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Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy: The Gut Repair Book Series Book, #2
Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy: The Gut Repair Book Series Book, #2
Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy: The Gut Repair Book Series Book, #2
Ebook276 pages2 hours

Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy: The Gut Repair Book Series Book, #2

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Getting healthy requires two things: understanding what to do and then actually doing it.

Figuring out what to eat and how to cook to restore healthy digestion and boost the immune system is hard only at the beginning when you don't know what to do.

Once learned, you will quickly see that it's not difficult at all, and the food you are making is nutritious, tastes great is really simple to make.

Achieving health through nutritious food choices has never been simpler, nor more delicious thanks to Leaky Gut No More. Healing Cookbook.


In this book, you will learn:

  • The principles of a gut-healing diet; to digest food better and eliminate toxins poisoning your body.
  • Time-saving cooking tips and essential tools needed to begin your gut-healing journey.
  • A detailed list of best foods to support your digestive health and foods you should stay away from (together with a shopping list).
  • Mouth-watering, immunity-boosting, and nutritious recipes that nourish good gut bacteria and are simple to make.
  • Detailed instructions to make a 48-hour Bone Broth Fast that will help you seal leaky gut like nothing else.
  • Recipes for amazing fermented foods - full of natural probiotics and vitamins.
  • Extra tips to heal your gut and fight inflammation (the main culprit of the unhealthy gut).

Leaky Gut No More. Healing Cookbook is a companion book to Leaky Gut No More – 18 Proven Ways to Heal Leaky Gut Naturally, which is a practical handbook for mapping out your path to restoring perfect digestive health.


To find out more, scroll to the top of the page and select the Buy Now button.

Release dateApr 27, 2020
Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy: The Gut Repair Book Series Book, #2

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Reviews for Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    In the foods to avoid section it says to avoid tomatoes. The second recipe includes tomatoes. Tells me info is unreliable.

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Leaky Gu No More Healing Cookbook. Simple and Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health, and Unstoppable Energy - Sarah Jones



Simple & Delicious Probiotic-Rich Recipes for Natural Weight-Loss, Vibrant Health and Unstoppable Energy

By Sarah Jones

Leaky Gut No More Healing Cookbook Copyright © 2020 by


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.



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While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein.

This book is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed are those of the author alone and should not be taken as expert instruction or commands. The reader is responsible for his or her actions.

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Table of contents


Chapter 1: A Better Way to Eat – The Principles of a Gut-Healing Diet

Chapter 2: Cooking Tips and Essential Kitchen Tools

Chapter 3: Best and Worst Foods for Your Gut: What to Eat and What to Avoid. Gut-Healing Shopping List

Chapter 4: Irresistible Gut-Healing Recipes

Gut-Healing Breakfast Ideas You Will Love

Anti-Inflammatory Lunch Ideas that Will Boost Your Immune System and Nourish Good Bacteria

Delicious Protein-Rich Dinner Recipes

Scrumptious Sides, Snacks &Soups

Soups and Salads

Gut-Supporting Sauces and Spreads

Sweet Treats that Will Blow Your Mind

Immunity Boosting Beverages

Chapter 5: The 48h Weekend Bone Broth Fast

A Step-By-Step Guide to Fasting

Chapter 6: Top 5 Fermented Food Recipes for a Healthy Gut

Chapter 7: Why Fermented Foods are So Beneficial for Your Gut

Easy Fermented Food Recipes

Chapter 8: Extra Tips To Heal Your Gut and Fight Inflammation



Getting healthy requires two things: understanding what to do and then actually doing it. When you’re learning to cook healing foods without grains, gluten, sugar, and other nasties, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. However, figuring out what to eat and how to cook to restore healthy digestion and boost the immune system is hard only at the beginning when you don’t know what to do. Once mastered, you will quickly see that it’s not so difficult and the food you are making is nutritious, delicious and really simple and time-saving.

Achieving health through nutritious food choices has never been simpler nor more delicious thanks to Leaky Gut No More Healing Cookbook.

If, like me, you have enough of feeling bloated, experiencing excruciating crumps, constipation, diarrhoea, hyperacidity and gas, just to name a few symptoms I used to live with on a daily basis, changing your diet into a gut-healing regimen is a must.

By healing your gut, not only will you be healthier but you will notice a huge improvement in your overall wellbeing and quality of life. You will feel lighter, have better mood, more energy and best of all, lose unwanted belly fat and weight without depriving yourself or starving.

So, how do you heal your gut and keep it healthy?

Keep reading and I will show you how to achieve that.

Many of the foods in an average diet are detrimental to the gut microbiome, as they contain irritating substances that trigger inflammation in the digestive tract. Examples are sugar and gluten. These two ingredients combined together, have a huge negative impact in your digestive system. They trigger inflammation, feed yeast and other bad bacteria in the gut, imbalance hormones and raise blood sugar level. Removing sugar and gluten from your diet, already creates a huge positive impact towards restoring your gut health.

If there are bad foods, there are also good ones. Take fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir or yogurt as examples. Many people are starting to include these probiotic-rich traditional fermented foods into their diet to improve digestion, boost immunity and maintain a healthy weight.

In this book, you will learn what determines the health of gut. For one, it is based on the condition of the microflora or microbiome in your digestive tract. Yes, you have trillions of microbes in your digestive system and all these have important roles to play to keep the rest of the body healthy.

Moreover, this book will help you learn how to prepare delicious and nutritious foods that are healthy and nourish your good gut bacteria.

Leaky Gut No More Healing Cookbook is a companion book to Leaky Gut No More – 18 Proven Ways to Heal Leaky Gut Naturally.

The main purpose of this cookbook is to equip you with the innovative yet accessible recipes, designed to get you eating gut-healing meals without missing out on flavour.

Meal preparations are fuss-free and recipes use easy to find, affordable ingredients. You can immediately try them and take that critical first step towards healing your gut naturally and permanently.

Chapter 1

A Better Way to Eat – The Principles of a Gut-Healing Diet

The digestive system is one of the systems often overlooked when it comes to maintaining health. Truth is, our entire health depends on the health of the gut.

One of the most effective ways to improve your gut heath is by following a gut-friendly diet. This type of diet is focused on helping the gut digest and absorb food more efficiently while eliminating any toxin build-up and irritating substances. Below are the main principles of a gut-healing diet you should be familiar with.

1. Eliminate antibiotics, painkillers, NSAIDs.

Antibiotics save lives by killing infective bacteria. The downside is that they also kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut and other organs and tissues. What is more, antibiotics change viruses, bacteria and fungi from benign to pathogenic, allowing them to invade tissues and cause diseases. Antibiotics have a direct damaging effect on our immune system, making us more prone to infections.

Painkillers and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) disrupt the gut environment. These disruptions create conditions that promote the overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast, for example Candida overgrowth.

Now, we’re not saying you should never take any of these. Some people may have to at one point due to medical conditions. What we are saying is to be mindful of the effects these drugs have on your gut and include a gut-healing regimen during and after a treatment.

Moreover, we are highly recommending that you take antibiotics, painkillers and NSAIDs strictly under a doctor’s supervisions. Don’t overuse these drugs. Use these drugs only when necessary and under doctor’s guidance.

2. Learn to effectively control stress levels.

Your gut and your brain are connected and the state of each affects the other. If you experience high stress levels for extended periods, the conditions in your gut change. This is why some people feel bloated and constipated all the time as they are stressed all the time. A long-term psychological or physical stress can permanently damage your indigenous flora. As a result, your body’s ability to absorb nutrients gets drastically impaired.

Lowering your stress levels will help healing your gut significantly.

There are many ways to de-stress such as:

⧿  Praying

⧿  Spending time in the nature

⧿  Taking time off

⧿  Exercising (ideally outdoors)

⧿  Engaging in hobbies

⧿  Changing your mindset into more relaxed (by practicing gratitude, meditating, reading inspiring books and listening to relaxing podcasts)

⧿  Learning how to plan, organize and meet goals and deadlines to get things done and off your head

⧿  Aromatherapy

⧿  Relaxing massage

Praying helps to relieve stress. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. Digestion happens optimally when the body is at rest and relaxed. Relax the body and the gut gets to work properly.

Meditation also helps in reducing the action of certain response genes. One in particular is the RR-MBI response gene. It linked to inflammatory response, oxidative stress-related pathways, and cell proliferation. When triggered, this response gene can contribute to bloating, gut inflammation, and pain. Mindful meditation can keep these genes less active.

3. Include regular physical activity of your choice into your daily routine.

Physical activity, particularly endurance training, also improves gut health, as it increases blood flow to the muscles in the digestive system, causing them to work more effectively and efficiently.

A study conducted by the University of Illinois found that 6 weeks of regular endurance exercise resulted in a significant change in the gut microbiome.

The study found that gut microbes that play role in the production of short chain fatty acids increased in population after at least 6 weeks of regular endurance exercise. These short chain fatty acids are known to help reduce inflammatory conditions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease and many more. These fatty acids also help in reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity.

How does this all happen?

It’s because endurance exercise triggers the autonomic nervous system which regulates digestion. Activating it helps to promote better gut motility. It also stimulates the production and release of mucus and fluids important for nutrient absorption.

4. Remember about proper hydration.

Proper digestive function is achieved with proper hydration. You need water to get all the digestive juices flowing well for digestion and absorption. It keeps stuff moving along the digestive tract smoothly, preventing constipation, too.

The best way to stay hydrated is with water. For most people, water isn’t something they’re excited to drink all day long. There are a few other fluids to help you keep hydrated. Invest in a quality filter for your water and never drink tap water that is chlorinated and really bad for your gut. Add a pinch o Himalayan salt to add some minerals and improve absorption.

Sports drinks and fruit juices contain a good amount of sugar that is bad for your gut. Avoid soda and caffeinated drinks as these irritate the gut lining. The same holds true with energy drinks. These drinks also promote dehydration.

Almond or coconut milk can be good alternative sources of hydration along the water. They contain minerals and vitamins to help nourish the body.

Kefir and kombucha are hydrate very well and are rich in probiotics. You will find some great recipes in this book to make kefir and kombucha at home.

If want more flavour when hydrating, try infused water. These add nutrients,

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