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When Love Fails
When Love Fails
When Love Fails
Ebook135 pages2 hours

When Love Fails

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A collection of short stories about love, heartbreak, second chances, and letting go of the feelings that weigh you down. Some stories don't start well but end with a happily ever after. Yet, sometimes happy beginnings are all we get. When love fails, it leaves behind lost souls unable to find their way back to life. What happens then? And what if it wins? The only certainty in life is that it's uncertain. No one knows what will happen next. How best you deal with the complications that ensue from your actions is what will define you and seal your fate.
PublisherFizza Younis
Release dateNov 30, 2023
When Love Fails

Fizza Younis

Dr. Fizza Younis resides in the vibrant city of Lahore, Pakistan, where her journey through life has been as diverse as her country. With a Ph.D. in economics, she has delved deep into the intricate webs of financial theory, but the enchanting realms of fiction and poetry have captured her heart. As a dedicated indie author and ardent reader, she revels in the art of storytelling, crafting narratives that transcend the boundaries of her academic pursuits. Rooted in the principles of minimalism, equality, and harmony, her writing reflects her steadfast beliefs. Her stories are both mirrors of her philosophy and windows into the lives of intriguing characters navigating the labyrinth of existence. In her world, characters come alive, and their misadventures resonate with humanity's shared joys and tribulations. She sprinkles love and encouragement with every word, creating a cocoon of empathy and connection that envelops her readers. Though she might describe herself as an average person leading a mundane existence, Fizza is nothing short of spectacular in the world of fiction. Join her on a journey through the written word, where ordinary lives take on extraordinary hues, and the essence of humanity is distilled into every sentence.

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    Book preview

    When Love Fails - Fizza Younis

    Moon Knows the Story

    She remembered who she was and the game changed.

    - Lala Deliah

    When I was a kid, I developed this strange habit of staring at the night sky. Waking up in the middle of the night, I would sneak out and stare at the moon for hours. If my parents noticed it, I didn’t know, but no one ever said anything. For a long time, I did it, until the day life got in the way. Then, I didn’t have time to sit and gaze at the silver ball of light.

    There was so much that I only shared with the white globe of mystery. The moon knew all my secrets. As a self-proclaimed loner, that’s when I began to revel in my solitude. If it weren’t for the moon, I might have lost my sanity a long time ago. Thankfully, it was there for me when I needed something to anchor myself. Did you know how calming it is to look up and see that one thing that’s always there—almost always?

    * * *

    If you don’t love the moon, she said with a smile, then you aren’t my type.

    Why the moon? he asked, narrowing his eyes as if trying to figure out some hidden meaning behind her words.

    There was no mystery there. It was as she said—the moon mattered to her. Why not? Raising her eyebrows, she challenged him.

    Okay, if you love it so much, then I will love it too. With a shrug, he relented.

    Just like that? She didn’t believe him at first.

    Yes, just like that. He reassured her.


    Trusting his words was her first mistake. No one could change that easily. You couldn’t love something because someone told you to love it. That’s not how things worked, but she didn’t know that.

    The heartbreak always came as a surprise when one loved unconditionally and the other trusted blindly. But he was so not her type. She was a moon lover, and he loved the sun; she was a night owl, and he preferred the day; she was a mystery, and he hated mysteries—they weren’t meant to be.

    * * *

    It was a full moon night, and I was sitting outside, bathing myself in its serene presence. There was something about it that made me question my life choices. Did you ever notice that moonlight is the prettiest thing in the world? I could sit there, staring at it for hours, and still wouldn’t feel bored.

    After having the worst day of my life, my mind was troubled, and I wasn’t so sure what the future had in store for me. The only thing I had was hope and the moon; it gave me its full attention. We stayed together for hours, and I was much more relaxed afterward. The future might be uncertain, but at least the moon would always be there for me; it would never let me down.

    * * *

    Do you like this color? scrunching up her nose, she asked, looking deep in thought, I’m not sure about it. Maybe we should see some more samples before picking it.

    It’s perfect, In his usual nonchalant manner he dismissed her doubt, There is no need to waste more time when we have found something we like.

    Hmm… You’re right. There really is no point in thinking too much. This will do. Beige is a neutral color, after all. On the inside, she sighed in despair.

    Knowing that arguing with him would be futile, she agreed with his every decision. That’s how they had become accustomed to settling everything; she would doubt and raise questions; he would tell her she was overthinking or trying too hard; she would give up and allow him to lead the way. Slowly but surely, she was losing her voice. What made her her wasn’t there anymore.

    * * *

    That night the moon had decided not to show up. That made me feel as if my best friend was angry with me and ignoring me because I had disappointed it somehow.

    Why now? Why tonight of all nights? I needed my anchor. I needed the moon. Yet, I couldn’t have that one thing that I wanted the most—the calming presence of the mystic ball of light to steady my racing heart and to find some hope.

    Everything changed after that moonless night. I lost the love of my life, and I lost my best friend. The moon wasn’t there for me, and in my desperate moment, I gave up on it.

    I wondered if my life might have been different if he hadn’t cheated or if the moon was there to console me. But there was no point in crying over the past; I couldn’t change it; I needed to move on, and that’s what I did.

    * * *

    I’m rather tired today, he told her, wearily running his hands through his hair and looking everywhere but at her. Let’s call it a night and head home.

    But the festivities have only just begun, Throwing up her hands, she complained. Let’s stay for a while longer. Looking at him closely, she noticed how he wouldn’t meet her eyes.

    Sweetheart, he said as if reasoning with a child, I have work tomorrow. I need to sleep. Otherwise, I would still be tired in the morning.

    That’s not fair. She pouted. I have been looking forward to this night for so long. And how come you have to work tomorrow? It’s the weekend. Who works on the weekend?

    Let’s not argue about work here, he said pointedly, making sure that no one was eavesdropping, We can talk about that at home.

    They left the party early, and he went to work the next day. After that, she said nothing and didn’t ask him about it again. It was like she didn’t care anymore. It was obvious something wasn’t right, but she wasn’t ready to uncover the truth. Thus, like a fool, she buried her head in the sand and waited for the course of time to decide her fate. Because the truth would eventually come out, even if she wasn’t ready for it.

    * * *

    Around that time, I started to take medicine for insomnia, because it got too unbearable for me to handle. Never had I ever wanted to sleep as much as I wanted it then. There was a reason people considered sleep like a ‘half death.’ At least, for those few hours I spent in the dream world, my problems went away. At that point in my life, that was all I wanted.

    Staying awake and greeting the moon every night had lost its charm; I was no longer interested in that. The night sky has lost its hold over my heart. My life was a mess, and all I needed was an escape. And that’s what I did; I slept every night, eight hours minimum, and forgot that even if the prince I loved turned out to be a toad, there was something else out there that had once mattered to me. My passion was gone, and my soul had become dormant.

    * * *

    I’m truly sorry, he said, ashamed of himself, Hurting you was never my intention. I’ve always loved you. I still do.

    The earnestness behind his words didn’t make her heart flutter. Save it! she said, gesturing with her hands for him to stop lying. Taking a deep breath, she continued, It doesn’t matter now. You have betrayed my trust, and you have broken my heart. That’s all I know. I don’t need to hear your empty words. They mean nothing! When actions spoke louder than words, then words would become meaningless.

    Do you think you can ever forgive me? Still, he looked at her beseechingly.

    Not a chance. She didn’t understand why it mattered to him whether she forgave him. After all, their paths had diverged forever.

    You’re not the same. His eyes accused her, but there was remorse in his words.

    I changed? Was he trying to play the victim card? Suddenly, the hurt got buried beneath the anger, and a fire blazed behind her eyes. You’re a lying, cheating bastard, and you have the audacity to say that I’m not the same, she shouted.

    But you are not. Unlike her, he didn’t raise his voice. Knowing most of the fault lay at his feet, he didn’t feel he had the right. After all, he was the one who gave up on them first.

    Get out of my house. I don’t want to see you ever again. Enraged by her naivety more than anything else, she pushed him towards the door. Done with him and her treacherous heart, she decided there would be no going back. Without a backward glance, he left. And that’s how their story ended; in tears.

    * * *

    I never forgave him, and I never trusted anyone ever again. Not because I doubted the good in people, but rather because I doubted my judgment. Deciding that love wasn’t for me, I vowed never to fall for it again.

    There was a secret within my soul and a story within the story that only the moon knew. It wanted to tell me, but I wasn’t ready to listen. Someday I would be. After all, there was a time for everything, and the moon was a patient companion; it would wait for me.

    I intended to find myself once again. I stopped taking sleeping pills. It was time to return to the night. Soon I would overcome the hurt, the pain, and figure out what lie beyond heartbreak.


    Life is not a song, sweetling. Someday you may learn that, to your sorrow.

    - George R.R. Martin

    I have always been jealous of people who can easily speak their minds and show their emotions. How much better their lives must be! Sadly, I wasn’t that kind of person; I could never show my feelings, no matter how hard I tried. Something held me back; I didn’t know what. All I could ever do was to suffer in silence until I couldn’t anymore.

    Why? I asked, bewildered by her actions, Are you not happy with me? We were standing close enough for me to see the specks of green and gold in her hazel eyes, yet I could feel an insurmountable barrier between us.

    Be honest with yourself, we haven’t been happy for a long time now, she said, imploring me to admit the truth, It’s time that we stop this charade. Her shimmering eyes were the only clue that she wasn’t

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