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Industrial Pharmacy - I
Industrial Pharmacy - I
Industrial Pharmacy - I
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Industrial Pharmacy - I

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About this ebook

Industrial Pharmacy is the core subject of Pharmaceutical Science. A Pharmaceutical drug is delivered through various routes of administration with the help of various kinds of dosage forms. All the efforts of a pharmaceutical scientist aim to develop a drug product which is safe, effective, and stable. The learning “Industrial Pharmacy” improves the employability of Pharmacy graduates in Academia, Research, and Industry.The book covers·         Basics of preformulation in designing effective safe and stable formulations·         Most common and popular dosage forms viz. tablet, capsule, parenterals, Ophthalmic, suspension and emulsion with their formulation and evaluation·         Aerosols, Pharmaceutical packaging, and cosmetics ·         USPs of the book are easy language, to the point coverage of topics, pictorial/graphical, tabular presentation, and vital further reading links of every topic.We hope that this book shall be very useful to students, researchers, industry personnel, and teachers as a ready source of the basics of every covered topic.
Contents:1.    Preformulation I (Physical form: Crystal and Amorphous)2.    Preformulation I (Polymorphism, Particle Size/Shape)3.    Preformulation I Solubility Profile (Solubility, pH and pKa)4.    Preformulation I Partition Coefficient and Flow Properties5.    Preformulation II Hydrolysis, Oxidation, Reduction6.    Preformulation II Racemization7.    Preformulation II Dissolution, Permeability and BCS8.    Preformulation II Polymerization9.    Tablets I Introduction10. Tablets II Manufacturing Tablets11. Tablets III Tablet Coating12. Tablets IV QC of Tablets13. Liquid Orals (Syrups and Elixirs)14. Emulsions I (Introduction Theories and Identification Tests)15. Emulsions II (Formulation of Emulsions)16. Suspension Dosage Form17. Parenterals I (Introduction: Preformulation of Parenterals)18. Parenterals I (Formulation of Parenterals)19. Parenterals I (Types of Parenteral Preparations)20. Parenterals I (Plant Layout for Parenterals)21. Parenterals II (Pyrogens and Pyrogenicity)22. Parenterals II (Sterility Test and Sterilization)23. Capsule I24. Capsule II25. Capsule III26. Capsule IV27. Pellets and Pelletization28. Ophthalmic Preparations: Introduction, Absorption through Eye, Formulation Considerations29. Ophthalmic Preparations: Dosage Form30. Ophthalmic Preparations: Evaluation31. Pharmaceutical Aerosols I (Introduction and Classification)32. Pharmaceutical Aerosols II (Components of Aerosols)33. Pharmaceutical Aerosols III (Components and Systems of Aerosols)34. Pharmaceutical Aerosols IV (Inhalers and Evaluation of Aerosols)35. Cosmetics I (Introduction)36. Cosmetics II (Sunscreen Preparations and Dentifrices)37. Cosmetics III (Shampoo, Hair Dye and Lipstick)38. Packaging Materials Science I Materials39. Packaging Materials Science II Official Requirements & Stability Aspects40. Packaging Materials Science III QC Tests of Packaging Materials
Release dateAug 27, 2022
Industrial Pharmacy - I

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Industrial Pharmacy - I - Ajay Semalty


Preformulation I

(Physical Form: Crystal and Amorphous)

Dr Ajay Semalty

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

H.N.B Garhwal University (A Central University), Srinagar Garhwal-246174

Learning Outcome

After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand the

•Basic concept of preformulation

•Need of preformulation in drug formulation development

•Various components of preformulation studies

•Effect of crystal and amorphous form on drug formulation

•Characterization of crystal form

Lesson Plan

•Concept of Preformulation

•Need of Preformulation

•Introduction to Preformulation process

•Amorphous form

•Crystal form & habit

•Effect of crystallinity on drug delivery or formulation

•Characterization of crystal form

Dear students let us begin our discussion on preformulation with an example from the kitchen. Can you answer these questions?

Why do not you add turmeric in green vegetable?

Why don’t you cook pumpkin in pressure cooker?

Why do you use oil for preparing dough for puris and not for chapatis?

What do we need to know before preparing a recipe in kitchen?

Of course, we should be familiar with the main ingredients, their nature, properties, quality, and effectiveness and about the desired characteristics of the product to be prepared. Then only we can go ahead. Or if we are preparing something for first time or developing a recipe, we follow some standard ways of establishing the method.

Drug Formulation Development

In pharmaceutical sciences same holds true. We must have the knowledge of Preformulation before formulating a drug or active pharmaceutical in gradient (API) in to a dosage form.

API or drug is a chemical entity with affinity to the receptors and with positive or negative or nil intrinsic activity.

Timing of Preformulation: After the drug discovery cycle when preclinical and clinical trial confirm a medicinal effect of a drug, we plan to formulate it in a form that is called dosage form.

Or in case of developing a new dosage form of an existing API.

API is never administered in a raw chemical form. With the help of some excipients and additives a formulation is prepared to deliver the drug and it is called a dosage form. Like tablet, capsule, emulsion suspension etc.

The efforts are focused to have a dosage form with

•High degree of uniformity: in physical characteristics (weight. Content, hardness etc.) and drug release.

•Physiological availability, Bioavailability

•Therapeutic quality.


All the activities of characterization of physicochemical properties of the drug under study which are important to develop a stable effective and safe dosage form.

So, please note these three words- Stable, Effective and Safe

All the Preformulation activities revolve around these three words. Anyone point is skipped, the formulation fails.


1. Very small amount of API is available for the studies: In initial stage of drug discovery, we have only a very tiny amount of API available sometimes in few mg. In natural products when you are synthesizing a drug or active ingredient from the natural product you have the yield in 0.1 mg, 0.2 or 0.5 mg sometimes. So, we have only a little amount (that to impure), this is the first challenge.

2. Only preliminary data like melting point, spectral data and structure is available: Now next question comes in mind. What kinds of properties we need to focus?

Let’s move to these properties one by one.

(a) Physical properties: Physical form (crystal & amorphous), polymorphism, particle size, shape, flow properties, solubility profile (pKa, pH, partition coefficient),

(b) Chemical Properties: Hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, racemization, polymerization

(c) Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS): dissolution & permeability

Planning Preformulation

1. First identify the dosage form (solid/ semi solid/ liquid) to be selected for development and then focus the efforts accordingly. Got my point? It would not be suitable to expect a complete solubility in aqueous solution, if you are just planning for tablet preparation. But on the other hand, it is the utmost requirement in injectable.

2. Pick and study the relevant physicochemical properties (as per the desired dosage form) and take it in priority.

A poor Preformulation study may lead to the disasters.

•Unstable/ ineffective or less effective and unsafe dosage form

•Loss of development time (You have put your energy, time, money, all things will go in vain if preformulation fails)

•Increased expenditure on development

•Triggering repeated need for in vivo bioavailability/bioequivalence studies (if the preformulation fails)

The data and protocols of preformulation studies are passed on to the F&D department for further formulation work.

Physical Properties

•Solid state properties

•Physical form

•Crystal & amorphous

Solid state is the most preferred state of API for developing any dosage form. Why?

•API can easily be crystallized

•Can easily be purified (by crystalizing)

•easy to handle than liquids

•better chemical stability than that of liquids

Solids may be of three types as per the internal structure (physical)


•Liquid Crystal


Then the crystals can be further classified as per this Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Classification of solids.


These are the solids which do not exhibit long-range order in any of the three physical dimensions.

There may be the existence of short-range order for amorphous solids.

If you compare an amorphous phase with crystalline phase of a same drug, the amorphous phase always shows higher free energy, enthalpy, and entropy than the crystalline one. Let me clear you.

To be simple and straight, the amorphous form has the small particle size so more surface area and hence it is easily attacked by the solvent or the moisture. So, it is more hygroscopic. And more energy means less stability.

Use of Amorphous Form

These phases are used in improving solubility and hence the oral bioavailability of the poor water-soluble drugs. But these are less stable as compared to their crystal phase. To be precise, there exists some amount of crystal form in amorphous forms also. And this two-state model is well documented in USP. According to the USP, the degree of crystallinity depends on the fraction of crystalline material in the mixture

So, the challenge lies in overcoming its stability issues. Being thermodynamically unstable, they might change into crystalline form (specially in suspension or in some solid dosage forms) with the passage of time or are very hygroscopic or prone to hydrolytic degradation. In general, the complete amorphous drug is typical to be formulated. The matter of fact is that only few amorphous drugs containing dosage form are marketed (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Drugs approved by FDA as amorphous drugs.

So, instead of complete amorphous phase many a times partial amorphization of a drug can be done using some techniques like solid dispersion, cyclodextrin-complexation etc. But the amorphous form should be avoided until the difference in solubility make a significant impact on bioavailability.

Liquid Crystals

If the internal structure is having long-range order but only one or two dimensions, they are liquid crystalline materials. On the basis of number of components, these can be further classified as single, binary, and ternary LCs. But these are not of much use in pharmaceuticals.


A majority of APIs are crystalline in nature. These are the solids with the internal structure having long-range order in all three dimensions. The logical method of classification of crystal is based on the angle between the faces.

If three dimensions are given by a, b, and c, then these crystals may be of several types on the basis of length of the faces and angle between these faces.

If a = b = c and angle between all the faces is 90 degree it is called simple cubic crystal (three equal axes each at right angle). And in the same way tetragonal, orthorhombic etc. Several common crystal forms are shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 Common crystal forms.

But in practical, the cubic crystal may be perfect symmetrical cube, plate, needle or an aggregate of the imperfect crystals. The angle between the faces is 90 degree to each other is the sole criteria for a cubic system and not the relative length of the faces. These are crystal form.

Crystal Habit

We always talk about that Habits die hard, actually it is our environment which makes our habit. By the form, we are unique. But our habits change, because we adapt with the environment or sometimes the environment forces us to adapt ourselves.

It is the relative development of different types of faces. Let’s take the example of

NaCl in aqueous solution → Crystallizes into → Cubic face

NaCl in aqueous solution → Crystallizes in to → Octahedral (with small amount of Urea)

The crystals may have different habit depending on the process, impurities or conditions. (It refers to the types of faces developed and not the shape of the faces)

On the basis of number of components, they can be further classified as single entity, binary, and ternary adducts.

Single Entity

The ability of a substance to exist as two or more crystalline phases that have different arrangements and/or conformations of the molecules in a crystalline lattice is called polymorphism.

We will discuss this property and pseudo polymorphism exclusively in coming chapters because it is very important in pharmaceutical sciences and preformulation.

Further, if the drug forms a binary composite of crystalline lattice with another chemical it is called binary adduct. And so on like ternary.

On the basis of the ionization states of these species, the adducts may be ionic, molecular or ionic/molecular.


Two or more molecules are hydrogen bonded to each other.

Structurally homogeneous crystalline molecular adducts, made from components that are apparently neutral, that are by themselves solids at ambient conditions. The components are held together by interactions other than covalent or ionic bonds (hydrogen bonding, π – π, van der Waals, charge-transfer, halogen-halogen, etc.).

The choice of cocrystal formation, depend on the need.

To control the hygroscopy of caffeine, its cocrystals with oxalic acid were prepared and showed the better stability even at high humidity also (Tarsk et al. 2005).

Carbamazepine-sachharin cocrystals showed better bioavailability, suspension stability and same stability as compared to its immediate release tablet (Hickey 2007)

Importance of Crystallinity in Preformulation

1. Solubility of drug candidates can be altered by modifying the crystal form:

2. Solubility can be improved by partial amorphization through developing adducts or binary composites of drug.

3. Onset of action can be controlled by using the crystalline form. Using a crystalline form cane delay the onset of action and prolong the drug release. Amorphous acts quite early but duration of action is not longer one. But the crystalline form acts slowly but the duration of action is longer. So, if you mix both of the form you can have both the advantages with quicker onset of action (from amorphous form) and prolonged duration of action (from crystalline form). The classical example is: lente insulin, a physical mixture of 70% crystalline ultralente and 30% amorphous semilente insulin give quick action and prolonged release.

So you can blend the both the forms.

4. The purity standards are laid down by the properties of a pure crystal.

US FDA states

It is mandatory to establish whether or not the API being studied exist in more than one crystalline form. If yes, what are the properties of all different crystal forms. Like melting point, solubility, stability, safety and efficacy.

How Crystals affect Solubility

In general, when a crystalline molecule is to be dissolved, firstly it is to come out from the crystal lattice. The amorphous solute molecule are free to move in a solvent so easily dissolved. The enthalpy consideration delays the entry of drug molecule from crystalline lattice to solvent Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 Role of crystallinity in solubility.


Melting point: Melting point can indicate the type of crystal form. Melting point can be determined by

•Capillary melting: We observe the melting in acapillary tube in a heated metal block and note the melting range. (it is difficult to pinpoint the m.p. by this method)

•Hot stage microscopy: visual observation of melting under a microscope. The heating rate of sample is controlled and upto three transitions may be observed and recorded (onset of melting, half melt, completion)

Thermal Analysis or Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

The standard thermal analysis technique is either done by DSC or DTA. DSC stands for Differential Scanning Calorimetry while the DTA stands for Differential Thermal Analysis. In DTA the difference of the temperature (between the sample and a reference) is measured as a function of temperature or time (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4 Heat flow in DTA.

While in DSC, all things are same like DTA except additional measurement of enthalpy or energy required to keep the sample at same temperature as that of reference.

This is the most suited characterization method for preformulation because it requires only 2-5 mg of sample.

Figure 1.5 Standard DTA instrument; Courtesy: Institute Instrumentation Centre, IIT Roorkee.

A standard thermal analysis instrument DTA is shown in Figure 1.5.

In the first step the sample is prepared for that sample is taken in the crucible or the sample holder. Now the robotic arm will do the rest of the work. It picks up the sample holder and places it in the furnace. In the furnace another reference sample holder is present. The comparison of heat flow between the sample and reference is the observable parameter for DTA. The sample and the reference, both are heated at a constant rate and difference of the temperature is measured as a function of temperature or time. In DSC, all things are same like DTA except additional measurement of enthalpy or energy required to keep the sample at same temperature as that of reference. As there is loss of heat or gain of heat by the sample when it changes the phase upon heating, exothermic or endothermic signals are registered and recorded. The crystalline fusion, transition, evaporation and sublimation stages can easily be visualized through these thermograms. Thermal analysis gives a lot more information than the m.p. In this particular example (Figure 1.6) the first thermogram is the DSC of drug which shows clear endothermic peak which was found shifted in case of its complex (the bottom one) with other carrier. It is visible that the complex was showing the unique peaks unlike the drug and the carrier. Now after completion of the analysis, the sample is removed by the robotic arm. Please be cautious while removing the sample holder and never use bare hands to touch the crucible just after analysis. During the analysis it gets very high temperature, and it might burn your skin.

Figure 1.6 DSC thermograms of (a) drug; (b) carrier and (c) its complex (Semalty et. al., Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2010, 67, 253-60).

X Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD)

X rays are Electro Magnetic Radiations between UV and gamma rays. These are expressed in angstrom units.

When X rays are incident on crystalline solids, scattering of x rays takes place (Figure 1.7). This scattering is called diffraction. This diffraction is unique for a single pure crystal. And it is available in the repositories XRD data bank.

Figure 1.7 Principle of X Ray diffraction.

Bragg’s law define the diffraction

= 2d Sin θ

As shown in (Figure 1.8), it is a huge instrument and generally housed in a cabinet with glass window. Sample preparation is a very crucial step in case of X-RPD analysis. The sample should be properly dried. First step of sample preparation is to clean the sampling wells properly. Then the sample is placed in the sample holder. The sample should fill the sample well properly which can be achieved be using small pressure over the sample holder. Now the prepared samples are placed on the sampling area of the instrument and rest of the work is automated. Using the software based controlling we can vary the parameter of the analysis as per our need and start the process.

Figure 1.8 Standard XR powder diffractometer;

Courtesy: Institute Instrumentation Centre, IIT Roorkee.

Xray diffraction pattern gives the clear information about the crystallinity of the sample. Even the percent crystallinity can also be calculated using the X ray diffraction pattern. This is a non-destructive method. Sample can be recovered. But the sample size required is quite high, about 500 mg-1 g or more, depending on the instrument. The powder pattern consists of a series of peaks that have been collected at various scattering angles, which are related to d-spacings such that unit cell dimensions can be determined. In most cases, measurement of the d-spacings will suffice to positively identifying a crystalline material. The removal, shift and change in intensity of diffraction peaks give qualitative and quantitative information about the crystallinity of the sample in the crystal composite Figure 1.9. In the Crystallographic Open Data Base each drug molecule’s unique XRD pattern is given for the reference. In this example, you can see that the sharp crystalline peak of drug is changed in XRD of its complex.

Figure 1.9 XRD of (a) drug; (b) carrier and (c) its complex

(Semalty et. al., Acta Pharmaceutica, 2009, 59, 335–344).

After completion of analysis, the samples are removed from sampling area and the sample holders are cleaned properly, again.

IR Spectroscopy

Infrared spectrum provides qualitative information about the solid under consideration. Different arrangement of atoms in solid state leads to a different molecular environment and subsequently leads to different stretching frequencies. This change can be used to distinguish a polymorphic form. Functional groups, change, and interactions may be detected with the help of IR.

IP and USP like official books possess a data bank of IR of standard drugs. This technique aids to XRD in confirming the purity of molecule.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

It is useful technique for surface morphology and particle size measurement. The crystal habit can be visualized with SEM (Figure 1.10).

Figure 1.10 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM);

Courtesy: Institute Instrumentation Centre, IIT Roorkee

First step in SEM is sampling preparation. The sample should be clean and free from moisture as the SEM instrument uses Vacuum in the process and presence of any moisture or dust can compromise the results as well as the analytical process. The sample preparation is done by coating the sample using gold thin film. The sample is stick to sampling disk and the disk is than placed in the sample preparation instrument. Vacuum is applied and flushing of instrument is done several times using argon gas. The sputtering is applied for required time while the vacuum of the sample preparation chamber is kept constant approximately 10-1 mbar. After sputtering stops, the sample disk is removed from the sample preparation chamber and placed in the SEM instrument. Now by using the software based controls, the parameters are set to the desired limits and imaging is started. Now the sample images are being shown in the computer screen. Freeze it, save and remove the sample. Precaution: Sampling area should not be kept open for a long time.

Misc. Methods of Characterization: Synchrotron radiation, solid state Raman spectroscopy, solid state NMR etc.


•Preformulation is the heart of formulation development.

•Safety, stability and efficacy are the three desired key elements of preformulation.

•Amorphous form- unordered form, more soluble, high free energy, less stable

•Crystal form- defined shape, less soluble, more stable, less free energy

•Crystals can be characterized by XRPD, IR, DSC and SEM.

Further Readings

Industrial Pharmacy-I SWAYAM MOOC: www.swayam.gov.in

•Niazi SK, Handbook of Preformulation, Informa Health Care, 2007.

•Gibson M. (Ed), Pharmaceutical preformulation and formulation: a practical guide from candidate drug selection to commercial dosage form, II edn, Informa Healthcare, 60- 75.

•Qiu Y, Chang Y and Zhang GZ (Exe. Eds), Developing solid oral dosage forms: Pharmaceutical theory and practice, Elsevier, 2009, pp 25-35.



•Tarsk AV et al. Cryst Growth Des, 2005; 5:1-9.

•Hickey MB, Eur. J Pharm Biopharm, 2007; 67:112-19.

•Semalty et. al., Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2010, 67, 253-60.

•Semalty et. al., Acta Pharmaceutica, 2009, 59, 335-344.)

•Niazi SK, Handbook of Preformulation, Informa Health Care, 2007, pp-197-206.


Preformulation I

(Polymorphism, Particle Size/Shape)

Dr Ajay Semalty

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

H.N.B Garhwal University (A Central University), Srinagar Garhwal-246174

Learning Outcome

After completing this chapter, you will be able to understand the

•Concept of Polymorphism

•Importance of polymorphism in Preformulation

•Concept of pseudopoly-morphism/ hydrates/solvates

•Importance of pseudopolymorphism in Preformulation

•Effect of particle size and shape on preformulation

•Characterization of particle size and shape

Lesson Plan


•Importance of polymorphism in preformulation

•Origin of polymorphism

•Types of polymorphism


•Particle size and shape: Importance in preformulation

•Characterization of size and shape

In continuous to study of physical properties to be studied in preformulation, polymorphism will be discussed in this chapter.

Do you remember the definition of polymorphism which we discussed in the last chapter?

API or drug is a chemical entity with affinity to the receptors and with positive or negative or nil intrinsic activity.

The ability of a substance to exist as two or more crystalline phases that have different arrangements and/or conformations of the molecules in a crystalline lattice is called polymorphism.

USFDA has the stringent guidelines regarding polymorphism. If drug shows polymorphism, every type should be completely reported.

Importance of Polymorphism

Therefore, the polymorphic forms of drugs are very vital forms for drug developers because of their thermodynamic and physicochemical properties e.g. energy, melting point, density, stability, and in particular solubility. By using different polymorphs, these properties are modulated so as to improve the original form. By a factor of 2 the properties like solubility differ in any two polymorphs of a drug.

Origin of Polymorphism

The differences in molecular packing and intermolecular interactions within the three-dimensional framework of the crystalline state leads to variation in crystal structure. The molecular structure governs the molecular packing and hence the different crystal forms with different stability, physical properties like density and the effectiveness also.

The polymorphism has been well exercised since decades. However, we understood quite later.

Let me tell you an interesting story. You now! Napoleon army soldiers used to wear the uniform with buttons made of tin. When Napoleon and a part of the Grande Army reached Moscow on 14 September 1812, at subzero temperatures of Moscow, the shinning and highly decorated buttons of soldiers turned into dirty grey. Soldiers believed that it is some wrath of God. There moral went so down that with the combined effect of cold, diseases and starvation they faced a pathetic defeat at the gate of Moscow. Actually, it was polymorphism. The metallic white tin underwent a polymorphic transition to the stable but nonmetallic grey tin, thus reducing the decorum of the mighty soldiers.

β-Tin or ‘white’ tin, stable above 18°C, Tetragonal, I41 /amd a = b = 5.832, c = 3.182 Å; Metallic. α-Tin or ‘grey’ tin, stable below 18° C, Cubic, Fd3m, a = b = c = 6.489Å, Non-metallic.

Types of Polymorphism

(A) On the basis of mechanisms crystal lattice formation

1. Packing polymorphism

2. Conformational polymorphism.

Packing polymorphism is the formation of different crystal lattices of conformationally rigid molecules that can be rearranged stably into different 3D structures through different intermolecular mechanisms.

For example estrone shows three polymorphic form (packing polymorphs) as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Packing polymorphs of estrone.

When a nonconformationally rigid molecule can be folded into alternative crystal structures, the polymorphism is categorized as conformational polymorphism.

These are broad classes of polymorphism.

(B) Thermodynamic classification

Depending upon whether or not one form can transform reversibly to another with respect to the change of temperatures and pressures, it can be classified into two forms

1. Monotropes

2. Enantiotropes

The temperature at which the two polymorphs have equal stability is defined as the transition temperature (Tt).


Tt is located below the melting points of both polymorphs (Figure 2.2a) ---enantiotropic


One polymorph can be reversibly changed into another one by varying the temperature or pressure. -- enantiotropic

Tt is located above the melting points of both polymorphs (Figure 2.2b) monotropic,


The change between the two forms is irreversible- monotropic

Figure 2.2 Thermodynamic phase diagrams of polymorphs.

Ritonavir Story

In March 1996, FDA approved Ritonavir (ABT-538). It was marketed as a semisolid formulation. In 1998, however, batches began to fail dissolution tests, and it was found that a more stable polymorph was precipitating from the formulation. As a result, Abbot had to withdraw the product from the market. It was a case of conformational polymorphism in which a stable enantiotrops (form II) was precipitated by formation of a degradation product of drug, later proved.

(C) Pseudo polymorphs (on the basis of solvent or water incorporated in crystal)

The phenomenon whereby solvent or water is incorporated in the crystal lattice or in interstitial voids, is termed as pseudopolymorphism.

Solvates - (inclusion of the solvent of crystallization),

Hydrates (inclusion of water of crystallization)

[and amorphous forms (where no long-range order exists) may also exist.]


Residual solvents have been classified the ICH into three classes:

1. Class I solvents: Solvents to be avoided.

e.g. Strongly suspected human carcinogens and environmental hazards, e.g., benzene, carbon tetrachloride and 1,2 dichloroethane.

2. Class II solvents: Solvents to be limited.

e.g. These include non-genotoxic animal carcinogens or possible causative agents (e.g., acetonitrile, cyclohexane, toluene, methanol and N,N-dimethylacetamide) of irreversible toxicity such as neurotoxicity or teratogenicity. Also included are solvents suspected of other significant but reversible toxicities.

3. Class III solvents: Solvents with low toxic potential,

e.g., acetic acid, acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate and ethyl ether. Also included are solvents with low toxic potential to man are also included here; no health-based exposure limit is needed. Class III solvents have permissible daily exposures (PDEs) of 50 mg or more a day.

Whilst the use of solvates is not a usual practice, because of toxicity, it is interesting to note that according to Glaxo’s British patent 1,429,184, the crystal form of beclomethasone dipropionate used in the MDI is the trichlorofluoromethane solvate. By using the solvate, it was found that crystal growth due to solvation of the propellant chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) was prevented.


When water molecule is present in crystal it is called hydrates. It is the most common case of solvation and it is almost always involved in hydrogen bonding.

The hydrogen bonding network contributes to the coherence of the crystal and hence hydrates usually show slower dissolution rates compared to the corresponding anhydrates.

Crystalline hydrates have been classified by structural aspects into three classes:

•Isolated lattice sites (water molecules reside in the crystal as isolate lattice),

•Lattice channels (water molecules fill the space but not in contact with each other in crystal), and

•Metal-ion coordinated water (metal coordinated water in salts of weak acids) e.g. nedocromil sodium trihydrate

Other examples of hydrates (with number of hydrates in brackets) as reported in USP are aminophylline (2), ampicillin (3), caffeine (1), dextrose (1), sodium acetate (3) etc.

Hydrates can also exist in various polymorphs, such as in the case of amiloride hydrochloride. Amiloride hydrochloride dihydrate is present in two polymorphic forms. By milling or compressing both forms, it was shown that form A was more stable than form B. Moreover, it was shown that the anhydrate rapidly rehydrated to form A dihydrate on exposure to atmospheric RH. (Jozwiakowski et al., 1993).

During preformulation, polymorphs are selected on the basis of

•Physical and chemical stability

•Behavior to processing and formulation,

•Biopharmaceutical properties (predictive assessment of in vivo performance).

Characterization Methods

As discussed in chapter 1, all the methods used for crystal characterization are used for polymorph form characterization. In characterization the complete profiling of all polymeric form are needed to be done. Steps are as followed.

1. Characterize the forms: e.g. - X-ray Powder Diffraction, - DSC / Thermal analysis, Microscopy, Spectroscopy

2. If the forms have different properties? (solubility, stability, melting point) then move to next step other no further testing required

3. If drug product safety, performance or efficacy is affected, then move to step 4, otherwise no further testing is required.

4. Set acceptance criterion for polymorph content in drug substance with respect to control on the ratio of forms, dissolution and stability.

Now moving to next physical property to be studied in preformulation

Particle Size and Shape

Particle size is one of the very basic parameter of preformulation and dosage form development.

•On the basis of dosage form to be developed the demand of particle size varies. E.g. the particle size should be in the range of 2-5 microns for inhalational therapy.

•Particle size directly affects the solubility and dissolution of the drug.

•Particle size ensure drug content uniformity and compressibility.

•Particle shape affects the flow property and binding in tablet manufacturing.

•Particle shape is also related to contact points and hence the solubility.

Example: flour needed for

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