The Power of the Cross: [Maskel] of Lalibela
About this ebook
Alfredo Johnson
After writing my first book, Behold the Six Point Star of David Spelled and Symbolize Haile Selassie 1, I have met and learned about these prayers and vision of St. Mary of Zion, and this manuscript was entrusted in my possession for the world to see and read for themselves the love and goodness of our beloved mother of God and mother of all Christians. I am pleased to declare the honor of carrying out such a service in the Holy Spirit of Yahweh Elohim in Christ. There are several other books in the pipeline to be released soon.
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The Power of the Cross - Alfredo Johnson
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Published by AuthorHouse 11/13/2014
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Chapter 1 Why we Must love Haile Selassie 1st
Chapter 2 YHWH Haile Selassie 1st before Birth
Chapter 3 Moses victory with the cross of YHWH
Chapter 4 The Holy Spirit with David
Chapter 5 The five round stone of David as Christ
Chapter 6 The victory of David over Goliath
Chapter 7 The power of the Cross Symbolism of Lalibela
Chapter 8 The five loaves of bread Symbolism
Chapter 9 The five points of Christ blood
Chapter 10 The two fish Symbolism
Chapter 11 Christ walking on the water at the fourth watch
Chapter 12 Why we all must baptize
Chapter 13 Holy Mary a perfect thirteen (13)
The Power of The Cross -
Of Lalibela
Invoking the Diving presence
In the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit One God A’Men
In Amharic – Geez
BeSemAbb BeWoWold BeMenFesKidus Ahahdu Amlak A’Men Kidus Selassie
The embodiment of the Holy Trinity!
Exist In Spirit before Man and Birth
Haile Selassie 1st
But Yahweh Elohim forbids that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor un – circumcision avails anything, but a new creation.
(Galatians 6:14 – 15)
Did you know…?
The Name Haile Selassie 1st
is the total Embodiment of the Holy Trinity, KING of Zion Who liveth before Birth and of any Man?
As the Symbol of Christ with A Golden Crown Displayed Upon David Throne The Son of Holy Mary in the Embodiment of The Holy Trinity With The Cross United In One, In The Form as David Six Point Star Exist before birth.
It means Christ in His Kingly Character as God Divine and Man in Spirit!
Study the Thirteen (13) LETTERS of the Name: Haile Selassie 1St in spirit and truth
Because the Name stands alone and it is now; the 13th hour! And the truth MUST be made known to humanity! To give them a chance to re-born in Spirit and water in the Holy Trinity!
As Holy Mary Crown had Twelve (12) Stars! Balanced upon Her Head, as a shadow of the Heavenly Tabernacle She Gave Birth to the Infinite Immortality, the Heavenly Tabernacle of the Embodiment of the Holy Trinity! Who did unfold Himself before Moses in the mountain; Being in Existence in Divine glory before Birth and Man! (Hebrews 8:5) The balancing force of creation as the letters of Haile Selassie 1displayed the perfect SOUL to the left, it is also balance with the letters on the right held by the center; Because in the scale of the Almighty hands all soul must attained perfection to be in one with the Holy Trinity.
Christ the Power of the Holy Trinity Haile Selassie 1st as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as One Liveth!!!
Many Christians who have being baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, has not yet realize the revelation upon the Throne of David when Haile Selassie 1st was crowned, as King of Kings Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah; it was all spiritual and not of flesh because of the meaning of the Divine NAME, being in existence before Man and flesh. Holy Mary gave birth to this embodiment of the Holy Trinity without the seed of man, as Mary was the various symbolism of the temple, tabernacle, holy vessels and the Ark of the covenant in whom the Holy of Holies take up His abode and took on flesh of the Holy Virgin to liberate humanity from the fall of sin. Holy Mary is therefore to be honored in all church as she is also the center of the gospel of the Holy Trinity because She is the Holy Mother of Yahweh God in His embodiment of the Holy Trinity, Kidus Selassie Christ and Ancient of Days who existed before birth and Man! is Haile Selassie 1st
This name is Spirit and the 13 Letters form the spiritual body of the Great Light in perfection as the Divine Name written that no man knoweth but HE Himself; Therefore, I dare any man prove Him wrong!
Haile Selassie 1st
The embodiment of the Holy Trinity!
(See Rev. 19:11 – 16
To many who do not understand this Divine revelation still living in the flesh, and blaspheming the Divine throne and Baptism Name of Christ, and taught there body of flesh is the same as Haile Selassie 1st
One only attained that oneness through baptism in this Name as Abb Wowold WememfesKidus Ahahdu Amlak! Meaning: The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit One God! The Same Name being worship in Ethiopia!
As the allegorical story in a story of ancient Egypt of Osiris body cut up into fourteen pieces and spread throughout the land of upper and lower Egypt. Isis has to go in search to find all the pieces except the Penis, bring unto herself to give birth to the son Horus, that was all symbolism pointing to the Virgin Mother of God, giving birth to God in the Thirteen Letters of Haile Selassie 1st as the Holy Spirit is a part of the Holy Trinity overshadowing Holy Mary for the salvation of humanity when Christ was conceived to be born, Haile Selassie 1st was there.
Image34679.JPGAncient Icon of St. Mary and Child – Christ!
This prayer is very important to all Orthodox Christian, as well as to others seeking the truth of the Holy Trinity!
[For the Ethiopian text see Brit, Mus. MS, Hartl. 5471 and Fol. 39 f, and Add. No. 16,233 (Dillmann, Catalogus, Nos. L111 and L1X and Brit, Mus. MS Orient, No. 639 (Wright, Catalogue, No. LXXXV, P. 52), For a French translation, see Basset, op. cit., p. 11f.]
"My LORD and my GOD, my SON and my KING, Eyesus Kristos, Who of thine own free will was born of me, Who didst suck milk from my breasts, Whom the heavens cannot contain, Whom the bounds of the world cannot contain, Whom the earth cannot carry, Whose hand the space of the abyss, and the depths of the sea, and the rain-floods cannot fill, Whom the angels and the powers of heaven cannot draw night, my Son and my King, I Mary Thy mother, Thy servant, beseech and make supplication to thee. I carried Thee in my womb for nine months and five days. Thou hast dwelt in my body, Thou has sucked milk from my breasts and hath lives upon my milk for three years, and I carried Thee on my back for five years. Remember, O LORD, that I have gone about with Thee for thirty years, and that I fled with Thee from one country to another when HEROD wanted to slay Thee. Hear my prayer, O my LORD, and my petition, O my LORD, my GOD. Remember, LORD, that I carried Thee in my womb for nine months and five days, and remember that Thou hast sojourned in my body. Remember, LORD, that I gave birth to Thee in Bethlehem during the season of ice and snow, Remember, LORD, that I left my country and went about with Thee from one country to another. Remember, LORD, my exile in a foreign land, and how I suffered hanger, and thirst, and wretchedness. Is there not reason for interesting Thee on behalf of the sinners as well as for the righteous who have celebrated my commemoration? My LORD, hearken to the prayer and petition which I set before me that Thou wouldst hear my words of entreaty and fulfill all that is in my heart this day [I beseech Thee] to send unto me forthwith twelve angels of mercy who shall tarry with me, and fulfill all that is in my heart, and the petitions for acts of grace which my lips make to Thee.
I beesech Thee, O my SON and beloved One by GOD, Thy Father, Who was with Thee before the creation of the world.
I beesech Thee by CHRIST, Thy name which was with Thee, before the creation of the heavens and the earth and of the angels and men, and of the sun, moon and stars, and before the night was separated from the day.
I beseech Thee by the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, Who hath come forth from Thy Father, and Who proceedeth from Thee, and Who was with the Father and the Son before the stars of the evening, and the stars of the morning made their appearance.
I beseech Thee by [my] womb wherein I carried Thee for nine months and five days.
I beseech Thee by [my] bosom, O my Son, whereon Thou didst lie.
I beseech Thee, O my beloved Son, by [my] breasts which Thou dids suck for three years.
I beseech Thee by [my] back which hath carried Thee for five years.
I beseech Thee, O my beloved Son, by the hunger and thirst which I suffered for Thy sake when we fled from HEROD and went into the land of Egypt.
I beseech Thee by the tears which gushed from my eyes and fell on Thy glorious Flesh.
I beseech Thee by the mouth which Kissed Thee.
I beseech Thee tongue which speak with Thee.
I beseech Thee by my ears which heard Thy gracious words.
I beseech Thee by my feet which walked with Thee for four and twenty years.
I beseech Thee by the bed on which Thou didst sleep.
I beseech Thee by the clothes wherein Thou was wrapped, O fire of the Deity.
I beseech Thee by MICHAEL, the angel of Thy wisdom.
I beseech Thee by GABRIEL, the envoy of Thy birth, who announced to me the glad tiding that I was to bear Thee. I beseech Thee, by RAPHAEL, the angel of mercy.
I beseech Thee, by URIEL, the angel of protection and salvation.
I beseech Thee, by SADAKIYAL the righteous and just
I beseech Thee, by ANANYAL, the angel of mercy.
I beseech Thee, by the four Beasts, each having six wings and many eyes, who bear Thy throne.
I beseech Thee, by the Ninety-nine Order of angels who serve Thee
I beseech Thee, by the ten thousand angels on Thy right hand.
I beseech Thee, by the ten thousand angels on Thy left hand.
I beseech Thee, by the ten thousand of angels who stand before Thee.
I beseech Thee, by the ten thousand of angels who stand behind Thee.
I beseech Thee, by the tens of thousands of tens of thousands of angels who surround Thee.
I beseech Thee by the vast spaciousness of the havens.
I beseech Thee by the great extent of the earth.
I beseech Thee by the angels of the clouds.
I beseech Thee by the angels of the sun.
I beseech Thee by the angels of the hills and mountains, who were in being before their abodes were created.
I beseech Thee by the angels of fire.
I beseech Thee by the heavens, which are Thy throne.
I beseech Thee by the earth, Thy footstool.
I beseech Thee by Jerusalem, Thy city.
I beseech Thee by Mount Tabor whereon were transfigured Thy form and Similitude.
I beseech Thee by Mount Zion.
I beseech Thee by the Mount of Oliver, the door of Thy Kingdom.
I beseech Thee by John, who baptizes Thee.
I beseech Thee by the Holy Spirit.
I beseech Thee by the Holy Cross.
I beseech Thee by the hails driven through Thy hands and feet.
I beseech Thee by Thy holy Body and glorious Blood.
I beseech Thee by Thy Passion and Death.
I beseech Thee by the dwelling in the dowels of the earth for three days and three nights.
I beseech Thee by Thy entrance among the dead.
I beseech Thee by Thy descent into Sheol.
I beseech Thee by Thy Resurrection from the dead on the third day.
I beseech Thee by Thy Ascension into heaven with great glory.
I beseech Thee by Thy Second Coming.
I beseech Thee by the exaltedness of Thy abode.
I beseech Thee by Thy years which never end.
I beseech