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The KetoRegenesis Diet
The KetoRegenesis Diet
The KetoRegenesis Diet
Ebook331 pages4 hours

The KetoRegenesis Diet

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Diet for Fast Weight Loss that's Easy,  Health Promoting & Timing Saving with 10 Minutes of Food Prep Per Day Max


  • Arguably the Easiest Weight-loss Ever, from my 30 Years Experience in Diet Testing.
  • 30+ Years in the Making - KETOREGENESIS is a Synergistic Masterpiece of Weight Loss, Health, Time Efficiency and Convenience  You're Going to Love This Diet!
  • It' Didn't Even Feel Like Dieting Yet Yet the Weight Kept Disappearing With Daily Noticeable Differences.
  • Discover the Concept of "Nutrient Dosing" From Foods.
  • Find Out How to Reformat Your Gut Biome So It Becomes Your Ally to Your Physical Body for Easily Obtaining and Keeping a Lean Body.
  • How to Boost Your Health Through Logic and a Return of Common Sense for More Easily Losing Weight.
  • A True Method of "Foods as Medicine" Through Formulaic Recipe Design and Essential Nutrient Targeting.
  • Learn How to Get Most of Your Essential Nutrients Robustly Through Foods on This Diet.
  • Discover How to Lose Weight Without Even Feeling Like You're Trying.
  • Learn About Nutrient Balancing Concepts.
  • Learn About Inflammatory Versus Anti-inflammatory Balancing Concepts.
  • KETOREGENESIS is an Alkaline Forming Diet According to Available PRAL Measurement Data for Those Who Are Looking for a Doable Easy Way to Start Eating Alkaline.
  • KETOREGENESIS is Also Associated With Being a and Immune Boosting Diet by Many Factors.
  • Vegan & Vegetarian too.
Release dateApr 22, 2024
The KetoRegenesis Diet

B.A. Christopher

I have made many discoveries in life that lead me to create many solutions. Now, I share these solutions with you. Hopefully, I can help enhance your life wonderfully. Thank you to those who read my books.

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    The KetoRegenesis Diet - B.A. Christopher


    First see the disclaimer and warnings.

    Then go through this course 3 times with a notepad writing down key points and any questions.  Send in your questions and any points about which you feel that you need more clarity. We will look to add to the course if appropriate so that you’ll have a reference.

    Learn & master the system. Doing so is like adding another power to your being.

    Also consider taking before and after pictures. Please do send us your feedback.  We would love to hear about your success & before &after picture success story. 

    If you are struggling or have suggestions, please let us know so we can improve this product by adding more clarity to this course to this book.

    Additionally, we may upgrade the product at any time with new discoveries or refinements or clarity explanations.  Stay tuned!  Join our newsletter at VelocityLIVING.com for updates.

    We have other helpful products either as mentioned throughout this book or at VelocityLIVING.com to help empower your ability to become and stay lean more and more efficiently.

    First read this:

    Disclaimer & Terms of Use:  Read Carefully for Understanding:

    NEW MODERN SUPER TOXICITY WARNING: : Extra caution needed in current times due to extra poisonous times: Due to modern health problems related to certain factors that cause nonstop self-replicating growths, DNA changes, clots, wild parasites, internal circuitry building and array of other hideous things, seek the analysis, deep cleansing methods and advice from a knowledgeable health care professional before starting any new dietary or exercise change. Although the KETOREGENESIS Diet could very well be a helpful way of eating to help combat such modern toxicity and internal body problem creation, it has not been tested to do so. That said, there is a lot of logic to returning to a way of eating that was originally assigned to humans as stated in Genesis 1. And because master healers use those foods for healing, there just may be something to that notion...

    ADDITIONALLY:  Be VERY careful when doing any cardio, weightlifting, any sort of exercise, especially vigorous exercise due to modern self-replicating, cross shedding build up in ALL people.  You could have strange rubbery clots or other growing at an accelerated rate within you and not know due to modern super toxicity problems. So the notion is that if you have these clots, and it is wise to assume that you probably DO for safety’s sake, and you get involved in vigorous activity that raises the heart rate, the clogging build up could create a jam up causing you a heart attack and probably death.  There are supposedly ways to cleanse this modern toxicity out of your body, if your body is not perpetually generating it that is.  But... by this typing, maybe new solutions will be discovered or released after being hidden to remove everyone’s health problems.  We hope.  But do your own research!!  Be proactive. And don’t assume, ohh... it won’t happen to me... (famous last words.) Consider even being aggressive towards finding out how to have great health.  Now on to the rest of the disclaimers and warnings...

    Through the purchase and use of this product you agree that:

    Most people know very little about or understand how their own physical body works.  They don’t understand the toxic troubles of the times.  They don’t understand that if you load your body up with a lot of bad things that should not be there, there are going to be problems, complications, lacks of functionality, dis-ease, or pending malfunctions that could happen when you push the body into change in one direction too far and too hard.

    Now granted, this diet could be argued to be one of the most healing and physical body friendly diets on the planet, but, so many people have so many different health problems these days that you never know what could go wrong.  So therefore, if you do this diet, or any diet, cleanse program or exercise program, start slow.  Get professional supervision and monitoring.  Listen to your physical body!!  Test little parts of the diet and see how it feels.   Do not dive in full blast to the diet.   Even if you have a lot of dieting experience, this is a new type of diet for most.  Yes, true, it is arguably one of the most human body friendly diets out there, but your body may be so loaded with junk that it will take a little while for you to culture the gut biome needed to help you digest these foods.  And if you have nut allergies, allergic to all nuts then this diet is not for you, but if you are allergic to only some nuts then you can swap out nuts to what you like.  We do not use peanuts.  Use your common sense.  Ingredients can be swapped out, so it works for you.  Plus, you can simply learn this diet for educational purposes and let it inspire you to make your own.

    Be smart. Don’t hurt yourself. Get approval and supervision from your licensed knowledgeable health care provider. Yes check in with your licensed knowledgeable health care provider on a period basis; you may inspire them to try this diet then teach it to their patients so just maybe... their patients can finally lose weight, look younger, vanquish health problems and start to regenerate more properly.  Remember, on this diet we have formulated this diet to get almost all essential nutrients from foods, robustly.  It is super health boosting. And just so you know, essential nutrients are called essential because they are... ESSENTIAL!  Essential nutrients are essential for your body’s functioning!

    This eBook, informational course, is designed to provide information about the subject matter covered. The information contained herein is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor is it a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or condition.  By proceeding further in this product, you agree not to perform this diet without the approval and monitoring of your license Healthcare professional and certified personal trainer.

    This diet and information in this product were developed for the author and not for you on an individual basis. We are not telling you to do this product and this product is for educational and idea purposes only.  We are not trying to diagnose or prescribe or recommend or advise. If you do this diet then you do so at your own discretion and at your own risk. Consult the guidance of a licensed healthcare professional before undertaking any form of exercise, diet or supplementation. Each person needs individual professional guidance who can assess their health on an individualized basis.

    There could be many different factors that may impact your interaction with this diet.   You may have health problems that you know about or that you do not know about that may not be compatible with this diet.  Often, people run into problems with diet and workout programs because they lack consistent ample hydration and correlating ample electrolyte intake, as well.  Additionally, one's supplementation program or lack thereof may affect their interaction with this diet. There is often an association of lack of certain essential nutrients, or having nutrients out of balance that could lead to problems in one's general health and well-being.  Additionally, your general workload, your amount of sleep and your exercise regimen could interfere with this diet depending on what you are doing.  So therefore, it's important to work with a healthcare professional who can determine your health from a broad perspective including nutrient levels in the body or lack thereof through their various tests and measurements.

    So as a reminder this diet is not designed for you personally, it was designed for the author's personal use.   This diet is presented to share information and discovery, research and testing from the author's own personal work.  This diet was published to share this information of discovery and research for knowledge and understanding's sake in addition to inspiration's sake to inspire you to do your own research add testing and coordination with your own personal knowledgeable health care professionals.   These are not instructions for you personally so cautiously proceed and work alongside the guidance of your licensed health-care professional.

    The information contained herein is intended for healthy adults only. Consult your physician or health care practitioner before beginning any nutrition, supplementation or exercise program. The developers of this product and those who share it do not assume any liability for the information provided herein. Any application of the recommendations or use of the information contained herein is at your discretion and sole risk.  And you specifically waive any right to make any claim against the developers of this product, the company or individual selling this product, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives, as the result of the use of such information.

    Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes both typographical, facts, in understanding and in content. Therefore, this book should be used only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source of the subject matters covered.  Do your own research and work with your own knowledgeable health care professional before making any significant dietary changes.

    All content and information contained herein is provided as is and the developers of this product and those who share it make no guarantees whatsoever regarding the accuracy of the information provided.

    To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, the developers of this product, the owners of this product and those who share it disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall the developers of this product and those who share it, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives, be liable to you or any third-party for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages, whether in contract or in tort, including negligence, arising in any way from the use of the information or the results of the use of the information provided herein.  You use this product completely at your own risk.

    With respect to any third-party products or services described herein, any warranty provided in connection with such third-party products or services is provided solely by the third-party provider of such products or services and not by the publisher or the developers of this product, the owners of this product and those who share it, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives.

    The purchaser and/or user of this product, and any related materials, assumes total responsibility and risk for the use of information contained herein and for any related products or services.

    The information contained herein has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor is it intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease.

    The author is not a medical doctor or certified fitness professional. The author is not your health advisor. This product was developed as an expression of the author of what worked for the author in the author's own personal experience. This product is not directly intended for you personally, it is a product developed for the author and the author is simply sharing the author's story and the system the author used. You must adapt any product to yourself in harmony with your licensed health care professional and certified fitness professional (i.e a trainer or physical therapist). We cannot advise you nor do we advise you how to exercise, eat or supplement. We only claim to show you what we've done and or what has worked for us or what we believe is good from our knowledge and experience.

    By studying this product, you agree that you will first seek the direction and permission of your licensed health care professional before and during engaging in this or any other fitness, supplement or diet product.

    This product is not designed for you and should not be taken literally, or as advice. This product simply is an educational document, video or audio course designed to inspire and provide ideas based off of the personal experience of the author. It is created for educational purposes in order to help you develop your own program that works with you. By use of this product, you also agree not to take the product literally and follow it blindly (assuming that you carefully read, listen and understand the product correctly) and to work step by step with a fitness professional and medical doctor.

    By using this product, you do so at your own risk. Any fitness, workout, diet or supplement product can be very dangerous. You could easily injure yourself through workout exercises. In fact, you could actually die or become severely injured if you do not use resistance equipment, free weights properly but also supplements, diets or even cardio exercises. You don’t know what’s going on inside you so it is wise to work with a knowledgeable health care professional who can tell you what’s going on in your body, with accuracy without getting you into further trouble with ignorance or bad medicine.

    Fitness, dieting and supplementation are not to be taken lightly and just because everyone else is doing it or a product or magazine article publishes a product. Just because something is published or everyone else is doing it does not mean that that product in that a quantity, frequency, quality or dosage will work for you. Are you out of shape? Do you have any conditions? You may have a condition, (such as a heart condition) you may not even know about. So, you better go very slowly when starting any new product.

    This eBook is for personal use of the original buyer only. All content contained herein is the exclusive property of the developers of this product and those who share it and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not modify, transmit, publish, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the content of this eBook, in whole or in part. Any reproduction, retransmission, or republication of all or part of any information contained herein is expressly prohibited. All other rights reserved.

    Construction of this disclaimer and any and all disputes brought hereunder are governed by the laws of the State of Wyoming.

    Copyright:© 2024 and beyond by KOMACI Publishing LLC. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.


    Why learn the KETOREGENESIS Diet? Because it is one of the fastest and easiest (and most nutritious) weight loss systems and weight loss diets I’ve ever done. If you’re looking to lose weight fast and lose a lot of unwanted junk weight, then KETOREGENESIS is a diet that is designed to be that kind of diet.

    KETOREGENESIS also takes the least amount of work in terms of shopping, food prep, and eating as compared to any diet I’ve ever done or non-diet too. It saves so much time while providing so much more value than most diets or having no diet, just randomly eating. What type of value? A robust, comprehensive intake of essential nutrients, by design, on a daily basis, has weight loss benefits, anti-aging benefits, health-boosting benefits, energy, focus, productivity benefits, and so on. Additionally, many health problems are caused by being low in any one of the essential nutrients. What will likely happen to problems caused by being low in certain essential nutrients after you start taking in those missing essential nutrients? That’s right, likely, good things!

    And as a reminder, our essential nutrients per food were calculated based on food calculators that get their food nutrient data from the UDSA. The UDSA determinations for various nutrient levels, such as vitamins and minerals, are to be taken as an average for those foods since different factors, such as soil quality, will likely affect a plant's nutrient content.

    KETOREGENESIS has been the best-feeling diet as well. It has been the best dieting experience I’ve had to date, almost feeling like I’m not even on a diet yet with some of the fastest fat and body puff loss vs. any other diet I’ve tried or designed.

    I personally saw results visually from day to day in the mirror. Now that is helpful and encouraging! You should too. If not, let us know! And on that note, if you are doing this diet, make sure you are doing it correctly, as stated! Lots of folks don’t like to read directions for things. I’ve done that in the past until I realized one day that I was wasting massive amounts of time while missing out on many benefits, caused by not reading the instructions manual! One, two, skip a few is not the best approach with this diet or any other.

    Fortunately, the KETOREGENESIS diet should be pretty easy to learn quickly. But you’ll still need the experiential learning that comes from doing the diet. Experiential learning is essential and applies to any diet. In fact, it usually takes doing a diet three times while writing down errors, things you could have done better, or even ideas for making the diet better for you personally, in order to get a diet down pat and get the most results from that diet.

    I felt like I finally cracked the code to that ideal, easy diet I was looking for as my life became busier. I also wanted a diet that fully or near-fully fed me with all the essential nutrients for my physical body, in coordination with at least achieving the DA and RDA by using foods.

    And yes, I originally specifically designed this eating protocol to target foods to cover my daily essential nutrients, instead of being sloppy and disorganized about eating while trying to rely too much on supplementation. That said, I’m a huge fan of supplementation. But it’s nice to get the foods and supplements going in the same direction of feeding the physical body and boosting health.

    So, my experience has been surprisingly good with KETOREGENESIS. I mean, this was the easiest blubber loss I’ve done, probably ever. I would guess that you would likely have a similar experience, although you'll have to learn the diet and learn how to tweak it to accelerate your own weight loss progress.

    Added to the KETOREGENESIS Diet is FLUX Oscillation, a pendulum for low carb intensity for greater weight loss optimization. This FLUX oscillation, in combination with the Carb Vent Day concept, increases the ability to use KETOREGENESIS for longer durations of time in order to better achieve one's desired lean body goal.

    In this diet, we are assuming that you know various pitfalls to avoid dieting.  The KETOREGENESIS Diet is a system. In order to get the benefits of this eating system, you would have to follow all the rules of the diet correctly. Sure, the first couple times through, you may make mistakes, but you can correct them the next time through. Or you can keep doing the diet and make corrections along the way.

    You’ll only personally learn, see, and understand certain components of this diet through experience. So, on that note, it’s better to just get started and try instead of trying to figure out the diet perfectly and expecting to get everything done perfectly the first time through.

    Make sure you see our disclaimers below. This diet is not designed as any sort of diagnosis or prescription for you personally. This diet is not designed for you personally, as if we were your doctor or personal trainer. You may have conflicts with this diet based on your current health conditions. We have tried to correct every pitfall that we’ve known from keto or low-carb diets of the past, but still, maybe this diet won’t fit with your current physiological state. Do not follow this diet unless you are approved to do so by your knowledgeable, licensed health care professional.

    This ketogenetic diet is for educational purposes to provide new insights, knowledge, and understanding that I have discovered and found personally quite effective. So please keep that in mind and understand that you do this diet or any diet at your own risk.

    Your results may vary depending on different factors that your knowledgeable healthcare professional can point out to you.

    The KETOREGENESIS Diet in a Nutshell Preview:

    Here is the end summary taken from the full version of the KETOREGENESIS diet posted here as an overview. 

    The KETOREGENESIS Diet is a multi-layered complex array of concepts that I’ve simplified into the following core steps below. The details will be explained later. 

    There are over 30 years of:




    health problem solution development,

    health optimization systems development,

    weight loss diets development

    plus, various other health, fitness and bodybuilding systems development experiences...

    all rolled into this one diet.

    This diet also has elements inspired by master healers as well, health care professionals who know how to use food as medicine and who get miraculous style results.  These master healers have been able to reverse just about every disease name condition you can think of in addition to even getting the crippled walking and the blind seeing.  Were they performing miracles?  No.  They were respecting the God given design, the structures, the systems of how things are and they used food and herbs as medicine.  Nothing else.

    There are many layers of benefits rolled into this diet that require many levels of understanding to appreciate.

    To me, the KETOREGENESIS Diet is a work of art, a masterpiece in health boosting and weight loss efficiency. And I hope I am able to communicate how KETOREGENSIS works and benefits the body clearly in this book.  You may likely agree after doing this diet a couple, few times yourself as you get to know this diet better. 

    The KETOREGENESIS Diet can become a valuable asset to your life.  It can be a go to tool that you can use for life, to turn on whenever you want for getting that lean body that you need.

    Here are the bare bones instructions below.   You will need to read on to find out

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