How much should you charge? by Talking about Coachingratings:
23 minutes
Oct 27, 2022
Podcast episode
Nobody needs a supervisor (with a good few notable exceptions perhaps) - every coach should want one, is the underlying message of today’s episode of Talking about Coaching. “I want every coach I know to listen to this conversation” Siawash concluded toward the end of this episode, Yannick got super excited and dove in deep on what supervision is, why it’s important and how broad the range is of what supervision can mean in practice, and Nicki shared her experience of being supervised as a relatively new coach and how she was able to secure low-cost supervision to support her practice. Come join us for a conversation about the pinnacle of reflective practice and why supervision will likely 10x your coaching revenue. If you’d like to work with a coaching supervisor, there are many ways to find one. Here are a few options: Reach out to your training providerhttps://directory.iccs.co/www.coachfederation.org.uk/professional-development/supervision/www.associationofcoachingsupervisors.com/supervisors/searchwww.trustedcoachdirectory.com/coaching-supervision/www.coachingsupervisionacademy.com/csa-accredited-supervisors/Google „find a coaching supervisor“Ask Yannick to connect you with a supervisor-in-training from the International Centre for Coaching Supervision (https://iccs.co/) or contact them directly. _____If you'd like to stay up to date with new episodes, continue the conversation or generally support what we do: Send us your question: http://bit.ly/talkingaboutcoachingSign up to our mailing list (no spam, no sales, just a quick shout about new episodes): https://mailchi.mp/afc10fc74492/talkingaboutcoachingWatch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG2cC6sgHdLuhBdRqxQNPYgListen to and download all episodes: http://talkingaboutcoaching.buzzsprout.com/Like our Facebook page: http://fb.me/TalkingAboutCoachingJoin our Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3023068731067611/Support the show
Oct 27, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (97)
- 24 min listen