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Wild Life
Wild Life
Wild Life
Ebook123 pages2 hours

Wild Life

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Having avoided being separated and taken in-city, there’s still a chance Darryl and Harry can rescue their father from his kidnappers. As they settle into their new life as young hunter Joshua’s assistants, Josh can teach them how to handle the wildlife—but worse threats loom on the horizon.
The fifth quick-read in a fantastically fun series from the Carnegie Medal Nominated author of the I AM MARGARET books.

How I wish these books had been written when I was a child! Highly recommended action and adventure for dino enthusiasts of all ages!
KATY HUTH JONES, author of Treachery and Truth

Darryl and Harry may be safe for now, but they still have a lot to learn from the hunter Joshua about living in the wild. The stakes are rising in this unmissable new entry in the unSPARKed series, an adventurous tale of family drama, faith, and dinosaurs!

A couple of teenagers trying to put their family back together... while learning how to hunt dinosaurs, and making sure that they don't end up being hunted themselves. An entertaining premise, compelling—and admirable—young characters, and skillful fast-paced writing.
Hard to put down.
MARIE C. KEISER, author of Heaven’s Hunter

Release dateSep 23, 2021
Wild Life

Corinna Turner

Corinna Turner has been writing since she was fourteen and likes strong protagonists with plenty of integrity. She has an MA in English from Oxford University, but has foolishly gone on to work with both children and animals! Juggling work with the disabled and being a midwife to sheep, she spends as much time as she can in a little hut at the bottom of the garden, writing.She is a Catholic Christian with roots in the Methodist and Anglican churches. A keen cinema-goer, she lives in the UK with her Giant African Land Snail, Peter, who has a six inch long shell and an even larger foot!

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    Book preview

    Wild Life - Corinna Turner


    How I wish these books had been written when I was a child! Highly recommended action and adventure for dino enthusiasts of all ages!

    KATY HUTH JONES, author of Treachery and Truth

    Darryl and Harry may be safe for now, but they still have a lot to learn from the hunter Joshua about living in the wild. The stakes are rising in this unmissable new entry in the unSPARKed series, an adventurous tale of family drama, faith, and dinosaurs!


    A couple of teenagers trying to put their family back together... while learning how to hunt dinosaurs, and making sure that they don't end up being hunted themselves. An entertaining premise, compelling—and admirable—young characters, and skillful fast-paced writing. Hard to put down.

    MARIE C. KEISER, author of Heaven’s Hunter





    Copyright 2021 Corinna Turner


    License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    1: DARRYL

    2: HARRY

    3: JOSHUA

    4: DARRYL

    5: JOSHUA

    6: DARRYL

    7: HARRY

    8: JOSHUA

    9: DARRYL

    10: HARRY

    11: DARRYL

    12: JOSHUA

    13: HARRY

    14: DARRYL

    15: JOSHUA

    16: DARRYL

    17: HARRY

    18: JOSHUA

    19: DARRYL

    20: JOSHUA

    21: HARRY

    22: DARRYL


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    The habitat vehicle’s wheels slip slightly as we crest one final rise, but we come safely into the small rocky dell. Halfway up the main valley side, it lies bathed in early morning light and deep shadow. Joshua brings the HabVi to a halt, flicking switches and running through his parking sequence—handbrake, closing the shutters, etc.—without even looking as he peers blearily out the windshield. As soon as he has a hand free he flicks through a few camera views on the dash console and makes a satisfied noise. His arms fold across the steering wheel and his head sinks onto them…

    He starts to snore softly.

    Uh, Josh? Don’t you want to go to bed properly? I ask.

    No response. Well, no wonder he’s beat. He’s been driving all night, despite his infected foot and the antibiotics he’s taking for it. Harry’s been asleep on my shoulder for the last two hours, leaving it to me, as his responsible big sis, to try and keep Josh awake. This dell—this whole valley—is a quiet, out of the way, safe place, so Josh has been telling me for hours. He was determined to reach it before stopping. And, thank God, we’re finally here.

    Harry, wake up. I shake my brother’s shoulder until he snorts and sits up.

    Urrh-we-there-yet? he blurts sleepily.

    Yep. Help me get Josh to bed, then we can turn in.

    Harry stumbles upright and gets out of the way while I locate Josh’s sleeping bag stuffed in a nook near the ceiling, lay it out, and unzip it. Fortunately, since Josh is eighteen and much bigger than sixteen-year-old me or thirteen-year-old Harry, when we both start pulling on him, he wakes up enough to stumble a few steps across cab and flop onto the seat-bed. I ease his boots off—he flinches and murmurs something unintelligible as I do his injured foot—but soon we’ve got him in his sleeping bag and the bag zipped halfway up and we’re tip-toeing through into the living area. Though I suspect we could make as much noise as a triceratops in a china shop and he wouldn’t wake up.

    Do we need to, like, check for danger or anything? asks Harry, blinking and yawning.

    I dunno. I doubt Josh would just go to sleep if we did. Look, you go through the shower and get to bed. I’ll pop up the turret until you’re done, just in case.

    Our brief overnight stay in the HabVi last night already impressed upon us the importance of daily showers to remove tasty mammal scent, so that’s one thing I’m sure we are supposed to do, now it’s going to be our home for a while.

    Wearily, I climb up the ladder to the turret and open the shutters, looking around to get my bearings. At the other end of the dell the slope comes up at an angle a vehicle can climb—a HabVi, anyway, as we just proved—but, here, we’re parked at a safe distance from where the grass drops off into a cliff. Lush spring grass covers the floor of the dell, but the walls are bleak crags, devoid of vegetation, collapsed at one end.

    I sit and scan those surrounding crags for predators or threats, but the only things that move are rabbits, quickly creeping back out to nibble grass on the other side of the dell. There’s nothing else to be seen, and nothing shows up on the infrared cameras. I guess Josh already checked this.

    Unfastening my braid, I comb out my shoulder-length brown hair with my fingers while watching some more. When Harry calls up that he’s done, I’m all too happy to shower and crawl up into the ‘master bedroom’ over the cab. My quadravian Kiko flutters in after me, making soft confused sounds as he settles to roost on my rifle the moment I place it on the wall rack, drawing his four wing-limbs up around him.

    Yeah, I know it’s morning, we’re all out of sync. Sorry, Kiko, I murmur, sliding into my sleeping bag. I’ve said about fifty chaplets back and forth with Josh as we tried to keep each other awake, but a specific one in thanks for our escape from that awful social worker and for our safe arrival would be nice. Yeah, I…I should…


    I wake up with the memory of our predicament still in the forefront of my mind, so maybe I didn’t sleep that deep. But when I touch the screen beside the door at the foot end of the berth, the time is almost five in the afternoon. Since I put clean clothes on after my shower, I simply slip back into my jacket—oh boy, the pyx is in there again, what am I going to do with it?—re-braid my hair, then quietly climb down into the living area, followed by Kiko. Deep silence grips the vehicle—Harry and Josh must still be sound asleep.

    The triceratops calf in the vehicle’s small rear pen gives a low, mournful call as I make a cup of instant coffee with hot water from the boiler tap, but I can’t do more than murmur softly to her. Josh was very clear about Harry and me not going in with her until she’s tamer. Carefully, I climb the ladder to the turret, one-handed. Leaving the hatch open so I can see if one of them gets up, I open the shutters and settle down with my coffee to enjoy the novelty of a country view. That is, a wild, unfamiliar country view.

    We’re out in some of the most remote country we could have driven to in one night, right in the middle of nowhere. Josh knew exactly where to go. Maybe this is where he hid after his uncle died and he was waiting to turn eighteen. When he was afraid social workers might take his HabVi and make him stay in-city. Just like they were about to take Harry and me from our farm and force us in-city, regardless of what we wanted.

    I frown, my enjoyment of the quiet scene marred. What are we going to do? It’s not just that we don’t want to live in-city. There’s also Dad. Josh is sure he was kidnapped, not eaten by a raptor, and that means he may still be alive, and someone will eventually ask for ransom. But no one does hostage swaps in cities, rat traps that they are, surrounded by their huge electric fences with only a few ways in or out. If we go in there, the people who have him—rogue hunters, most likely—will simply kill him and dispose of the evidence. We have to stay

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