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Be the change management hero your business needs

Moving to a new customer experience platform is a big change. To get the most out of new customer experience technology you have to get buy-in across the company. This means getting stakeholders at all levels to adopt new tools, processes and skills. Use this assessment to see how ready your business is to meet these changes. Once you know where you are, you can build a solid plan to get where you want to go.


First, an introduction

This quiz has seven sections and can be completed in under seven minutes. Each one highlights a core planning component to consider when preparing for and managing your cloud migration. As you advance through the sections, look at the statements listed and rank how they fit within your organization.


  1. Migration vision
  2. Sponsorship
  3. Success measures
  4. Change team
  5. Communications
  6. Stakeholders
  7. Training


Migration vision

Know where you want to go

Every successful migration begins with a strong vision statement. You need a clear definition and picture of what your contact center will look like after the change.

1 / 7
  1. We have a migration vision – a strategic narrative of the future.
  2. Our vision is not a replica of our mission statement.
  3. Our vision is clear to those who will be affected by the migration.
  4. Our vision reinforces a common understanding of outcomes to achieve.



Get executive buy-in

If you want long-term success, you need to get executive-level sponsorship.This will ensure long-term adoption and prioritization of the project. Plus, it will solidify your access to the resources needed for a successful migration.

2 / 7
  1. We have a C-level executive sponsor.
  2. Our executive sponsor has the authority to resolve issues and make decisions.
  3. Our executive sponsor is visible to all affected by the migration.
  4. It’s clear to all affected that our executive sponsor is committed to support the migration until outcomes are realized and performance is stable.


Success measures

Set goals you can track

Use metrics to show the progress of your migration. Set goals that you want to achieve within a specific timeframe. Then make sure you can track and measure indicators of those goals to determine your rate of success.

3 / 7
  1. We have defined metrics for the migration initiative with processes in place for early warning when performance drops.
  2. Individuals and groups have redefined performance metrics during the transition and for the expected future.
  3. Everyone affected by the migration can view their progress and performance at any time.
  4. We track and measure performance at least six months beyond the date of implementation.


Change team

Assemble a good crew

For change management to be successful, you need a dedicated group of migration champions. Put together a cross-functional team. Find those who are knowledgeable about change management and your migration.

4 / 7
  1. We have a change team — either internal or an outside consultant — with at least one dedicated change practitioner.
  2. Our change team has change management experience or is certified in a chosen change management methodology.
  3. Our change team has its own work stream that’s separate from commonly used project management phases.
  4. The change team has a change management strategy and plans to achieve the expected benefits.



Make it clear and open

Managing change requires a lot of communication. Use proactive updates to keep stakeholders in the loop throughout the migration process. Ensuring open communication will make it more possible to successfully adopt your new system.

5 / 7
  1. Our messaging clearly, concisely and consistently explains the reasons for the migration.
  2. We use different mechanisms to keep stakeholders affected by the migration informed.
  3. We routinely measure the effectiveness of our migration communications to stakeholders and resolve anything that impedes our efforts.
  4. We frequently collect feedback from those affected by the migration using different mechanisms.



Know how the team is feeling

It’s important to know who the upcoming migration will affect, but you also must understand how they feel about it. Get feedback upfront to learn about current perceptions, hesitations and needs.

6 / 7
  1. We assess our stakeholders’ needs and identify competency gaps before beginning training and / or implementing the transformation.
  2. Our stakeholders are aware of the migration and demonstrate a willingness to embrace or try out a new system or concept.
  3. We never attempt to eliminate stakeholder resistance. Instead, we take special care to mitigate it.
  4. Our executive sponsor mobilized an effective team of change agents to champion migration and support stakeholders.



Don’t falter in the final lap

New features and technologies bring great opportunities to the contact center. But without appropriate training, you could struggle to use all the new features your migration offers. A solid training plan will close knowledge gaps so you can get the most out of your new system.

7 / 7
  1. Our training approach is not a one-time event; it’s ongoing with additional learning programs after the migration is complete.
  2. We have sufficient training resources to build learning modules, execute delivery and provide ongoing stakeholder support throughout all phases of the migration initiative.
  3. We measure the effectiveness of our training program based on the migration and take necessary steps to close any gaps in knowledge or ability.
  4. We use various training methods, and we’re open to various systems or concepts (e.g., instructor-led, web-based, gaming).


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Pro tip

Start with the Genesys change management guide to fill in any gaps you’ve noticed while working through this assessment.

Keep the Genesys change management guide handy throughout your migration. You can use it to find answers as questions arise — and it’ll help you as you prioritize and dedicate necessary resources.