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Mickey7: A Novel
Mickey7: A Novel
Mickey7: A Novel
Ebook326 pages4 hours

Mickey7: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Now experience where the hit movie from Academy Award-winning director Bong Joon-ho, starring Robert Pattinson, started in Mickey7 (the inspiration for the film Mickey 17).

Dying isn’t any fun…but at least it’s a living.

Mickey Barnes is an Expendable: a disposable employee on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. Whenever there’s a mission that’s too dangerous—even suicidal—the crew turns to Mickey. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact. After six deaths, Mickey7 understands the terms of his deal…and why it was the only colonial position unfilled when he took it.

On a routine scouting mission, Mickey7 goes missing and is presumed dead. By the time he returns to the colony base, surprisingly helped back by native life, his fate has been sealed. There’s a new clone, Mickey8, reporting for Expendable duties, and there can only be one Expendable. If Mickey7 reports his survival to Command, one of them is going into the recycler. If he doesn’t and they’re caught, they both are.

Meanwhile, life on Niflheim is getting worse. The atmosphere is unsuitable for humans, food is in short supply, and terraforming is going poorly. The native species are growing curious about their new neighbors, and that curiosity has Commander Marshall very afraid. Ultimately, the survival of both lifeforms will come down to Mickey7.

That is, if he can just keep from dying for good.

Release dateFeb 15, 2022

Edward Ashton

Edward Ashton lives with his adorably mopey dog, his inordinately patient wife, and three beautiful but terrifying daughters in Rochester, New York, where he studies new cancer therapies by day, and writes about the awful things his research may lead to by night. His short fiction has appeared in dozens of venues, ranging from Louisiana Literature to Daily Science Fiction. Three Days in April is his first novel.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Surprisingly good.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    tl;dr - I enjoyed this book. It was a quick, light, fun(ny at times) read and while it didn't quite give me what I expected I still loved the expendable theme and some of the history of Ashton's universe. From the Readers Q&A it appears as thuogh there may be at least one more Mickey story, and I will certainly be reading it. I'd recommend Mickey7 to fans of John Scalzi and Murderbot.

    Mickey7 follow the story of an Expendable: a man, in this case, who's sole purpose upon joining the Niflheim mission is to be available to die. Repeatedly. Typically in ways so that tech (robots/drones) and non-expendables (normal humans) don't have to be sacrificed to fix a anti-matter field or to test local flora and fauna on a newly established world. Due to resource limitations (and a lot of negative feelings towards Multiples), yada yada, only one Mickey can be around at a time and for 7 iterations this process works out fine...and then it doesn't due to a mishap with Mickey "best friend". That's more or less where the book starts off. Over the next 300-some pages, we follow Mickey 7 as he goes on a couple of missions, argues with the folks in charge, tries to keep his accidently created double (Mickey8) from a) killing him and b) getting caught. And that's more or less the story.

    Mickey 7 had some serious Murderbot vibes. He completes most of his missions less than enthusiastically and is really just here because he didn't have another option. He's snarky, relatively quick witted and seems to be fairly loyal. Unfortunately though, whereas Murderbot shows a significant amount of growth (granted, that's over the 5 novellas and 1 novel currently published) Mickey 7 felt a little flat, which I think worked to an extent because of future Mikey novels, but I would have liked to see more character development.

    On top of that, Mickey is seemingly intent on giving readers the backstory on the diaspora of humankind from earth frequently cutting back for entire chapters to explain something that's about to become relevant. I'm convinced that these cuts into the narrative probably make up 1/4 of the story. As an epic fantasy reader, I don't mind lore dumps - but these break into the narrative and immediately pulled me out of the story every time. The shame of the matter here is they're mostly pretty interesting. I enjoyed reading about the history of the expendables and failed settlements.

    Finally - there were so many threads here that the author could have pulled, and so many ways that those threads could have unraveled that I almost felt cheated by where the story went. We know that foods a problem. We know that energy is a problem. We know that the creepers are a problem. We know that the climate is a problem. What we ended up focusing on, how that problem was ultimately resolved (and how several the other problems were resolved in a matter of pages as what felt like an after thought) was disappointing.

    As I received the audiobook version of Mickey7, I would be remiss if I didn't praise the narrators John Pirhalla and Katharine Chin for this production. They brought the characters to life and the way that the radio communication was handled in the audiobook was pretty cool!

    Thank you to Macmillan Audio for providing a review copy of the audiobook via NetGalley.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Mickey7 (Mickey7, #1)by Edward AshtonI can't tell you how much I loved this book! Many of the books on the Goodreads Science Fiction Nominated Books I have read, and are on my favorite list, and it was such a hard choice! Oh, man, very hard! But this was the one that had humor, great science fiction, action, so much wit, twists, touching moments, and so much more! This is a book that people that don't normally like sci-fi would like! That's why I voted for this book! This deserves a movie!I can't wait for book 2 to come out!It's about a guy desperate to get off world so he takes a job no one wants, an Expendable. That means that the ship keeps clone cells ready to pop out the next Mickey, that's the guy's name, when he dies. Which he dies often. Any potentially dangerous thing happening? Mickey to the rescue! Mickey dies? No problem, next Mickey ready!Something happens that makes everyone think Mikey 7 died so when he is able to get back to the ship, Mikey 8 is there! Now they will both be eliminated if found!Terrific and fun story! Read now!! Do yourself a favor!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I detest cliffhangers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Space exploration and planet colonization are a dangerous business - genre books and movies showed us this fact many times in many different ways, with characters often suffering grievous harm or losing their lives in more or less horrific ways. But how would a story develop if there was always someone - the same someone - to risk their neck every time a hairy situation presented itself? This is the premise at the roots of Mickey 7: what if there was a dedicated individual to take on every risky endeavor the colonists had to face, so that none of the rest of them had to put their lives on the line?Mickey Barnes is a very average guy, a history buff at a time in which such information is readily available online - that is, if anyone were minimally interested in it - and he lives a quite lackluster existence on the colony planet of Midgard, his only thrills coming from gambling. And that’s where his life takes a sudden turn for the worse: indebted beyond his meager means to a quite unsavory individual who threatened him with very painful retribution, Mickey knows his only escape comes from leaving Midgard, and so he seeks for a berth on the Drakkar, a colony ship ready to leave toward the world of Niflheim. Unfortunately he does not possess any technical or physical skill that would be useful to the 200-odd contingent of spearhead colonists, so that his only chance to be accepted is to sign as the ship’s expendable: that’s the person who, for example, must go outside the ship to effect vital repairs with a high probability of being exposed to lethal radiation; or the one who’s called to test some experimental medicine whose side effects are unknown; or to sample a planet’s atmosphere where deadly pathogens lie in wait for the unwary colonists. And so forth…As the novel opens, Mickey Barnes is at his seventh iteration: every time he dies, his stored consciousness is transferred to a new body, the memories of previous lives (and deaths…) there to be recalled in vivid detail. Having fallen into a deep chasm on the frozen surface of Niflheim, he knows no one will risk their safety to retrieve him and he’s ready to accept his fate for the seventh time, but something happens that allows him to return to the colony’s dome. Unfortunately, his replacement has already been decanted, and the two versions of Mickey, 7 and 8, have to decide how to deal with the situation: an extra body is out of the question, since the resources are limited, and one of them should volunteer to go into the recycler, but neither one of them wants to give up because despite so many deaths life is still precious and then there is Nasha, Mickey’s sweetheart, to think about…What follows is a story that tackles several serious issues with a light, humorous tone conveyed by Mickey’s first person narrative: the colony’s hardships are always front and center, what with the planet being revealed as less hospitable than the probes showed, which puts severe limitations on population growth and on available resources; the colonists are dealing with a native life form, dubbed the Creepers, which are quite hostile; and to top it all, Mickey’s virtual immortality made him something of a pariah in the colony because of the utter weirdness of his situation, made even more difficult by the colony’s manager who is a Natalist, i.e. the member of a sect who views expendables as soulless people. On top of it all, our hero has to deal with a double (number 8) who seems quite dissimilar from the Mickey we meet at the start of the book, since he seems very apt at avoiding any kind of work (and therefore danger) and manages to hog most of their single food rations - not to mention “stealing” sweet Nasha from under 7’s very nose.The most important theme, however, is that of cloning - and identity. To showcase the dilemma all expendables (and their fellow colonists) face, the author often mentions the famous Ship of Theseus, the paradox of the mythical ship whose parts have been replaced over time: can that ship be the considered the same one that first sailed long ago? So, in the same way, can a “simple” transfer of consciousness and memories produce the same individual? At face value one might answer yes, that Mickey is always Mickey as long as his memories are preserved, but when one takes into consideration all the (often painfully horrific) deaths he’s undergone, it stands to reason that he might very well be quite a different person from the one who left Midgard a few years prior, because those deaths and the suffering that went with them have left a permanent mark on him. And from the reader’s standpoint I feel certain that no subsequent Mickey can be the same as the one that preceded him, because the differences between 7 and 8 are quite glaring - even taking into account that they are described from 7’s point of view which might not be that of a reliable narrator.Science Fiction often tackled the issue of clones, or doubles: a few TV examples come from the original Star Trek, where Captain Kirk must deal with an evil twin created by a transporter accident; or from the more recent Farscape, where John Crichton is split in two perfectly identical copies, and no one - neither them nor the audience - knows which one is the original and which one the copy; or again in Duncan Jones’ intriguing movie Moon, where protagonist Sam Bell faces a situation not so dissimilar from the one Mickey 7 has to deal with. The examples I quoted are all developed with a propensity for the drama of the situation, while Mickey 7 tends to take a lighter approach even though it never glosses over the seriousness of the situation: the author manages this far from easy feat by creating a very relatable, very sympathetic character it’s quite easy to root for. Mickey’s life experiences taught him a kind of innate, self-deprecating humor that works very well in endearing him to the reader - I even feel like going out on a limb and saying that Edward Ashton succeeds where, in my opinion, Andy Weir’s The Martian failed, by finding the correct balance between the drama of the situation and the character’s humorous comments that never feel forced or contrived.Where I always enjoy SF stories based on planet colonization, this time I found something quite different with Mickey 7, and I enjoyed this difference so much that I’m curious to learn what kind of new “adventures” expect this delightful protagonist in the next book(s).
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    2023 book #29: 2022. Micky is an Expendable, the guy on a newly colonized planet who gets all the deadly jobs because they can build him a new body if he's killed. When the 7th Micky is presumed dead and they build Micky8, complications ensue. Pretty good in a wise cracking way.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fun sci-fi romp. Mickey7 is an Expendable on a distant colony on a new harsh world. He is a clone, and he is used to go into places and do things that are too dangerous to let drones and robots go into. Recreating a person, is much easier than rebuilding a drone when you have limited supplies. When out on a mission to investigate alien life, he is presumed dead, so the colony brings out Mickey8. But what happens when there are now 2 of you? A fun quick read, and I immediately started listening to the sequel; Antimatter Blues
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Many thanks to NetGalley, Edward Ashton and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advance copy.Poor Mickey! Although he can technically never die, the only way he gets to live forever is by going through a gruesome death and be replicated back to life. Each colony has one multiple. There are so many dangerous jobs to be done, experiments to be made, why risk the lives of the colonists when they have someone to do the job for them. I mean, he volunteered for the job. Mickey did volunteer but it was out of desperation. Most times they will conscript someone from prison for this lovely job, but no, Mickey actually signed up for this gig. I don’t think he realized that people would either hate him or be so weirded out by him that they don’t want anything to do with him. It doesn’t help that the commander in charge is a Naturalist and fundamentally opposed to multiples. Luckily he has his best friend Berto and his girlfriend Nasha. But is Berto his best friend really? I mean the guy left him to die. That leads to Mickey’s current predicament. He didn’t die, but Berto, who left him for dead, has reported it and when Mickey 7 returns to his room, Mickey 8 is sleeping in his bed. He can’t report Mickey 8 or they will both end up in the dumpster. The biggest rule is that there should never be 2 multiples walking around at the same time. He knows he should jump into the hopper himself, but he can’t seem to do it. Now he has to split, not only rations with his other self, but his girlfriend. This is really not what he signed up for. How did he survive anyway. He fell down a big hole and instead of the creepers, these ugly animal like creatures that inhabit the planet, tearing him apart, they simply picked him up and deposited him outside. Like you would a spider you found in your house. Does this mean that they are sentient beings? This could be a bigger problem than Mickey having two of him running around.I was hyped for this one. I thought the idea was great and I was excited for the possibilities. But it just fell flat for me. I kept waiting for it to take off, but it never did. It is readable but it never really got sophisticated either in the character development or world building. I thought there was so much more that could have been done. There was too much middle and the end felt rushed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was so much fun. Space travel takes time, and for most it is a one-way trip. Mickey just needed off his planet, and the only way to get out of trouble was taking a job as the expendable on a one-way trip to terraform a new planet. His job is to die. His conscience and everything that makes Mickey Mickey, is uploaded, preferably frequently, and when the crew need someone to do something dangerous, or something that will surely cause death, that is Mickey’s job. We start this book with Mickey out on exploration. He is exploring a set of caves when he falls, and his friend/crew mate, says he’s not performing a rescue, and that Mickey can just pop the hatch and they will print a new one. This is Mickey’s job. He knows it, but he has this thing about purposefully killing himself. He can’t do it. With a little help of a giant fuzzy caterpillar, Mickey makes it back to base by morning, with minimal injuries. The only problem, when he makes it all the way to his bunk, and finds out Mickey 8 is in his bed, freshly regenerated. And while they are both the same person, they are both alive, and both hope to stay that way.This book is both a look at the complications of technology like this, as well as the ethical and religious beliefs in this practice (it’s not preachy). But it is done with the whit and wisdom one would find in the Murderbot books. This book is funny, heart tugging, and will keep readers at the end of their seats at times. It is well thought out, flows at just the right pace and make you keep turning the page. This is a duology, but one could just read this book and be just fine. It has an ending, that works well, and will satisfy readers.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This novel has more holes than my kid’s sockets…The explanation of why there cannot be more copies of the same person at the same time is not very convincing, as logic would determine that this is the best way and there is not even an explanation for the fact that the other members of a mission of only a handful of people responsible for thousands of frozen human embryos are not able to regenerate even in the event of accidental death. In terms of the action itself, there's not much to say, as the tension is located much more internally in the base set up on the planet, with the Mickeys' decoy being the key, than in the clash between humans and insects, something that is resolved in a very simplistic way. Mickey7 is the same from beginning to end, without any greater evolution arc than the actual realization that people are selfish (ROTFL). Mickey8 is also a non-character. And the same goes for Mickey7's girlfriend and best friend, as well as the base boss, Marshall, as they are nothing more than character archetypes that exist with the exact same function as buttons on a remote control: fulfilling specific and invariable tasks and boring as hell.The entire philosophy of this novel revolves around the now well-known – thanks to WandaVision – Paradox of the Ship of Theseus, which asks if the ship in question, which, throughout its voyage of years, undergoes successive repairs that, in the end, replace all its wooden planks, remain the same ship that started the journey. Or, transferring the paradox to the case of the novel, are Mickey's later iterations of the original, each one of them, the same initial Mickey? The point is that this discussion exists only as a literary device known (at least by me) as “oooohhhh, wow, how cool! Look at me being smart as fuck!”, i.e., that device inserted into the narrative as its background is only to make it seem that the story is smarter and more challenging than it actually is. But this novel is not alone in this. It’s a common recurrence in contemporary SF. The writers just start with something apparently meticulously worked on to “justify” the reading of the work beyond a shallow SF adventure like the proverbial saucer.Another contemporary SF stinker.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I RECEIVED A DRC FROM THE PUBLISHER VIA NETGALLEY. THANK YOU.My Review: Well, what can I say. I liked THE END OF ORDINARY well enough...inventive use of science, interesting personal stakes, but curiously flat. I wanted to read this book because I loved the science premise (remember Doctor Who's Gangers? My favorite slave race, narrowly displacing the Ood). Also because, well, look at the title of this blog and tell me why I might be interested in the story.I was particularly taken by Mickey7's job on Niflheim, the planet where he...um...where the action takes place. Oh dear...the Spoiler Stasi will be after me...look, I'm kind of hamstrung here by the endless whinging of the spoilerphobes. So, let's just say, if the possibility of knowing something about a read will utterly devastate your pleasure in it, go somewhere else.Mickey Barnes chose life as an expendable because, frankly, it was the best way to get on a colony ship away from Earth. This particular colony ship has religious nuts on it, however, and as is always the way with those sort of people, they've decided their imaginary friend doesn't like...really, hates, though for poorly explored reasons...expendables. They're abominations. After all, I thought to myself, once you're dead, their big bully in the...wait, they're on a a spaceship, where the hell is their gawd in such immense skies? how's she keeping tabs on 'em, some sort of spiritual Ring or Alexa?...anyway, your eternal torments are supposed to begin with death (unless, that is, you're one of Them, and even then it's not 100% guaranteed you'll get the post-mortem goodies). Mickey7, whose previous six deaths were pretty horrific, is still up for doing his job now they're on the ice planet Niflheim. Problem is he's gone and fallen into a crevasse. No one's going to bother rescuing an expendable. That's sort of the point of them...he'll be reconstituted into Mickey8, the cycle will continue.Mickey7's luck is that he survives and makes his way back to the colony, somehow thinking they won't have reconstituted Mickey8. He's handed the religious nut in charge the lever he needs to bludgeon the colony into following his hate-filled plan for the colony to be expendable free. After all, their resources are strained to the limit and, even though expendables get less to eat and fewer material benefits than the religious nuts, they really can't afford another mouth to feed.But someone please explain to me again how religion is a force for good and compassion in the world.What results from this unprecedented situation is a kind of slamming-doors farce, with 7 and 8 agreeing to take on the task of splitting their Mickey-duties to both stay alive; needless to say, that fails. What made it fun to read, and the source of my four-star rating, is the sheer propulsive power of Author Ashton's use of Mickey7 as the first-person narrator. It was immediately clear to me that I was going to be investing in this character. His matter-of-factness was endearing to me, where a more emotionally fraught close third-person narration wouldn't have given me the impetus to keep reading.The filmed version we can expect in, permaybehaps, 2024 is set to star Robert Pattinson and Steven Yeun. Brad Pitt's company is set to produce, and Bong Joon-ho is set to direct. IF, that is, David Zaslav's flensing knife spares the project now that Plan B Entertainment's new home Warner Brothers is owned by his philistine self. Star power isn't much to Discovery, they like cheap and flashy.We'll always have the fun, funny, and very provocative-idea-laden book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This novel follows Mickey, who is the "Expendable" on a mission settling a new planet. The Expendable is the crew member who is expected to perform the perilous tasks that are likely or certain to get him killed, with the knowledge that he can be printed to live again, imprinted with the memories from his last backup. It's a rough job, and he was the only applicant for it on this mission, but he needed to get off planet to outrun a gambling debt.He has two good friends on the new planet, his girlfriend and an old friend who are both pilots, and they live him for dead on a mission in which he's fallen into a deep hole and is about to be dismembered by the "creepers", the planet's large, bug-like predators that have already taken a previous version of him. In a surprise turn, though, a large creeper saves him and sends him back to the camp, where Mickey 8 has already been printed. The Mickeys know that one or both of them will be incinerated if this is discovered, so they attempt to hide 7's existence, which is not easy in this small building with only a couple hundred people.The book is light-hearted even though it's exploring some bigger themes (is a copy of Mickey the same as Mickey? Is it OK to exploit one crew member in this way? Is it just necessary for survival in a new colony that's balancing on a knife's edge?).I enjoyed it- about to read the follow up. The book really moves along at a quick pace, though the characters aren't really drawn out much.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What if the society depicted in a science fiction novel basically functioned like the scenario in "The Cold Equations?" You know, that tarnished piece of Campbellian "gold" where a girl stows away on a spacecraft and the pilot has to "space" her to complete his mission. This is basically what you have here, where a man who is the designated "red shirt" on an ailing space colony does the right thing, fails to die, and decides that he wants to go on living. Not really a bad novel, but I'm not sure that I actually feel motivated enough to read the follow-on novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting plot and setting, and starting off nicely. After half of the book it seemed to 'flatten out' and I had to convince myself to finish. It's hard to put the finger on what's missing. Its an ok story, with ok characters, little depth, with ok tension, with ok surprise, with predictable next steps. Meh.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Mickey's job is to die. As an expendable, he is sent on dangerous missions by the colonist, where his chance of survival is nil. Once he dies, his body is reprinted and his memories uploaded to the new iteration. When sent on a routine mission, he falls into an underground tunnel system and is presumed dead. Before he can rejoin the colony, a new Mikey is printed. Duplicates are both feared and loathed, causing Mickey7 and Mickey8 to hide for fear of being recycled. Terraforming is going poorly, calories are limited, and the local life forms seem to be attacking the colony. Just when things can't get worse....they do.This was an extremely dynamic story. The world was well formed and developed and both the society and technology seemed believable. I would love to read more from this author. 5 out of 5 stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was so much fun! Mickey Barnes is an "expendable" - someone sent on space expeditions to be the one used in dangerous, usually life threatening situations - radiation exposure, vicious space creatures, hostile environments, dangerous ship repairs. After one version of Mickey dies, another clone is regenerated on the ship complete with the latest downloaded memories. However, when Mickey survives unexpectedly he must contend with the fact that a clone has already been regenerated to take his place. What transpires is reminiscent of a comedy of errors as both Mickeys try to navigate thru the space colony without giving away their secret. This is a quick and easy enjoyable read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    You know, I really enjoyed this and I feel like Ashton can definitely make a sequel as there are a few big questions that haven't been answered.

    Very creative and unique. I really enjoyed the journey and adore Mickey7.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mickey needed to get out of town asap so he signed on as the Expendable for the voyage to the stars. Anything to get away. And really, how bad can it be? Yes, Expendables get dead sometimes, but they wake up again right? Once, twice, thrice, … 4, 5, 6, 7.It's all going as well as multiple horrible deaths can go until there is a glitch and Mickey7 walks in on Mickey8 – Mickey8 who should not exist and who eats too much.The publisher might call Mickey7 a high concept book, but it's not, really, but it sure is fun. There are a few holes – mostly about Berto – but otherwise, the story hangs pretty together well and I enjoyed it. I received a review copy of "Mickey7" by Edward Ashton from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley.com.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Pros: great premise, interesting charactersCons:Mickey Barnes is the expendable for the Niflheim beachhead colony, which means if there’s a dangerous job, he’s the one doing it. So it’s not surprising that when his seventh iteration falls into a deep hole he’s left for dead. Unfortunately when he makes it back to base a new copy of himself is sleeping in his bed. Multiples are the biggest taboo, so the Mickeys must hide what they are even as trouble is brewing with the planet’s indigenous lifeforms.This book was a lot of fun to read. It’s quick paced and engaging, with Mickey7 including important incidents from his past while narrating the events of the present.I went from thinking of Mickey7 as a decent guy, then kind of a jerk, then back to being a decent guy. Some of his history paints him in a bad light though it seems dying multiple times has improved his character somewhat. I really liked Nasha and thought their relationship was great.The book poses some interesting ethical questions without delving too deeply into them or dwelling on them for long. It’s mostly a lighthearted read.The world-building was great. There was a lot more explanation about the larger universe than I expected, with Mickey explaining things about life on his homeworld, Midgard, and some of the other colonies (successful & failed).The ending ties together all the various narratives Mickey throws at you. I especially loved how his study of history gave him insight into how to think of the native species.If you like easygoing, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious SF, give this a go.(review copy received from NetGalley)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As can be inferred from Edward Ashton's title, this novel centers on a person who has been cloned -- several times. A volunteer on a colonizing spaceship headed to an ice planet called Niflheim, Mickey7 is an Expendable. His role is to take the most highly dangerous tasks needed in the new colony, and if he dies, be regenerated with his memories more or less in tact. A recruiter sold him on this job as a means to be immortal --- but experiencing death, in several extremely painful forms, makes Mickey7 a bit jaded about the whole thing.Mickey7 narrates the story; through his flippant, sarcastic voice we learn of the demise of not only Earth, but also many other colony start-ups in which the entire crew died. So the theme of death and life is omnipresent in the narrative, though the tone is light and somewhat comic. A familiar clone story trope, the simultaneous existence of two versions of an individual, appears early in the novel as Mickey7 and Mickey8 first try to hide their "double" status and later become enmeshed in the existential danger facing their colony. Given the discovery of apparently menacing, sentient life-forms on Niflheim, should the human response be to kill them all since communication seems impossible, thereby committing genocide? What other choices are possible?The exploration of this crisis is light-hearted, yet the resolution is nevertheless too easy, with closure on the perplexing "duplicate" existence and a rocky love relationship crafted in a rather perplexing manner.This novel will be enjoyed by readers who relish characters with breezy/saucy attitudes, occasional forays into ethical questions, and who tolerate storylines that don't stick the landing.I received this book from St. Martin's Press via NetGalley. This is an honest review.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In a far-flung future, space missions like to include one person whose job is to be the expendable, assigned the most dangerous jobs and then re-created if they die. In this adventure, Mickey desperately takes on the job of expendable in order to escape his life threatening debts at home, and as the story opens he is on his 7th incarnation, memories mostly intact. As the narrator of the events, Mickey's attitude is both entertaining and engaging, and his descriptions of his fellow shipmates razor sharp. Unfortunately there can be only one incarnation of him at a time, but his best friend's mistake causes another Mickey (#8) to be made, and so the subterfuge begins. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the planet the crew is researching seem very dangerous, but Mickey& has a different opinion and must risk his #7 life again. The action is compelling and the characterization and future vision are thought-provoking.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review of Uncorrected Digital GalleyIn a future time, mankind has developed the technology to travel to far-flung planets to establish colonies and has moved out into the universe. Once long-range reconnaissance determines the habitability of a planet, a single ship . . . a beachhead colony mission . . . departs on its mission.On this mission, colonists will travel aboard the “Drakkar” from Midgard to the planet where they will establish the colony of Niflheim. But when they reach the planet, instead of a habitable world, they discover an ice planet with an atmosphere unsuitable for humans. Their food supply is steadily shrinking, terraforming isn’t too successful, and the planet’s native species, creepers, are a fearsome lot.Mickey is the member of the crew who’s assigned all the difficult, deadly dangerous tasks. He’s the disposable crew member, an Expendable who has died and been regenerated six times. Currently, he is Mickey7.On a routine planetary scouting mission outside the colonists’ habitable dome, Mickey tumbles down a deep hole; stranded and unable to climb out, he finds himself some three meters below the surface . . . too deep for his companions to safely mount a rescue mission.When Mickey comes across a creeper-like creature in one of the tunnels, he expects to die; instead, he finds himself transported through a series of tunnels and returned to the surface of the planet. Mickey returns to the dome to discover that he’s been presumed to have been killed and a new iteration . . . Mickey8 . . . has been created.Two duplicates cannot be allowed to exist simultaneously, food is strictly rationed, and neither Mickey wants to die. How long will they be able to keep the existence of two Mickeys a secret? And how long can the colony exist on a hostile world?=========Strong worldbuilding highlights this intriguing tale that asks what it means to be human. Imaginative and compelling, the unfolding narrative pulls the reader into the story and keeps the pages turning.Well-drawn characters, a strong plot, and a fast-moving plot combine to make this narrative eminently readable. Flashbacks provide the necessary backstory to explain the how and why of the off-world colonization efforts and give the story depth as do the aspects of dealing with ethical quandaries.Told from Mickey’s point of view, his somewhat snarky nature is an asset to the telling of the tale and, although the story reaches a satisfactory denouement, readers are likely to want to know more about what happens to Mickey and the Niflheim colony.The only downside here is the annoying, unnecessary use of an offensive expletive that many readers will find off-putting.Recommended.I received a free copy of this eBook from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley#Mickey7 #NetGalley

Book preview

Mickey7 - Edward Ashton


THIS IS GONNA be my stupidest death ever.

It’s just past 26:00, and I’m sprawled on my back on a rough stone floor, in a darkness so black that I may as well be blind. My ocular wastes a long five seconds hunting for stray visible-spectrum photons before finally giving up and flipping over to infrared. There’s still not much to see, but at least I can make out the roof of the chamber above me, glowing now in a pale, spectral gray, and the black ring of the ice-crusted opening that must have brought me here.

Question: What the hell happened?

The last few minutes of my memory are fragmentary—mostly unconnected images and snippets of sound. I remember Berto dropping me off at the head of the crevasse. I remember climbing down along a broken jumble of ice blocks. I remember walking. I remember looking up, seeing a boulder jutting out of the ice about thirty meters up the south wall. It looked a little like a monkey’s head. I remember smiling, and then …

… and then there was nothing under my left foot, and I was falling.

Son of a bitch. I wasn’t looking where I was going. I was staring up at that stupid monkey-head rock, thinking about how I’d describe it to Nasha when I got back to the dome, and I stepped into a hole.

Stupidest. Death. Ever.

A shiver runs the length of my body. The cold was bad enough up top, when I was moving. Down here, though, pressed against the bedrock, it’s soaking into me, eating through the skin suit and the two layers of thermals, seeping down through hair and skin and muscle and all the way into my bones. I shiver again, and a sudden jolt of pain runs from my left wrist up to my shoulder. I look down. There’s a bulge where there shouldn’t be one, pressing against the fabric just at the point where my glove meets the sleeve of my outer thermal. I start to pull off the glove, thinking that maybe the cold will help keep the swelling down, but another jolt of pain stops that experiment almost before it’s started. Even just trying to make a fist, the pain ramps up from bad to blinding as soon as my fingers start to curl.

Must have banged it on something during the fall. Broken? Maybe. Sprained? Definitely.

Pain means I’m still alive, right?

I sit up slowly, shake my head clear, and blink to a comm window. I’m too far out to pick up any of the colony repeaters, but Berto must still be close, because I’m getting just a hint of a signal. Not enough for voice or video, but I can probably manage text. My eye flickers to the keyboard icon, and it expands to fill a quarter of my field of view.

:Berto. You getting this?

:Affirmative. Still alive, huh?

:So far. I’m stuck, though.

:No kidding. I saw what happened. You walked right into a hole.

:Yeah, I figured that out.

:Not a little hole, Mickey. A big one. What the hell, buddy?

:I was looking at a rock.


:It looked like a monkey.

:Stupidest death ever.

:Yeah, well, only if I die, right? Speaking of which, any chance you’re coming for me?

:Uh …





:Why not?

:Well, mostly because I’m hovering two hundred meters over the spot where you went down right now, and I’m still barely reading you. You’re deep underground, my friend, and we are definitely in creeper territory. It would take a hell of an effort and a great deal of personal risk to get you back out—and I can’t justify that kind of risk for an Expendable, you know?

:Oh. Right.

:Not for a friend either, huh?

:Come on, Mickey. That’s a cheap shot. It’s not like you’re really dying or anything. I’ll file a loss report on you when I get back to the dome. This is line of duty. There’s no way Marshall won’t approve your regen. You’ll be out of the tank and back in your bed tomorrow.

:Oh, that’s great. I mean, I’m sure that’ll be convenient for you. But in the meantime, I have to die in a hole.

:Yeah, that sucks.

:That sucks? Really? That’s all you’ve got?

:I’m sorry, Mickey, but what do you want? I feel bad that you’re about to die down there, but seriously, this is your job, right?

:I’m not even current, you know. I haven’t uploaded in over a month.

:That … is not my fault. Don’t worry, though. I’ll fill you in on what you’ve been up to. Got any private stuff you’ve done since your last upload that you think you might need to know?

:Um …

:No, I guess not.

:Perfect. Then we’re all set.


:All good, Mickey?

:Yeah. All good. Thanks a lot, Berto.

I blink away from the window, lean back against the rock wall, and close my eyes. I can’t believe that chickenshit bastard’s not coming for me.

Oh, who am I kidding? I can totally believe it.

So, what next? Sit here and wait to die? I have no idea how far I tumbled down that bore hole or drop shaft or whatever it was before I hit ground in this … whatever this is. It might have been twenty meters. From the way Berto was talking, it might have been more like a hundred. The opening I dropped through is right there, no more than three meters up. Even if I could reach it, though, there’s no way I’m climbing with this wrist.

In my line of work, you spend a lot of time pondering different ways to die—when you’re not actually experiencing them, that is. I’ve never frozen to death before. I’ve definitely thought about it, though. It’s been hard not to since we made landfall on this godforsaken ball of ice. It should be pretty easy, relatively speaking. You get chilly, fall asleep, and then don’t wake up, right? I’m starting to drift, thinking that at least maybe this won’t be such a bad way to go, when my ocular pings. I blink to answer.

:Hey babe.

:Hey Nasha. What can I do for you?

:Just sit tight. I’m in the air, ETA two minutes.

:Berto pinged you?

:Yeah. He doesn’t think you’re retrievable.


:He’s just not properly motivated.

You know, hope is a funny thing. Thirty seconds ago I was one hundred percent sure I was about to die, and I wasn’t really afraid. Now, though, my heart is pounding in my ears and I find myself running down a checklist of everything that could go wrong if Nasha actually manages to get her lifter on the ground up there and makes a rescue attempt. Is the floor of the crevasse even wide enough for her to set down? If it is, will she be able to locate me? If she does, will she have enough cable to reach me?

If she does, what are the chances that all that activity brings the creepers down on her?


Shit shit shit.

I can’t let her do it.



:Berto’s right. I’m not retrievable.



:You sure about this, babe?

I close my eyes again, and breathe in, breathe out. It’s just a trip to the tank, right?

:Yeah, I’m sure. I’m buried deep here, and I’m pretty badly banged up. Honestly, even if you managed to get me back, they’d probably wind up scrapping me anyway.


:Okay, Mickey. This is your call.

:You know I would have come for you, right?

:Yeah, Nasha. I know.

She goes silent, and I sit there watching her signal strength rising and falling. She’s orbiting the drop site. She’s trying to triangulate my signal, trying to pin down my location.

I need to end this.

:Go home, Nasha. I’m checking out now.



:How’re you gonna do it?

:Do what?

:Shut down, Mickey. I don’t want you going out like Five did. You got a weapon?

:Nope. Lost my burner on the way down. Honestly, I don’t think I’d want to use one of those things on myself anyway. I guess it would be quick, but …

:Yeah, that’s probably a good call. How about a knife? Or an ice ax?

:No, and no. And what exactly are you expecting me to do with an ice ax?

:I don’t know. They’re sharp, right? Maybe you could chop yourself in the head or something.

:Look, Nasha, I know you’re trying to be helpful, but—

:You could just pop the seals on your rebreather. Not sure if the low O2 or the high CO would get you first, but either way it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

:Yeah. I know I haven’t tried it, but somehow I don’t think slow suffocation is my thing.

:So what’re you gonna do?

:Freeze to death, I guess.

:Yeah, that works. Peaceful, right?

:I hope so.

Her signal dwindles almost to nothing, then hovers just above zero. She must be hanging just at the edge of transmission range.

:Hey. You’re backed up, right?

:Not for the last six weeks.

:Why haven’t you been uploading?

I really don’t want to get into that particular question right now.

:Just lazy, I guess.


: I’m sorry about this, babe. I really am.

:Want me to stay on the line with you?

:No. This might take a while, and if you go down out there, you don’t get to come back, remember? You should get back to the dome.

:You sure?

:Yeah, I’m sure.

:Love you, babe. When I see you tomorrow, I’ll let you know that you went down like a pro tonight.

:Thanks, Nasha. Love you too.

:Goodbye, Mickey.

I blink the window closed, and watch as Nasha’s comm signal dwindles the rest of the way down to zero. Berto’s already long out of range. I look up. The opening is staring down at me like the devil’s anus, and, backed up or not, I’m suddenly not cool with dying. I give my head another shake, and climb to my feet.

HERE’S A THOUGHT experiment for you: Imagine you found out that when you go to sleep at night, you don’t just go to sleep. You die. You die, and someone else wakes up in your place the next morning. He’s got all your memories. He’s got all your hopes and dreams and fears and wishes. He thinks he’s you, and all your friends and loved ones do too. He’s not you, though, and you’re not the guy who went to sleep the night before. You’ve only existed since this morning, and you will cease to exist when you close your eyes tonight. Ask yourself—would it make any practical difference in your life? Is there any way that you could even tell?

Replace go to sleep with get crushed, or vaporized, or set on fire and you’ve pretty much got my life. Trouble in the reactor core? I’m on it. Need to test a sketchy new vaccine? I’m your guy. Need to know if the bathtub absinthe you cooked up is poisonous? I’ll get a glass, you bastards. If I die, you can always make another me.

The upside of all that dying is that I really am a shitty kind of immortal. I don’t just remember what Mickey1 did. I remember being him. Well, all but the last few minutes of being him, anyway. He—I—died after a hull breach during transit. Mickey2 woke up a few hours later, sure as shit that he was thirty-one years old and had been born back on Midgard. And who knows? Maybe he was. Maybe that was the original Mickey Barnes looking out through his eyes. How could you tell? And maybe if I lie down on the floor of this cavern, close my eyes, and pop my seals, I’ll wake up tomorrow morning as Mickey8.

Somehow, though, I doubt it.

Nasha and Berto might not be able to tell the difference, but deep down on some level below reason, I’m pretty sure I’d know I was dead.

THERE’S PRETTY MUCH nothing in the way of visible-range photons down here, but my ocular is picking up just enough in the shortwave infrared to get a look around. As it turns out, there are a half dozen tunnels leading out of this chamber. All of them slope downward.

That shouldn’t be.

None of this should be, actually.

The tunnels look like lava tubes, but according to the orbital survey, there isn’t supposed to be any volcanism within a thousand kilometers of here. That’s one of the reasons we picked this place for our first base camp, even though it’s far enough off the equator that the crappy climate of this stupid planet is even crappier than it has to be. I walk slowly around the perimeter of the chamber. All the tunnels look the same, circular tubes about three meters in diameter, glowing faintly in a way that tells my conscious mind that there’s a positive temperature gradient at work, and at the same time lets my subconscious know that they all probably lead directly to hell. I count six paces from each to the next.

That doesn’t seem right either.

No time to worry about it, though. I pick a tunnel and start walking.

After a half hour or so, I start to wonder if maybe I should have tried to tell Nasha that I wasn’t going to just sit there and freeze to death after all. It would be good if she knew not to let Berto file a loss report until and unless I actually die. The Union is pretty loose about a lot of stuff, morality-wise, but some really bad things happened in the early days of bio-printed bodies and personality downloads, and at this point on most colonies you’re better off being a serial killer or a child stealer than a multiple.

I pop open a comm window, but of course I’m getting no signal here at all. Too much bedrock between me and the surface. Probably for the best. I’m pretty sure the only reason Nasha didn’t force the issue on a rescue attempt is that I gave her the impression that I was broken anyway. If she knew I was up and walking around with nothing worse than a headache and a sprained wrist, she might swing back and try to come for me, whether I wanted it or not.

I can’t have that. Nasha’s the only clearly good thing I can point to from the past nine years of my life, and if she went down because of me, I couldn’t live with myself.

I couldn’t, but I’d have to, wouldn’t I? I can’t die—not and make it stick, anyway.

In any case, I’m not sure she could find me even if she wanted to at this point. It’s like an ant farm down here, with cross-tunnels every dozen meters or so. I’ve tried to pick the ones that looked more up than down, but I don’t think I’m having a lot of success, and I have no idea what direction I’m headed.

On the plus side, though, I’m not shivering anymore. I thought at first that I was going hypothermic, but the infrared glow from the walls has been brightening steadily, and I’m pretty sure now that it’s getting warmer the deeper I go. I’m actually starting to sweat a little.

Which is okay for now, I guess—but it’s gonna suck if I actually do manage to find my way back to the surface. It was negative ten C when I broke through the crust covering the mouth of that drop shaft. Temperatures at night have been dipping to negative thirty or more, and the wind never stops. If I do find a way out, it might be a good idea to hang around inside until the sun comes back up.

I’M DAYDREAMING ABOUT Nasha the first time I hear the skittering. It’s like a bunch of little rocks tumbling down a granite face, except that it starts and stops, starts and stops. I hurry on, and I don’t look back. It’s obvious to me by now that these tunnels are not a natural formation. I don’t know what kind of burrowing animal digs three-meter-wide tunnels through solid rock, but whatever it is, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to meet one.

As I press on, the noises come more often, and closer. I find myself walking faster and faster, until I’m almost running. I’ve just passed a cross-tunnel when I realize that I can’t tell if the noises I’m hearing are coming from behind me or in front of me. I pull up short, and turn half around.

And there it is, almost close enough to touch.

It looks generally like a creeper, which I guess makes sense: segmented body, one pair of legs to a segment, hard, sharp claws for feet. The mandibles are different, though. Creepers have one pair on their front segments. This guy has two: a slightly longer pair held parallel to the ground, and a shorter pair held perpendicular to those. Just like a creeper, it has a short, dextrous pair of feeding legs inside the mandibles, and a round, toothy maw.

There are some other important differences. Creepers are pure white—evolved to blend in with the snow, maybe? It’s hard to tell from the infrared I’m getting, but I’m guessing that in the visible spectrum this thing would be brown or black.

Also, of course, creepers are maybe a meter long and weigh a few dozen kilograms, while my new friend here is as wide as I am tall, and stretches back down the tunnel as far as I can see.

Fight or flight? Neither one seems like a good bet here. I raise my hands, show it my open palms, and take a slow step back. That gets a reaction. It rears up and spreads both sets of mandibles wide. The feeding legs beckon to me. Body language. To a thing like this, my arms up and spread probably look like a threat. I drop them to my side and take another step back. It slides toward me, its front segments weaving slowly back and forth like the head of a cobra, and I’m thinking I should have listened to Nasha, should have popped my seals and let the local atmosphere do its work, thinking that being eaten by a giant centipede is really not the way I wanted to check out, when it strikes.

The mandibles snap around me, faster than I can react—between my legs, over my right shoulder, and around my waist. The creeper lifts me off the ground, and the feeding legs pin me in place. The maw is opening and closing rhythmically, less than a meter away. There are rows and rows of cold black teeth in there, one behind the other, as far down the furnace-hot gullet as I can see.

It doesn’t pull me in, though. It picks me up, and it moves.

The feeding legs are multi-jointed, and they end in nests of tentacles that could almost be fingers, tipped by two-centimeter-long claws. I struggle at first, but they hold my arms splayed and pressed back against the mandibles with a grip like a steel vise. I can kick my feet a little, but I can’t reach anything worth kicking. I’m assuming at this point that I’m on my way back to the nest. A snack for the little ones, maybe? Or a special treat for the wife? Either way, if I could reach up to pop my seals now, I’d do it. Not an option, though, so I hang there, imagining what it’s going to feel like being ground up in that churning maw.

The trip is a long one, and at one point I actually find myself dozing off. The clacking of the giant creeper’s teeth wakes me, though, and I spend the rest of the ride watching them grind against one another as the maw irises open and closed. It’s strangely fascinating. The teeth must either grow continuously or fall out and regenerate on a pretty regular basis, because they’re really doing a number on each other.

After a while, I realize that the angles at which they strike one another are optimized to keep them sharpened.

We finally stop in a chamber similar to the one I first fell into. The creeper crosses the open space, then slides its head into a smaller side tunnel. I crane my neck around. The passage looks like it dead-ends after twenty meters or so. The family larder, maybe? It sets my feet on the ground, then opens its mandibles. The feeding legs give me a gentle shove, and the head withdraws.

I’m not sure what’s happening now, but I’m pretty sure I want to be where that thing is not. I start up the tunnel. There’s something strange about the wall at the end. It takes me a few seconds to realize that my ocular is registering visible-range photons for the first time in hours.

When I get to the end of the tunnel, the wall isn’t rock. It’s hard-packed snow. I put my hand against it and shove. A section a half meter across gives way. Daylight floods in.

At that moment, I suddenly remember being nine years old in my grandmother’s country house back on Midgard. It was a sunny spring morning, and I’d caught a spider in my bedroom. I scooped him up in my cupped hands and trapped him, ran down the stairs and out the front door with his sharp little feet scrambling around and around my palms. I crouched down in the front garden, put my hands near the ground, and opened my fingers. As he scuttled away, I felt like a benevolent god.

Through the hole in the wall, I can see the snow-dusted bulge of our main dome, no more than a couple of kilometers away. I’m the spider. I’m the spider, and that thing in the tunnel just set me down in the garden.

I TRY PINGING Berto, then Nasha, as soon as I’m clear of the tunnel. No response. Not too surprising, I guess. It’s early yet, and they were both out on overnights. Would Berto have reported me as KIA as soon as he got back to the dome, or would he have waited until morning? And how long would it take them to actually re-instantiate me after that? I’ve never been around for that part, so I’m not exactly sure, but I’m guessing it’s not very long. I think about leaving a message for Berto, but something tells me to hold off. If he went straight to his rack last night when he got in, I can tell him in person. If not … I honestly don’t know what happens then, but I’ve got a weird feeling that I might want to keep my current not-dead status to myself for a while.

It’s an hour-long slog through a knee-deep layer of fresh snow back to the perimeter. Despite that, it’s actually a nice morning, for a change. The temperature is a hair over zero, for the first time in almost a week. The wind has died down, the sky is a soft, cloudless pink, and the sun is a fat red ball resting just above the southern horizon. We’ve got a security perimeter established about a hundred meters out from the dome—sensor towers, automated burner turrets, man traps, the works. I’ve never been sure what the point of this is supposed to be, since the creepers are the only big animals we’ve seen so far, and they seem to be able to move around under the snow where our sensors can’t find them, but it’s standard operating procedure, I

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