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Hold 'Em
Hold 'Em
Hold 'Em
Ebook336 pages4 hours

Hold 'Em

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Daughter of a world-famous motocross champion, and head-on competitor with three brothers, Captain Leah “Princess” Girardi was born with a need for speed. No one tells her what to do, especially not men with chauvinistic “girls can’t be fighter pilots” attitudes.

That’s what ended her brief relationship with Captain Mike “Strap Happy” Templeton. Now, six years later, he’s been assigned to her squadron, and whoa damn, he’s filled out nicely. Plus he’s cultivated a Zen-like chill factor that pulls at her hormones.
Even after four tours, Mike’s the new kid in the 64th Aggressor Squadron. That’s not the only thing new. Since he last saw Leah, he’s learned a few things about himself. A female who outranks him still makes his teeth grind, but in the bedroom he craves the rush of pain inflicted by an adoring, powerful woman.

Their reunion is an explosive revelation. Leah is the beautiful mistress he’s been searching for, and she takes to her new role like a natural. But Leah’s aware one thing hasn’t changed. Loving him is still an all-or-nothing proposition. She’s not sure her reckless streak is wide enough to risk her career—and her heart. 

Editor's Note

Erotic Contemporary...

Porter’s “Vegas Top Guns” series is jam-packed with off-the-charts steam and BDSM kink. But the characters also have deep backstories, making even the scenes that aren’t overtly sexy intense as well.

Release dateJan 17, 2023

Katie Porter

Katie Porter is the award-winning writing partnership of Lorelie Brown and Carrie Lofty, which began in 2010. Both are multi-published in several romance genres, and both are RITA-nominated. U.S. Army veteran Lorelie is a law student, true-crime devotee, and avid knitter. With an MA in history, Carrie is a tutor and textbook editor who loves movies and backcountry hiking. They live in the Chicago area.

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    Book preview

    Hold 'Em - Katie Porter


    Captain Leah Girardi loved her time in the flight simulator. Not every pilot did. She figured that when Big Daddy Air Force was being stingy with the jet fuel, the simulator was as good as it got. Besides, the full mission simulator was almost like the real thing. Best video game ever.

    But as much as she liked it, a few hours spent in there tended to take the oomph out of a girl.

    By the time she walked into the 64 th Aggressor Squadron’s hangar, she was worn out. Her back ached, her eyes were blurry and her neck was as tight as it ever got. Luckily she only had to report in to Major Ryan Haverty and she was good to go. She ought to be home in about twenty minutes. Fifteen if she pushed her motorcycle as fast as she shouldn’t.

    Fang’s office was barely bigger than a cubicle, but he had it to himself. He looked up from his stacks of paperwork as Leah dropped into the spare chair. You up to date?

    Yep. Everything’s straight. I came through with flying colors.

    When don’t you? He clicked away on his computer for a second.

    Never. Because I’m awesome. Leaning forward, she snagged a framed picture from beside his monitor. The woman behind the glass was an elfin-featured redhead. Aw, so cute. Does Cassandra know she rated desk space already?

    A hint of a blush spread over Ryan’s cheeks. It was still bizarre to see him in a real relationship. Leah, Ryan, and their third friend, Captain Jon Carlisle, had been a solid unit. They still were, but Ryan and Jon had both added girlfriends to the mix.

    Leah didn’t like to admit how much it bugged her. Not because she begrudged them their happiness, since they both totally deserved it, but because it had become wickedly apparent, she had no one. A nagging frustration and ridiculous sense of boredom pervaded her waking hours when she went home alone.

    She was a fighter pilot, for Christ’s sake. A female fighter pilot. She needed to be better than perfect.

    But when she wasn’t in the air, she was bored.

    She wiggled the picture under her chin. So…does Cass know?

    Yeah, he said on a slightly awkward chuckle. She caught me printing it off.

    You two are so adorable, I think I might die of a diabetic coma. She put the picture back on the desk then stretched her legs out and crossed them at the ankles. She was still stiff from five hours in the flight simulator. But why’d you want me to come by? Everyone else got to go straight home. You’re crimping my four-day.

    Don’t pout, he said dryly. It’s unbecoming of an officer.

    She stuck her tongue out. Spill.

    Pulling a dark blue folder out from the bottom of a teetering stack of paper, Ryan released a chuffing breath. We’ve got a new pilot. He just showed up today.

    Don’t say it, she warned.

    I’d like you to be his point of contact.

    She flopped back in her seat. "I knew that was what you were gonna say. Come on, Fang, don’t do this to me. It’s Washington’s birthday on Monday. Four-day weekend. I have plans."

    And what exactly do those entail? Getting shitfaced and calling me for a ride? He lifted his eyebrows. Ryan was generally a nice guy. Buff, and so clean-cut he should’ve joined the Army just to be in the 82 nd, the nickname of which was the All Americans. There were times Leah remembered why he was the boss.

    I’ve been good lately, she said, and even more freaking bored as a result. She’d gotten too near to inappropriate with an ineligible guy at the yearly Air Force Ball. Luckily Ryan and Jon had hauled her out of there before she got too far flirting with an executive officer’s husband. They’d also chewed her a new one. Quite the night.

    It had been a bit of a wake-up call.

    She’d barely had a drink since. Just a few beers now and then.

    I really don’t want to spend the whole weekend dragging some random guy all around Vegas trying to find him a place to live.

    Then we’re good on that front, said a voice from the doorway behind her. I’m already locked down. Had my household goods delivered this morning.

    Leah went stock-still, like her engines had shut off. She gripped the padded arms of the seat. And her heartbeat… Yeah, she could admit her heartbeat went into overdrive. Hardcore.

    She knew that voice.

    It had been a long time—six years, as a matter of fact—but that didn’t matter. When a woman’s strongest memory of a man was his voice in her ear telling her that he loved the way she smiled when she came, it tended to be memorable.

    Ryan smiled past Leah. There you are. Templeton, I’d like you to meet Captain Leah Girardi. Also known as Princess Leah.

    Her eyes narrowed. She was tempted to deck Fang. Princess might be her call sign, but that didn’t mean she liked it.

    Ryan kept talking as if he didn’t feel the death threats she was telepathically sending his way. Princess, this is Captain Mike Templeton. Call sign Strap Happy, right?

    She made herself twist in the seat to look. Seeing him would only get worse the longer she put it off.

    In the absence of any logical thought, a creative string of curses assembled in her mind. The man looked better than ever. Good enough to nom down on. A few times.

    When Leah had last seen him, Mike had been…cute. Kind of adorable in the way he hadn’t yet grown into his lanky hands and tall height.

    But now…

    He wore the usual olive-green flight suit, but he filled it out like whoa and damn. His shoulders had gotten wider—way wider—while his hips were as narrow as when she’d wrapped her ankles around him. He’d even matured through the face, his jawline sharper. His eyes were still that unforgettable neon blue, silently laughing at her. Constantly.

    He grinned at her. Leah and I go way back.

    Leah sent up a silent prayer that he’d leave it at that. She and Ryan had briefly dated what felt like a century ago. Since that time, she’d called a moratorium on sleeping with fellow pilots. It was hard as hell to be taken seriously in the sky when the guys thought she was also a throttle groupie.

    Forcing herself to stick a hand out was easier than she’d expected. Hey, Mike. Even her voice had a more tranquil pitch than she’d feared. Where you been hiding yourself?

    He shrugged, took her hand and shook it. As he drew away, he trailed his middle finger down her palm.

    No way in hell would she admit the shiver that worked past her shoulder blades. Or the way her nipples tightened. Thank God for the thick-ass layers of her flight suit.

    Been here and there. Thankfully, he positioned himself along a triangle between her and Ryan’s desk, so she could assess them both. Few tours over Iraq and the ’Stans. How’d you get lucky enough to hide out here so fast?

    Poof. Tightened-nipple problem fixed. She slumped back into her seat. Nothing killed her attraction faster than condescension. Her teeth ground together, but she kept the smile on her lips. By being better than you, obviously, she said in a syrupy-sweet tone.

    Ryan interlocked his hands over the folder. Are we going to have a problem here?

    The laugh lines spreading out from the corners of Mike’s eyes were new. No problem at all. In fact, it’s almost like being home again.

    Ryan wasn’t stupid. He scrutinized them both, finally landing his gaze on her. A firm glint of warning sparked in his eyes. He’d been on Leah’s ass to clean up her act for a while now, arguing that she was due to have been major a year ago. Sparring with a fellow squadron member wasn’t going to win her any gold stars.

    So, he said slowly, glancing at Mike. Strap Happy? How’d you get saddled with that?

    Since there was nowhere else for him to sit, Mike leaned those freaking wide shoulders against the wall. He put on a gee-shucks grin and darted Leah a look out of the corner of his eye. You know how it is. Get caught with one tiny riding crop and there’s no shaking the jokes.

    She coughed into a fist to hide a hot rush. Her thighs loosened—just a fraction—before she clenched them again.

    Mike into the kinky stuff? No way. What a joke that was.

    Hell, not once over their three-month relationship had she been able to tease him into giving her the kind of fucking she’d wanted. Although the sex hadn’t been bad by any means, it hadn’t been a rocking good time. Sex that was all sweetness and slow touches had its place, but occasionally Leah needed something meatier. Rougher.

    Mike hadn’t ever managed to cough it up.

    So if Templeton already has a place, it sounds like there won’t be much for you to do, Leah, Ryan said. You’ve lucked out. Maybe show him the clinic and the BX.

    Leah lifted her eyebrows. Are you kicking us out, Fang? What, you got a hot date?

    I’ve got a hot date every night, Ryan said after a laugh. Because I am one lucky son of a gun. Now out. I need to lock up.

    Reluctantly, she cranked out of her seat.

    Mike still looked just as good. Fuck. So not fair that men only got hotter as they got older. Even his smirk better fit his angular features.

    As she walked through the near-empty headquarters with Mike at her side, Leah passed an uncomfortably nervous hand over the slick sweep of her hair. Still knotted up right and tight, not a strand out of place. She couldn’t wait until she could get home and let the heavy weight down. Who knew how long that would be now.

    She slipped on her dark-as-hell sunglasses as they stepped out into the parking lot. Even in mid-February, the Nevada sun was bright—shocking after the dim shadows of the cool building. Unseasonable heat made her flight suit cling damply to the back of her neck.

    Mike still looked as cool as a cucumber. His hair was longer than it used to be, the golden brown coming way too close to his ears. The length revealed a hint of curl she hadn’t remembered. Without a haircut before Tuesday, the higher-ups were going to give him hell. But far be it from her to point that out. He knew the regs. He had to. He’d already been a fighter pilot when she’d been fresh out of commissioned officer training.

    I know you only made captain two years ago, she said.

    He raked his fingers across his scalp. The move thickened his biceps to a seriously unfair degree. Sets a guy back when he can’t fly for a year. Torn ACLs will do that. I was lucky the surgery worked. Didn’t realize you were keeping tabs on me, Leah.

    Small community. Hard to avoid the shit. She turned her gaze out to the far-off horizon. A C-17 was lumbering into the air just over the rows of hangars. I’ve got more time in grade than you.


    Like he didn’t know what she was talking about. He’d been absently dismissive of female pilots when he and Leah were involved. Apparently chicks in jets didn’t even rate enough to get worked up over.

    So, she said, as if speaking to a child. I’ve been a captain longer. I want to know the same thing Major Haverty did. Are we going to have a problem?


    So, the princess wanted to piss on a few trees and mark her territory. Fine by him. Already she looked ready to spit gnashed-up teeth. Those clipped, precise syllables might fool other people into believing she was unaffected, but Mike only smiled. He liked the idea that he’d already crawled underneath her skin.

    No problem, Captain Girardi, ma’am. He tried his best aw-shucks shrug. I know my place.

    "Can it, Templeton. The major’s assigned me to be your friendly neighborhood tour guide, so that’s what I’ll do. But you pull any crap with me, and your adjustment to life here will not go smoothly."

    She turned on her heel. Exit stage left.

    Mike stood in the parking lot with his arms crossed, but he needed a minute to breathe. And grin. Because, holy damn, she was turning him on. He had issues with women officers in harm’s way, but he couldn’t help the jolt of arousal that came from being dressed down by one.

    As he walked after her, crossing the nearly deserted parking lot, he indulged his salacious smile. Although pissing Leah off might not do any favors for his prospects with his new squadron, he knew what he’d be thinking about that night. The pointed, haughty tone of voice. The snap and flash in her whiskey eyes.

    What would she do if she knew?

    He remembered her as a newly minted officer, barely twenty-three, with soft cheeks and ambition higher than a skyscraper. Even then she’d had her eyes turned heavenward, set on becoming a pilot. Mike hadn’t given it much thought. After all, her chances had been slim.

    Fit and graceful, Leah had realized her ambitions. That power quickened his blood.

    But hell if he was going to let her jerk him around by his dick, even if she had no idea of her effect. Play was play. Work was still work. The idea of women flying in combat, even in a teaching capacity, rubbed like a rusted file against everything he’d ever believed.

    How’s your family? he asked, his long strides easily closing the distance. Still racing?

    Leah flashed him a frown. He’d almost forgotten that their three months together had been more than sex. They’d talked. Sometimes. Her father had been a professional driver on the Motocross Championship, with her older brothers following suit. Speed was in her blood.

    Not so much, she said. Chris had an accident a few years ago that took him out of Supercross, but he and Jake and Dad all run a bike shop now. Yours?

    Mike shrugged, taking note of street names and landmarks as they walked. Tom made partner and has a six-year-old girl. Shannon moved to New York after she got out of design school. Mom’s convinced she’ll either wind up lesbian or knifed in an alley. I’m not sure which she’d think was worse.

    That got a laugh out of Leah. She touched her hair again. The scraped-back regulation bun did no favors for luscious deep brown hair that used to be cut chin length. The severe style put her features front and center. Her big doe eyes were classic while her lush mouth was crooked at the corner. She looked like she constantly held back a tide of dirty thoughts.

    There’s the BX, she said, waving a casual hand toward another quiet parking lot. It wasn’t exactly the most professional orientation Mike had ever received. And down there, that building behind the water tower—that’s the officers’ club. They have a barber.

    Is that a hint?


    The idea that she’d been checking him out that closely made his guts take notice. What’s the club like?

    Same as any. Dull. Everybody out to impress.

    So you would recommend…?

    She shifted her weight onto her back foot, looking him up and down. Are you asking me where I go for a good time?

    "No, before the good time."

    Leah narrowed her eyes, but it was like being threatened by a kitten. The only genuine rise he’d dragged out of her had been about her flying. You can lay off the innuendo, Templeton. I’m not interested.

    Why, you got a guy? Hell, you could have kids by now for all I know.

    I don’t see how that’s your business.

    Come off it, Leah. I see a former lover after, what—six years? I’m just curious how your life’s been.

    You know that whole two-wars thing going on? I’ve been busy.

    With ivory-tower types here, sure.

    Leah’s mock indignation flared into something hot and sharp. The skin above her eyes relaxed, her lids going heavy with condescension. A sneer shaped her crooked mouth. She looked like a snotty, angry sorority sister.

    I’ve done four tours, she said coldly.


    Of course he’d known. Small world and all that. Their particular corner of the military was a clubby bunch, always up in each other’s shit. Frankly, he was surprised he hadn’t run into her before this evening.

    You know, Mike, you’ve got a lot of nerve pissing me off in the first hour you’re on base.

    I should’ve waited?

    Well, let’s just think about the possibilities, shall we?

    Mike permitted a slow smile. Please do.

    She seemed intent on taking the moment seriously. This isn’t flying sorties over the enemy. To be honest, it takes a helluva lot more skill.

    Sure, he said. I find it hard to imagine mortal danger. Much easier just to get hit in the face with the real thing.

    As she advanced, her whiskey eyes sparked with a fire that had Mike thinking really, really inappropriate things—probably why he was baiting her so badly. Forget the politics and the morality of women as combat pilots, he just wanted the rush of reaching for something dangerous. Leah Girardi was a lit cigarette near a gasoline spill.

    She didn’t rail or rant. She didn’t lose her cool. Every minute effort to hold her temper in check stretched across wide cheekbones. Passion and control. Mike couldn’t think too long about that combination, or he’d embarrass himself with a hard-on in the BX parking lot.

    You’re new here, Captain, she said, emphasizing his rank. It irked the shit out of him that she had seniority. And it’s the weekend, so I won’t dog on you too hard.


    "Yet. Because you’ve got a lot to learn before you climb into an F-16 for the Aggressors. No one goes up without the major’s say-so, and he listens to me."

    Mike didn’t actually voice what he was thinking. Sporting a black eye all weekend held no appeal. For a flash, he wondered about the connection between Leah and Major Fang Haverty, and why a tickle of jealousy snaked between his ribs.

    So while the rest of us are up in the air come Tuesday morning, she said, your butt will be in the simulator.

    Like hell.

    You think you can read a few manuals on enemy combat tactics and fly like one? If you do, we’re going to have an even bigger problem than your attitude.

    You’re the one busting my balls.

    She punched the tip of her finger against his sternum. Every eight weeks we get another batch of hotshots in here. Other branches of service, other nations. All of them are great pilots with the same piss-poor attitude. They think they already know everything. Our job, captain, is to show them their weaknesses. That means knowing our opponents until we can fly like them in our sleep, until it’s deep muscle memory. Leah tossed up her chin, looking him dead in the eye. "So, yeah. You and that simulator are gonna get to know each other real well."

    She headed back toward the hangars as the sun slanted long and low across the land. Mike forced himself to follow. His feet were heavy, weighed by his misgivings. Gut instinct and courage were all well and good. He had those in spades, with no doubt as to how he could handle himself during the big show. Anything that smacked of school, however, had his C+ gray matter cringing and looking for an opportunity to play hooky.

    Beyond the looming workload, the mere idea of spending weeks, possibly longer, to get into the head of the enemy was almost…sick. He knew it wasn’t a logical reaction and that red force squads were responsible for improving allied pilots from all over the world. Didn’t mean he was into those kinds of head games. He’d spent the last eight years as one of the good guys.

    Had he got his way, he’d still be flying over Afghanistan. Brass, however, had decided otherwise. The next time he took to the skies, he’d be wearing a red star on his helmet and ripping through the air in an F-16 painted the same gray camo as a Russian MIG. That held about as much appeal as shoving a lit blowtorch down his shorts.

    Still. Leah didn’t need his shit. In her way, she was trying to help. He’d liked her all those years ago and didn’t relish the idea of flaming out in the first few minutes.

    Hey, Princess, he called, jogging to catch up. Truce?

    She glared at him. Whatever. Just take this seriously, would ya, Mike? What we do here is important.

    Understood, Captain Girardi. I am yours to mold.

    Cut the crap. The hangar parking lot was quiet as she glanced around. Where’s your ride?

    Mike nodded toward his bike. The BMW over there by the hot pink toy. Yours?

    The hot pink toy.

    He should’ve known. The Ducati street bike had Leah written all over it—sleek and flashy. But the custom pink paint job made it a chick’s bike. What’s the engine on that thing? Maybe six hundred ccs?

    Almost eight fifty, thank you very much. A hundred and forty horsepower.


    She sighed. Fine. I’ll bite. Yours?

    It’s the S1000-RR. A hundred and ninety five horsepower.

    Good for you, Strap Happy. Feel better? You’ve got the bigger dick.

    Sure as hell hope so.

    Didn’t you used to be Zoomy or Speedy or some other stupid call sign? What’s the real deal with the new one?

    God, she looked sexy. Forget the sweaty flight suit and the shellacked hair. The pop of her hip against the seat of her bike made him remember how her body had felt under his hands. Toned but soft. Strong but lush in all the right places. She’d tasted amazing. Other lovers had trickled across his history in the years since, yet he still recalled her salty sweetness—so uniquely Leah. Not even one-hundred-twenty-proof moonshine hit his brain faster.

    But they’d never been quite right for each other. Something hadn’t clicked. Mike had a good idea of what that was, considering what he’d since learned about his own needs.

    He shoved his helmet on his head, doing up the latch with a smile. Wouldn’t you just like to know, huh?

    Yeah, I would. Because I know for a fact that whips and chains weren’t your deal.

    You had three months with me, Leah. You didn’t learn everything.

    Right, she said, dragging out the word. She grabbed her helmet too, which matched her bike’s hot pink. And I’m sure all the good stuff was there in your footlocker. Just never got around to it, eh?

    Mike indulged in an even broader smile. She was hot shit, no doubt. But on this topic she had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Hell, he hadn’t had a clue either. Not back then. Four months under the tutelage of a very patient, very exacting mistress had revealed sides of himself that had always lurked in shadow.

    Leah jumped on her bike and fired up its sweet little engine. Olive drab pulled snug over her ass. The quasi hard-on he’d been sporting gave a twitch when he imagined her straddling him that way.

    I thought you were going to show me the clinic, he shouted.

    It’s on the way out. Think you can keep up?

    Mike threw a leg over his bike, enjoying how she watched. A playful sizzle lit her wide baby-doll eyes. He kicked his S1000-RR to life. Buzzing vibrations shook up through his spine. For a moment they just sat there in the parking lot, gunning the engines, showing off. A laugh started up in his chest. He glanced over and found that same daredevil laughter shaping Leah’s crooked lips into a full-on grin.

    She spun the Ducati in a hard arc. The back tire squealed. A jolt of fire shot through Mike’s bones as he tore out after her. The wind against his face was pure energy. Pilots were adrenaline junkies down to the cellular level, and he was no exception. Nothing topped

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