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Torrid: Book Two
Torrid: Book Two
Torrid: Book Two
Ebook286 pages3 hours

Torrid: Book Two

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Torrid - Book Two -- The second, searing hot installment in the Torrid Trilogy

How far would you go to save someone you love?

Tora - I play a dangerous game. I know this. I have to play the part of Seth’s dutiful wife in order to bring him down. At the same time, I can’t stay out of his brother’s bed. Being with Jack is the only thing in my life that feels real...the only thing that feels at all. Jack sees me for who I really am and wants me anyway. I can’t tear myself away from him even though he could rip my world apart. But if Seth ever finds out, he’ll destroy me and the one chance I have of setting myself free from him forever.

Jack - Tora is one thing to the rest of the world. To me, she’s everything. Only I know all of Tora’s deepest secrets, her darkest desires. Only I share them with her. I should walk away before she starts to see into mine. Because when she does, I might lose her forever.

Crossing that line is the easy part. Staying there can break you.

This is part two in the sizzling new comtemporary romance series by Jayne Blue.

PublisherJayne Blue
Release dateFeb 4, 2015
Torrid: Book Two

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    Torrid - Jayne Blue




    Iwore white on my wedding day. A color reserved for someone pure, unspoiled and devoted. I took vows that day, promising to love, honor and obey this man for all the days of my life. When my groom leaned in to kiss me, I put a gentle hand against the back of his neck and drew him down to me. His lips were soft and yielding and I sank into him, arching my back as he swung me into a dip. Our small group of guests whistled and applauded as Seth set me back on




    I smiled and cast my eyes down as if I were embarrassed by all the fuss and attention. It was a ruse, of course, like every other part of this day and the six months before it. I did not love Seth. I would never honor him. I would obey him for show only. All these things I would do for as long as I had to in order to




    We were married by a judge. I said a silent prayer of thanks for that and wondered if that sealed my own fate even more. This wasn’t a church. I had not sworn these things before God. It was still a sin, I knew. But Seth’s sins were bigger so I hoped mine were forgivable ... even though I know that’s not how it works.

    The judge announced us to the crowd as Mr. and Mrs. Seth Manning; all eyes were on me. Some friendly. Some lewd. Many judgmental. But it was the eyes I knew were boring into my back that mattered




    Seth turned and shook Judge Ramer’s hand. The craggily old bastard stared at my chest as he came in for a quick hug. Seth turned away and slapped his hand into his best man’s.


    Only he knew the truth now. My skin still burned from his touch. The way he looked at me now tore at me, made me feel raw and exposed. There was a touch of sadness in his eyes but something even more potent. He worked the muscles of his strong jaw as his nostrils flared with some barely contained emotion. I knew it was a mixture of desire, anger and maybe a little bit of hurt. I saw his hand twitch at his side as Seth slid his arm around me, lingering possessively on my ass. I turned away first. If I was going to get through this day, I’d need distance from Jack. Distance that I knew he didn’t want




    We made our way down the aisle as Seth shook hands and accepted congratulations. I stayed close to his side, letting him tuck me against him. A blushing bride should be demure, shy, overwhelmed. Let them all think that’s exactly what




    We stepped into the grand foyer of Seth’s mother’s house. Miranda’s house. She’d lived here the day she decided to ruin my life. She walked over these same marble tiles when she made the decision to take my father away from me and let him rot in prison for crimes he never committed. But I was here now and she was surrounded by a different kind of marble. She couldn’t stop me and her sins too, were far greater




    Seth and I circled through the kitchen. We headed out the back door to the veranda to a quiet outdoor reception for our fifty or so guests. Miranda’s grounds had been converted into a banquet hall by way of a large lit tent. Our string quartet would provide the music and we served our guests a light lunch. There were no gifts, no cake. He wanted a quiet, intimate gathering and that in itself was another kind of charade. These people weren’t Seth’s friends. They were here because of some loyalty or connection they shared with his dead mother. I wondered how many of them would stick around and support him when the dust settled. The numbers were already dwindling. One of Miranda’s most powerful connections had declined Seth’s invitation. George Pagano, the man Seth hoped would bring the money he needed to finance his senatorial campaign, had other plans.

    The guests filed in behind us and we mingled. I stayed by Seth’s side playing my part as his trophy wife. I wanted everything to go smoothly as far as Seth was concerned. We made small talk and I stuck to the script in my head. Thank you so much for sharing our special day with us. Yes, the ceremony was perfect ... just what Seth wanted. Oh yes, we miss Seth’s mother today but we know she’s watching



    My mouth made the words and I prayed my smile was right. I touched Seth’s sleeve, rubbed his elbow, rested my head against his shoulder. But it was Jack I watched for. He was the axis on which I rotated as I looked the part and said the words. He leaned casually against the bar, sipping his drink with his eyes on me. He moved across the room, stopping to shake a hand or pat a back. He came near me as he made his way to the other end of the room and my heart tripped behind my breast. I kept my mask in place. No one could see the turmoil that brewed in my heart. It was Jack’s touch I craved.

    We found our way to our table and somehow I managed to get food down. The wine helped but I was careful not to drink too much. My groom didn’t show me the same courtesy. He was on his third martini before dessert was served. Mercifully, Seth kept us at our own table. The only other member of our wedding party was Jack and I didn’t think I could bear sitting that close to him without cracking.

    Then it was time for Seth to take me out on the floor for our first dance as husband and wife. I found it was a relief. I could concentrate on the simple choreography of a box step. It was normal and natural for a bride to worry about tripping in her high heels.

    I think it’s going well, don’t you? Did you hear how much the Hellers said they’d donate to the campaign? Seth said against my ear. I smiled and nodded.

    That’s wonderful, baby. See? I told you everything would be all right. Seth’s hand felt hot where he pressed it against the small of




    We’ve got a long way to go, he said. But I’ve made the arrangements for our honeymoon at Smith Mountain Lake. We leave in a week. It’s during the Legacy Foundation’s annual retreat. Most of the party elite will be there. It’s perfect.

    Perfect. Should I pout? What would a regular bride do upon being told her honeymoon would double as a campaign fundraiser? I smiled and kissed my husband on the cheek as the song came to an end. The crowd applauded politely as we stepped out of our embrace.

    More couples took to the dance floor and I was passed off to the arms of Judge Ramer as the band struck up a waltz. Judge Ramer told me the things that my husband should have. That I looked lovely. That I was the most beautiful bride he’d




    When that song ended Judge Ramer turned me into the arms of my next partner and I found myself face to face with Jack. My step faltered, just a little. No one else noticed but Jack’s arms came around me and he pulled me close as the band struck up a cover of The Way You Look Tonight.

    My heart beat like a trapped butterfly as Jack invaded my senses. The stiff brocade of my bodice seemed paper thin as my breasts pressed against Jack’s strong chest. My head filled with his heady scent of soap, his own musk and the slightest hint of the secret we shared. Jack still smelled like sex which meant I




    He leaned down and kissed me on the temple, his lips lingering a fraction of a second too long, sending a flash of heat to




    I want to talk to you, he whispered against me. Alone.

    We’ve been alone together one too many times today, Jack, I said through my mask of a smile. There’s no good way to make an exit. Even for a few minutes.

    His soft laughter at my ear sent goose flesh straight down the center of my back. Sounds like you’ve been puzzling it out though.

    I rolled my eyes at him. "Don’t make fun




    He swung me around as the tempo of the song quickened. "I’m not. I’m




    I’m serious,




    "So am I. When the song ends, you’re going to go over there and give your groom a nice peck on the cheek and ask him if it’s okay if you go back to the house for a few minutes to freshen up your make-up or whatever girlie things brides do. Then you’re going to meet me at our




    I couldn’t help it. He made me blush. I knew he meant Miranda’s study. The scene of my crime the first time I fucked him. You need to know. Miranda’s housekeeper ... Mary ... the one that looks like Andre the Giant in a dress ... she’s not my biggest fan. She’ll notice.

    Handled, Jack said. "R.J.’s keeping a




    I reared back, almost stepping out of Jack’s embrace? R.J.? I whisper-shouted. "The same R.J. who just last night called me a gold-digging whore that you should stay away from.




    Relax, Jack said. He may not be on your side but he’s on mine. If he wanted to blow your secret, he would have done it already.

    Then the song ended and Jack stepped back and turned to applaud the band. I stood at his shoulder and added my claps to his to cover our conversation. "Right. What could possibly go wrong?"

    Jack nudged my shoulder with his. "Tora, you’re not in this alone anymore, okay? I know you don’t like that but it’s the truth. Now, either you give me five minutes or I’m gonna grab your ass and kiss you




    He did it on purpose. He knew it would bring the blush straight into my cheeks when I turned to face him. I clenched my teeth and gave him serious side-eye. He gave it




    Truth was, I really did need a few minutes away from the fish bowl of this reception and Jack was the only one who knew it. He was the only one who knew a lot of things. So, I did as I was told and walked over to Seth. He gave me a lazy-eyed stare as I bent down to talk. He had another nearly empty martini in his hand and at this rate, he’d likely pass out by midnight. I was counting on it. I didn’t think I had it in me to fake my way through our wedding night on top of




    I’ll be right back, baby, I said, putting a kiss on his cheek. "I’m feeling a little wilted. I just need to freshen up. Do




    Seth shook his head. "People are gonna start to leave in a few so don’t take too long. When you throw your bouquet, you need to aim for the mayor’s daughter. See her over there? She’s the one in the corner with the fat ass and the




    I froze when he said it. Seth’s drunk whisper carried the same decibel as a shout and several people near us heard it. Whatever you say, baby, I said, straightening. Try and stay out of trouble while I’m gone. When I turned, Seth delivered a stinging smack square on my ass and the same group of people who’d heard his insensitive comment about the mayor’s daughter had the decency to look even more disgusted. I put on my smile and straightened my back as I walked




    True to his word, Mrs. Barlow, the housekeeper, was nowhere to be found as I made my way back to Miranda’s study. Jack waited for me there, leaning against her massive wooden desk. I couldn’t help but blush again as the memory of letting Jack bend me over it flashed through




    See, he said. "Piece




    I shut the door behind me and went to him. I don’t know if he saw something in my face; I’d tried so hard to keep it neutral. But Jack pushed himself off the desk and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest and let him hold me close.

    I hate that you’re doing this, he said. "It’s dangerous and a little bit foolish, Tora. You’re going to




    I should have pulled away. I should have stayed strong and kept my distance. "I’m already hurt, Jack. And now you know




    He moved his hands to my upper arms and sat back down on the desk, holding me away from him a little so he could look me in the eyes. His were soft and kind but a line of worry creased his brow that I knew I put there.

    "I want to get you out of here. Come with me. We can figure out a different way to help




    God, it was so tempting. I’d been carrying the burden and my secret for so long. But I also knew how close I was now to exposing the truth. Seth had confessed his part in framing my dad as a drug dealer in order to save George Pagano – an even bigger client. Now I just had to get hard evidence.

    I don’t need saving, Jack,




    Yes, you do! He nearly shouted it and made me flinch. Yes, you do. He lowered his voice. "I more than anyone know how hard it is to go up against Miranda Manning. Remember, I tried it myself




    "Exactly. So you of all people should know what it feels like to have Miranda take away something from you. She took your father from you. Now she’s taken mine from me, except I have a chance to get him back. The only way that happens is if I stay close to Seth. Miranda’s in her grave. You see how weak Seth is. He’s nothing without her pulling the strings. I just need a little bit of time. I’ve come




    I stepped back out of Jack’s arms. He let out a great sigh and ran his hand over his face. "Will you at least let me




    "You are helping me. Just having someone else in the world that knows what she’s done and believes me. I hadn’t realized how much I needed that. So




    At least let me take a look at the files you found in Miranda’s attic,




    I shook my head. The whole reason I started this deception was to get my hands on those files. The answer was in there somewhere. In a witness statement. A bank document. Something. Miranda’s trail of lies started there and now Seth led me to where it ended. George Pagano. I needed evidence to connect the two. The George Pagano part was what I hadn’t yet shared




    You don’t know what to look for,








    Yes, I do. I whirled around him. I spent four months working in Miranda’s old firm. I know their shorthand.

    Jack slapped his hand against the desk. Jesus, Tora. Do you think you’re gonna find some note in that file that says, September 1st, frame Declan McLain for RICO violation?

    My blood roiled. I’d been living in this nightmare for six months and thirteen years before that. I’d be damned if I’d let Jack unravel what I’d started. "I’m not an





    "I never said




    I know what I’m looking for and Seth’s getting weaker by the day. He drinks more than he doesn’t and now that he feels like Pagano has backed out on him, he’s getting angrier. Shit. I’d let anger make me careless. It was too late though. Jack’s face had gone white and his brown eyes widened. He ran a hand over his face again.

    Pagano. He said it as a statement rather than a question. "He’s involved




    What lie would work?

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