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Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook
Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook
Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook
Ebook712 pages5 hours

Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook

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Over 300 kitchen-tested recipes designed for the psoriasis, eczema, and psoriatic-arthritic patient, plus the latest nutritional facts for everyone!

Foreword by Annemarie Colbin, C.H.E.S. and Founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute, New York

Statistics show that more than 100 million people worldwide suffer from the chronic skin disease psoriasis. In his first book, HEALING PSORIASIS: The Natural Alternative, Dr. Pagano presented a report of his natural, drug-free treatment regimen that has alleviated, controlled, and even healed psoriasis without the use of steroid creams, tar baths, injections, or ultraviolet treatments.

Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook...Plus! is the companion book to Healing Psoriasis. The cookbook consists of three parts:
Part I - Basic Principles - gives technical data which includes the six principles behind the regimen: 1) Detoxification; 2) Diet and Nutrition; 3) Herb Teas; 4) Spinal Adjustments; 5) External Applications; and 6) Right Thinking
Part II - The Recipes - consists of over 300 original recipes specifically designed for the psoriatic patient
Part III - Eye on Nutrition - is loaded with general nutritional information and advice good for all readers.

There is also a helpful Photographic Portfolio of case histories which give undeniable proof of the efficacy of the Pagano regimen.

Release dateJan 30, 2014
Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    loads of helpful information.

    i have healed from eczema, psoriasis thanks to Dr Paganos info.

    i hope other will read this, do as he recommends and heal too.

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Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook - John O. A. Pagano, D.C.


Praise for

Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook

"This valuable cookbook is the indispensable companion to Dr. Pagano's

Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative!"

—Andrejs V. Strauss, MD,

Department of Radiation Oncology,

Beebe Medical Center, Lewes, DE

Dr. Pagano has provided a new perspective in the management of psoriasis—one that justifies serious consideration by the scientific community.

—Harold Mermelstein, M.D.


New York, New York

"Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook

is a godsend for anyone suffering from

psoriasis or eczema."

—James Ferlisi, M.D.

Concord, Ontario, Canada



Turner Publishing Company

424 Church Street • Suite 2240 • Nashville, Tennessee 37219

445 Park Avenue • 9th Floor • New York, New York 10022


The Pagano Organization, Inc.


Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook

Copyright © 2000 by The Pagano Organization

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

DISCLAIMER: This book was created to assist the psoriatic, eczema, and psoriatic arthritic patient regarding food selection and cooking which may be conducive to healing. Although the purpose of this book is to help alleviate, control and heal the above-named conditions, it does not constitute a guarantee for success. No two patients are alike, some may react differently. Therefore, no dietary plan for a specific condition should be embarked upon without the approval of your personal physician.

Cover and jacket design: Jose Almaguer

Photographs and illustrations: John O.A. Pagano

Editor: Johanna R. Bayati

Typography: JoAnne MacBeth, Elsa Reinhardt, and Johanna R. Bayati

Assembly: Whitehall Printing

Turner Publishing Company Paperback Edition ISBN: 978-1-63026-046-0

The Library of Congress has cataloged the previous edition as follows:

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Pagano, John O.A.

Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook...Plus!

Includes Index

1. Cookbook 2. Psoriasis 3. Eczema 4. Skin Diseases 5. Natural Healing 6. Holistic Medicine 7.

Alternative Medicine

I. Title

Library of Congress Control Number 00-090456

ISBN 978-0-9628847-3-3 Paperback

Printed in the United States of America

14 15 16 17 18 19 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


To the memory of my beloved Mother

Nettie Pagano

January 16, 1907 – December 30, 1999

To psoriasis and eczema sufferers everywhere

May this book

And all contained herein,

Fulfill your dream

Of beautiful skin.

May it lift your hearts

From the depths of despair,

To a state of joy

Beyond compare!



Without the support of my family, my mother Nettie, my sisters Carol and Maria, and the many close friends I am honored to know and love, this book may never have been created. My business manager, Elsa Reinhardt, my editor, Johanna Bayati, my secretaries, Marie Diehl and Jennifer Velardo, all loaned their support to the completion of this work in ways I can never repay.

I appreciate the many patients, some of whom I never met, who expressed their desire for such a book and spurred me on through the years. It is my ardent desire that they now feel it was worth the wait.

To Harry K. Panjwani, M.D., Ph.D., Harold Mermelstein, M.D. (Dermatologist), James Ferlisi, M.D., Zoltan P. Rona, M.D., M.Sc., Andrej Strauss, M.D., Norman F. Childers, Ph.D., Rona Weiss, Ph.D., MS., Annemarie Colbin, Author and Founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute, and to all the many people who have written or e-mailed me expressing their joy of accomplishment in healing the psoriasis they had been plagued with, my sincere thanks for your continued vote of confidence.


Through diet and exercise, the greater portion of all disturbances may be equalized and overcome, if the right mental attitude is kept.

Edgar Cayce #262.109




     What makes us sick? There are many factors, and the answer to that question depends on who you ask. A molecular biologist will say it's our genes. A physician will say its the virus or bacteria. Ask a shaman and you'll hear about evil spirits, the anger of the gods. In the Middle Ages it would have been bad humors or miasms.

     One way in which we can look at sickness is by separating the causes into two camps: contagion or toxicity. Catching the flu would be an example of contagion. A disease such as psoriasis, which is not considered catching, would then have to be classified as caused by toxicity. As this is not exactly a widespread notion, John Pagano's approach has to be considered revolutionary. His discovery that the nightshade vegetables are contributors to this toxicity builds on the fine work done by Professor Norman Childers, of the Arthritis Nightshades Research Foundation, who has been warning the world about these common vegetables for many years.

     Dr. Pagano's ground-breaking book HEALING PSORIASIS: The Natural Alternative shows, in dramatic photographs and case histories, his success in healing this difficult disease through dietary changes and cleansing. In Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook he continues to provide psoriasis sufferers tools for improving and even healing themselves. This is a comprehensive and practical book, with simple, easy recipes and lots of information. Rather than adding to their toxicity with further unhealthy foods and useless drugs, readers of this book have the opportunity to reverse the course of their disease and take charge of their lives. It is not easy—nothing worthwhile is—but embarking on the healing path of healthy eating is the beginning of an empowering and life-affirming journey.

Annemarie Colbin, M.A., CHES

Author, Food and Our Bones (Dutton/Plume)

New York City, January 2000



(Updated 2011)

Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook was originally published in the year 2000. In the eleven years that have passed the popularity of this cookbook has grown exponentially; we now receive orders literally from all over the world. This third printing contains some updated material that enhances the content of the original. We have carefully chosen a different binding which promises to be more comfortable for the cook to leave open on the counter and refer to during the cooking adventure.

     Through the years Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook has proven to be the perfect sequel to my original book HEALING PSORIASIS: The Natural Alternative and a wonderful companion to my third book One Cause, Many Ailments: The Leaky Gut Syndrome, in which I explain the theory of the origin of this and other diseases which have been treated to a successful outcome using my protocol. Without a doubt there has been a sea change among the general public regarding nutrition as much more attention is now given to this important subject.

     Human beings know intuitively and experientially that food affects our health, but only recently is the scientific community coming to recognize the major role that nutrition plays in health and disease. More than ever before, psoriatics are becoming aware that (despite everything their doctors have said to the contrary) diet is crucial to their health and well-being and their food choices are invariably (and often immediately) reflected on their skin. The old adage you are what you eat has never been more recognized for the kernel of truth it contains! In the case of psoriasis, to deny this truth is to fight a losing battle—to recognize and practice it is to bring about huge changes that are nothing short of miraculous. In my practice I have seen it countless times, but it requires two basic premises: 1) The patient must know what to do; and 2) He must be willing to do it! This is not the quick fix route of having injections that make the symptoms disappear at the cost of untold consequences in terms of horrific side effects later on. No, this is the slow route of dealing with the problem head-on, from the inside out, where it in fact originates. It's doing the job right—actually fixing the problem, not just eliminating the symptoms. And yes, this will require a lifestyle change, which is admittedly never easy. However, ask yourself, do I really want to get rid of my psoriasis for good? If you do, then this approach is for you!

     What my books give you is a choice, which, in the case of most degenerative diseases, you do not have. You can choose to go the orthodox route (with drugs, steroids, UV light, etc.); or you can choose the alternative approach outlined in this cookbook which has had amazing results with those who have put it into practice. The fact that you are reading this preface indicates the choice you have made. I trust you will not be disappointed!

Dr. John O.A. Pagano

Englewood Cliffs, NJ

August 15, 2011


Chiropractic Physician

     Fifty years ago there was no cure for psoriasis. Fast forward to today—there is still no medical cure! The orthodox treatments that are available are designed merely to alleviate symptoms if anything. However, for fifty years Dr. Pagano has been getting remarkable results with psoriasis patients, because he views the disease from the inside-out rather than the outside-in.

     Dr. Pagano has been helping and healing psoriasis and eczema patients for all these years with natural measures that fall within his scope of practice as a chiropractic physician. His protocol consists of nutritional counseling (i.e. the proper diet, along with effective bowel movements) based on the premise that psoriasis arises from a build-up of toxins in the system which then manifests itself on and through the skin (a condition known as the Leaky Gut Syndrome). Spinal adjustments to activate the immune system are also part of the regimen.

     After nearly thirty years of research, Dr. Pagano wrote a report of his thesis and his work in his ground-breaking landmark book HEALING PSORIASIS: The Natural Alternative which he self-published in 1991. It soon became popular on www.amazon.com, achieving and maintaining the rank of #1 Bestseller in the subject of psoriasis. After several reprints, the publication and distribution of the book was taken over by John Wiley & Sons in 2008. HEALING PSORIASIS: The Natural Alternative has been translated into Finnish, Japanese, Russian, Italian and French, and several other translations are in process.

     Since Dr. Pagano's approach to healing psoriasis is based on diet, patients and readers were constantly besieging him with requests for recipes that follow the dietary protocol. After years of collecting recipes as well as having original ones created by professional chefs, Dr. Pagano released Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook in the year 2000.

     In 2008, as more information was wanted about intestinal permeability (the underlying source of psoriasis as he understands it) Dr. Pagano researched and wrote One Cause, Many Ailments: The Leaky Gut Syndrome: What it is and How it May be Affecting Your Health, published by the A.R.E. Press in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

     Dr. Pagano has been invited to speak all over the United States and Europe regarding his natural approach to healing psoriasis. He has appeared as a featured guest and/or lecturer on countless radio and TV shows, among them: NBC's Unsolved Mysteries, CNBC's America's Talking, The United Nation's Parapsychology Society in New York, The Natural Gourmet Institute of New York, The National Psoriasis Foundation's 2001 World Health Conference in San Francisco, The Italian Psoriasis Association in Rome, The First International Conference on Holistic Health and Medicine in Bangalore, India sponsored by H.H. Dalai Lama in 1989, throughout the Scandinavian countries, Japan, and before the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow in 2009. In Moscow he toured the first psoriasis clinic to use his protocol. Known as the Urban Resort Clinic [Gorodskoy Kurort], this facility offers state of the art physiotherapy units with a dedicated staff. Sergei Ivanov, owner/director of the Clinic, in an email to Dr. Pagano dated April 22, 2009, wrote:

We have practiced your methodology...for these years and found it extremely successful and efficient. Probably this is the only methodology in the world which really works and gives hope to suffering people without generating any side-effects. We should say that over the years we have not had a single failure when the patient was disciplined and followed all recommendations.

     Dr. Pagano is that rarest of individuals, a true Renaissance man who, in addition to being a knowledgeable physician compassionately dedicated to the needs of his patients, also writes and performs his own original songs, is known for his paintings of the American West which grace fine homes and museums, and has a passion for all things nautical.

Table of Contents


Basic Principles—Building a Foundation

PSORIASIS: The Basic Concept


Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative

The Principles Behind the Regimen: An Overview

The Regimen

To My Readers

Basic Dietary Rules

The Why Me? Syndrome

70%-80% of the Daily Diet

20%-30% of the Daily Diet

Your Shopping List

Your Shopping Guides

Food Items To Always Have On Hand


Pantry Items

Cereals, Flour, Grains, Pasta, Rice

Herb Teas

Spices, Herbs and Seasonings

Food Items To Purchase As Needed

Fresh Vegetables

Fruits and Fruit Products

Dairy Products

Meat, Poultry, Eggs


Vegetarian Protein Products

Vegetables: The Builders of the Body

Alkaline Forming Vegetables—Enjoy!

Acid Forming Vegetables—Eat Sparingly!

Dr. John's 3/1 Super Salad

Above Ground

Below Ground

The Nightshades—Avoid!

Fruits: The Cleansers Of The Body

Alkaline Forming Fruits—Enjoy!

Acid Forming Fruits—Eat sparingly!

Fruits And Combinations To Avoid!

Meats to Enjoy & Avoid

Acceptable Breakfast Cereals

Dry Cereals

Hot Cereals


Almond Butter—An Ideal Snack


The Taking of the Teas


Food Combining

Some Do Not's Of Food Combining

Proteins and Starches


Celiac Disease


Permitted Cooking Methods





Clay Cookery

Cooking in Paper

Microwave Cooking


Pressure Cooking


Sautéing and Stir-frying (Wok cooking)


Cooking Methods To Avoid

Basic Cooking Equipment

Pots And Pans Should Ideally Be Made Of

Food Storage-Refrigeration

Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Photographic Portfolio

The 3 Stages of Healing: A Classic Example

The Healing of J. J


The Recipes

Introducing The Cooks

Other Contributors

Special Note

About The Recipes


Basic Guidelines

A partial list of fish to enjoy

Poultry (Fowl)

Basic Guidelines


The Recipes



Dressings, Sauces, Spreads





Vegetarian Dishes

Sprouting Chart

Side Dishes




Fourteen Day Sample Menu Plan


EYE on Nutrition

Dietary Do's and Don'ts

Good for Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime!

A Word About...Super foods!

Among the Super foods listed are:

Food Allergies...Not to be taken lightly!

What Is Behind So Many Allergies?

Vegetarianism—The trend of the future?

Sugar, Sugar, Everywhere!

A Further Word About Carbohydrates

Diabetes—The Epidemic of our Time

Sugar Substitutes

Additional Information

On Fats

The Undesirable Effect Of Frying Foods

The Dangers Of Trans-fatty Acids

Saturated Fats (Sources)

Fat Substitutes

A Word to the Wise...!

Obesity—Something to think about

How Do You Stack Up?



Frozen Yogurt vs. Ice Cream

Pass Up The Salt!

A Little Spice Is Oh So Nice!

Learning To Read Labels

A Sample Of Present Food Labeling

Most Important Terms To Be Aware Of

Serving Sizes

Supplement Facts

Antioxidants vs. Free Radicals

Antioxidant supplements—to take or not to take

The Apple Diet

Natural Cathartics

Effective Combinations

Apple Cider Vinegar—Beyond Taste!

Killing the Itch—Before it Kills You! (Pruritis)

Cooling The Flames

A Word About Nail Psoriasis

The Regimen in Real Life

Can a Patient Bend a Little?

Attitude and Emotions at the Dinner Table

When Dining Out

What To Order When Eating Out

A Story Worth Sharing (Anti-Perspirants)

A Story That Needs Telling

It Could Happen To You

Diet and Acne?

Dr. John's Final Comments

Customer Reviews

We Get E-Mails

We Get Letters







The Basic Concept

     The most important thing to grasp about psoriasis is that it is one disease that the patient does not necessarily have to live with! It is possible for a patient to rid himself of every scale, lesion or irritation caused by the disease in a natural way, regardless of its extent or location.

     In its most simple terms psoriasis is caused by an overabundant accumulation of toxins (poison) in the body. In psoriasis, what the skin is doing is trying to help the body rid itself of those toxins through the sweat glands, thus the external manifestations of the disease—the lesions, scales, rash and irritation. If the normal channels of elimination are open and working properly, and further toxins (derived primarily from eating the wrong foods) are halted from entering the system in the first place, the psoriatic lesions can gradually disappear, enabling the skin to completely renew itself. The evidence of increasing numbers of patients proves it not only CAN be done—IT HAS BEEN DONE!


     Before getting into the heart of the matter, take a few minutes to read through these questions with pencil in hand, and check off the box that best describes your present day diet selections. At this point there is no right or wrong answer. It is just your answer. As time goes on, you can refer back to these questions and answers and see how far you have progressed and how much you have learned. The Chinese have an old saying: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This is your first step.

When you are shopping—

1.     Do you avoid buying refined foods such as white flour or sugar?

Yes No

2.     Are you aware that locally grown foods are better for you than those that must be shipped?

Yes No

3.     Do you avoid buying canned foods whenever possible?

Yes No

4.     Do you regularly check labels for preservatives and other chemicals?

Yes No

5.     Do you choose natural foods rather than processed foods?

Yes No

6.     Do you have a good variety of foods in your diet as well as experiment with new wholesome recipes?

Yes No

7.     Do you buy fresh fruits and vegetables often?

Yes No

When you are cooking

1.     Do you serve your fruits and vegetables nearest to their natural state, i.e. cooking as little as possible in order to preserve their nutrients?

Yes No

2.     Do you avoid cooking in aluminum ware?

Yes No

3.     Do you steam your vegetables rather than boil them?

Yes No

4.     Do you wash fruits and vegetables before cooking?

Yes No

5.     Do you avoid frying foods?

Yes No

When you are eating—

1.     Do you chew your food well before swallowing?

Yes No

2.     Do you avoid getting up once you've sat down to eat and enjoy your meal?

Yes No

3.     Are you calm and relaxed rather than angry or upset?

Yes No

4.     Do you know that vitamins and minerals derived directly from foods are more easily assimilated and better for you than those from manufactured product?

Yes No

5.     Are you aware that some foods should not be combined at the same meal although they may be good for you if eaten separately? [Ex.: a) Citrus with whole-grain products, such as cereals or breads.; b) Starches with sweets; c) Coffee with cream or milk or sugar.]

Yes No

     Your answers thus far should be Yes. If you answered No to some questions, you are not practicing ideal dietary habits. Psoriatic, psoriatic arthritic and eczema cases, in particular, should strongly consider the following:

As a part of your regular diet

1.     Do you eat foods high in animal fats, e.g. beef and beef products, pork and pork products, cold cuts or processed meats such as salami,ham and bologna?

Yes No

2.     Do you include shellfish, e.g. shrimp, lobster, clams, mussels, crabs, etc. or sauces made from shellfish?

Yes No

3.     Do you eat any of the nightshades, e.g. tomatoes, tomato products, eggplant, white potatoes, peppers, paprika?

Yes No

4.     Do you include junk foods, e.g. packaged, cream-filled, sugary pastries, as well as fast-foods, e.g. hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, pizza, potato chips, pretzels, soda?

Yes No

5.     Do you drink alcoholic beverages: gin, vodka, whiskey, beer, wine coolers, etc.?

Yes No

6.     Do you eat fried foods?

Yes No

7.     Do you smoke, chew tobacco, or do drugs?

Yes No

     The answer to this last set of questions should be No. If you answered Yes you are aggravating your psoriatic condition!


The Natural Alternative

The Principles Behind the Regimen:

An Overview

     My approach to psoriasis and eczema views these diseases as beginning in the gut, not the skin. Orthodox medicine traditionally treats the visible symptoms of the disease and admits that it is in the dark concerning the cause and cure of psoriasis. It is no surprise that their results are at best temporary—and very costly, with an annual price tag of over three billion dollars in the USA alone! I see psoriasis and/or eczema as an internal process—the body is attempting detoxification which comes out through the skin. If this is true, logic dictates that it will take another process to clear the condition, the reverse of that which started the problem. This is what I have done for over forty years, working on a regimen to help those afflicted with the disease, with results that have beautified many patients, amazed their dermatologists, and thrilled me. For those who have followed through, with few exceptions, the results showed marked improvement or complete healing, and to this day they are in control of their condition.

     This is not to say that I have never met with failure. I most certainly have, but, it was the dramatic successes, especially with young people, that kept me going. There is an old saying Success requires no explanation; failure permits no alibis. This, on the surface, appears to be largely true—but, a thinking person would still probe the reasons for both as best he could in order to find a possible common denominator. I have found the common denominator for success to consistently be the patient's commitment to the regimen. In most cases, the common denominator for failure was the patient's lack of patience, persistence, and commitment to the regimen. While this does not always hold true, it is by far the most common reason for failure. But—mind you, there have been cases when the patient returned, after failing the first or second time, and resumed the regimen to a successful outcome. So if a patient does not succeed the first time, he very well may do so on the second or even third attempt.

The Regimen I speak of is based on six principles:

1.     Internal Cleansing: Eliminating the toxins and poisons that have been accumulating, particularly in the colon, for years.

2.     Proper Diet and Nutrition: Concentrating on a high alkaline/low acid forming diet—the key, in this approach, to the natural healing of psoriasis.

3.     Specific Herb Teas: Taking Slippery Elm Bark Powder in the morning, or Omega-3 fish oil and/or Flaxseed oil for the healing of the intestinal walls. Taking American Yellow Saffron Tea in the evening to help flush out the system. (For variety you may substitute watermelon seed, mullein, or chamomile tea for the saffron tea.)

4.     Adjustments of the Spine: Adjusting of the spine, particularly the 6th and 7th dorsal vertebrae; as well as the 3rd cervical, 9th dorsal and 4th lumbar vertebrae, which will help rebuild thin intestinal walls and improve eliminations by insuring proper nerve impulses to these visceral organs.

5.     Natural External Applications: Applying primarily Hydrophilic Ointment or any good proven moisturizer such as Aveeno Moisturizing Lotion, Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion, Lubriderm, or Aquaphor, combined with an olive/peanut oil mixture, or castor oil in the case of heavy lesions. Epsom salts and Dead Sea salts baths have also proven very helpful when applicable.

6.     Right Thinking and Sound Emotions: Realizing it can be done because it has been done; guarding against negative emotions which turn the blood acid, and concentrating on and practicing positive emotions that turn the blood alkaline.

     Coupled with time and patience, these are the principles of healing psoriasis and/or eczema that I have used with extremely encouraging results.

     In order to understand how and why the process works, the patient must grasp the theory behind the therapeutic regimen. My years of research dealing with the subject convince me that psoriasis is the external manifestation of the body's attempt to throw off internal toxins. The idea behind the

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