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My Worth?
My Worth?
My Worth?
Ebook291 pages3 hours

My Worth?

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A story that revolves around Elisa who is in a loveless marriage with one of the most influential figure of the country, Ryan Watson. Ryan is one of those rich and arrogant characters who treat others inferior to them as 'Dirt'. Elisa was anything but what he wanted his wife to be. What happens when after devoting a year to be his ideal wife, Elisa finally gives up? Will Ryan set her free? Or will he realise that she was everything he ever wanted? All this and more

Release dateMay 3, 2023
My Worth?

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A refreshing story. It's a must read for all women struggling with their insecurities.

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My Worth? - Manvi

Why not her?

Ryan came back to the mansion after having a tiring day in office and went straight to his study room to finish the leftover work. That has always been his routine. He is a thirty three year old CEO of Watson Enterprise, cold, calculating, arrogant, stoic and intermediating for many. He likes to be at the top of his game. Thus, always busy working or figuring out how he can remain the best. One would only find him working most of the time. Some even call him the human machine. For him, life is constantly giving your best and whoever lays back, loses.

He stepped in the study room, removed his laptop from the bag, opened it and clicked enter.

This is his life. Robotic and monotonous and he loves it the way it is.

Just when he heard the knock,

Come in, he said without taking eyes off his laptop screen.

Elisa shows up.

Dinner is ready Elisa, his wife softly said

There was no need to bother me for that. If I am hungry, I'd ask one of the maids to serve me something. We have been married for almost one year now, Elisa. You are aware of how things work in this house. Is there any other specific reason for which you have bothered me with your presence? Ryan asked quite strictly. That's the tone he usually uses for her.

Elisa, his wife, the most clumsy, ordinary, unimpressive woman for him. She is nothing what he wanted his wife to be. He had always wanted a woman who would have an aura such that any guy would be honoured to have her in arms. Someone smart, thoughtful and independent. Someone who is capable of handling the chaos in his absence. Someone having her own individuality. Elisa was nothing like that. She is low esteemed, insecure woman who at times, find it hard to even look directly into his eyes while talking to him. Her father was their driver, who died saving his dad's life while taking the bullet to himself and thus, his dad promised to take care of his only daughter and that's how he was compelled to marry the driver’s daughter.  She has always been moreover, a charity case for him. He never wanted to lead her on so he made it very clear that this marriage means nothing to him on the very first night of their marriage.

Actually, I wanted to go to this music concert on Saturday night. Um, so I just thought to inform you about it. Elisa said softly, still looking down.

Music. Yes. That has always been her first love and painting is probably her second. Well honestly, to hell with her love list Ryan thought to himself.

With a sigh, he stopped typing and looked up like to observe her actions, one would say he was enjoying her discomfort because of the smirk. With the faint smirk intact, he stood up and took slow steps towards her. The thud of his footsteps were loud against the silence of the room. Elisa as expected was only looking down. When Ryan got closer to her, his smirk got more distinct just seeing her uneasiness. He finally spoke Have I ever shown any interest in what you want to do, Elisa? You clearly seem to have a lot of time to waste on music concerts and being my wife, you are privileged enough to afford the tickets. So go on with your plans! I don't see any good reason for you to disturb me right now.

Elisa simply nodded and said in minimal voice I am sorry

He looked at her one more time before turning back and walking to his table, reaching to his chair, he said You can leave She was clearly on the verge of crying and he had better things to do than watch her cry. She is weak! That is what is the most unattractive thing about her! How can anyone ever get attracted to someone like her, he thought. Honestly, he wouldn't even think twice before leaving her if someday, he finds his perfect woman. Even if he would have to go against his dad or the entire world for her.


Elisa came back to her room. To say that his words hurt her would be an understatement. His words pierced her heart. So deep that it left an invisible scar. But it's nothing new to her. Yet somehow, it hurts everyday. Indeed, she is honoured to be his wife but not because of all the privileges she gets as his wife but because she truly loves him. He is her first love. He has always been her first love for six years. Since the first time she saw him working out in the garden. From the beginning, back then also, he was her first love and she was just a stalker for him. She couldn't have dreamt more since she belonged to a lower status. she never dreamt of this life that she is living now. Who would have thought that the best dream of her life would turn into such a nightmare! Everyday, she wakes up with a hope that today, she would try to get closer to him just somehow, she would try to make him see that she can be everything he wants but everyday, she fails!

Next day,

Ryan was walking down the stairs when he spotted Elisa making his coffee and the maids were helping her out but he preferred to ignore and continue typing on phone.

Good morning Ryan! Elisa said out loud to get his attention and he simply said Hmn in response without looking back at her.

Your coffee she said handing him the cup.

He took the coffee cup and taking a sip he remarked Hmn. Coffee is the only good thing you are capable of making. She was hurt by his balant remark and turned to go back to the kitchen but heard him saying. That was a compliment. She looked back at him and nodded with a slight smile.

Four hours later,

Ryan is walking back to his office when his phone beeps. He is aware who must be calling. The mastermind who made his life a living hell, his dad. He preferred ignoring it.

7 hours later,

Wow! Now he is not picking my call. Ryan thought walking inside the mansion when he heard his dad's voice I love these cookies

Think of the devil and the devil appears Ryan thought and stepped in to find his dad sitting on the couch with a plate full of cookies

You have diabetes dad just incase, you have forgotten Ryan sneered

SON! These are raisins cookies. They are not that sweet and they are very healthy. After all my daughter in law has made it with love for me, it has become healthy. His dad said having another bite and continued why weren't you picking up my calls ? I have a news .I want both you and Elisa to attend my party this upcoming Sunday

Ryan looked straight at Elisa and Elisa stood up, excusing herself.

You know that very well that I don't take her to events with me to avoid embarrassment. For god sake, She can't even look into my eyes while talking. What made you think she would be suitable to accompany me to your party? Ryan

That's no way to talk of your wife Ryan his dad said in strict tone

"Dad! Please stop making my life more miserable. You don't get to decide who will accompany me so please ... Ryan said and was about to continue when he saw Elisa standing in the corner with the tray of water . He took a heavy sigh and simply decided to leave the conversation and stormed upstairs.

Ryan's point of view:

The more I try to avoid her and these topics, the more my dad has to provoke me and bring such topics up in the conversation. Like staying married to her isn't a task itself. Now he is coming up with more ideas to make my life more miserable than it has been in the last one year. Take her to events with me? Why? To be the joke of the town for everyone. Like making my life a joke isn't already fun enough for him.

After 1 hour,

Ryan was in his study when he heard the knock ,

Come in he said and Elisa enters the room.

What now? He said looking at her sounding irritated

I won't waste much of your time. I am just here to say that dad really wants me to accompany you. I will show my best behaviour. I will try my best to not Embarrass you. Let me accompany you this one time please to keep his heart Elisa said softly

Ryan sighed and looked up at her and said like it's something in your hand. Elisa, I don't know if you have noticed but you are a walking embarrassment yourself. The way you are so self conscious all the time, that's embarrassing. The way you look down and talk, that's embarrassing. The desperation you show to fit in sometimes, that's embarrassing. Do you really think you can change all this in three days?

Elisa was looking down, trying her best to control her tears .

Just in three days! CAN YOU? he asked again a bit louder this time .

She finally took a deep breath and replied Yes! I won't embarrass you Ryan

Ryan was shocked to hear from her but nevertheless , he finally agreed okay! Will see that. I hope you don't make me regret my decision later on. and she simply shook her head and turned to leave.

Once she was out of the room, Ryan thought to himself "I hope I ain't doing a grave mistake. Would she be able to live up to my expectations? I doubt that! She isn't from high society .What would she know about our etiquettes? But I am a man of my words. Since, I have already said yes so now, I have to take her with me now, no matter what. Got no option there. All I can do now is just hope that I don't regret this later.

He shook his head, took a heavy sigh and shifted his focus back to his work.

This is it !

Elisa walked back to her room. She stood In front of the mirror, looking at herself, she finally wiped her tears and smiled. This is it! This is her chance to prove herself to Ryan. To prove that she is everything he wants. She won't disappoint him no matter what.

On Sunday,

Elisa got herself the perfect dress, neither too revealing nor too subtle. The perfectly fitting, red bouffant dress. She has practiced talking with confidence for 3 days. She has left no stone unturned to make sure that she impresses Ryan.

It got to be her day. If not lovers, at least she would try to impress him enough to accept her as a friend. Yes, they can at least start from friendship she thought

7 hours later,

She was all ready and was waiting for Ryan to be back home. It was past 7, just when the doorbell rings. She rushes to open the door but to her disappointment, it was the driver.

Driver said Madame, sir is busy. He has asked me to inform you that he would meet you at the party directly. I was disheartened to hear that because I really wanted him to see me first before the party and acknowledge the efforts I have taken for him but I nodded and walked out .

After 1 hour drive,

They reached the venue. This is it! She told herself once again and took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out of the car

She looked at the big ville in front of her. She couldn't stop admiring how beautiful it looked just when she heard someone saying Not bad!

Her heart skips a beat because she is familiar with that voice, in fact too familiar, she is in love with it but she just couldn't turn. Why does she get all stiff in his presence? That's the effect he had on her. His mere voice can do that to her. She looked down once, took a deep breath, fisted her palm and finally turned to face him.

Hmm.. not bad at all! He told her again and took few steps forward to her. Elisa couldn't stop blushing.

Seriously? You won't look up? Do you want to go in or go back home? Ryan said and I shook my head in no. Go back home? That's not what I want, I thought

Then look at me and ...' Ryan was saying but his words were cut by his dad Son! Finally, You both are here! Let's go in" .

As soon they entered, they were greeted by guests after guest. Elisa was calm and composed while being introduced by their dad. She was clearly trying her best. Then there came Justin, the god son of Ryan's dad. His friend's son. Ryan is not very fond of him. They have been Rivals for their entire life, be it in school, college or business now.

Bonsoir Justin greeted with a grin.

Tu connais le french? (You know french?) Elisa asked out of curiosity

Un petit peu (A little bit) Justin replied looking back at her and she just smiled back

Who is this gorgeous girl, uncle? Justin asked Ryan's dad but was cut by Ryan who was pissed off seeing justin giving attention to Elisa so he said My wife

The two words got butterflies in her guts.

Quelle Tristesse! (How sad!) Justin replied with a smile but Elisa looked up and frowned not getting him.

Isn't she too cute and pretty to be his wife he told to uncle and his uncle just laughed back

Excuse me? Ryan asked clearly being pissed by his over- friendly nature

Just kidding he replied and winked at Elisa while Elisa preferred to ignore his comment. For her, only Ryan's opinion matters. She doesn't care what the world thinks of her but only cares about her Ryan. His words are like the final verdict for her. She stared back at him while his stiffened face made it clear he was offended by Justin's comment.

After an hour,

On their way back home, Elisa was lost looking outside the window. She had a slight smile on her face as She was content with herself today. She felt good. She felt she did pretty good. She can't wait to reach home to ask him about today. Looking out of the window, she crossed her two fingers like she was hoping for the best, like she was hoping she had done good enough to impress him today and he would think about giving her a chance.

At home,

She knew Ryan would directly go to his office so as soon as she entered the mansion, She mustered all her courage and finally said That was a good party, wasn't it? I hope I have shown my best behaviour

Are you seeking my affirmation, Elisa ? Ryan remarked turning back to look at her

See that's the thing it is. Why are you so desperate for someone's validation?

That someone is you, my husband. Thus, It matters! Elisa retorted softly, looking down at floor, still avoiding the eyes.

Ryan was surprised to see her talking back. That's unusual.

Anyways, He looked down and heaving out a sigh, he finally said Well, I was trying to avoid this but you wouldn't let it go. If you really wanna know then let me tell you. You tried your best to fit in but your desperation to prove yourself was very much visible which made you look out of place. Also, you were quite over-friendly with some guests. Clearly, Good Clothes and makeup can change one's appearance but not someone's personality. You still can't meet my eyes while talking, can you? I hope that's enough description for you. Now please excuse me. Unlike you I have lots of work to do.

Elisa remained frozen on the spot. What went wrong was beyond her understanding. She did her best. What's wrong with her that she always somehow just ends up embarrassing herself in front of him no matter how hard she tries?

Love her?

On Sunday,

Ryan was in his study room working on laptop when his dad showed up.

It's Sunday, son! You can take a day off his dad said walking to his table

Why are you here now? Ryan asked straight without taking his eyes off his laptop.

His dad sighed and said I am here to give you these tickets. You both need a vacation. Here, Tickets to Maldives for you and Elisa. Go there, have a relaxing week, spend time together, do something that will give me a grandchild laughed at his own last sentence, passing the tickets.

Dad please! I am busy. I really don't have time for this now. Ryan simply replied, sounding disinterested.

You will have to take out time for your love life dad replied , being more insistent.

My love life? Ryan sneered

Thanks to you there isn't one dad and have you not already made my life miserable enough getting me married that now you are coming up with such stupid new ideas, almost everyday. Ryan asked, raising his right eyebrow.

"Miserable? What are you saying son?

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