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Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Ebook859 pages9 hours

Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook

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About this ebook

Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook is the ultimate instruction manual for mitigation measures to minimise man-made acoustical and physical disturbances to marine mammals from industrial and defence activities.

Based on more than two decades of offshore experience, and a decade of supplying MMO and PAM services (commercial and scientific), the Handbook is a long-overdue reference guide that seeks to improve standards worldwide for marine operations such as seismic and drilling exploration, wind farm and civil engineering piling, dredging, trenching, rock-dumping, hydrographical surveys, and military/defence exercises. By popular request, this manual will also form an accompaniment to MMO and PAM courses.

The Handbook consolidates all aspects of this discipline into one easily accessible resource, to educate all stakeholders (e.g. MMOs, PAM operators, suppliers, recruitment agencies, clients, contractors, regulators, NGOs, consultants, scientists, academia and media), regardless of experience.

Topics include worldwide legislation, compliance, anthropogenic noise sources and potential effects, training, offshore life, visual and acoustic monitoring (theory and practice), marine mammal distribution, hearing and vocalisations, and report writing.

Advice is provided on implementing sensible and practical mitigation techniques, appropriate technologies, data collection, client and regulator liaison, and project kick-off meetings.

"The Handbook is an indispensable How To guide to the growing and increasingly important occupation of marine mammal monitoring, written with clarity and humor by scientists who have extensive experience in this field." —Dr Phillip J. Clapham, world-renowned cetologist and Director of the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle.

Release dateMar 2, 2015
Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook

Victoria Todd

Dr Victoria Todd is a founding Managing Director and Marine Science Consultant at Ocean Science Consulting (OSC), and is a Visiting Scientist at Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR, Southampton University, UK). She undertook a post doc in commercial aquaculture at Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS, UK), planning and directing a comprehensive series of acoustic trials on seal scarers. She holds degrees in the ecology and acoustics of bats (PhD, Leeds University, UK), Oceanography (MSc, scholarship-funded by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI, US, and National Oceanography Centre, UK), and Marine Biology (BSc Hons, Liverpool University, UK). Dr Todd is also a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London. She is experienced in Galápagos fish taxonomy, marine mammal acoustics and marine mammal visual and acoustic surveys worldwide for scientific, commercial and defence contracts. Research interests include bioacoustics, the North Sea rigs-to-reefs concept, harbour porpoise foraging ecology around offshore oil and gas installations, and the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine life, all of which are core research topics at OSC. Dr Todd’s current scientific duties include training, survey design and project management, fieldwork, data analysis, reports, literature reviews, advice documents, Marine Mammal Mitigation Plans or Protocols (MMMPs), and publishing. As the Chief Scientist, she also coordinates most research.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Marine Mammal Observer & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook represents an instruction manual of mitigation measures to minimize acoustical and physical disturbances to marine mammals from industrial and military activities, and is based on some two decades of offshore experience and a decade of supplying commercial and scientific services. Until now, there's been little written in the way of world standards for various marine operations that impact mammals; but as drilling, dredging, pumping and more take place increasingly on and under the world's waters, the need for this book becomes much more acute. Suppliers, recruitment agencies, businesses, contractors, regulators and more will find the Marine Mammal Observer & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook pairs scientific research with advice and tested solutions to common problems, educating readers about the increased need for monitoring operations and routine adjustments to reduce noise and disturbance. From PAM theories to best practices and devices, this is no light coverage, but a technical guide that pulls together data and projects from various disciplines and pairs them with charts, graphs, and scientific discussions key to making decisions about modifications. No marine operator or marine science collection should be without this detailed, in-depth technical reference.

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Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook - Victoria Todd

Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook

Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook

Victoria L.G. Todd, Ian B. Todd, Jane C. Gardiner and Erica C.N. Morrin

Pelagic Publishing | www.pelagicpublishing.com

Published by Pelagic Publishing


PO Box 725, Exeter EX1 9QU, UK

Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook

ISBN 978-1-907807-66-4 (Pbk)

ISBN 978-1-907807-67-1 (Hbk)

ISBN 978-1-907807-68-8 (ePub)

ISBN 978-1-907807-69-5 (Mobi)

ISBN 978-1-907807-70-1 (PDF)

Copyright © 2015 Ocean Science Consulting Ltd

This book should be quoted as Todd, V.L.G, Todd, I.B., Gardiner, J.C. and Morrin, C.N. (2015) Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook. Exeter: Pelagic Publishing.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from the publisher. While every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Pelagic Publishing, its agents and distributors will be held liable for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Cover images © OSC 2015, except courtesy of the following: humpback whale, NOAA Fisheries; polar bear, Kostya Shvebs; windfarm, Tony Moran; vessel, Polarcus; and, hydrophone array, Seiche Measurements.

It is not the events in your life that determine your path, but your reaction to them.


For Señor Niels Torgau for the first chance, Hanneke van den Berge for believing, and Petra Todd for her enduring and uplifting spirit.


About the Authors



List of Acronyms, Units, Prefixes and Symbols


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General Overview

1.2 Marine Mammal Classification

1.2.1 Cetaceans

1.2.2 Pinnipeds

1.2.3 Sirenians

1.2.4 Marine mustelids

1.2.5 Polar bear

1.3 Marine Mammal Distribution

1.4 Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals

1.4.1 Temporary Threshold Shift and Permanent Threshold Shift

1.4.2 Behavioural alterations

1.4.3 Stress

1.4.4 Masking

1.4.5 Strandings

1.4.6 Indirect effects

1.5 Marine Mammal Hearing

1.5.1 Audiograms

1.5.2 Hearing ranges

1.5.3 Sound exposure criteria

Chapter 2 Mitigation Measures

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Protective Legislation

2.3 Marine Protected Areas

2.4 Project Planning

2.5 Control of Operational Procedures

2.6 Noise Reduction Methods

2.7 Acoustic Mitigation Devices

2.8 Active SONAR

2.9 Visual and Acoustic Watches

2.10 MMO and PAM Operator Requirements

2.11 Species for which Mitigation Applies

2.12 Exclusion Zones

2.13 Pre-Watch

2.14 Soft-Starts

2.15 Sound Source Testing

2.16 Operation Issues and Breaks in Sound Production

2.17 Delays and Shut-Downs

2.18 Night-Time and Low Visibility Working

2.19 Report Writing

Chapter 3 Sources of Anthropogenic Noise

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Shipping

3.3 Offshore Wind Farms

3.4 Tidal Turbines

3.5 Dredging

3.6 Drilling and Production

3.7 Floating Production Storage Offloading

3.8 Acoustic Mitigation Devices

3.9 Seismic

3.10 Pile Driving

3.11 SONAR

3.12 Whale Finders

3.13 Explosions

3.14 Electromagnetic

Chapter 4 Training

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Background Reading and Scientific Organisations

4.3 Becoming a Certified MMO or PAM Operator

4.3.1 MMO training

4.3.2 PAM Operator

4.4 Courses

4.4.1 UK and Ireland

4.4.2 USA (GoM)

4.4.3 Greenland

4.4.4 New Zealand

4.4.5 Offshore sea survival

4.4.6 Offshore medicals

4.5 Insurance

4.6 Curriculum Vitae

4.7 Gaining Offshore Experience

Chapter 5 Offshore Life

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Contract Award

5.3 Pay

5.4 Documentation

5.5 Vantage Cards

5.6 Packing

5.7 Personal Protective Equipment

5.8 Pre-Project Research

5.9 Discretion

5.10 Mobilisation

5.11 Helicopters

5.12 Arrival

5.13 Offshore Personnel

5.14 Personal Conduct

5.15 Phone and Internet

5.16 Drugs and Alcohol

5.17 Safety Management Systems

5.18 T-Card System

5.19 Safety Drills

5.20 Demobilisation

5.21 Vessels

5.21.1 Kick-off meeting

5.21.2 Dealing with seasickness

5.21.3 Baseline surveys

5.21.4 Dredging

5.21.5 Hydrographical surveys

5.21.6 Seismic surveys

5.21.7 Piling

5.21.8 Military SONAR

5.22 Offshore Installations

5.22.1 Arrival

5.22.2 Layout

5.22.3 Kick-off, shift, and rotation meetings

5.22.4 Personnel

5.22.5 Operational activities

5.22.6 Weather

5.22.7 General hazards

5.22.8 Rig tow

5.22.9 Drilling rig and production platform complexes

5.22.10 VSP

5.22.11 Conductor hammering

Chapter 6 MMO Theory and Practice

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Equipment

6.2.1 Fold-over clipboard

6.2.2 Stationery

6.2.3 Digital watch

6.2.4 Marine radio

6.2.5 Binoculars

6.2.6 GPS

6.2.7 Cameras

6.2.8 Lenses

6.2.9 Plumb-bob

6.2.10 Field guides

6.3 Conducting an MMO Watch

6.4 Observation Platform

6.5 Recording Position

6.5.1 Ranging software

6.6 Recording Vessel Movements

6.7 Marine Mammal Identification

6.7.1 Cetacean identification

6.7.2 Pinniped identification

6.8 Range Estimation

6.9 Bearing Estimation

6.10 Photographing Marine Mammals

6.11 Data Collection

6.11.1 Cover page

6.11.2 Effort

6.11.3 Operations data

6.11.4 Sightings

6.12 MMO at Night

6.13 Distance Sampling

Chapter 7 PAM Theory

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Basics of Sound

7.2.1 Frequency

7.2.2 Amplitude

7.2.3 Sound energy, intensity, and power

7.2.4 Sound Pressure Level and the decibel scale

7.2.5 Source Level

7.2.6 Sound propagation and transmission loss

7.2.7 Received Level

7.2.8 SONAR equation

7.2.9 Sound Exposure Level

7.2.10 Duty cycle

7.3 Displays of Sound

7.3.1 Spectrogram

7.3.2 Power spectrum and Power Spectral Density

7.3.3 Sound pressure density spectrum

7.3.4 Frequency bands

7.3.5 Percentile levels

7.3.6 Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level

7.3.7 Waveform

Chapter 8 Marine Mammal Vocalisations

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Marine Mammal Sounds

8.2.1 Echolocation and clicks

8.2.2 Pulsed sounds

8.2.3 Tonal sounds

8.2.4 Song

8.3 Functions of Sound

8.3.1 Hunting and navigation

8.3.2 Individual and group recognition

8.3.3 Social cohesion and behaviour coordination

8.3.4 Mate finding

8.3.5 Agonistic and aggressive behaviour

8.4 Likelihood of a PAM Detection

8.5 Species Identification

8.5.1 Physeteridae

8.5.2 Kogiidae

8.5.3 Ziphiidae

8.5.4 Pontoporiidae

8.5.5 Monodontidae

8.5.6 Delphinidae

8.5.7 Phocoenidae

Chapter 9 PAM Practice

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Existing PAM Technologies

9.3 PAM Equipment

9.3.1 Tow cable

9.3.2 Hydrophones

9.3.3 Depth sensor

9.3.4 Deck cable

9.3.5 Data Acquisition Unit

9.3.6 Sound cards

9.3.7 Computers

9.3.8 Filters and gain

9.3.9 GPS

9.3.10 Serial-to-USB converter

9.3.11 Gender changer

9.3.12 Headphones

9.3.13 Connectors

9.3.14 Oscilloscope

9.3.15 Tool kit

9.3.16 Tape

9.4 PAM Mobilisation

9.4.1 Unpacking

9.5 Deck Cable Run

9.6 PAM Monitoring Station Configuration

9.6.1 Data Acquisition Unit

9.6.2 DAU connectors

9.6.3 Sound cards

9.6.4 Computers

9.6.5 GPS or NMEA feed

9.6.6 Headphones

9.7 PAMGuard

9.7.1 Starting PAMGuard

9.7.2 Configuring PAMGuard: Part I

9.7.3 Hydrophone specifications and sampling rate

9.7.4 Configuring PAMGuard: Part II

9.7.5 PAMGuard troubleshooting

9.8 Tap (Noise) Test

9.9 Earthing

9.10 Depth Sensor Calibration

9.11 Tow Cable Deployment

9.11.1 General deployment

9.11.2 Seismic survey vessels

9.11.3 Offshore support vessels

9.11.4 Vertical deployment

9.12 PAM Monitoring

9.12.1 Shifts

9.12.2 Monitoring methods

9.12.3 Data collection

9.12.4 Detection metrics

9.12.5 Sound playback

9.13 PAM Detections During Industrial Operations

9.13.1 Localising animals

9.13.2 Zero marine mammal detections: possible explanations

9.13.3 Non-target noise

9.14 Equipment Responsibilities: Routine Housekeeping

9.14.1 Retrieval in bad weather

9.14.2 Loss of propulsion

9.14.3 Wiring, soldering and potting

9.15 PAM Demobilisation

9.15.1 Handover notes

9.15.2 Tow cable

9.15.3 Connectors, hydrophones and depth sensors

9.15.4 Deck cable removal

9.15.5 Cable reels and drums

9.15.6 PAM monitoring station

9.15.7 Pallet preparation

9.15.8 Documentation

Chapter 10 Report Writing

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Content

10.3 Summary

10.4 Introduction

10.5 Methodology

10.6 Results

10.6.1 Sightings

10.6.2 Delays or shut-downs

10.6.3 Weather

10.7 Discussion and Conclusion

10.8 Recommendations

10.9 Acknowledgements, References and Data Submission

Glossary of Terms



About the Authors

Dr Victoria Todd is a founding Managing Director and Marine Science Consultant at Ocean Science Consulting (OSC), a Director at Ocean Science Consulting NZ (Asia-Pacific) (OSC-NZ), and is a Visiting Scientist at Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR, Southampton University, UK). She undertook a post doc in commercial aquaculture at Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS, UK), planning and directing a comprehensive series of acoustic trials on seal scarers. She holds degrees in the ecology and acoustics of bats (PhD, Leeds University, UK), Oceanography (MSc, scholarship-funded by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI, US, and National Oceanography Centre, UK), and Marine Biology (BSc Hons, Liverpool University, UK). Dr Todd is also a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London. She is experienced in Galápagos fish taxonomy, marine mammal acoustics and marine mammal visual and acoustic surveys worldwide for scientific, commercial and defence contracts. Research interests include bioacoustics, the North Sea rigs-to-reefs concept, harbour porpoise foraging ecology around offshore oil and gas installations, and the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine life, all of which are core research topics at OSC. Dr Todd’s current scientific duties include training, survey design and project management, fieldwork, data analysis, reports, literature reviews, advice documents, Marine Mammal Mitigation Plans or Protocols (MMMPs), and publishing. As the Chief Scientist, she also coordinates most research.

Ian Todd is a founding Managing Director and Marine Science Consultant at OSC, a Director at OSC-NZ, and is undertaking part-time postgraduate research in harbour porpoise (and other marine mammal) interactions with offshore installations and the environment at ISVR (PhD, Southampton University, UK). He holds degrees in Marine Resource, Development & Protection (NERC-funded MSc scholarship, Heriot-Watt University, UK) and Business & Economics (BCom with Honours, Edinburgh University, UK), various diplomas including Marine Engineering (HND, Glasgow College of Nautical Studies, UK), and a Marine Engineering Officer Certificate of Dual Competency (Class IV Steam and Motor Plants, Maritime & Coastguard Agency, UK). As a former Third Engineer Officer (including Health and Safety Officer) in the Merchant Navy, Mr Todd served deep-sea and worldwide with P&O Nedlloyd, then the world’s largest container-shipping company. He organises and supervises visual and acoustic surveys of marine mammals worldwide for scientific, commercial and defence contracts. Mr Todd’s research interests are as per OSC’s core research topics, but include distance sampling, and his current scientific duties are similar to Dr Victoria Todd, but include recruitment, procurement, logistics, finance, brand development, environmental risk assessments, and Health and Safety (H&S).

Jane Gardiner is a Research Assistant at OSC. She holds degrees in Applied Marine Science (MSc) and Marine Biology (BSc with Honours), both from University of Plymouth. Ms Gardiner is involved with peer-reviewed research publications, and has served Lead (field position) for visual and acoustic surveys of marine mammals worldwide for scientific and commercial contracts. Ms Gardiner’s research interests are as per OSC’s core research topics and her current scientific duties include fieldwork, literature reviews, social media, and H&S.

Erica Morrin is a Marine Science Consultant at OSC and a Director at OSC-NZ. She holds degrees in Marine Mammal Science (MRes, University of St Andrews, UK) and Biology (BSc with Honours, Queen’s University, Canada). Ms Morrin is involved with commercial consultancy, and has served Lead (field position) for visual and acoustic surveys of marine mammals worldwide for scientific and commercial contracts. Ms Morrin’s research interests are as per OSC’s core research topics and her current scientific duties are similar to Ms Gardiner, but include data analysis, and personnel supervision.


In 1953, Jacques Cousteau wrote a best-selling book about the ocean and entitled it The Silent World. Which does make one wonder whether the man who could arguably be called the ‘father’ of marine conservation had spent rather too much time being oxygen-deprived on long dives.

  For the ocean is anything but silent. Ever since 1819, when the steamship Savannah subjected a small space in the North Atlantic to the noise of an engine for the first time, the oceans of the world have been filled with human-generated sound. Today, thousands of large ships regularly ply the sea routes of the world, and the noise that many of these vessels generate is – perhaps sometimes literally – deafening. At very low frequencies – those within the hearing range of some baleen whales – a supertanker or large bulk carrier can be heard tens of km away. Seismic surveys for oil and gas exploration not only generate noise that can be heard literally halfway across an ocean basin, but do so with great frequency, so that some areas are subjected to a continual barrage of industrial noise. Elsewhere, naval active SONARs have been shown to cause lethal mass strandings, especially among deep-diving beaked whales. In many places, a host of more ‘minor’ activities such as pile driving or oil rig operations generate additional noise to pollute the waters.

   This is all of concern because marine mammals such as whales and dolphins live by sound. In a world in which visibility is always limited and often poor, these animals use hearing as their primary sense to communicate and to navigate, to find food and avoid predation. We know remarkably little about the short- or long-term effects of noise pollution on these animals, but it cannot be easy to exist and thrive in an environment which is often so saturated with human noise that the calls on which marine mammals rely for communication are masked or severely constrained in their range. Effects may include anything from disruption of important behaviors to exclusion from habitats, and perhaps even (in extreme cases) physical damage to the animals’ hearing apparatus.

   Given the potential for such impacts, there has been a growing awareness of the need to conduct monitoring – visual and/or acoustic – in association with human activities that generate noise, and to use such monitoring as a key element of mitigation plans. This can be as simple as placing visual observers on a vessel to search for marine mammals within a potential impact zone; or it can involve sophisticated acoustic monitoring to detect vocalizing animals, a technique which usually increases – often considerably – the range at which the presence of marine mammals can be confirmed.

   The book you have in your hands – okay, so you may be reading this online, don’t be pedantic – aims to provide a comprehensive guide that will familiarize lay and specialist readers alike with every aspect of this monitoring. Remarkably, it covers and includes just about everything in this realm: identifying marine mammals, a primer on sound, description of commonly used monitoring and mitigation measures, what’s involved with training and data collection, how to write reports… and even what to expect when you, the brave new observer, go into the field and have to live in a confined space in often rough or otherwise distinctly uncomfortable conditions with other human beings for an extended period.

   I have known the first author of Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook – seriously, Victoria, couldn’t you have come up with a shorter title? – for longer than either of us care to admit. We began our friendship years ago by way of a serious internet discussion of, well, something to do with whales; but said conversation quickly morphed into an often hilarious exchange about everything from classical music to pet rooks (Victoria claims to speak several dialects of crow, though as yet I have been unable to verify this). The laughter has continued ever since. Beyond a questionable sense of humor and appreciation of the absurd, we had in common a much-admired colleague, Bill Watkins of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Watkins was one of the pioneers of marine mammal sound recording, a remarkable scientist who essentially invented tape recorders before there were any, and whose incisive analytical abilities and prodigious knowledge of marine mammals remained sharp until his death in 2004. Bill served as something of a mentor to both Victoria and I, and was always willing to share his knowledge and to patiently answer sometimes idiotic questions from individuals whose feckless youth and inexperience were barely compensated for by their enthusiasm for marine mammal biology.

   The mitigation of noise is important these days, and this issue is often overlooked as a problem for the animals who inhabit an environment that is ‘silent’ only to those who regard it from the deceptively serene perspective of the ocean surface. The Handbook is an indispensable How To guide to the growing and increasingly important occupation of marine mammal monitoring, written with clarity and humor by scientists who have extensive experience in this field.

Phil Clapham, director of the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle.


Thanks to Dr Max Ruffert, and Dr John Todd for comprehensive and invaluable peer-reviews. Credit also to Dr Dave Lundquist for valuable comments in relation to New Zealand guidelines, Dr Douglas Gillespie for reviewing the ‘really hard bits’ of Chapter 7, and to Professor Paul White for peer-reviewing Chapter 7, to make sure the other ‘not so hard’ bits were OK too. Thanks to Edward Lavallin (OSC) for valuable contributions to table content and diagrams, and to Nicola MacPherson (OSC) for inputs to tables and Chapter 5. Credit to Dr Manolo Castellote, Roy Wyatt and Dr Peter Chapman for further helpful comments, and to Professor Rodney Coates for his educational contributions in the field of underwater acoustics, who sadly passed away on 29 December 2013 and will be missed sorely. Finally, the authors believe that everything in life has the capacity for improvement, so any constructive feedback for the next edition would be received gratefully, for which readers are requested to use the following email address:


All images are © OSC 2015 unless otherwise stated.

List of Acronyms, Units, Prefixes and Symbols

List of Acronyms

List of Units

List of Unit Prefixes

List of Symbols


This Handbook concerns potential interferences of man-made (anthropogenic) noise sources with the acoustic spectra exploited by marine mammals, the mitigation steps taken by industry, regulatory authorities and ultimately Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs), Protected Species Observers (PSOs), Marine Fauna Observers (MFOs), and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators. For brevity, MMOs, PSOs, MFOs and all other visual observers are referred to collectively as MMOs throughout the Handbook.

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide an all-in-one, comprehensive yet concise and simple user manual on the topic of marine mammal mitigation during industrial activities for all stakeholders, regardless of their experience. The Handbook aims to increase MMO and PAM standards universally, by bringing together all aspects of this discipline into one easily accessible resource. The manual serves as a platform to offer sound advice and dispel myths on what is achievable currently on marine mammal mitigation, considering physics of sound propagation, limitations of visual observation, and current industrial PAM technologies. If used correctly, the Handbook should edify the reader on how to understand sensible and practical mitigation techniques and to recognise substandard mitigation procedures and equipment in use currently throughout industry. Moreover, an MMO or PAM Operator armed with this book should be able to implement mitigation measures and respond knowledgeably to questions on the job, during general client liaison and project kick-off meetings, or when writing MMO and PAM reports. The Handbook has focused on visual and acoustic mitigation from vessels, and installations. For brevity, marine mammal aerial surveys are not discussed, as they are seldom used for mitigation in industry, and are more applicable to scientific research.

Detecting marine mammals in the field is always challenging; for example, visual watches are constrained typically by weather, whilst PAM relies firstly on animals vocalising in sufficient proximity to an underwater microphone (hydrophone), and in some cases, animals vocalising towards a hydrophone. Consequently, the use of MMO and PAM is not 100 per cent (%) effective, but with adequate training and knowledge, MMO and PAM Operators armed with a well-engineered, installed, optimised and properly configured PAM system, can offer the most effective mitigation solution available.

Intended readership:

trainees and existing MMOs, PAM Operators, and fisheries observers;

marine science and other discipline graduates considering entering the field;

non-graduates (school-leavers) with no prior MMO or PAM experience;

MMO/PAM trainers and course providers worldwide;

PAM equipment manufacturers, suppliers, owners and distributors;

environmental consultancies supplying MMO/PAM services;

intermediary consultancies and recruitment agencies supplying MMO/PAM services;

client and contractor representatives with job titles such as Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) and Quality Manager, Health and Safety (H&S) Advisor, Marine or Offshore Environment Manager, Environmental Development Manager, Environmental or Scientific Advisor, Environmental Policy Manager, Director of Environment, Environmental Coordinator, Regulatory Compliance and Environmental Manager, Environmental or Project and Consents Manager, Environmental Policy Analyst, Environmental Supervisor or Manager, Environmental and Community Relations Manager, Environmental Survey Manager, Operations or Project Manager, Marine or Offshore Project Officer or Manager, Technical Manager, Technical Superintendent, Technical Director, Permitting or Project Engineer, Permitting or Legal Advisor, Business or Product Development Manager, Sourcing or Procurement Manager, Commercial or Supply Chain Manager, Operations or Project Coordinator, Subcontractor Coordinator or Manager, Contracts Manager, Operations Manager, Vessel Manager or Superintendent, Dredging Supervisor or Superintendent, Hydrographic Party Chief or Manager, Chief Surveyor, Hydrographic Surveyor, Survey Engineer, Geophysicist, Geotechnical or Geophysical Engineer, Processing Geophysicist, Seismic Party Chief or Manager, Deputy Party Chief or Manager, Seismic Observer, Seismic Navigator, Air-Gun Mechanic, Navigation Officer (including vessel Master or Captain or Skipper or Coxswain), Offshore Installation Manager (OIM), Head of Mining Installation (HMI), Drilling Rig Manager, Head Drilling Engineer or Manager, Well Intervention Supervisor, Marine or Offshore Supervisor, Offshore Construction Manager (OCM), Military Exercise or Operations Manager, Research and Development (R&D) Manager, Fisheries Liaison Manager, and Reports Coordinator;

governmental organisations such as Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) in the UK, National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) in Ireland, Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum (BMP) in Greenland, National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) in Denmark, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) in the USA, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) in Canada, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) in Australia and, most recently, Department of Conservation (DOC) in New Zealand;

non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as whale, dolphin and porpoise charities;

scientists, research assistants, and universities;

members of the public, e.g. amateur professionals;

media, e.g. television, press and radio;

tourism industry representatives such as wildlife-watching cruise operators; and,

commercial charter vessel operators.

Chapter 1 familiarises the reader with different types and species of marine mammal, including a comprehensive table of worldwide distributions. The table permits the reader to identify quickly which species are likely to occur in the work area of interest. Potential effects of sound on marine mammals are discussed, as are their hearing abilities. Where known, hearing ranges are summarised in a table.

Chapter 2 details mitigation techniques employed currently by offshore industries to minimise impact of noise on marine mammals, concluding with a table summarising current worldwide MMO and PAM guidelines.

Chapter 3 focuses on various sources of anthropogenic noise such as vessel engines, seismic surveys, piling and sound navigation and ranging (SONAR). Following a general introduction to each activity, typical noise levels and frequencies are reviewed, with reference to published noise measurements. Potential and known effects of each activity on marine mammals are addressed briefly, but the reader is directed to further reading.

Chapter 4 clarifies training and qualifications required to work as an MMO or PAM Operator worldwide. Prerequisites are listed, as are expected course contents, and details of offshore survival courses and medicals. The chapter concludes with writing Curricula Vitae (CV), and gaining offshore experience.

Chapter 5 prepares the reader for life offshore. All aspects such as packing, etiquette, mobilisation and demobilisation are discussed in relation to vessels and installations; operations, such as dredging, drilling or seismic, are reviewed separately.

Chapter 6 guides the reader through an MMO working shift, explaining equipment requirements, skills involved, data collection methods and marine mammal identification.

Chapter 7 outlines the physical basics of sound and units and highlights various ways sound is reported, and displayed visually.

Chapter 8 introduces types of marine mammal sounds, reviews potential functions, and presents vocalisation characteristics of all marine mammal species and subspecies (excluding freshwater marine mammals) in a comprehensive table. To assist in-field PAM species identification, literature for Odontocetes is expanded on in depth in the text.

Chapter 9 presents a brief review of PAM systems in use today, focusing on the use of towed PAM for industrial mitigation purposes. The chapter details PAM equipment set-up, deployment, operation and care from mobilisation to demobilisation. A detailed section on configuration, use and troubleshooting in Passive Acoustic Monitoring Guardianship (PAMGuard) software is presented. The reality of the chances of detecting a vocalising marine mammal in an industrial situation is also discussed.

Chapter 10 describes how to compose and structure simple and effective MMO and PAM reports.

This Handbook contains a number of abbreviations and technical terms listed in the acronyms and glossary respectively. Abbreviations are written in full on first mention, and then acronyms used throughout. Likewise, terminologies in the glossary are in bold on first mention, but not thereafter. Units follow the International System of Units (SI) and those referred to in text are included in the units list, and explained in detail in Chapter 7. Used throughout the Handbook, the term ‘offshore’ refers to any marine environment activities, including those in coastal areas.

This Handbook is organised into sections that facilitate quick and easy access to relevant information concerning any particular aspect of marine mammal mitigation. Sections provide the reader with topical background, knowledge and examples to assist with a fast and effective response to mitigation situations arising in the field. A competent PAM Operator requires moderate comprehension of the physics of sound propagation (and complete understanding of units used), but the Handbook does not swamp the reader with equations, nor does it cover the wider field of anthropogenic sounds (and modelling), sound-related behaviour, or sound production and hearing capabilities of marine mammals. These topics are dealt with effectively in a plethora of scientific reviews, papers, reports and books, many of which are cited as further reading where applicable, and listed in the bibliography.

Scientific names of all marine mammal species are included in Tables 1.1 and 1.2, but for brevity, species are referred to using British common names throughout; subspecies are not discussed in text, but distributions, hearing and vocalisation ranges are addressed separately in Tables 1.2, 1.4 and 8.3 respectively.

Chapter 1


1.1 General Overview

Light in the ocean is limited. At low latitudes, and under the right transmission conditions, light can be detected at 1,000 metres (m) depth, but penetrates rarely beyond 200 m. In temperate seas, coastal areas and estuaries, these distances are often reduced to tens of metres. Under favourable propagation conditions, however, underwater sound can be both generated and heard by ocean users and marine life thousands of kilometres (km) from the source.

Given that sight is of limited use underwater, many marine animals (including nocturnal and crepuscular species) rely on both passive and active acoustics for survival. In a sense, some marine animals use sound in a similar way as many terrestrial species use sight or smell to explore their environment. In particular, cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) use different sound frequency bands for communication, foraging, navigation, threat detection/avoidance and a range of activities within the wider social group such as cohesive actions, warnings and maternal relationships. In most cases, the hearing range of marine mammals is less well understood, but it is assumed generally that animals hear over similar frequency ranges to the sounds they produce, with the exception of some porpoise species. In essence, the ocean is a noisy environment, which provides marine mammals with the ultimate ‘acoustic map’ of their surroundings.

Underwater sound (and vibration) originates from a wide variety of both natural and anthropogenic sources. Both naturally occurring physical and biological processes generate noise. Physical processes include precipitation, wind, breaking waves, lightning strikes, ice movement, seismic and volcanic activity, interactions of water with substrata, and, at the molecular level, thermal noise. Biological noise sources include marine wildlife vocalisations and general behavioural activities such as noise produced by snapping shrimp.

Incidental (non-deliberate) and intentional (deliberate) anthropogenic noise sources in continental shelf and offshore waters may be both static or mobile, and in the long term we expect production of such sound sources in the marine environment to increase. Some studies have suggested that anthropogenic noise increases at a fixed rate per decade. Chapman and Price (2011) stated that ambient noise in the Northeast Pacific increased at a rate of 3 decibels (dB) a decade, or 0.55 dB a year up to the 1980s, when it reduced to 0.2 dB a year.

Examples of incidental sounds include shipping traffic (from ocean-going vessels to jet skis), hydrocarbon exploration (drilling), production and decommissioning (oil and gas platforms), marine aggregate dredging, mining, explosions (e.g. construction and well-head decommissioning), pile driving and Marine Renewable Energy Devices, MREDs (e.g. wind tidal and wave turbines). Intentional anthropogenic sound sources exploit the ocean as a signal transmission medium. Examples include hydrocarbon exploration (e.g. seismic), acoustic navigation aids (e.g. shipping, SONAR and high frequency echosounders), through-water data communication networks for scientific exploration (e.g. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, AUVs, Remotely Operated Vehicles, ROVs), low frequency tomographic SONAR systems (e.g. Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate, ATOC), seabed imaging (e.g. multi-beam and side-scan SONAR), military SONARs (e.g. Low Frequency Active SONAR, LFA), and marine mammal Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) for commercial aquaculture, static and trawl fisheries (e.g. pingers and seal scarers). Underwater acoustic telemetry systems (e.g. Adjustable Diversity Acoustic Telemetry System, ADATS, Digital Acoustic Telemetry System, DATS), linking numerous sampling stations into wide area monitoring networks, are also being developed currently.

Scientists have conducted a substantial amount of research into effects of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals but results are varied, conflicting, and often inconclusive. Impacts are dependent evidently on a vast number of factors including the characteristics of the sound source, background noise levels, sound propagation paths, water depth and the hearing sensitivities of receivers, which for the purpose of this book are marine mammals. Effects of noise on other marine life is outside the scope of this Handbook, but potential impacts on, for example, fish is of great concern, and hence the subject of substantial research. Temporary or permanent changes in hearing thresholds of marine mammals, known as Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) or Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS), can occur because of exposure to high intensity sounds, whilst mass stranding events of deep diving species have been correlated with military SONAR activities. Other studies have noted changes in behaviour, avoidance of habitats and alterations to vocalisations. Masking could also reduce communication distances.

Concern and uncertainty surrounding potential effects of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals has compelled governments, regulatory bodies, and offshore industries to produce and enforce mitigation measures, which help to minimise potential impacts. In 1998, the JNCC published Guidelines for Minimising Acoustic Disturbance to Marine Mammals from Seismic Surveys (JNCC, 1998) for United Kingdom (UK) territorial waters. Since then, the JNCC has published revised versions and separate guidelines for pile driving and underwater explosions, and other countries have produced their own guidelines.

Common to all current guidelines are the use of MMOs and PAM Operator specialists, as the Best Available Technique (BAT) to confirm visually or acoustically the absence of marine mammals in a designated exclusion zone prior to activating any anthropogenic noise source.

Within this chapter, marine mammal classification and distribution are discussed, followed by an introduction to documented effects of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals. The chapter concludes with a description of audiograms, and a summary of marine mammal hearing ranges.

1.2 Marine Mammal Classification

In the simplest of terms, marine mammals are a diverse group of animals, which rely,  at least in part, on the ocean to survive. Classified broadly into five groups within three orders (Cetacea, Sirenia, and Carnivora), marine mammals comprise cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and the walrus), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), marine mustelids (otters) and the polar bear.

Returning to an aquatic lifestyle at various evolutionary stages, all marine mammals have mammalian traits, although some have retained more terrestrial features than others and characteristics vary extensively (Uhen, 2007). All marine mammal species, therefore, need to be considered separately when discussing any potential effects of anthropogenic noise. More detailed reading on marine mammal classification can be found in Hoelzel (2002), Uhen (2007), and Reeves et al. (2008).

1.2.1 Cetaceans

Included within the order Cetacea are all 88 or so species of whales, dolphins and porpoises. All cetaceans are descended from mesonychid condylarths, which were cat-like, carnivorous land-based ungulates that became amphibious in the Eocene, probably to exploit food-rich near-shore waters (Thewissen, 1998). In the intervening 50 to 60 million years, these condylarths transformed gradually from hoofed waders into fully fledged, flippered whales (Ketten, 2000) and every portion of their anatomy was re-shaped physically and functionally to accommodate life in the water (Cranford, 2000). Recent research into fossil dinoflagellates in the Southern Ocean has indicated that a major shift in the plankton ecosystem occurred during the first major glaciation. It was suggested that phytoplankton–zooplankton shift could have contributed to the evolution of baleen whales, which evolved feeding mechanisms which allowed them to take advantage of the seasonal increase in krill (order Euphausiacea), which feed on dinoflagellates (Houben et al., 2013).

Cetaceans are divided into two suborders, the Odontoceti (74 species) and the Mysticeti (14 species), toothed and baleen (or toothless) whales respectively. With the exception of the sperm whale, all of the great whales are mysticetes, and all, except the minke whale, are larger than the toothed whales. Cetaceans range in size from the largest animal to inhabit earth, the blue whale, to the tiny vaquita.

The absence of functional teeth in mysticetes means that feeding strategies of the two suborders differ substantially. Despite their large size, mysticetes prey mainly on small marine organisms, including small crustaceans such as krill. The smaller odontocetes target larger fish and cephalopods; others such as some killer whales (and potentially false killer whales), target mammalian prey. The presence of the paired blowhole in the Mysticeti also distinguishes the two suborders. More detailed reading about cetaceans in general, can be found in Thewissen (1998), Bannister (2002), and Berta et al. (2006).

1.2.2 Pinnipeds

Encompassed within the pinnipeds are all seals, sea lions and the walrus. The word pinniped means fin-footed, and refers to marine mammals that have front and hind flippers, as opposed to flukes or tails. Pinnipeds are not related closely to cetaceans or to sirenians. Like cetaceans, millions of years ago, the ancestors of pinnipeds lived on land and were probably otter or bear-like animals that spent increasing periods in the water, eventually adapting to the marine environment. All pinnipeds must give birth on terra firma or ice.

There are 34 living species of pinnipeds, distributed mainly in polar, sub-polar and temperate waters. Divided into three families, pinnipeds include Phocidae (true seals), Otariidae (eared seals) – which include fur seals and sea lions – and Odobenidae (the walrus). Otariidae differ from Phocidae in several ways, notably in that they have external ear flaps, walk generally on both their hind and fore flippers, and propel themselves through the water by their fore flippers with a flapping motion. Phocids, on the other hand, do not have visible earflaps, haul themselves along land by their fore flippers or by a ‘caterpillar motion’ of their bodies, and use their hind flippers to propel themselves through the water, their fore flippers being used for steering. The walrus possesses an interesting mixture of both phocid and otariid characteristics. More detailed reading about pinnipeds can be found in Higdon et al. (2007) and Berta and Churchill (2012).

1.2.3 Sirenians

Like cetaceans, the earliest sirenians were amphibious, four-limbed animals, which lived during the Eocene (Hoelzel, 2002). Now aquatic, modern-day sirenians have robust streamlined bodies with little hair, no dorsal fin and paddle-like forelimbs. Sirenians form part of the ungulate clade Tethytheria, which includes hoofed mammals in the order Proboscidea (elephants), and the extinct Desmostylia (Uhen, 2007).

Today, the order Sirenia includes four species in two families, the Trichechidae (manatees) and the Dugongidae (dugongs). Identifiable by their tail flukes, manatees have a powerful paddle-like tail distinct from the V-shaped tail of the dugong. Sirenians are herbivorous marine mammals that reside in tropical and subtropical waters where sea grass and aquatic vegetation are plentiful. Dugongs are fully marine, and are found in the western Pacific and Indian oceans, whereas, manatees reside in coastal waters, estuaries and rivers and are primarily tropical. More detailed reading about sirenians can be found in Domning (1982), Marsh and Lefebvre (1994) and Marsh et al. (2011).

1.2.4 Marine mustelids

Within the order Carnivora, mustelids are mostly terrestrial or semi-aquatic animals. Only two species extant today can be classed as marine mammals, the sea otter and marine otter (Reeves et al., 2002).

To better adapt them to the marine environment, sea otters and marine otters vary from other mustelids in several ways. For example, their higher fur density ensures air is trapped more efficiently when they dive, thus keeping them warmer (Liwanag et al., 2012).

The majority of mustelids have to give birth on land; sea otters, which give birth in coastal waters, are the only exception. Additional differences between sea and marine otters include distribution, diet and consequently tooth shape. Sea otters, with their blunt rounded teeth, feed mainly on invertebrates, but the sharp pointed teeth of marine otters are better suited to their fish diet (Medina-Vogel et al., 2004). Sea otter distribution is broader, covering the North Pacific and southern Bering Sea, whilst marine otters are restricted to the Pacific coast of South America. More detailed reading about marine mustelids can be found in Riedman and Estes (1990), Anderson et al. (1996) and Valqui (2012).

1.2.5 Polar bear

Like marine mustelids and pinnipeds, the polar bear is part of the order Carnivora. One species exists currently. Distinct from other bear species, the polar bear resides only in the northern hemisphere in areas where sea ice coverage is extensive for the majority of the year (Amstrup, 2003). Branching off in the Pleistocene from the brown bear (Ursus arctos), they share a common ancestor, although significant morphological changes have occurred in the polar bear over the past 20,000–40,000 years (Amstrup, 2003; Derocher and Lynch, 2012).

Reaching a length of 2.5 m (Evans and Raga, 2001), and feeding predominantly on seals, the polar bear is the largest and most predatory of the bears alive today (Amstrup, 2003). Adapted to its environment, the polar bear lacks a shoulder hump and is more streamlined than other members of the family Ursidae (Evans and Raga, 2001). It is also covered almost entirely in thick, pigment-free fur, which appears white (Amstrup, 2003) and provides the primary means of insulation (Liwanag et al., 2012). Using its forelimbs to swim, the polar bear relies on ice, land and sea to survive; the sea ice providing a platform for hunting and a place for females to give birth (Durner et al., 2003). More detailed reading about polar bears can be found in Amstrup (2003).

1.3 Marine Mammal Distribution

Marine mammals as a whole are widespread and found in all oceans of the world, but individual species distributions vary substantially. The killer whale, for example, has a vast range that spans

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