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Morning Manna: Daily Inspiration and Affirmations
Morning Manna: Daily Inspiration and Affirmations
Morning Manna: Daily Inspiration and Affirmations
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Morning Manna: Daily Inspiration and Affirmations

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Morning Manna; Daily Inspiration and Affirmations is a great book to start your day with. Your day will go exactly as you said it will go as your words hold power. Begin your day each morning with the positive affirmations and declarations noted in this awesome read, made to inspire, empower and equip all readers to speak over their day and mani

Release dateJan 4, 2023
Morning Manna: Daily Inspiration and Affirmations

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    Morning Manna - Virgie P. Townsend


    Morning Manna: Daily Inspiration and Affirmations is a daily inspirational book created to provide encouragement to people from all walks of life. The goal of Morning Manna is to uplift, inspire and encourage its readers to learn and use the power within themselves to change their atmosphere and channel positive energy that will follow them everywhere they go.

    Morning Manna will train, equip, encourage, and inspire the reader to change their thought process, challenge them to think about what they’re speaking about before they speak and to learn how to make their atmosphere line up with their commands.

    Change your thoughts, change your words, change your behaviors and you will change your life. This book is the perfect companion to anyone wanting to shift their life into a new perspective and shine a new light on life and learn how to be in control of your own atmosphere, your own peace, and your own life.

    Become a better and happier you as you make the universe work for you. You are in control of your own peace, your own life, so own it on today and every day from this day forward! Be the best you you can be because nobody will make a better you than you that’s why there’s only one you!!!!!


    January 1st

    Inspiration: Everyone has good days and bad days, no one is exempt from having a bad day, God created both day and night and both were needed to create a full day. You cannot have one without the other, although very opposite, both have their own value and their own disregard, however the light will always be greater than the darkness, or your good days will always outweigh your bad ones as long as you allow them to.

    Affirmation: Today, I will speak positive words into the atmosphere, I will think about what I’m thinking about in order to train my brain. I am a great person who deserves great things, and I will obtain all that I seek out to obtain. My good days do outweigh my bad days, I understand there will be bad days, but I will not be overcome by them. I am great and my atmosphere is conducive to cause all things to work in my favor. Whatever I want, I will receive by faith and by commitment. My life is favored and blessed. All I do is blessed and has purpose.

    My life is full and meaningful. I am not my mistakes.

    January 2nd

    Inspiration: Friends come and go; everyone isn’t meant to be in your life forever. Some people come into our lives as a lesson, some come as a blessing, some come temporarily, some are permanent. Whatever the case maybe it is ok to choose who is going to be in your life permanently and who will be temporary but choose wisely. It is ok to protect your peace, if they cost you your peace, they are too expensive, you cannot afford them, let them go and move on. It’s ok to move on from and get delivered from people!

    Affirmation: I will protect my peace at all costs, my peace is precious to me, I am more valuable than I really know, I am a great and powerful individual who has control of my atmosphere, I will speak those things which bring forth life and joy. I will keep a smile on my face because my life is wonderful, and I am grateful to be able to see another day. I am blessed beyond measure, and I will be sure to bless others on a regular basis.

    January 3

    Inspiration: Negative energy has a potential to be in every place every day and at any given time, people carry energy, as long as you have people, you will have energy, good, bad, or both.

    Energy has the potential to interfere with your day but only if you allow it, you have the power and authority over negative energy, you control your atmosphere and what you allow to drain or control you or encourage and uplift you, everything is truly up to you and your response.

    Affirmation: Today, I will stop allowing negative energy to invade my space, I have control over my life and my atmosphere, I will no longer allow negative energy to overtake me or even enter or invade my space. I will block any negativity, encourage myself first then others second, I will control my peace and allow myself to have a great day as I protect my mind, I have the power and authority to make my atmosphere line up with my commands and today I will prophesy to my atmosphere that it will be full of peace love joy and happiness.

    January 4th

    Inspiration: Delayed does not mean denied. Delayed simply means not yet. Just because you do not see it now does not mean it is impossible, everything you set forth to accomplish as long as you work towards accomplishing it you shall do just that. It may take a little longer than others but that’s okay, it does not matter how long it takes you to achieve your goals, it only matters that you achieve them.

    Affirmation: I may not see it right now, but I know it is happening for me. I may not get my desired results on my own timing but that’s okay as long as I get what I have worked for. I will not compare my process or my timeline with someone else’s because I understand everyone’s process and path is different and I will focus on the path and process assigned to me and me only. I will succeed in all that I do, and all that I attempt to do I will finish strong and successfully. I will not allow hard times to make me give up, I will not allow delays to stop me or deny me of my destiny. I will fulfill my purpose and will do so imperiously. My works shall be heard of and respected, as well as appreciated.

    January 5th

    Inspiration: It’s not the end of the world, trials come to make us stronger, this too shall pass. Do not allow your circumstances to dictate your life or choices. Let your mind be free from bondage and insecurities and be careful of the voices you listen to and those who you allow to speak into your ear. Every word spoken does not have to be received. You should always watch who you have in your inner circle. Who you hang around typically reflects your current life and your future.

    Affirmation: Today, I will not only choose my words wisely, but I will also choose my friends wisely. My friends uplift me, encourage me and build my confidence in mankind. I am friendly and therefore I have great friends and will cherish them and our friendship as we progress daily. Each day is a learning opportunity, and I am grateful for it all. I will not fix my lips to complain, instead I speak thanksgiving praises throughout the day, naming something that I am thankful for. I will find good in every situation; I will focus on what drives me to my goals.

    January 6th

    Inspiration: Each day is another opportunity to get right what you feel you’ve gotten wrong; each new day is a new chance at life, take it for what it is. It is a blessing because another day is something everyone doesn’t get the opportunity to see. Know that if you are still here and reading this book, you have a purpose, as long as you have a pulse God can still operate His plan through you. Be encouraged and be still, you’re in the right place.

    Affirmation: I will use my time wisely. Everything I do has purpose and potential. Because I am purposeful and have a life full of possibilities, all things are working out for me no matter what it looks like, it is working out for my good and I will use it to my advantage. Every opportunity given to me is a chance to grow and prosper in all things, I will utilize my potential to the fullest capacity of my own capabilities, and I will push myself to go further each day. My time is valuable because I am valuable. I will use my time wisely, working towards my many goals every day. My goals are important and serve purpose.

    January 7th

    Inspiration: Success does not come overnight, but with hard work and dedication eventually it does come. No one starts a business or ministry and is automatically at the top tier of success, but successful people work for the success, and they work even harder to keep and maintain that success. But even with success comes some trials and error but if you stay committed your success will outweigh your disappointments.

    Affirmation: I will not give up on my goals and my dreams, I will work hard and dedicate my time and attention to my task at hand. I will be committed to all that I do and because of my dedication and commitment, I will succeed at all that I do. I am successful and I am prosperous, my visions and my goals will manifest success for me this day. I declare and I decree that my vision is bringing success not only to myself, but also to those attached to me, because I am successful, everything I put my hands to, will prosper.

    January 8th

    Inspiration: Everyone is not your responsibility; you cannot save everyone. Some people are actually comfortable in their misery because of the attention that it brings them. Thank God that everyone isn’t your assignment. It’s impossible to save the world on your own strength, but each one can teach and attempt to save one, but not all.

    Affirmation: I understand I cannot save everyone and therefore I will not try. I will only do the work that was assigned to me in order to not burden myself with unnecessary worry and discontentment. Everyone is not my assignment and therefore I am free from the responsibilities of making sure others do what is needed in order to get what they need or want. My assignment is for me and nobody else. Whatever is meant for me to have I will have it, or I will obtain it in due time. Nothing is beyond my reach or unattainable for me.


    January 9th

    Inspiration: Relationships will not make nor break you, though some things that happen in the relationship may hurt you emotionally, some even may hurt you physically, if that is the case, you need to get out right away (I have another book for this topic; Silent No More: Breaking the Silence of Domestic Violence and Abuse). Although relations tend to have an effect on us that can negatively or positively impact us, at the end of the day how you handle it is still up to you, the broken relationship doesn’t have to break you.

    Affirmation: I will not allow severed relationships to break me down. I am too powerful to be pitiful. I am stronger that failed relationships and severed ties. Relationships do not make me, nor do they break me. I am using every experience from every relationship as a learning tool to not repeat the same mistakes more than once. All relationships will not work all the time, and I am perfectly fine with that. Relationships good or bad are a great learning experience that I will use for my good.

    January 10th

    Inspiration: Financial gain sometimes comes at a cost, in most instances, people don’t obtain financial gain before they obtain financial loss. However, it is not impossible to overcome the loss, though it may be difficult emotionally and even physically, it is still possible to recover everything loss and more, it all depends on how bad you want it, how much you work for it, and how intentional you are about being in the winning circle.

    Affirmation: Today I am not afraid of taking risk, I know my good will outweigh my bad. I am careful in all things, but I limit myself to nothing. My possibilities are endless and offer maximum potential. I will do all things in the spirit of excellence to ensure that all things are done correct the first time. I will be sure to finish all things before I start the next thing. Nothing I do will be left undone, but all things I put my hands to I shall complete and do it to the best of my abilities.

    January 11th

    Inspiration: Everyday will not be peaches and cream, you should expect to experience some bad days and know how to handle them to get through them before it becomes too much to handle. Bad days are inevitable but it’s not the end of the world. Even the most well-known influential people those in ministry and business have bad days, but the good thing is, bad days make us stronger and teach us a great lesson in the end by preparing us for possible other bad, or not so favorable circumstances because the next go round, we will have had experience in knowing how to handle or deal with bad days.

    Affirmation: Today, no matter what may come my way, I will utilize the experience for my good. Everything happens for a reason and that reason is to make me stronger and wiser. With each new experience I will become wiser and more equipped to handle it the next time. All things are working for my good. Everything will work in my favor.

    January 12th

    Inspiration: It takes more to hate than it does to love. Love covers a multitude of sins or wrongdoings. Choose to give love today even if it’s not reciprocated, you are not responsible for other people’s actions, but you are responsible for how you respond to other people’s actions.

    You should never let other people’s behaviors change yours, you should always be consistent with your actions, your actions show your character, which is who you truly are. You will become vulnerable to your circumstances and possibly lose yourself in the problem if you’re not careful.

    Affirmation: I will not lose myself trying to match others energy. I will be consistent with who I am and how I am. I will not return evil for evil; I will show love at all times, and I will offer grace to others because I know I need grace myself. I will forgive all who wrong me and offer not just love but I will also offer forgiveness and compassion to all mankind.

    January 13th

    Inspiration: It’s all an illusion, everything you see right now, everything you’re going through right now, what if it were all just an illusion? How would you feel if you woke up and found out everything you had went through was all just an illusion? Unfortunately, that’s not the case, we know our problems are real, our financial issues are real, the pandemic is real, the riots are real, the racism and privilege is real, everything we see going on in the world today is real! It would be nice to wake up and realize life was all an illusion and none of the bad things in the world never happened. It would be nice, but it’s highly unlikely, however, it’s not the end of the world, we still have time to turn our bad days into our best days. Just keep living!

    Affirmation: Although life is not an illusion, I will use my experiences, both good and bad to build a wealth of information and education for myself and my family. I am not my circumstances; I am greater than the eye can see, and I will do great things from this day forward.

    January 14th

    Inspiration: The world is full of people, so many people you can get lost in the number, however, with all the billions of people in the world, you are special. You are special because there is only one you, no one can ever be a better you than you can be. You are unique and somebody needs the gifts and talents that you have within you. Continue to walk in the light and be the best you that you can possibly be.

    Affirmation: I am special, I am beautiful inside and out. I am more than enough, I am somebody. I have all that I need. Everything I need is within me. I am utilizing my power and my authority to help others and lead them into the same success that I am walking in. I am successful in all that I do. I will do great things with my life and my finances. I am all that I was created to be. I am happy, I am free, I am independently and unapologetically seeking out what’s best for me from this day forward.

    I shall have what I decree and desire by the words spoken from my mouth because y words have power and I have authority over my life ow and forever. I am who I am, and I love who I am and who I’m becoming

    January 15th

    Inspiration: When God created the Heavens and the Earth, He spoke it unto existence and everything he spoke came to pass just as He spoke it. The atmosphere was created by words spoken, and your atmosphere will also be determined by the words you speak. This is why the Bible tells us that Life and Death are in the power of the tongue. What you speak will be what is manifested into your atmosphere, so be very careful of the words you speak, life is in your mouth but so is your abortion. Don’t kill your dreams and your visions, speak life!

    Affirmation: On today and everyday here after, I will only speak life into my situations in order to have peace, understanding and solitude, I will speak what I want to happen, I will speak those things that are not as though they truly already are. I will speak positivity into my atmosphere and not allow any negative energy to occupy my space in my head, heart, or life. I will set my atmosphere daily to line up with what I desire for my life. My words hold weight and will accomplish what they were set forth to accomplish.

    January 16th

    Inspiration: Sometimes when you want to start a business a lot of people will not support you while you’re in the beginning stages but keep going anyway because your success does not depend on the ones who do not support you, somehow there will be people who see your vision and will help you push it. Some people will not support you at first, but once you succeed and start making a great name for yourself the people will flock to you, look at it as a way of seeing who is truly for you and who truly believes in you.

    Affirmation: Even if people who I thought would support me disappoint me and let me down, I will always believe in myself and trust that the right people will be sent in my direction to help me push my vision and get ahead in life. If no one else believes in me, I will continue to believe in me and continue working on pursing my vision and pushing it forward. I will be my biggest cheerleader in all that I do. I will be proud of myself and my accomplishments, I will reward myself as well as congratulate myself for my wins and learn from my losses.

    January 17th

    Inspiration: There is a process to everything, sometimes we get discouraged because all we see is the big picture, we don’t see, nor do we want to see the work that is involved leading up to the big picture.

    Every little piece counts though, in a jig saw puzzle you may have for instance, 500 puzzle pieces, you may feel like the bigger pieces are more important and show more and therefore you go for the bigger pieces first, but truth of the matter is even the smaller pieces count and the puzzle will never be complete without the smaller pieces, nor will it ever be complete without the bigger pieces. Each piece, no matter their size is as equally important as the other and they work together to create the big picture.

    Affirmation: No matter how small I may think my vision, or my business is, I will maintain the aspect that my business and my vision are worth it, and I will do what it takes to get my business running smoothly and to manifest my vision no matter how small others (including myself) think they are. Every person, business, and thought starts somewhere.

    January 18th

    Inspiration: In order to become big, it’s sometimes best to start off small.

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