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Thinking out Loud
Thinking out Loud
Thinking out Loud
Ebook41 pages29 minutes

Thinking out Loud

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About this ebook

Thinking Out Loud brings forth the various shades of the world and the undeniable repercussions we are all, at some point of time or the other, scared of.

The book tries to capture what traps my soul at many moments. Like any other writer, words mean magic to me, and they matter. They matter to an extent that some days are spent in an attempt to steer clear of the vague fantasies that words present themselves in.

And if you could spare me one question, is it true that we all fail for once and give away entirely what belongs to us only to surrender the next time and maybe win the next time?

We will never find out!

So I shall leave this up to youthe reader, to analyze what ticks us and what leads to the most beautiful mixtures of emotions one can only feel.
Release dateSep 11, 2015
Thinking out Loud

Aarushe Sharma

Aarushe Sharma is a management student by profession. She is an ardent listener, prolific reader, and a visionary with a zeal. Her unconventional view on the pervasive social dogmas that create a sense of conflict between human beings led her to intensely express her thoughts. Her journey with writing began from her own personal experiences with life.

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    Thinking out Loud - Aarushe Sharma

    Copyright © 2015 by Aarushe Sharma.

    Cover design by Nitesh Rai.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    for those who are lost in their attempts to let go.


    For their encouragement in getting me to publish my script, I would like to express immense gratitude to my grandparents and parents, who helped me without asking for it.

    To Cheryl, for being the innocent little sister that she is.

    To Nitesh Rai, the batch mate and friend for consistently supporting me through writer’s block.

    The people I live with and the ones I do not but anyways love.


    Words are not for ignorant people, for the ones who let it be,

    they are for people who feel the core of their existence,

    who understand the flip side of life,

    who feel strong and listen close.

    They are for people who feel the desire to express everything they feel with the seemingly heavy words and difficult sounds.

    People who do not believe in small talk.

    People who do not believe in getting their emotions go.

    People who believe in deepened and strengthened expressions.

    They are not for someone who cuts out on coming out in the open.

    So, my love, the masks you wear and the inhibitions you let cover your mind are destroying you to no limits.

    I believe that even though you must have a hundreds of roles to play to the few people in your life, you can sustain and live with the deepest truth of your consciousness and identities.

    You can still be the person only you know you are deep down.

    Not everybody is going to

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