About this ebook
ToPos philosophy and teachingthe desire to address the core of human issues from aptitude, and many are in today. We seldom take the time to smell the flowers, let alone to understand how they grow. In the following chapters, I have offered thoughts, coupled with brief explanations where necessary for those whose time is limited. I have endeavored to use laymens terms in order to offer simplified illustrations. To the readers, learn to utilize that in which you find meaning and discard the rest as all arent for everyone, but everyone will find one.
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Your Unchartered Voyage - To'Po
Copyright © 2015 by To’Po.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015904638
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-5035-5700-0
Softcover 978-1-5035-5701-7
eBook 978-1-5035-5702-4
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Rev. date: 03/26/2015
To Know To’Po Is to Understand To’Po
How I Feel About My Own Love for People
Explanation of a Stump Speech
Stump Speech
Teach Your Children
Spare the Rod, Spoil The Child
How Can One Compete With Themselves?
Worry, Fear and Sadness
Thoughts to Ponder
Memory Building And Storage
Management, Bosses, and Leadership
And You May Ask…
Humor, Comebacks and Sarcasm
dedicate this book to my wife
The quality of my love for you was not born out of desire or searching for security but was born within the understanding of time, space, and pleasure. The love I have for my wife is that of my standing at the edge of a high rocky cliff’s ledge
high above the sea. There came the serenity of an unconditional
love forever from me.
T HE NAME TO’PO comes from the words Too Polite.
You can never be too polite. To be nice is enjoyable, pleasant, appealing, and attractive. We should always be courteous and polite; this will offer us advantageous skills in life.
To’Po philosophy and teaching: the desire to address human issues from a natural ability to do something for them. In the following chapters, I offer thoughts, coupled with brief explanations where necessary for those whose time is limited. I have endeavored to use laymen’s terms in order to offer simplified illustrations. To the readers, learn to use that in which you find meaning and discard the rest, as all aren’t for everyone, but everyone will find one.
To all who read, be as a noble person, do not anticipate deception and don’t consider dishonesty, but be aware of their existence from the beginning. People with knowledge will reach higher, petty people will reach lower. Know when to adjust your reach. To become your own philosopher, practice and practice, read and study. People feel that as they reach the top, they need not practice, but how then could they make soup and never use the ladle in the pot to taste the flavor. Learning and acquiring knowledge are lifelong skills; a person’s weakest point is giving in to the unknown. Strive to overcome the unknown through the acquisition of the knowledge of nature, people, and the world around you.
You could look and look, but you will never find a person who could truly see his own faults and within him accuse himself. Allow your mistakes to become the stepping stone to your success.
Learn to smile and enjoy the beauty of nature all around you. Laugh at your own shortcomings. Learning to smile and laugh daily will brighten not only your life, but also of those around you. If I had to pick what I most want to be remembered for, it would be my ability to smile and laugh and to bring smile and laughter to others.
The greatest reward I could receive in life is to know that in some way I have helped people. I have meditated for forty-nine years, seventeen of which were in the wrong way. Today, I am still learning and will always try to refine myself and how I want to live. My entire life is taken verbatim from life, which has allowed me to discover the reality behind the meaning.
To those who are beginning to seek and have just started their journey, you will see a different you, but the you that you will see in forty-nine years will be better. When I first encountered this forty-nine years ago, I was overwhelmed, I felt as if I had been parachuted into a landscape where I had never gone. I learned to know how to see the tree as it is, all of the blades of grass and how they laid. Today, I still find meditation to be a very intellectual system: not a religion, but a way of life. It is the inner workings of life inside and around oneself, the logical mind interwoven with the discipline of meditation. Develop your mind as I have, to be like the great waterfalls of the world, never to stop flowing. Always spread knowledge, as do the waterfalls, as their flow is continuous through rivers and on to the oceans, never stopping to ponder or request, and never fails. Learn from nature that flows without boundaries.
People see without preconception, any image and we will not be in direct contact with anything in life. People’s relationships are imaginary; they are by thought. People have an image of you and not of what you really are. They form the image to their liking, which is not the real you, and this is why relationships go wrong.
Does love wound?
(The wound creates loving.)
What is love?
Love is but a four-letter word that man may use in so many different ways. Could we consider a preferable alternative?
I am with you. I care for you. You are special. We are together.
Many people misuse the word love and the statement I love you. Feeling for someone is a big commitment, don’t elude. Many people don’t give love a chance; they gamble in life only to lose, as there is no sure thing.
Love is structured as a river to couple with adversity, direction, and continuous searching of new ground to enhance the final plunge into the sea of unknown to test the true meaning of love.
A short time to live your dream is better than not to have lived the reality of it at all. Sometimes, the experience from the dream that came true, however brief, brings to your life a love that remains a part of your existence for a lifetime.
Powerful people want allegiance for it.
Merchants want to sell it.
Writers and poets want inspiration from it.
So love is perhaps the most powerful of all emotions, but it is not used correctly.
Why? We overstate it, and then without remorse, we abuse it.
So if we had a clue on how to sacrifice our love so we could better understand how to receive love, would we abuse and overstate it? No.
A man’s love for a woman is but two things: imagination and the other is still to be born.
A man who never forgets a woman’s little faults will never enjoy their complete love.
A man should return love daily; this helps renew love. If not, it will become a habit, which will be a form of slavery.
Love and doubt could not be mixed. It leaves a nonspeaking form.
L OVE, TO ME, is the art of horology, the science of measuring time.
The best timepiece that one can construct inside of themselves is that of timeless patience—the gift of integrity by adherent loyalty to the one we love and adore.
Love could be a disappointment if we fail to grasp and adhere to the simplest of all values. Never allow the shortcomings of another diminish our value for one second of time.
Always know that while the span of life can be meaningless to the holder of life, its value can be priceless to another. Remember, love can be viewed as the construction of destiny to one and yet remain the destruction of destiny to another in the absence of our merging paths.
My love must be earned with respect from another; it is the greatest accomplishment of life, and another is to be accepted for what we are, by eyes that see that which is left unspoken.
My love has been buried beneath the surface and often finds itself drowning in a sea of selfish disappointment and stubborn pride.
I don’t want my love to become so buried in the swirling water around you that your vision is clouded, allowing you to see with only one eye, which could cause you to fight the tide in your struggle to get upstream only to be pulled down.
My love will be unconditional if you have the energy and wisdom instilled in you to really love and know me as a loving and giving person.
T O KNOW YOUR treasure in life is within you and within you is all you need.
Life is what you make it. Life was given to us and when something is given to you, you cherish it and you build on it to make it as great as it could be. To dilute it in any manner would equal hardship.
Not to be programmed