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Hammer of the Gods: The Nine Realms, #1
Hammer of the Gods: The Nine Realms, #1
Hammer of the Gods: The Nine Realms, #1
Ebook513 pages15 hours

Hammer of the Gods: The Nine Realms, #1

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Thor, the god of Thunder, wields Mjolnir, his enchanted hammer, against giants and dragons.  But Odin's son, was not the first to carry the Thunder Stone.  For there was a time, before the old gods ruled the Earth, when an Archangel fell from grace.  Azazyel used the hammer, to forge the swords and spears of the angels, and the weapons of the old gods.  For his sins, of taking a mortal wife, and teaching humans the making of implements of war, this heavenly being was buried alive, and his tomb is lost.  Later, Odin found the hammer in the ruins of an ancient temple, and gifted the weapon to Thor, his heir.

Now, thousands of years have passed, and the dragons stir from their long slumber in the bowels of the Earth.  Thor and Odin must be found, or all we be burned by dragon-fire.  Angelica, and her brother, Jonah, are the last of the mixed-blood children of Azazyel.  Only they can find his tomb and Asgard.  Using the lost Staff of Moses and Solomon's magic ring, they face perils searching the Nine Realms.

Gods and dragons, angels and demons, elves and giants, dwarves and gnomes collide in the greatest battle in the history of the Nine Realms.  Lovers of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Terry Brooks, and Brandon Sanderson will not want to miss this adventure.

PublisherRK Wheeler
Release dateApr 1, 2020
Hammer of the Gods: The Nine Realms, #1

RK Wheeler

I dream of traveling the world with a laptop and gleaning inspiration from frosty peaks, deep valleys and thick forests, but for now I write between patients or after hours. I enjoy beekeeping when I am not writing or working as a chiropractic physician.  The busy buzz of the female bees is a relaxing hum, well, until one gets into your bee suit.  Then there are moments of sheer terror, with the occasional lancing pain.  So I recently invested in a new dragon armor for bees, that thus far is immune from their little stingers. They don't seem to understand that I am there for more than robbing them of their honey, but to help keep out pests and to give them food or medicine when needed. I like to exercise almost daily.  During this time I listen to audiobooks, either my own or authors in my genre typically.   Of course I succumb to Facebook's allure, but it is not all laughs and politics, for I belong to perhaps 30 or more writing groups where I learn and share information about authorship. Family time is very important to me and now that my books are being converted to audio I am having more success in getting family to listen to what I have writen. My favorite spot to read is on the sunny deck of a cruise ship in the turquoise waters of the Caribean.  No cell phones or interuptions. I am excited to get the sequel to Scions of Azazyel to paper for my fans.  It is all in my brain, it is a matter of getting it all on the computer and then the editing begins. I love writing fantasy, as not even I know where the story might take us until it is complete.  It seems to have a life of its own as I read, ponder and dream. 

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    Book preview

    Hammer of the Gods - RK Wheeler

    A picture containing animal, bird Description automatically generated

    Mighty are dragons, flames they do breathe

    Long are their talons, with teeth they do cleave

    Wings like a storm, the wind they do blow

    No fiercer an enemy do angels or men know

    Deep in the dragon, the flames they do seethe

    Heimdall fought bravely, but no dragon is he

    Healed in clear waters, deep in the well

    There Odin’s son, and golden sword fell

    The eye now is blinded, strong arm is left lame

    Now come the Valkyrie, to mourn for the slain

    A picture containing map, text Description automatically generated


    Chapter 1

    A close up of an animal Description automatically generated

    Two there be of Odin’s sons

    But different blood through veins do run

    One be warrior and mystic two

    Dark the skies in which Mjolnir flew

    Tunnel of Terrors the youth must go

    Dangers they face in the world below

    Nine Realms there were upon a time

    And nine there are of dragon kind

    Odin’s spear its flight must be true

    As dragon fire comes into view

    A large, brimmed hat adorned the head of Asgard’s king.  His polished armor was cloaked as he leaned against the base of the old oak.  A golden spear hovered vertically in the air near its master.  Gungnir it was named.  The lance could be cast at will by Odin, and it was said never to miss its mark.  Long, dark hair blended into the beard of the large warrior.  The light of the fire danced in his thoughtful eyes.  A grin beset his handsome face before he addressed his sons who sat across the fire from him.

    We have but tonight before your quest begins, but I will tell you what I can.  If you survive, you will be men when you return to Asgard.

    The boys looked a bit worried but tried not to show fear before their father.  The black gates which led to the Tunnel of Terrors stood before them, perhaps a league beyond the hill where they had made their camp.  The giant carvings of Valkyrie warriors with spears crossed, towered high above the entry, as a warning of the perils within.  The passages were one of the few paths which led to the surface world of Midgard.  A less perilous route could be made through the Elven lands of Alfeim but Odin had long ago used this test as a trial for young warriors and as a means to slowly cleanse the passages and mountain valleys of the evils within.

    Well let us hope that you do not encounter fire giants on your journey, Odin said.

    Fire giants?  How tall are they? Loki asked with an amazed look.

    In ages past they were called the Titans, and from whence they came none knew.  But, I now believe they are the spawn of frost giants who mated with dragons.  How tall are they?  As tall as their sires.  Thirty feet they may reach in height, if their bloodline is undiluted with that of lesser creatures.

    Wow, I would like to try bashing a fire giant one day, Thor stated excitedly.

    Odin chuckled, Always looking for a fight you are.  Well, let us hope that you will not meet one of these on your journey, for you are not to your full stature and might though strong you are for your age, even for one of the Earthbound.

    Now back to your test.  Normally a larger group of boys would be sent with their fathers, who would accompany them through the most dangerous portion of the journey before leaving the youth alone to continue on as a group.  But you are the princes of the realm.  A successful passage with but the two of you, will inspire the army to follow you in days to come.  Also, your mother and I hope that you might not only watch over one another, but that you may bond along the way, Odin said.

    Thor and Loki gave one another side long looks with squinty eyes as they crossed their arms.

    However, I will not send you on this quest defenseless or with the crude implements which you brought from the armories.  Yes, they are fine weapons if used against a Jotun or other lesser creatures, but against those who wield the old powers or demon-kind they will not suffice.  For enemies are abroad in these days who would seek to kill or capture you to get to me.  Some are ancient, crafty, and strong.  A few there are, who might challenge even me.  And I will not be there to watch over you beyond the opening of the gate on the morrow.

    You will not start the journey with us Father? Loki asked. His worry was not hidden from his face this time.

    Alas, that I cannot travel with you further than the black gate which leads to Midgard.  Other matters I must attend to, for my brothers summon me to council, and at their bidding, I cannot delay past the time appointed.  It is not the usual season for the meeting of the Triumvirate, so the news must be dire.

    Odin stood and reached out as if grasping for an unseen object with one hand.  At first, naught was seen nor heard other than the shifting of dying embers in the fire.  But from afar off, a whisking of the wind could be heard and thunder rumbled in the distance.  The cracking of branches of trees caused the boys to start and stand from where they had been seated.  Thor grabbed a war hammer and Loki a finely crafted spear.  They took up defensive stances to either side of their father.  Suddenly, the fabled hammer of Asgard burst a nearby tree asunder and in the blink of an eye Mjolnir was in the grasp of Asgard’s King.  Odin looked at the enchanted object and hefted it as if it had little weight.

    The young princes lowered their weapons.

    Thor, behold your destiny. 

    Odin set the hammer upon the ground between he and his heir.

    Thor seemed a bit confused.  He had his hand outstretched as if he had been expecting his father to place the weapon in his grasp.  He paused, lowering his arm, and looked up inquiringly.

    See if you can lift its weight.

    Mjolnir was large in the head, but short in the shaft.  Many legends and stories speculated why this was so, but if Odin knew why, he had kept the truth of the matter to himself.  Due to the length of the handle it was wielded one-handed like a larger than normal blacksmith’s tool, but their father had preferred his spear in battle during all the time of his son’s brief lives so, they had never seen it used before.

    Thor studied the enchanted weapon for a moment before bending over and grasping it with his right hand.  Expecting to lift it as easily as his father, he was surprised that it would not budge.  Using both hands and squatting, he strained, yet still it would not move above the soft earth.

    Odin looked somewhat concerned over this turn of events.

    Let me try, Loki said excitedly.

    Before anyone could protest, he shoulder-bumped Thor aside and grabbed the stout handle with both hands, but as before, the hammer did not move.

    Tell me, Thor, has there been any misdeed in your life which you have failed to tell me about?

    The prince looked a bit flustered.  His face began to turn a shade nearer that of the wavy hair atop his head.  As of yet, he could not grow a full beard like his father’s, but he was proud not to appear baby-faced like his brother.  Well, I know I was not supposed to but...

    You what?

    I disobeyed you once Father, but I wasn’t alone, for I was with Loki.

    Thor, you cave troll, why bring that up? Loki asked angrily.

    Odin glanced shrewdly at the interrupter and then back to his heir.  Their father placed his fists upon his waist. 

    Standing half-a-head higher than Loki, Thor was still more than two hands shorter than his father. Odin looked down on them sternly.  The boys were but fourteen years old. The dream quest was part of the passage of manhood on one’s fifteenth birthday, which was on the morrow for the youth.  Though they were said to be twins, they were nothing alike in body nor mind, and Thor often wondered how they could be so different.

    Go on, tell me.

    Father, we snuck out of the keep with a couple of maidens.

    You did?  And which young ladies would that be?

    Sif and Sigyn, Thor replied with a brief look of fond memories, before changing his expression to a more repentant mood when he saw his father’s look and then he bowed his head.  His face took on a more sorrowful expression.

    What did you do with these girls?

    We took them to the vaults beneath the keep, and we showed them the treasury and the armory.

    You did?  And how many times have I told you that no one, other than the royal guards enter the vaults, save they be with me, or your mother, Odin asked looking first to Thor then Loki.

    Every time you have taken us there Father, the boys said in unison.

    That is right, every time we have visited I have emphasized the importance of protecting the enchanted weapons and armor there.  How did you get past the guards?

    Mother has taught me how to cast illusions Father.  I have been practicing.  I took on your appearance, and I made Thor look like Heimdall and...

    You impersonated me?  Never do that again Loki, unless I asked you to do so in gravest need.  Your skills have grown, and those gifts may aid you in the days to come, but within Asgard you could create confusion and might risk the safety of the realm by doing so.  Do you understand?

    Yes, I understand Father, Loki replied.

    Looking sternly at Thor, Odin asked, Are you repentant of your lie?

    Thor nodded his head looking dejected.  I am sorry Father, please forgive me.

    Odin paused as if he were trying to read his son’s mind before he replied, I do, but do not let it happen again.  Also, you must pray to my Father for forgiveness as well.

    I will.

    And you, Loki, do you repent as well? Odin asked as he turned his fierce gaze to his other son.

    Loki glared at Thor and crossed his arms across his chest, but when his father’s brow furrowed further, he capitulated and confessed, but he did not appear truly repentant as he clenched his jaw and looked away. 

    An awkward moment of silence, laced with tension, seemed to go on for an eternity, before anyone spoke.

    Odin shook his head looking at Loki and took a deep breath before the silence was broken.

    Why does he get Mjolnir? Loki protested.  His young face was scrunched up a bit Weasley-like.  Though he favored his father with his dark features, he shared neither his beauty nor strength.  Loki, rather than taking the path of a warrior in training, was a sorcerer’s apprentice being instructed in the mystic arts by his mother Freja, sister of the elven king.  It was surmised that he rather inherited her people’s lithe build, though not her white skin or hair.  Nor did he appear as Thor, who was larger of stature and red-headed.  Also, his brother had pointed ears, while he did not, although they were not as long as a full-blooded elf’s.  Their parents had always brushed aside questions about this difference between them by saying that he was more like his father.

    Odin’s frown turned to a smirk before he chuckled to himself almost as if expecting such an outburst from his younger child.  "You shall not go into the wilds unarmed Loki, nor shall I have you cower in your brother’s shadow for protection.  You shall bare Laevateinn. 

    Thor and Loki exchanged looks of wonder but also of confusion. 

    Reaching behind his back, Odin pulled forth a small dagger with a dark scabbard which reflected dully in the dim light of the fire. Drawing the blade from its sheath, Loki and Thor’s eyes grew wider, as the metal seemed to have a swirling blue luminescence within, giving it a transparent appearance like an icicle as it is passed in front of a light.  The king passed both blade and sheath to his younger son.

    It is a bit small.  Not much use against a sword or spear it would seem, Loki stated.

    It has a greater power than you know and once mastered, it may challenge the strongest of foes, but each of you must discover the powers of these weapons for yourselves.  Now, Thor, try again.

    The brawny youth reached down and steadied himself as if preparing to lift a great weight.  He took a deep breath, but this time when he pulled at the handle, the hammer came up easily off the ground.  The unexpected effort of jerking upward on an object that suddenly seemed to have little weight sent him tumbling backwards over a log.  He cried out as he struck the ground.

    Loki laughed at his brother’s misfortune.

    Standing quickly, Thor glared at Loki for a moment, but his expression swiftly faded as he turned his attention to Mjolnir.  He slowly turned it over in his hands, examining it closely.  A broad smile crossed his face as he swung it through the air as if battling an unseen enemy.  He finally stopped his musings and looked up at his father.

    Now sit and listen, for the dawn is not far off, Odin said before returning to his spot against the tree.

    Loki and Thor fondled their enchanted weapons for a moment after sitting, but they set them by their sides once their father began to speak and looked at him intently across the light of the fire.

    "From now, until you return, you must refer to me as Wodan.  A wandering wizard amongst mortals am I known, but as Odin I have not been named for many ages of men, and for now, I desire to keep my true identity and your own a secret.  Whether you encounter dwarf, man, gnome or demon-kind do not reveal that you are the sons of Odin, lest Hades seek you out.

    "At the end of the wild lands beyond the gate your nearest allies will be the dwarves.  The gnomes will be nearby, but those peoples do not know me, either by Odin, nor by Wodan, and so, you will need to try to befriend the little-folk should the dwarves grant you passage beyond their realm.  For it is only through the gnome kingdom that you might finally walk upon the snows of the lands on the surface world by the path which lies before you.  Though there be other ways to Midgard that the Earthbound might take, this is the only road from Asgard. 

    Thor and Loki pondered over their father’s words for a time as the smoke drifted lazily off and above the trees.  There were no stars to be seen.  The orange light of the fire seemed to grow brighter, yet it was not simply the reflection of the embers and tiny tongues that danced within, but the sky itself took on an unnatural orange hue from the direction of the forests which lay to the south of the great gates.

    Odin jumped up from where he had been seated.  Gungnir, his spear, flashed with golden light as it sprung into the outstretched hand of its master.

    Run, to the gate, you must flee, Odin bellowed to his sons.

    Scrambling to their feet they grabbed their weapons and packs as they stared at the growing light.  What is it Father?


    The two youth set off at a brisk pace towards the black gates.

    Odin paused but a moment, as he watched his sons race away.

    I cannot defeat the dragons alone, even if all of Asgard could be summoned in an instant. Not even were we aided by the Elves and the Atlanteans, might we defeat the Nine in open battle easily. Yet, I must give Thor and Loki time to reach the Tunnel of Terrors. But how did they find us? The dragons have not been seen for...a thousand years.

    Asgard’s king reached for a jewel encrusted ram’s horn which hung from his waist. Begmiere it was named. Placing it to his lips, Odin drew a long breathe and gave forth a blast which echoed through the Nine Realms, for such was its power, and none other was like unto it.

    The darkness of the forest behind Asgard’s king was suddenly illuminated by ten thousand white lights as glowing, armored warriors appeared. Asgard’s vanguard had arrived, and the main body of the army would not be far behind, yet alone, they would be too few to stop the Nine.

    The Nine Dragons

    Nidhoggr (Red) – Male – Fire breathing –Wyvern - 2 legs

    Yddraiggoch (White) – Male – Two headed - Ice and Fire breathing – Dragon 4 legs

    Vere Celen (Gold) – Female – Fire breathing – Dragon – 4 legs

    Kulshedra (Brown) – Female – Fire Breathing – Wyvern – 2 legs

    Slibinas (Green) – Female – Poison and Fire breathing – Wingless – 4 legs.

    Leviathan (Blue) – Female – Water/Steam – Wingless -no legs

    Jurmungandr (Black) – Male – Smoke/Darkness/Fire – Dragon – 4 legs

    Pytho (Silver) – Male – Fire Breathing – Wyvern-2 legs

    Vileslayar (Multicolored) – Male – Dragon – 6 legs - 7 heads -Fire/Ice/Poison/Darkness/Plague/Steam/Acid


    Chapter 2


    Legends speak and stories tell,

    Of a place where dwarves do dwell

    Yet once they lived with mortal men,

    Before the war amongst their kin

    Seldom peace, their folk do know,

    Enemies dwell down below

    Giants and gnomes and demon kind,

    But friends they found upon a time

    Elves and fairies they sometimes see,

    Poseidon dwells beneath the deep

    Frost giants come from Jotunheim,

    But worst of all are dragons nine

    Thor his hammer lighting calls,

    Olympus lost since its fall

    Three there were of fairy kings,

    Must be found, both staff and ring

    Lost the tomb where Azazyel was felled

    Angels must find, before King of Hell


    Hundreds of years later...*

    "Hadgrim!  Hadgrim wake up, we’re under attack!"

    The young dwarven prince was enjoying his dreams that night and resented being pulled away from young Lucinda, his bride-to-be.  She called to him from the small boat that drifted lazily in the underground lake.  The soft glow of the iridescent mosses along the shores bathed her pretty face in a pale blue radiance as he was pulled further away.  She reached for his hand as blackness set in.

    Hadgrim’s eyes snapped open but he quickly shielded them with one hand from the blinding red light which emanated from the Dwarf King’s Heart held by his father.  The King’s face was intense and worried.  His thick grey beard was woven into patterns that hung across his breastplate.  The locks of both his whiskers and long hair were tied in places by rings of gold, beset with wondrous gemstones.

    Father, what’s the matter? Why are you wearing your armor?

    The sounds of war horns and battle drums echoed through the city.  Cries could be heard from the people outside as deep booming thundered from far off in the direction of the temple. 

    Hurry son, get up and put on your armor.  Bring your helm and shield.  I want you to take Valdangrer.  Do you understand?  No weapon will serve you better against the giants this day.

    The dwarven prince tried to shake off the disorientation that comes with waking up from a vivid dream unexpectedly as he accepted the giant war mace from his father in awe.  Sharp spikes protruded in all directions from the last three feet of the two handed war club.  Filigree golden runes were etched upon its red surface.  The characters were not dwarven.  When he was a boy his father had told him tales about the enchanted mace.  Legends say that Dveorger, the first of their race, had received the magical weapon as a gift from Poseidon himself, but that is a tale for another time.

    The giants are here, in Svartalfheim?

    They are at our very doors my son, but it is worse than that.  The gnomes are either taking advantage of our misfortune or they have allied with the Jotun scum, for we are now besieged on all sides.  They come for the sacred gem. As long as I hold it the gnome army will be unlikely to withdraw.  They will remain focused upon me at the front wall.  I cannot lead in two places at once Hadgrim.  You must take the reserves and defend the Sealed Gate against the Jotun.  If you can drive them back further into the tunnels then you can seek aid amongst the fairies or elves, but if that path is blocked take the narrower road to Asgard.  The giants will not be able to follow you through those smaller passageways, though it is the longer and more dangerous road.  Remember what I taught you about the giants.  They are somewhat slow, especially the two-headed ones.  Go for the legs.  I know that sounds obvious considering their height, but they typically wear less armor on the legs and feet. 

    Hadgrim stood up before embracing his father for a moment. 

    You are stronger than you know my son.  Now go, earn your title, keep your honor and save our people.

    I will make you proud father. Fare thee well.

    Prince Hadgrim was thirty-five years old by the reckoning of mortal men upon the surface world, but amongst the dwarves he was still but a youth for their peoples are long-lived.  It was not uncommon for his kin to reach over four hundred years of age and it was said that Dveorger, the first dwarf, lived five hundred years before he died in Alaska.

    The young prince stared at his father and the glowing ruby until the King turned and left the room.  General Taluk Long-Spear awaited the prince just beyond the doorway.  Hadgrim hurriedly donned his thick armor.  The metal plates were coated in copper so that Hadgrim stood apart from the common soldiers.  His helm bore great metal horns and sharp spikes.  His belt was wide and its large buckle was engraved with a trident that was surmounted by an image of the magical ruby of his people that shown rays of light in all directions.  Similarly his breastplate and inverted triangular shield also bore the emblem of the royal house. 

    He strapped his shield across his back and then slid his one-handed war hammer into a loop made by metal wire that was attached to his belt.  He then retrieved Valdangrer, his father’s war mace from the table.  When it was stood on end it was taller than the prince.  A mortal would not be able to wield such a weapon due to its weight.  If it were much larger than it might have been more appropriate for one of the giants, but dwarves are strong.

    Hadgrim easily hefted the metal weapon and swung it through the air.  As he did so a deep hum emanated from the mace.  The runes glowed blue as light radiated up the shaft into the young dwarves hands.  Hadgrim’s eyes took on a similar, illuminated, blue appearance as he felt a strength and power that he had never known.

    The prince’s head was covered in thick black hair.  His beard was cropped short, as was the custom in those days until a man had reached the age of fifty.  His eyebrows were thick and bushy; his eyes were hazel, his jaw wide and his shoulders broad.  His nose guard covered the bridge of his long nose.  Hadgrim took a deep breath before exiting his room.  General Taluk saluted him as he stepped through the doorway.

    The General advised him on the situation as they walked.  The reserves were lined up in rows in the courtyard of the palace adorned with fell helms, stout shields and long spears in the front ranks.  Those in the middle carried a mix of axes, swords and war hammers.  The back row were archers.  The Kings men stood at the fore, and the Queen’s guard at the rear.  The female soldiers carrying their lozenge shaped shields were not to be underestimated.  Their prowess had been proven in the last war when the sacred ruby of their people was taken back from the gnomes.

    Is this all that could be summoned General Taluk?

    No my Lord, the rest are already assembled near the Sealed Gate and the temple.  There we will make our stand against the Jotun swine.

    Then let us waste no time in spilling the dark blood of giants shall we? 

    Aye my Lord!  The general saluted with a grin as he signaled his squire to blow a horn.

    Hadgrim and the General set off at a swift pace, followed by their soldiers towards the rear of the dwarf kingdom.  Most of the buildings were built of stone as there were few trees that would grow under the mountains in the half-light.  The sound of metal boots thundered in the streets as the reserves passed children and the elderly who were making their way to the Temple of Poseidon.  In the rearward part of the realm there was but a single wall that surrounded the great worship center.  It was not meant to be a fortress, but it would serve better than any other structure for defense unless that failed and then the palace would be the place to make a final stand should the need arise. 

    The dwarves had built a series of three massive walls, each taller than the first at the front of the city which faced the gnomes, but never had his people been waylaid by any force which might come through the tunnels.  In ages past, that path had seemed secure, guarded by their allies in Alfheim, Asgard, and the Fairy King’s realm.  Though protected by gates strong and thick, the temple would be more difficult to defend than the main walls should the gates fail due to the shorter bulwarks and lack of catapults.

    The Captain of the rear guard saluted Prince Hadgrim and General Taluk as the ground shuttered once more.  Small rocks fell from around the thick hinges which bound the gates to the stone as the giants beat upon the steel barrier.

    It was then that the Prince caught sight of his love, Lucinda.

    When the fighting starts I do not want you to engage.  I want you to take your shield maidens and defend the temple gates.  Should we fail here, you must protect our people.

    No Hadgrim, my place is with you!  It has always been with you.

    There is no time to argue, the gates will not hold much longer!  I love you more than you could know.  We will be married, you have my word Lucinda.  Prince Hadgrim embraced his bride-to-be and kissed her passionately.

    Now go, I cannot think clearly if I am worried about your safety.

    Lucinda’s light brown hair was the last thing he touched as he reluctantly pulled away from her.  Her eyes teared up, but she followed his orders.  A small group of twenty young shield maidens, trailed orderly behind her as they made their way towards the temple.

    The gate bent inward with a thunderous boom, the crossbar shattered as the first of the giants burst forth into the chamber.  The armored monstrosity was bald with naught but tattoos upon his face and head.  It had six fingers upon each hand and its double rows of teeth were filed into sharp points.  He carried a stone hammer, black like the onyx.  His armor was of bone and not metal and that would serve the dwarves well this day as it was more easily pierced than their own armor, which was the finest known in Svartalfheim.

    General Taluk Long-Spear dodged the swing of the Jotun and thrust his weapon deep into the abdomen of the creature.  The giant roared in pain as it pushed itself forward upon the shaft until it could reach his adversary.  He batted the dwarven commander across the chamber with his war hammer.  The General’s armor was left dented and marred.  He lay unmoving, as his eyes stared up towards the cavern roof.

    Hadgrim led a charge as his men cried out their war chant as they ran at his sides and behind.  Valdangrer came to light and the prince’s eyes glowed blue.  He shattered the leg bones of the giant who then fell hard to the earth.  The defenders impaled the creature again and again until it went still.  The Jotun stood as much as three times the height of a dwarf who were themselves short compared to mortals in Midgard.

    The terrible deep shouts of the blue and white warriors were met by the fury of the dwarves.  A two headed giant was next to face the enchanted mace.  Unlike his cohort who had fallen, he bore a pair of great axes.  Although Hadgrim caught the first weapon midair with Valdangrer which moaned with its deep hum, he failed to shatter the second axe as he had the first.

    The sharp blade caught the young prince across the left side of his face, creating a deep gash into his forehead which ran in a line down into his cheek.  Only his helm saved his life in that terrible moment.  Hadgrim stumbled back into his men as the pain shot through his face and into his brain.  The battle moved past him except his personal guard who waited for him to regain his senses.  He tied a scarf around his head before putting his helm back on.  He was now blind in his left eye.  Although the orb was still intact, it was damaged beyond repair. 

    The clash of weapons and armor was muffled only by the cries of the fallen and dying.  Hadgrim shrugged off his pain as he charged forward once more.  Valdangrer bit thorough one of the skulls of the white giant as it leaned forward to grasp a dwarven soldier so that it might eat him.

    The dwarves succeeded in driving the Jotun beyond the broken gate into the large chamber beyond.  However, once inside his forces were split.  Hadgrim and the King’s guard that remained with him were slowly driven off to one side of the cavern.  Many had fallen.  He could no longer see the gate.  Though the giants were warry of the enchanted mace, they came on none the less.  Only one guard now remained to stand with the prince.  They fought bravely, back-to-back, surrounded by a sea of foes.  Giants stepped upon their fallen comrades in their desire to capture the prince. Hadgrim was hard pressed as he felt his strength begin to ebb.  He realized they would have to flee or die for so great were the forces that stood against them that even Poseidon’s fabled mace would not be enough to save them.  They retreated through the narrow archway into the tunnel which led to Asgard.  The opening was too small for a giant; but a massive, blue, grasping hand nearly caught them before they were beyond its reach. 

    Illuminated by the glowing runes of Valdangrer the wounded warriors slowly traveled the long road in search of Odin.  Little did they know, that Asgard’s King, had already fallen.

    *Hundreds of years later...*


    Chapter 3

    Beware the howls at full moon,

    The werewolf's near and coming soon

    The wolf takes over, full of rage,

    None are safe until its day

    Run! Flee! Escape! Hide!

    Or silver bullet in its side

    If once bit, pray to die,

    For next full moon, wolf's inside

    The gray tombstones stared at Angelica silently as she wept.  They would not offer her sympathy or condolences as they surrounded her in their stony vigil. 

    Today, kneeling in front of her parent's graves, the young woman cried.  She clasped her hands tightly together in front of her as she wept out loud. You said you would always be there for me Dad!  I need you.  I miss you both so much.  How could there be a God who would let you be murdered like this?  Can you hear me God?  If you are there, I hate you! Angelica shouted at the sky before bowing her head in her hands.

    Black clouds shadowed the sunlight as it began to rain like tears from heaven. 

    She snapped a picture of her parent’s graves with her cellphone before climbing back into her old, silver, VW Rabbit.

    As she drove across the Pensacola bay bridge she wiped away a tear as she glanced at the water.  The sun was riding low on the horizon.  Radiant beams crossed the salty sea as dolphins danced and sailboats raced, embracing the gentle breeze. 

    She made her way westward towards the old bunkers on Santa Rosa Island.  Battery Langdon is where she had planned to meet her friends.  It is a giant hill with two square openings on either side.  The old fort is covered by a large sand dune.  The sugar white sand is surmounted by scraggly, wind-swept bushes, giving it the appearance of the head of some monster rising from the beach with its eyes peering out to sea. 

    Juliet and her brother, Hayes, were already sitting on the tailgate of his truck when she pulled up and parked. 

    Juliet was dark complected with short cropped black hair.  She had a rounded face with a small chin, thin lips and tea colored eyes. 

    Hey Emoji, how have you been?

    I’m great White Out, and you?

    They laughed and hugged tightly.

    Hi Hayes, where’s your surfboard?  Angelica asked her old boyfriend.

    I came straight from work at Pizza Hut, but I could take you tomorrow if you like?  It’s looking to be some great waves this weekend.

    I’m down for that.

    Hayes was your typical surfer boy.  He was tan and muscular.  He had shoulder length locks that were bleached by the sun’s kisses.  He winked at Angelica with one of those big brown eyes and smiled.  His perfect teeth were a welcome distraction.  He was a bit conceited, but he was nice enough once you got to know him.  Although they had dated other people neither were in a serious relationship at the moment.

    The sunset still glowed in hues of orange and pink on the western sky.  The full moon was already up above the horizon.  The cry of seagulls overhead, pierced the rhythm of Poseidon’s call.  Flying above the gulls was a large V of pelicans gliding silently to destinations unknown.  The crash of the surf thundered from just beyond the sugar-white sand dunes to the south.  Angelica closed her eyes and smiled as she took in a deep breath through her nose.  A gentle breeze wafted a tang of sea salt in the air.  Oh, how I have missed this since I moved to Atlanta.

    When she opened her eyes, she saw Hayes staring up at the birds.  She walked over and flirtatiously hip bumped him, causing him to fall against the truck.

    Hey, watch it, lady!  Hayes cried out with a grin on his face as he pushed himself back upright.  He grabbed Angelica around the waist.  She got up close staring into his eyes, but when he leaned towards her she playfully bit his bottom lip and then pushed herself away before he could kiss her.

    Hayes watched the swing of her hips and the bounce of her blonde ponytail as she jogged towards where Juliet stood, near the entrance of Battery Langdon.  He let out a groan, thinking how close he had just been to kissing her.  He jogged to catch up to the girls, his feet making squeaking sounds as he ran through the soft, grainy white sand.

    Angelica had just turned twenty-two.  Boys had always found her attractive, with her long legs and full lips.  Angelica usually wore a friendly smile despite her inner pain.  She could easily turn her smile into a pout to get what she wanted.  Her eyes flashed an emerald green in the sunlight as she looked back at Hayes with a smile.  Her eyes were quite striking and unique having a yellow band inside the green with brown spots.  Her skin was very pale.

    She was quick to smile and to laugh.  Angelica was her own party, according to her friends.  She was fun and intelligent, and she was very talented at nearly anything that took her fancy. 

    Hayes had brought a flashlight and a lighter.  The girls walked on either side of him as they passed through the large entrance on the left side of the bunker.  He led the way as they took turns squeezing through the bars that blocked the central passageway.  Being broader and thicker than the girls he was momentarily stuck trying to clear the bent section of the iron rods.  He turned on the flashlight as the dim light from the entrance was quickly fading.  As they started forward he held the only source of illumination. Juliet and Angelica clung to his muscular arms.  He seemed to enjoy the contact from Angelica, and he was protective of his sister by nature so he did not protest.  He moved the beam down the hall chasing away the black void which was quick to return as soon as its enemy was pointed elsewhere.

    The shadows seemed to close in, hovering just on the edge of the light.  They draped themselves like cloaks just behind the small group of friends, waiting for the opportunity to embrace them completely. 

    Angelica noticed the air was cooler here.  The humming sound of a car passing outside grew louder then faded away.

    Look over here at this writing.  Angelica pointed down the wall to the right.  Her heart seemed to skip a beat and accelerated as she read the words out loud.  All ye who enter here will taste of death!  Just pranksters, she reassured herself. 

    The writing was a dark color, and the dry ink stretched down from where it had been written on the wall.  It had the appearance of blood.  Shivers

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