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Love Poem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-poem" Showing 1-30 of 478
Nour Albawardi
“تصوَّر أنني أُحبُّك - والله أُحبُّك -
بهذا الشكل العفوي
وأنا أشقُّ برتقالةً نصفَينِ... أتذكّرك
وأنا أعبر الشارع نحو الرصيف المقابل... أتذكّرك
وأنا أضع طلاء أظافري الأحمر البرّاق... أتذكّرك
وأنا أُمرِّر يدي فوق رؤوس الأطفال... أتذكّرك
وأنا أقف أمام البحر الهائل الزُّرقة... أتذكّرك
وأنا أختار أثاث البيت... أتذكّرك
وأنا أُغلِّف هدايا العيد... أتذكّرك
وأنا أستيقظ صباحاً... أتذكّرك
إييييه يا صديقي؛
البنت المُتوجِّسة خيفةً من زمن سيء؛
تُحبُّكَ الآن .”
Nour Albawardi, النصف المضيء من الباب الموارب


Has a way of wilting
Or blossoming
At the strangest,
Most unpredictable hour.
This is how love is,
An uncontrollable beast
In the form of a flower.
The sun does not always shine on it.
Nor does the rain always pour on it
Nor should it always get beaten by a storm.
Love does not always emit the sweetest scents,
And sometimes it can sting with its thorns.
Water it.
Give it plenty of sunlight.
Nurture it,
And the flower of love will
Outlive you.
Neglect it or keep dissecting it,
And its petals will quickly curl up and die.
This is how love is,
Perfection is a delusional vision.
So love the person who loves you
And abandon the one
Who only loves you
Under favorable
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“When did you first fall in love?"

"I think, I first fell in love
when I was in fifth grade
with this boy who kept his glass ruler in the sunlight
and made rainbows on my desk with it.”
Saiber, Stardust and Sheets

Kamand Kojouri
“For me,
you are fresh water
that falls from trees
when it has stopped raining. For me,
you are cinnamon that lingers
on the tongue and gives
bitter words
For me, you are the scent of
violins and vision
of valleys
And still,
for me, your loveliness never ends.
It traverses
the world
and finds its
way back to me.
Kamand Kojouri

Allen Ginsberg
“I'm with you in Rockland
in my dreams you walk dripping from a sea-journey on the highway across America in tears to the door of my cottage in the Western night.”
Allen Ginsberg, Howl and Other Poems

Giorge Leedy

She loved me-
And inspired me-
With transcending devotion.

It was a blessing-
To have been her son,
To have been loved-
Without conditions.

Her words of wisdom-
Opened my eyes-
To the world-
And to myself.

By seeing the best in me,
She empowered me.
By believing in me,
She transformed me.

She grew old-
And floated away,
But her love remains standing-
Eternally by my side.”
Giorge Leedy, Uninhibited From Lust To Love

Nikki Rowe
“Magic existed in his eyes, his energy as he lived his daily life. I could fall into his soul and lay my worries to rest, but if by chance this happened; it wouldn't last the test.
because there's much to learn, before we can meet, I want to collide with his heart; allow our souls to fleet.
His arms will hold my fears, but he won't carry the load; as it is my lesson to love myself, and find my own sense of hope.
When we cross our paths, our knowledge will last the test; as patience fills the air and our burdens are put to rest,
I will honour my truth, and seek what I desire; ever lasting love and passion set on fire.”
Nikki Rowe

Kamand Kojouri
“Here's another poem,
like all others before and after,
dedicated to you.
There isn't anything left to be said
but I will spend my life
trying to put you into words.
You who is every goodness,
every optimism
and hope.
Your love is a better fate for me
than anything I could wish for.
If you are a part of me,
then you’re the best part.
And if you're separate from me,
then you are my destination.
But I’ve become a weary traveller,
so please,
let us never be apart.”
Kamand Kojouri

Nour Albawardi
“ليتني وردة تغرسني في حوضِ تُربتك
قُربَ نافذتكَ الشرقيّة
تقطفني أيّها الولد الأسمر على مطلعِ أيلول؛
لا تتركني أبداً أموت وحيدة كما الآن.”
Nour Albawardi, النصف المضيء من الباب الموارب

Kamand Kojouri
“I open my eyes.
I want to know:
what is in the abyss of a kiss?
Are stars born in these black caves
that house bated breaths and unspoken words?
Do our souls crawl on these tender cheeks
to greet one another by ivory gates?
What happens when we kiss?
Where do you go?
Don’t tell me.
For I have lost my desire to know.
Kiss me
so that I forget myself.
I close my eyes
and fall in the abyss.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I wonder
if you ever read my poems
and wish
they were written
for you.”
Kamand Kojouri

Atticus Poetry
“Silly girl, your different was your beautiful all along.”
Atticus Poetry

Kamand Kojouri
“Think the tree that bears nutrition:
though the fruits are picked,
the plant maintains fruition.
So give all the love you have.
Do not hold any in reserve.
What is given is not lost; it shall return.”
Kamand Kojouri

Julia Quinn
“My love has eyes blue as the sky.
Her warm, bright smile makes me want to try
To give her the world,
And when she's curled
Up in my arms where I can feel her touch,
I realize again that I love her so much.
My world has turned from black to white.
Kissing in starlight, basking in sunlight, dancing at midnight.'
~John's poem for Belle”
Julia Quinn, Dancing at Midnight

“Without the wetness of your love, the fragrance of your water, or the trickling sounds of your voice ― I shall always feel thirsty.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Atticus Poetry
“You are enough, a thousand times enough.”
Atticus Poetry

Umberto Saba
“To My Wife

You are like a young
white hen.
Her feathers ruffle
in the wind, her neck curves
down to drink, and
she rummages in the earth:
but, in walking, she has
your slow, queenly step,
haughty and proud.
She is better than the male.
She is like the females
of all the serene animals
who draw near to God.
Here, if my eye, if my judgment
doesn’t deceive me, among these,
you find your equals,
and in no other woman.
When evening lulls
the little hens to sleep,
they make sounds that call
to mind those mild, sweet
voices with which you argue
with your pains, and don’t know
that your voice has the soft, sad
music of the henyard.

You are like a pregnant
still free, and without
heaviness, merry, in fact;
who, if someone strokes her, turns
her neck, where a tender
pink tinges her flesh.
If you meet up with her, and hear
her bellow, so mournful
is this sound that you tear
at the earth to give her
a present. In the same way,
I offer my gift to you
when you are sad.

You are like a tall, thin
female dog, that always
has so much sweetness
in her eyes and ferociousness
in her heart.
At your feet, she seems
a saint who burns
with an indomitable fervor
and in this way looks at you
as her God and Lord.
When you are at home, or going
down the street, to anyone who tries,
uninvited, to approach you,
she uncovers her shining
white teeth. And her love
suffers from jealousy.

You are like the fearful
rabbit. Within her narrow
cage, she stands upright
to look at you, and extends
her long, still ear; she deprives
herself of the husks and
roots that you bring her,
and cowers, seeking
the darkest corners.
Who might take away
this food? Who might
take away the fur which
she tears from her back
to add to the nest where
she will give birth?
Who would ever make
you suffer?

You are like the swallow
which returns in the spring.
But each autumn will depart—
you don’t have this art.
You have this of the swallow:
the light movements;
that which, to me, seemed
and was old, you proclaim
another spring.

You are like the provident
ant. She whom the grandmother
speaks of to the child as they
go out in the countryside.
And thus I find you
in the bumble bee
and in all the females
of all the serene animals
who draw near to God.
And in no other woman.”
Umberto Saba

Atticus Poetry
“She knew she was really sad when she stopped loving the things she loved.”
Atticus Poetry

Charlotte Eriksson
“Sweet girl, maybe close the world off and look at him for an hour
or two.
This is your fairy.
It ain’t perfect and it ain’t honey sweet with roses on the bed.
It’s real and raw and ugly at times. But this is your love.
Don’t throw it away searching for someone else’s love. Don’t be greedy. Instead, shelter it. Protect it. Capture every second of easy, pull through every storm of hardship. And when you can, look at him, lying next to you, trusting you not to harm him. Trusting you not to go.
Be someone’s someone for someone.
Be that someone for him.”
Charlotte Eriksson

“I don't want perfect I want something real. Something that makes me feel.”

Atticus Poetry
“Keep your head up, he said, you are a lion, don’t forget that and neither will the sheep.”
Atticus Poetry

Jacqueline Simon Gunn
“I loved being near you. Even though I felt that bubble you had around you, even though I never quite knew what you were thinking, damn, did I love being near you. Somehow, I knew you would rip me apart and drown me. Somehow, I knew we wouldn’t last. It didn’t matter. You were my sun. I loved feeling you upon me, around me, between me. Even though you could only love me from a distance, I didn’t care. I never felt more warmth inside of me than when you were against me.”
Jacqueline Simon Gunn

John Mark Green
“Such aching mystery hides,
in your stardust-glimmer eyes.”
John Mark Green, Taste the Wild Wonder: Poems

Faraaz Kazi
“Beneath her curls, I forget the world,
With a mere gaze she raises my hopes of gold.
Love is as much in her heart as in mine,
But she doesn’t say it, her punishment so divine.”
Faraaz Kazi

“Brahma and Airavata

Long ago in lands of golden sand
Brahma turned to Saraswati
and gently kissed her inked hand....”
Muse, Enigmatic Evolution

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“There's treachery in her hips, rebellion in her heart & magic in her mind.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Donald Hall
“Chipmunks jump, and
greensnakes slither.
Rather burst than
not be with her.

Bluebirds fight, but
bears are stronger.
We've got fifty
years or longer.

Hoptoads hop, but
hogs are fatter.
Nothing else but
Us can matter.”
Donald Hall

“You fell because you were looking to fall,
You fell because you’re kind.
Your humans called you Daydreamer girl,
but you fell because you were mine.”
F.K. Preston

Abhijit Naskar
“Let me tell you what is love,
What is it to be enamored in caring!
Reputation, remuneration, turn distant memory,
That is the first sign of love's awakening.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

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