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Breakfast and Supper Dishes
Breakfast and Supper Dishes
Breakfast and Supper Dishes
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Breakfast and Supper Dishes

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About this ebook

“Breakfast and Supper Dishes” is a fantastic cook book offering the reader a range of interesting and innovative recipes for meals to be eaten at he start and end of the day. Written in clear, simple language and full of expert tips, this classic volume will appeal to all with an interest in expanding their culinary repertoire. Charles Herman Senn (1862 – 1934) was a German writer of cook books. He wrote profusely on the subject, producing cook books for all manner of people and situations, but was particularly well-known for his vegetarian and confectionery recipes. Other notable works by this author include: “Breakfast and Supper Dishes” (1898), “A book of Salads: The Art of Salad Dressing” (1922), and “British Red Cross Society Cookery Manual” (1915). Contents include: “Fish, Etc.”, “Bloater Fritters”, “Savoury Sardine Tit-bits”, “Sardine Eclairs”, “Sardines with Parmesan”, “Lobster Croquette”, “Croutons of Lobster A La Diable”, “Meat, Etc.”, “Savoury Vegetables and Salads”, “Eggs, Omelets, Etc.”, “Farinaceous and Cheese Dishes”, “Miscellaneous”, etc. The Vintage Cookery Books series hopes to bring old wisdom and classic techniques back to life, as we have so much to learn from 'the old ways' of cooking. Not only can these books provide a fascinating window into past societies, cultures and every-day life, but they also let us actively delve into our own history – with a taste of what, how and when, people ate, drank, and socialised.
Release dateJan 31, 2018
Breakfast and Supper Dishes

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    Breakfast and Supper Dishes - Charles Herman Senn


    A BOOK devoted exclusively to Breakfast and Supper Dishes should prove a welcome addition to the culinary library, and will, I venture to hope, be found of real help to all engaged in cuisine and household matters.

    My long experience as a practical cook has made it apparent that such a book is badly needed. I do not, therefore, make an apology for offering this small work.

    In compiling the recipes I have aimed to introduce as many new and original dishes as possible, so as to bring relief to the monotony of the everyday Breakfast and Supper tables.

    I have exercised great care in the preparation of this collection of recipes, so as to produce by clear and easy directions dishes that are at once elegant, tasty, and dainty, without exercising extravagance.

    I sincerely trust that this work will be found thoroughly serviceable, even to the inexperienced, for the directions given should enable any one to prepare most of the dishes successfully and without difficulty.




    FISH, ETC.


    Ingredients.—Two to three soft roes, three button onions, a dessertspoonful white wine, 1/2 oz. anchovy butter, four slices of bread, 1 oz. butter, 1 gill Béchamel sauce, 1 oz. Parmesan cheese.

    Method.—Toast the bread to a golden colour and cut into eight convenient-sized pieces. Peel and chop the onions, put them in a stewpan, cover with boiling water, and cook for five minutes; strain off the water, and put them in a small sautoir with the butter, let cook for another five minutes, add the Parmesan cheese and the wine, season with a little salt and a pinch of cayenne.

    Blanch the soft roes in salted water, drain on a cloth, spread the pieces of toasted bread with the anchovy butter, put a layer of the onion mixture on each, lay a piece of roe on top, and cover with the remainder of the mixture. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, set in the oven for two minutes, and serve hot.


    Ingredients.—Four to six soft roes of bloaters, one shallot, peeled and chopped, one hard-boiled egg, eight to ten small squares or rounds of fried brown bread (Hovis or Cytos), 2 ozs. butter, half a lemon, cayenne, aromatic spice.

    Method.—Melt about an ounce of butter in a sauté-pan. When hot put in the shallot, and blend for a few seconds without browning; put in the roes, and toss them over the fire for a few minutes. Turn on to a plate and let cool. Pound the roes and shallot in a mortar, adding an ounce of butter; season with a pinch of cayenne pepper and some aromatic spice or seasoning (Epice culinaire) to impart a savoury flavour. Spread the mixture thickly on to the prepared croûtes of fried bread. Sprinkle the top with chopped hard boiled white of egg, or form some pretty design with the yolk and white of egg. Squeeze a little lemon juice over each, set in a hot oven for a few seconds, dish up, and serve very hot.


    Ingredients.—Two bloaters, 1 1/2 ozs. grated cheese, frying batter, frying fat.

    Method.—Split the bloaters, take out the bones, remove the skins, cut off the heads, and divide each fillet into three or four neat pieces. Mix the frying batter with an ounce of finely grated cheese. Dip each piece of bloater into the batter so as to completely cover it, and drop into very hot fat; fry a golden colour, take up, drain well, and dish up. Sprinkle over some grated cheese, and serve very hot.


    Ingredients.—2 1/2 ozs. sardine paste (1/2 oz. butter, 2 ozs. sardines), 3 ozs. butter, salt, pepper and cayenne, watercress for garnish, a handful of small cress, one dessert spoonful sweet oil, one teaspoonful vinegar, brown bread, two hard boiled eggs.

    Method.—Cut some thin slices of brown bread. Put 2 ozs. of sardine paste in a mortar, and pound with the yolks of two hard boiled eggs and 1 1/2 ozs. of butter; rub this through a fine sieve, and spread it over the slices of bread. Wash the cress and cut it up small, season it with oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper; sprinkle it over the layer of paste. Place another slice of bread on the top, and press together. Spread the top of each with butter, and sprinkle over thickly with finely-chopped whites of hard boiled eggs. Cut them into fanciful shapes or strips about an inch wide. Mix some sardine paste with a little cream or butter, and ornament the surface through a forcing bag, according to taste. Dish them up neatly on a folded napkin or dish paper, and garnish with some picked watercress.


    Carefully wipe a number of sardines, and remove the bones. Roll out some puff paste or short crust about one-eighth of an inch thick, and enclose each sardine neatly in a piece of paste. Shape each piece neatly, and place on a baking sheet. Brush the surface of the éclairs with beaten egg, sprinkle some grated Parmesan and a pinch of Paprika pepper over all. Mark each lightly with the point of a knife, and bake in a well-heated oven for about ten minutes. Arrange on a folded napkin or dish paper, garnish with parsley, and serve hot as a breakfast dish or savoury.


    Ingredients.—One tin sardines, 2 ozs. Parmesan cheese (grated), salt, cayenne and pepper, 1/4 lb. flour, one egg, 1 oz. butter, frying fat.

    Method.—Sift the flour on to a board, make a well in the centre of the flour, put in a pinch of salt, a little grated cheese, the yolk of the egg, and a few drops of water. Work this to a stiff but smooth paste, which must be well kneaded for at least ten minutes. Place in the cool for half an hour.

    Cut the tails off six or eight sardines, wipe them gently with a damp cloth. Roll out the paste as thinly as possible, and cut into oblong pieces. Oil the butter, dip each sardine in butter, and roll in grated cheese; place on a piece of paste, and wrap up neatly; seal the ends with white of egg. Drop into hot fat, fry gently a golden colour, take up, drain well. Dish up neatly, sprinkle over with grated cheese mixed with a pinch of cayenne pepper, and serve hot.


    Ingredients.—One medium-sized lobster, one tablespoonful flour, one whole egg, one yolk of egg, parsley, 1 1/2 ozs. butter, one tablespoonful cream, salt and cayenne pepper, panurette or breadcrumbs, frying fat.

    Method.—Split the lobster, crack the claws, remove all the flesh of the lobster and mince it rather finely. The coral (if any) should be removed and pounded with the butter.

    Put the butter in a stewpan, when melted add the flour, stir over the fire for a few minutes, but do not let the flour take colour. Moisten with nearly a gill of water or fish stock, mix thoroughly, and allow to boil for a few minutes. Now add the minced lobster and the cream, season to taste with salt and a tiny pinch of cayenne. When thoroughly hot stir in the yolk of one egg, let it bind, then spread the mixture on a plate and allow to cool.

    Divide the mixture into six portions, shape each to the form of a cutlet, dip in beaten egg, and cover with panurette or breadcrumbs, fry in deep fat (very hot), drain, arrange on a folded napkin or dish paper, garnish with fried parsley, and serve hot or cold.


    Ingredients.—One lobster, one tablespoonful white wine vinegar, half a lemon, cayenne and mustard, croûtons, 2 ozs. butter, six drops tarragon vinegar, 2 ozs. white breadcrumbs, grated nutmeg, white cream sauce.

    Method.—Remove the meat from the shell and head of a lobster, and pound it to a paste with 2 ozs. of butter, one tablespoonful of white wine vinegar, six drops of tarragon, 2 ozs. of white breadcrumbs, and the grated rind and juice of half a lemon. To each 8 ozs. of lobster use one saltspoonful of nutmeg, the same of cayenne, and one teaspoonful of mustard.

    Have ready some small croûtons of fried bread, and put a teaspoonful of the mixture on each. Cover with white cream sauce flavoured with cayenne and lemon juice. Dish up, garnish with fried parsley, and serve hot.


    Ingredients.—One large crab (boiled), one hard boiled egg, 1 1/2 ozs. butter, salt, pepper and cayenne, parsley for garnish, one large tablespoonful cream, one large tablespoonful tartare sauce, a few drops of lemon juice, breadcrumbs.

    Method.—Remove the meat from the shell and claws. Clean the shell, and butter the inside portion. Shred the meat as finely as possible, mix it with the

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