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Malibu Angel
Malibu Angel
Malibu Angel
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Malibu Angel

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

All Sam wants is to serve out his time as a guardian angel so that he can return as a human. But his sentence becomes more complicated when he finds himself falling in love with Angeline, his current assignment.

The rules of angels specify that he may not interfere with the course of her life, which naturally includes her dating choices. When Angeline begins surf lessons at the same beach where Sam is assigned to work as a lifeguard, a connection forms between them and the rules of angels collide with the laws of attraction.

Sam finds it even harder to keep his distance when he discovers Angeline’s surf instructor hides a dangerous secret. With Angeline’s life in jeopardy, the lines between his role as a lifeguard and that of guardian angel become blurred.

Sam’s choices will redefine his role as a guardian angel to Angeline and force him to contemplate what will become of their love if he is sent away. Whether they find their way back to each other is a question written in the heavens.

Release dateAug 2, 2015
Malibu Angel

Mia Fox

Mia Fox is a Los Angeles-based novelist who writes across varied genres including Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Steampunk, and Chick Lit. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications from U.S.C.Before writing full time, she worked as an entertainment publicist, a career she chronicles in her novel, “Alert the Media.” However, she is happy to leave that world behind her, preferring that any drama in her life is only that which she creates for her characters.She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, three children, Casey, the Wonder Westie, and Bean, his brother.

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not my usual genre, so I found it a bit cheesy. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I won't be looking for later books in the series. Like most romances I have read, the ending is fairly predictable from the start, but I did like the way it was done. If you're looking for something light, something sweet, this is it.

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Malibu Angel - Mia Fox


D iane! Your caramel macchiato is on the bar. Double foam latte with an extra shot of espresso for Layla!

As the barista called out orders, loyal customers shuffled bleary-eyed to the front of the line, anticipating their first caffeine jolt of the day. While most waited in sleepy silence, one woman drew everyone’s attention. Her cherubic face was accented by dimples and framed in golden curls; her green eyes shone brightly in spite of the early hour. But aside from her natural beauty, she was recognized because Angeline was as forgetful as she was kind, and as clumsy as she was pretty.

Mornin’ Angeline, can I start your white mocha with coconut milk? One or two?

Two, she confirmed. Thanks, Tom. That’d be great, she called from her place in line. Plus a cinnamon scone for my friend outside, she said referring to the homeless man parked by the entrance.

You got it.

I don’t know how Tom remembers everyone’s orders...let alone their names. Imagine me doing this job, Angeline commented to her friend, but before getting an answer, her phone’s ring chimed at her. She looked at it in horror.

Just pretend the call dropped. Her friend instantly knew what caused a frown to cross Angeline’s pretty features as she had first-hand experience with waiting on hold and promptly being forgotten.

Angeline smiled and gave the thumb’s up signal as she answered the call. Hi. I don’t know what happened. The call must’ve dropped. So...can you give me that tracking number again? 2-3-6-X-T-What? Can you repeat that? Angeline pressed her cell phone closer to her ear, then tapped the shoulder of her friend standing in front her. Do you have a pen? she whispered, covering the phone’s mouthpiece. Her friend produced a pen from her purse and handed it over.

With her hands full, Angeline gave a momentary look of helplessness. Finally, she opened her mouth adorably, indicating her friend should place the pen between her teeth to which her friend delivered a no-way-you’ve-got-to-be-kidding look. Okay, can you hold this? asked Angeline, handing over a hefty pile of papers to her friend before she could protest.

Yep, I’m here, Mr. Walker. Sorry, the connection is really bad and it’s super noisy here. She shook the pen and tried scribbling on the scratch paper tucked into her hand to no avail. She turned to a heavy-set man behind her. Do you mind if I write on your back? I can’t get it to work without a firm surface, she explained indicating the pen. Upon receiving attention from Angeline, the man immediately froze with nerves and began to sweat.

Undeterred, Angeline smiled angelically and motioned for him to turn around. But when he did, his considerable girth bumped into a deliciously handsome man who had been listening and watching her with amusement.

Here, try this one, he offered, handing another pen around the mid-section of the man standing between their potentially blooming love affair. Their hands met; their eyes sparked with intention.

Thanks, that’s really kind of you, Angeline beamed.

Any time. I’m...

Yes, Mr. Walker, I’m here. What else can I do for you? Angeline shrugged her shoulders at the man in apology and her call continued.

Unable to continue his introduction, let alone the momentary distraction brought on by Angeline, the handsome man returned to his place in line. That place was disappointingly one person too far away from where she stood.

Her boss’ voice brought her back to less pleasant thoughts than the man who still wore a smile after his brief encounter with her. Mr. Walker! I don’t think that’s part of my job description. Yes, I appreciate that you think I’m hotter than a latte, but really! Yes, I’ll be there soon...although I’ve got a mind not to come in at all.

She hung up and turned to her friend. Did you hear that?

Me and everyone else, she said, motioning to an elderly woman three places ahead in line. The woman nodded sweetly, but then turned back to face the front.

Angeline pulled at her hair in frustration. I can’t help but get a little worked up. This is my third job in three months. I think I’m going to have to tell the employment agency no more male bosses. Then, remembering something important, she suddenly opened her mouth and covered it with her hand. Oh, I told the guy handling my account that I was leaving his agency.

He hit on you?

Angeline nodded. You know, it’s funny. A year ago I would never have had the guts to leave so many jobs without having one to fall back on, but now... she shook her head as if to validate that she couldn’t be compromised. Now, I see...signs. That’s the only way to describe it, she said emphatically. Signs that tell me I haven’t met the right guy, but he’s out there. I feel it. And, I shouldn’t have to put up with bosses who have more interest in...you know...than my mind.

So are you seeing ‘signs’ that you should quit your job...again?

Angeline stood a bit straighter and tilted her head upwards, appearing as if she were sniffing the air, much like a dog anticipating the return of his owner or the presence of danger. Not yet..., she admitted, tapping the pen against her chin absentmindedly.

Keeping her voice low, she spoke to her friend. Oh, I nearly forgot that I still have the hottie’s pen.

Turning once again to the rotund guy behind her, she asked, Can you pass this back? She indicated the man who stood behind him, and smiled as he blew a kiss at her. She responded by pretending to catch it mid-air.

As if to interrupt their flirtation, her phone rang on cue and she promptly looked at the screen. Boss man, again, she said to her friend.

Hello Mr. Walker, I’m still waiting in line. It’s a bit of a crawl.

She paused to listen to his response and then her mouth opened wide along with her eyes showing both horror and shock. Mr. Walker! How dare you! I have self-respect, which means no job is worth listening to you ask me to crawl on all fours imitating a horny cat on a hot tin roof. I never! And, I quit. You’ll have to get your own mocha today.

She hung up the phone with a flourish and shook her head to herself while a few customers waiting for drinks craned their neck to stare at Angeline with a mixture of shock and amusement to which she simply smiled and explained, My boss is sort of a lecherous ass. One of the reasons I’m trying to start my own business.

She indicated the pile of papers and notebooks in her arms as well as those being held by her friend. That was my sign. I guess there’s no time like the present. She tapped the guy in front of her as well as the woman in front of him. Hey, would you all like to see? Feel free to pass this down the line. It’s better than just waiting. She was just starting to pass around a portfolio containing her new bikini designs when her phone rang once again.

He must really be in need of his coffee this morning, she said to anyone willing to listen including the handsome man who was still painfully just out of reach.

Oh, you’re not my boss, she answered with a decidedly happier tone. My brochures? You can have them done early? Yes! Oh thank you. Let me grab a pen...

Without waiting to be asked, the pen made its way up the line and back to her again.

Honestly, Angeline, I’m not going to be able to show my face in here again. Her friend watched the shenanigans going back and forth, and shook her head in embarrassment.

It’s nothing, Britlyn. These are my peeps. My future customers.

Even that guy? Britlyn motioned with her chin to the big guy behind Angeline.

Could be. He might have a girlfriend.

Her friend got a glint in her eye and leaned in closer. Maybe you should find out if the cutie behind him has a girlfriend.

Angeline used the big guy as a shield and peered behind him to catch another glimpse. No sooner spotted, she jumped back and realized her call was still on hold. Oh shoot! Yes, I’m back. Can I get that confirmation number? She balanced the phone in the crook of her neck while rummaging in her purse for another piece of paper and trying not to drop the two notebooks that she was carrying. No use.

As the line moved forward and Angeline tried to keep up, one of the books fell from under her arm and as she tried to catch it, the other slipped as well. In trying to maneuver quickly she only managed to slip on a tile where someone spilled a drop of coffee. In spite of it being a small area, the wet floor was her enemy.

She stumbled backwards, appearing as if she would land right on her butt, but conveniently fell into the arms of the chubby guy in line behind her. He seemed as surprised as Angeline to find her lodged in his arms.

Are you okay? The handsome man didn’t

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