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Constant Lovers
Constant Lovers
Constant Lovers
Ebook304 pages6 hours

Constant Lovers

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A tale of greed, ambition and thwarted love in eighteenth-century Leeds -July, 1732. On a hot summer morning, Richard Nottingham, Constable of Leeds, is called out when a young woman is found stabbed to death among the ruins of Kirkstall Abbey. In her pocket is a love note: "Soon we'll be together and our hearts can sing loud, my love. W." What happened to the maid who accompanied her mistress on her final, fatal journey? Who is the mysteious 'W' who signed the note? Nottingham must delve into the dark secrets of the rich and influential to uncover the truth.
PublisherSevern House
Release dateOct 1, 2012
Constant Lovers

Chris Nickson

Chris Nickson is the author of eleven Tom Harper mysteries, seven highly acclaimed novels in the Richard Nottingham series, and five Simon Westow books. Born and raised in Leeds, he moved back there some years ago.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It’s July 1732 and Leeds Constable Richard Nottingham has another murder to solve. Young, beautiful Sarah Godlove has been found stabbed to death, just outside of Leeds at Kirkstall Abbey. Her maid and travelling companion, Anne, is nowhere to be found. A note hidden in a pocket of the victim’s dress leads Nottingham to believe Sarah had been on her way to meet a lover when she was killed. Nottingham discovers that Sarah’s parents, who have title but no money, married her off to a much older land owner who had money but no title. It could have been a nice little arrangement except for the fact that Sarah was in love with someone else.Nottingham and his deputy, John Sedgwick, are not used to dealing with the gentry outside of town. Luckily, new comer Rob Lister, hailing from a higher class than the other constable’s men, proves to be an asset when he is able to use his connections to the upper class during the investigation. Afraid that he will never be able to solve this case, and with rival crime factions on the brink of a turf war, Nottingham and his men are pushed to the limit. Nickson gives us an interesting peak into the class differences in 18th century England with his third novel in the Richard Nottingham series. I’ve read and enjoyed them all, and they can be read in order or on their own. If you love historic mysteries, you must give these a try.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Constant Lovers is very different in tone to the previous two books. While both The Broken Token and Cold Cruel Winter dealt with the often poverty-stricken dwellers of the city, a world that Richard Nottingham knew well and could navigate with ease, this book takes us outside of the city and into the world of the wealthy, landowning country gentlemen. Nottingham is well out of his depth in this world, and knows it, which made for an interesting change. It was fascinating seeing this capable character out of his comfort zone.This book also saw the introduction of a new character: Rob Lister, the son of the local newspaper publisher, who joins as one of the Constable’s men (replacing Joshua Forester, who left at the end of the last book). Not exactly wealthy, but well-to-do and of a higher social class than the Constable’s deputy John Sedgwick, Rob’s introduction gives the reader the opportunity to see the poverty of city life through his outsider’s perspective. He also serves as a kind of bridge between the commoners that Nottingham and Sedgwick are most used to dealing with, and the gentry that they find themselves having to confront in the course of the book.I did find this book a little harder to get into than the previous two. As mentioned, it has a much slower pace – especially compared to Cold Cruel Winter, which zipped along. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I did find it less gripping. Once I had got into it though, I really enjoyed the new perspective that this book is told from. It gave the historical Leeds that Chris Nickson evokes a fuller, rounder feeling.Once again, I really enjoyed the sub-plots involving the interplay and relationships between all the supporting characters. Sedgwick’s slight insecurity following Lister’s arrival is very well played, as is the plotline involving his partner Lizzie, who is expecting a new child. I was also pleased to see that Nottingham’s daughter Emily seemed to have got a bit of her independence back in this book: I said in my review of Cold Cruel Winter that she seemed to have been pushed into the background somewhat, “cured” of her earlier, rebellious ways and recast as the dutiful, docile daughter. It was good to see her brought to the forefront again – I’d love to see a bit more of her in the next book!A slower, more thoughtful, introspective read than the previous books in the series, this is an excellent read for any fans of historical crime fiction.

Book preview

Constant Lovers - Chris Nickson


Richard Nottingham crossed Timble Bridge as the bell in the Parish Church chimed seven. The morning air was July warm, and the low water in Sheepscar Beck slipped quietly over the rocks. He stopped for a moment, feeling a gentle joy in life. For a few small minutes at least, everything could be right with the world. No crime, no anger, just the sound of the stream and the quiet chatter of birds up in the trees that shaded the bank.

All too soon, once he walked past York Bar and up Kirkgate, Leeds would envelop him and life would return. The noise and the full, heady stink of the city would rush in like a wave. Once again he’d be Richard Nottingham, Constable of Leeds. After such a long winter of cold, ice and deaths, this summer of 1732 was exactly what people needed, placid and peaceful. He lingered, loath to go, his hands resting on the wood of the trestle, letting his thoughts wander. Finally he turned, pushed the fringe of hair back from his forehead and walked into the city.

As he passed the Parish Church his eyes flickered to the graveyard, immediately picking out the spot where they’d buried his older daughter, Rose, in February. The grass grew thick and green over her bones; next spring the earth would have settled enough to put up the headstone that waited in the mason’s yard.

He carried on past the White Cloth Hall where the wool merchants would be adding to their fortunes later in the day, and the jumble of houses, new and old, that lined the street, to the jail at the top of the street. He unlocked the heavy wooden door, opened the window to release the stifling heat that already filled the room, and settled at his desk.

Spring had been quiet, just small crimes and the minor everyday violence of life. But as June arrived they’d caught a thief. It was fortune, sheer good luck rather than skill that had reeled him in. The man had been dead drunk at the Rose and Crown, and his tools and the carefully packed gold coins had tumbled from the pockets of his waistcoat when Nottingham tried to rouse him.

The trial had been short and the sentence the only one possible. A week later the man had been taken up to Chapeltown Moor in the back of a cart and hung from the gallows. The event had drawn a good crowd, pulled in by the spectacle and the glorious weather. For a short time it had almost felt like a fair, with jugglers and fiddlers and a hastily printed broadside, everything building to the climax of the noose.

But in the end it had proved to be a poor business. The man had been heavy and no sooner had he been put to swing, the cart leaving him jerking and dangling, than his neck had broken. It was over in an instant.

The hundreds gathered hadn’t been happy. They’d been drinking, anticipating the cheap enjoyment of long minutes of suffering and it had been snatched away from them. For a short time they swayed on the edge of mayhem and riot and the Constable had tensed. Then the hangman had cut down the body and they’d roared towards it, pulling at clothes and hair, women rubbing their babies against thick dead fingers for luck.

Once the dangerous moment passed he’d been able to leave, walking back to the city, bowing his head obediently to the aldermen and mayor as they passed in polished coaches or on sleek horses, chattering away earnestly about markets and profit with no mention of the life that had just ended.

And now it looked as if some false servants had come to Leeds, taking work and then robbing their new masters – a service lay. Just the day before, Morrison the chandler had reported that the maid who’d been with him barely a week had vanished. Five shillings had gone with her, along with three fine lace handkerchiefs that belonged to his wife. There’d been a similar incident a fortnight earlier, this time a male servant who worked for a merchant. He’d only been employed for three days and had run off with ten shillings in coins and some silver plate.

Nottingham had barely sat down to write his daily report when the deputy arrived, breezing in on his long legs and tossing his battered old hat on to the chair.

‘Morning, boss.’ He was smiling, happy. John Sedgwick had grown into his position, a long way from where he’d started out as a rough, raw lad, lanky and awkward, all too aware of the pox scars across his cheeks. He’d blossomed to become an ideal deputy Constable, resourceful, persuasive, and willing to put in the long, aching hours the job demanded.

‘Did you talk to Morrison?’ Nottingham asked.

Sedgwick shrugged. ‘According to him it was his wife who hired the girl. She says the lass knocked on the door one day looking for work. Claimed to have arrived from Knaresborough.’

‘And she took her on just like that?’

‘It was lucky timing, her maid had left the week before. And there was a reference, evidently. But Morrison’s wife doesn’t remember the name on it. Of course.’ He snorted.

‘Any description?’

‘Nothing worth having. She sounds like half the girls in Leeds – dark hair, small, quiet and polite. Went by the name of Nan, but you can wager good money that’s not what she’s really called. Morrison thinks she might have had blue eyes. From the look on his face I reckon he’d been hoping to tup her.’

‘Do you think he did?’

‘Just wishful thinking, most likely.’

They knew no more about the male servant. Dark hair, obedient, middle height; he could have been anyone. It could be a pair working together, or there might even be more of them. The last time they’d had this problem, three years before, it had been a gang of five, three women and two men, and they’d proved slippery to catch. The Constable sighed.

‘Put the word out. She’ll probably try to sell the lace somewhere. I’m going to check the market.’

The trestles for the cloth market lined each side of Briggate, the main street of the city, winding all the way from Boar Lane down to the bridge over the Aire. Each Tuesday and Saturday morning the clothiers brought their goods in from homes, the dyed lengths they’d woven that were the product of weeks of work, and with the brief tolling of the bell the business of buying and selling drew underway.

Nottingham walked slowly down the street, as amazed as ever at the silence of the transactions. The merchants and factors would move from table to table, inspecting the quality and comparing the dyes against the swatches in their pockets. As soon as they found what they wanted, all it took was a few whispered words. A matter of seconds and the bargain was sealed.

He’d lived here all his life, but the ceremony of it all never ceased to surprise him. It had all the sanctity, the quiet holiness, of church. It was the lifeblood of the city. At each market thousands of pounds quietly changed hands. There was more wealth here than most people could imagine.

The Constable exchanged greetings with some of the merchants. They were dressed in light suits of good worsted, advertisements for their products, waistcoats flowing long and gaudy to their knees, hose brilliant white in the sunlight, shoe buckles shining silver and gold to flaunt their riches.

In his old work coat, stock untied and breeches worn shiny, Nottingham offered a contrast They had their periwigs, short and lovingly powdered or full-bottom and glossy, while he kept his hair long and pulled back with a ribbon on his neck. They had the money and the power in the city. He kept them safe to enjoy it.

Within ten minutes more than half the boards were empty, the material moved away to be carried to warehouses later. Then the clothiers would lead their packhorses back out to the villages across the West Riding, coins jangling in their pockets, ready to start weaving all over again.

He stopped on the bridge, arms resting on the wide stone parapet. The river was sluggish, as lazy as the weather, bubbles showing where fish rose to snap at flies. He listened to its soft burblings for a few minutes, watching the water as it meandered.

Finally he pushed himself away and back into the tumult of Leeds. There was still plenty of work to be done. He strode back up Briggate, the noise from the inns loud and merry now most of the business had finished.

The merchants were smiling, money spent carefully and much more to be made later. Nottingham had barely turned the corner on to Kirkgate when a shout and running footsteps made him turn.

The man was panting, ancient boots dusty and a sheen of sweat on his face. ‘Are you the Constable?’ he asked breathlessly.

‘I am.’

‘You’d better come quick, then. There’s a dead lass.’


‘Where?’ Nottingham asked urgently. The man was bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

‘Out at Kirkstall Abbey,’ he answered, pushing the words out.

‘That’s not Leeds,’ the Constable told him.

‘Aye, master,’ the man protested, wiping his face dry with large hands, hair plastered against his scalp, ‘but they don’t know what to do. So they told me to fetch you.’

Nottingham considered. Leeds was the largest town in the area. Sometimes they sent for him from the neighbouring villages if a crime was too great for them.

‘Come down to the jail,’ he said finally.

He sat the man down, poured him a mug of small beer and watched as he gulped it down quickly, followed by another.

‘What’s your name?’ he asked.

‘Luke, sir. Luke Edgehill.’

‘You ran all the way in?’

‘Aye.’ He grinned with pride. ‘That’s why they wanted me; I can run.’

He was a young man, maybe eighteen, long, dirty blond hair damp and stringy, skin coloured by the sun and the wind. Tall and wiry, with guileless blue eyes, he looked directly at the Constable.

‘What else do you know about all this, Luke?’

‘Not much, sir.’ He scratched at his scalp. ‘One of the farmers found her by the old abbey this morning when he went to look after his sheep. She’d been stabbed, they told me.’

That certainly sounded like murder, Nottingham thought with a sigh; no wonder they wanted him there. But the abbey was a good three miles away; walking there and back would take too long.

‘I’ll ride out there,’ he offered.

‘Thank you, sir.’ Edgehill stood. ‘I’ll go back and tell them you’re coming.’

Through the window Nottingham watched him lope easily up Kirkgate then disappear into the crowds.

At the ostler’s he selected his usual horse, a placid animal that he’d come to trust over the years. He never felt comfortable so far off the ground, but at least this beast didn’t leave him fearful. Slowly he headed out along the road from Leeds, past the end of Boar Lane, where the houses gave way to fields and cottages that hugged the river.

Sheep grazed on the higher ground, and further down the crops were growing fast, ripening into rich colours. The heady scent of flowers, lavender and honeysuckle and others he couldn’t name, clung in the air as he passed, clear and pure after the reek of the city.

By the time he reached the abbey sweat had soaked his shirt, making it stick against his skin. The old buildings, now just suggestions of what they’d once been, lay on a broad strip of ground between road and river. Only the church still had a sense of majesty, the nave a triumph of arches, the crumbling tower clawing towards heaven.

The abbey had once been important and wealthy; it had owned most of the lands around Leeds and beyond until King Henry took everything. That was what Ralph Thoresby had told him long ago, and Thoresby had known all about the history of Leeds. To Nottingham it was nothing more than an attractive ruin. He’d walked out here a few times on Sundays with Mary back in the distant days when they were courting.

In the bright light it looked like a painting sprung gently to life. Trees gave shade, the river flowed gently a few yards away. But close by one of the ruins, now little more than a few heaps of weathered, shapeless stone, a small group of men had gathered. He dismounted, feeling the tight ache in his thighs, and walked the horse over, pulling off the tricorn hat to wipe at his forehead.

‘I’m Richard Nottingham, the Constable from Leeds,’ he announced. ‘One of you sent for me?’

‘That were me.’ A thickset man moved forward, his bearded face set in a dark frown. He was in an old shirt and breeches, sleeves rolled up over weatherbeaten, hairy forearms. ‘Didn’t know who to get.’ He gestured at a grand house partway up the hill. ‘Master’s gone for a week, so I sent the lad who works here to fetch you.’

‘He said you’d found a girl dead.’

‘Aye. She’s back there, other side of the refectory.’ There was a restlessness about the man, shifting uneasily from foot to foot as he talked, his gaze moving around. Shock, the Constable guessed, and fear. Seeing a body often left folk that way.

‘Why don’t you show me where she is?’ he suggested.

The man walked away without a word. A black and white dog that had been lying in the shadow of a tree rose and followed him.

‘What’s your name?’ Nottingham asked him as he tried to keep up. It was simple, human talk, trying to put the man at his ease.

‘Tobias Johnson.’ The man offered a broad hand for the Constable to shake. ‘I look after the land for the master. We graze the sheep out here.’

‘When did you find the girl?’

Johnson stopped to calculate.

‘Mebbe two hours ago. Bit longer, perhaps. I’d been working a few fields away and came back through here. The dog smelt summat, started whining.’ He reached down and patted the animal. ‘He dun’t do that usually, so I thought I’d better look. She were just over here.’

They rounded a corner, the fragment of wall that stood thick and taller than a man. The girl lay on the ground, curled close to the stone, almost touching it. Against the lush, even colour of the grass her skin seemed eerily pale, the deep blue of her dress glistening. A knife handle protruded from her back, blade buried all the way to the hilt.

Nottingham squatted by the body, turning her slightly to look for any other wounds. She’d been a pretty girl, with long, pale hair. The dress was made of high quality material with a pattern woven in; there was nothing cheap about the fabric or the stitching. He glanced at the weapon: polished rosewood, the fittings shining brass. It was all money.

A few hours ago, a day, maybe a little more, whoever she was, this girl had still been alive. Slowly, tenderly, he laid her back down and rose to his feet, knees cracking.

‘When were you last by here?’ he asked Johnson.

The farmer looked off into the distance, picturing his movements.

‘Late yesterday afternoon,’ he answered finally. ‘I’d been down to Kirkstall Forge with a couple of scythes for mending. I came back up the bank. I’d have seen her if she’d been here then.’

Nottingham thought. It was a long stretch of time, but this was open land, not like the city where people were always around.

‘You didn’t hear anything last night?’


Johnson gave the corpse a last sad look and hurriedly strode off out of sight, the dog close at his heels. The Constable found him around the corner, standing silently, packing tobacco in a clay pipe.

‘She’s nobbut a lass,’ he said mournfully. ‘Who’d do that to someone like her? Leave her like that?’

‘That’s what they pay me to find out,’ Nottingham told him. ‘Have you seen any of her clothing? Anything at all?’

‘Nowt,’ Johnson answered. ‘Just her, like that.’ The Constable could see that the man’s hand was trembling, clutching tight on the brittle pipe stem.

‘Have some people look around,’ he suggested. ‘There might be something.’

‘I will,’ Johnson agreed.

‘Do you have a coroner out here?’ Nottingham said. Outside the city boundary, this was beyond the writ of Edward Brodgen, the Leeds coroner.

‘Usually the master does it, but he’s gone, like I say.’

‘Have his deputy pronounce her dead. Can you find someone to bring her to the jail?’ he asked. ‘I’ll need her there.’

‘I’ll get Elias and his cart. He does all the hauling round here.’

‘Cover her properly,’ Nottingham warned gently. ‘We don’t want all the world staring at her.’

‘Aye,’ Johnson agreed, his voice barely more than a whisper. ‘Aye.’

‘And if you find anything, bring it to me. Anything at all. It could be important.’

He walked away, leaving the farmer to his thoughts, and mounted the horse for the ride back to Leeds. His spine hurt from the constant, jarring movement, and he looked to the distance, happy to see the outline of the city, the roofs and spires that meant home.

Like it or not, it seemed that looking for the girl’s killer was going to be his job. She obviously wasn’t local to Kirkstall; someone would have known her immediately. Nor did she have the air of the country girl about her. Her skin was too white, too smooth; she’d never spent much time exposed to the sun. When they brought her to the jail he’d look at her hands, but he was willing to wager there would be no calluses.

She came from money. Everything about her said that. Very soon someone would report her missing and then he’d be under pressure to find the murderer. The mayor, now in the last months of his office, would carp and command. Never mind the poor who died from violence, this would come first.

But there was nothing more he could do until he inspected her body properly. He hadn’t paid attention to see if she wore any rings, or had marks on her fingers from them. There would be a few things she could still tell him, even in death.

He sighed, willing the horse back to its stable so he could plant his two feet on the ground. The heat had grown during the morning, and even the small breeze simply stirred the warm air around.

Soon enough, though, Leeds was around him, the noise and press of people, the full, awful summer perfume of the city filling his nostrils. Strangers often found the place unnerving, roaring loud, busy and crowded, but the familiarity of it all comforted him. Smiling, he walked back along Boar Lane, glancing up at the buildings, the inviting scent of ale seeping from the open door of an inn.

Sedgwick was waiting at the jail, the remains of a beef pie on the desk in front of him, his coat thrown across a chair. Nottingham poured a mug of small beer and drank eagerly.

‘Any joy with the thieving servants?’ he asked.

‘No. I’ve told people to look out for the lace handkerchiefs. I don’t think there’s anything else we can do for now. If this lot have any sense they’ll have moved on by now and be trying it somewhere else.’

‘How many criminals have sense?’ Nottingham asked. ‘We’ve got something bigger now. We have a murderer to find.’

‘Oh?’ Sedgwick fixed his stare on the Constable.

‘They called me out to Kirkstall. A girl stabbed at the abbey.’ He poured more beer and drank. ‘From a quick look at her, I’d say she’s from quality.’

Sedgwick made a sour face. He knew what that meant.

‘Someone’s going to be bringing her in later. Once we know a little more I’ll tell His Worship.’ The mayor would need to be informed.

‘If we’re looking for a murderer we could use someone else to help,’ the deputy pointed out.

‘I know.’

Until the spring they’d had someone, a young cutpurse named Josh who’d turned into a promising Constable’s man. But he’d left, and Nottingham couldn’t blame him for going. His girl had lost their baby and died, and Josh had been beaten bloody by a pair of thugs. There’d been precious little to keep him in Leeds.

Since then he’d talked to a few prospects, but there’d been no one to equal the lad they’d lost. He’d had intelligence and energy, he listened well and was used to being invisible, unnoticed. Finding someone that good was hard, but the Constable wasn’t going to settle for less.

‘I need to find the right person,’ he said. ‘You know anyone?’

Sedgwick shook his head. ‘None of the men are up to it. They’ll do what you need if you prod them but nothing more than that.’

Nottingham grinned. ‘Maybe we’ll be lucky and solve this one in a day.’

‘Aye, and maybe someone will have left me a fortune in his will.’ The deputy stood and stretched loudly, his arms extending almost to the ceiling. ‘Do you want me to check the Hall later?’

Every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon undyed cloth was sold at the White Cloth Hall. Like the morning market on Briggate it was held in near silence; only the sound of whispers and footsteps echoed around the stone wings of the building. There was never any trouble, but they went when they could, just to walk around and remind people that the law was watching.

‘Yes, I suppose we’d better put in an appearance,’ Nottingham answered. ‘I’ll wait here for the body.’

Left alone he slipped next door to the White Swan for a fresh jug of ale and a pie from their kitchen. It would be at least an hour before the carter arrived with the corpse and he’d no intention of going hungry while he waited.

The mutton was stringy but the gravy was rich and spicy, soaking deep into the pastry. The ale tasted refreshing, cool from the deep, dark

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