his waist in a half hug. He looks down at her in surprise. What’s that for?

    Being here, She shivers. I don’t know what he planned but dude had me shook.

    Tony hugs her back quickly. It’s cool now baby girl. What you doin’ out this way anyway? Thought you’d be home cookin’ for the party.

    She holds up the shopping bags and uses sheer will to let the encounter with Jaylen go. I’ma feed you monsters. I just need to look good doing it.

    Tony does not comment as they stroll through the mall. It is not easy to get her to her car because she stops at every window display and comments on something or other.

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