Forecasting Time Series - In Depth

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This tutorial provides an in-depth overview of the time series forecasting capabilities in AutoGluon. Specifically, we will cover:

  • What is probabilistic time series forecasting?

  • Forecasting time series with additional information

  • What data format is expected by TimeSeriesPredictor?

  • How to evaluate forecast accuracy?

  • Which forecasting models are available in AutoGluon?

  • What functionality does TimeSeriesPredictor offer?

    • Basic configuration with presets and time_limit

    • Manually selecting what models to train

    • Hyperparameter tuning

This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the contents of Forecasting Time Series - Quick Start.

What is probabilistic time series forecasting?

A time series is a sequence of measurements made at regular intervals. The main objective of time series forecasting is to predict the future values of a time series given the past observations. A typical example of this task is demand forecasting. For example, we can represent the number of daily purchases of a certain product as a time series. The goal in this case could be predicting the demand for each of the next 14 days (i.e., the forecast horizon) given the historical purchase data. In AutoGluon, the prediction_length argument of the TimeSeriesPredictor determines the length of the forecast horizon.

Main goal of forecasting is to predict the future values of a time series given the past observations.

The objective of forecasting could be to predict future values of a given time series, as well as establishing prediction intervals within which the future values will likely lie. In AutoGluon, the TimeSeriesPredictor generates two types of forecasts:

  • mean forecast represents the expected value of the time series at each time step in the forecast horizon.

  • quantile forecast represents the quantiles of the forecast distribution. For example, if the 0.1 quantile (also known as P10, or the 10th percentile) is equal to x, it means that the time series value is predicted to be below x 10% of the time. As another example, the 0.5 quantile (P50) corresponds to the median forecast. Quantiles can be used to reason about the range of possible outcomes. For instance, by the definition of the quantiles, the time series is predicted to be between the P10 and P90 values with 80% probability.

Mean and quantile (P10 and P90) forecasts.

By default, the TimeSeriesPredictor outputs the quantiles [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]. Custom quantiles can be provided with the quantile_levels argument

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(quantile_levels=[0.05, 0.5, 0.95])

Forecasting time series with additional information

In real-world forecasting problems we often have access to additional information, beyond just the raw time series values. AutoGluon supports two types of such additional information: static features and time-varying covariates.

Static features

Static features are the time-independent attributes (metadata) of a time series. These may include information such as:

  • location, where the time series was recorded (country, state, city)

  • fixed properties of a product (brand name, color, size, weight)

  • store ID or product ID

Providing this information may, for instance, help forecasting models generate similar demand forecasts for stores located in the same city.

In AutoGluon, static features are stored as an attribute of a TimeSeriesDataFrame object. As an example, let’s have a look at the M4 Daily dataset.

import pandas as pd
from autogluon.timeseries import TimeSeriesDataFrame, TimeSeriesPredictor

We download a subset of 100 time series from the M4 Daily dataset.

df = pd.read_csv("")
item_id timestamp target
0 D1737 1995-05-23 1900.0
1 D1737 1995-05-24 1877.0
2 D1737 1995-05-25 1873.0
3 D1737 1995-05-26 1859.0
4 D1737 1995-05-27 1876.0

We also load the corresponding static features. In the M4 Daily dataset, there is a single categorical static feature that denotes the domain of origin for each time series.

static_features_df = pd.read_csv("")
item_id domain
0 D1737 Industry
1 D1843 Industry
2 D2246 Finance
3 D909 Micro
4 D1345 Micro

AutoGluon expects static features as a pandas.DataFrame object. The item_id column indicates which item (=individual time series) in df each row of static_features corresponds to.

We can now create a TimeSeriesDataFrame that contains both the time series values and the static features.

train_data = TimeSeriesDataFrame.from_data_frame(
item_id timestamp
D1737 1995-05-23 1900.0
1995-05-24 1877.0
1995-05-25 1873.0
1995-05-26 1859.0
1995-05-27 1876.0

We can validate that train_data now also includes the static features using the .static_features attribute

D1737 Industry
D1843 Industry
D2246 Finance
D909 Micro
D1345 Micro

Alternatively, we can attach static features to an existing TimeSeriesDataFrame by assigning the .static_features attribute

train_data.static_features = static_features_df

If static_features doesn’t contain some item_ids that are present in train_data, an exception will be raised.

Now, when we fit the predictor, all models that support static features will automatically use the static features included in train_data.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(prediction_length=14).fit(train_data)
Following types of static features have been inferred:
	categorical: ['domain']
	continuous (float): []

This message confirms that column 'domain' was interpreted as a categorical feature. In general, AutoGluon-TimeSeries supports two types of static features:

  • categorical: columns of dtype object, string and category are interpreted as discrete categories

  • continuous: columns of dtype int and float are interpreted as continuous (real-valued) numbers

  • columns with other dtypes are ignored

To override this logic, we need to manually change the columns dtype. For example, suppose the static features data frame contained an integer-valued column "store_id".

train_data.static_features["store_id"] = list(range(len(train_data.item_ids)))

By default, this column will be interpreted as a continuous number. We can force AutoGluon to interpret it a a categorical feature by changing the dtype to category.

train_data.static_features["store_id"] = train_data.static_features["store_id"].astype("category")

Note: If training data contained static features, the predictor will expect that data passed to predictor.predict(), predictor.leaderboard(), and predictor.evaluate() also includes static features with the same column names and data types.

Time-varying covariates

Covariates are the time-varying features that may influence the target time series. They are sometimes also referred to as dynamic features, exogenous regressors, or related time series. AutoGluon supports two types of covariates:

  • known covariates that are known for the entire forecast horizon, such as

    • holidays

    • day of the week, month, year

    • promotions

  • past covariates that are only known up to the start of the forecast horizon, such as

    • sales of other products

    • temperature, precipitation

    • transformed target time series

Target time series with one past covariate and one known covariate.

In AutoGluon, both known_covariates and past_covariates are stored as additional columns in the TimeSeriesDataFrame.

We will again use the M4 Daily dataset as an example and generate both types of covariates:

  • a past_covariate equal to the logarithm of the target time series:

  • a known_covariate that equals to 1 if a given day is a weekend, and 0 otherwise.

import numpy as np
train_data["log_target"] = np.log(train_data["target"])

timestamps = train_data.index.get_level_values("timestamp")
train_data["weekend"] = timestamps.weekday.isin(WEEKEND_INDICES).astype(float)

target log_target weekend
item_id timestamp
D1737 1995-05-23 1900.0 7.549609 0.0
1995-05-24 1877.0 7.537430 0.0
1995-05-25 1873.0 7.535297 0.0
1995-05-26 1859.0 7.527794 0.0
1995-05-27 1876.0 7.536897 1.0

When creating the TimeSeriesPredictor, we specify that the column "target" is our prediction target, and the column "weekend" contains a covariate that will be known at prediction time.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(

Predictor will automatically interpret the remaining columns (except target and known covariates) as past covariates. This information is logged during fitting:

Provided dataset contains following columns:
	target:           'target'
	known covariates: ['weekend']
	past covariates:  ['log_target']

Finally, to make predictions, we generate the known covariates for the forecast horizon

from autogluon.timeseries.utils.forecast import get_forecast_horizon_index_ts_dataframe

future_index = get_forecast_horizon_index_ts_dataframe(train_data, prediction_length=14)
future_timestamps = future_index.get_level_values("timestamp")
known_covariates = pd.DataFrame(index=future_index)
known_covariates["weekend"] = future_timestamps.weekday.isin(WEEKEND_INDICES).astype(float)

item_id timestamp
D1737 1997-05-28 0.0
1997-05-29 0.0
1997-05-30 0.0
1997-05-31 1.0
1997-06-01 1.0

Note that known_covariates must satisfy the following conditions:

  • The columns must include all columns listed in predictor.known_covariates_names

  • The item_id index must include all item ids present in train_data

  • The timestamp index must include the values for prediction_length many time steps into the future from the end of each time series in train_data

If known_covariates contain more information than necessary (e.g., contain additional columns, item_ids, or timestamps), AutoGluon will automatically select the necessary rows and columns.

Finally, we pass the known_covariates to the predict function to generate predictions

predictor.predict(train_data, known_covariates=known_covariates)

The list of models that support static features and covariates is available in Forecasting Model Zoo.


Another popular example of known_covariates are holiday features. In this section we describe how to add holiday features to a time series dataset and use them in AutoGluon.

First, we need to define a dictionary with dates in format as keys and holiday names as values. We can easily generate such a dictionary using the holidays Python package.

!pip install -q holidays

Here we use German holidays for demonstration purposes only. Make sure to define a holiday calendar that matches your country/region!

import holidays

timestamps = train_data.index.get_level_values("timestamp")
country_holidays = holidays.country_holidays(
    country="DE",  # make sure to select the correct country/region!
    # Add + 1 year to make sure that holidays are initialized for the forecast horizon
    years=range(timestamps.min().year, timestamps.max().year + 1),
# Convert dict to pd.Series for pretty visualization
1990-10-03             German Unity Day
1990-11-21    Repentance and Prayer Day
1990-12-25                Christmas Day
1990-12-26      Second Day of Christmas
1991-01-01               New Year's Day
dtype: object

Alternatively, we can manually define a dictionary with custom holidays.

import datetime

# must cover the full train time range + forecast horizon
custom_holidays = {, 1, 29): "Superbowl",, 11, 29): "Black Friday",, 1, 28): "Superbowl",, 11, 29): "Black Friday",
    # ... 

Next, we define a method that adds holiday features as columns to a TimeSeriesDataFrame.

def add_holiday_features(
    ts_df: TimeSeriesDataFrame, 
    country_holidays: dict,
    include_individual_holidays: bool = True,
    include_holiday_indicator: bool = True,
) -> TimeSeriesDataFrame:
    """Add holiday indicator columns to a TimeSeriesDataFrame."""
    ts_df = ts_df.copy()
    timestamps = ts_df.index.get_level_values("timestamp")
    country_holidays_df = pd.get_dummies(pd.Series(country_holidays)).astype(float)
    holidays_df = country_holidays_df.reindex(
    if include_individual_holidays:
        ts_df[holidays_df.columns] = holidays_df.values
    if include_holiday_indicator:
        ts_df["Holiday"] = holidays_df.max(axis=1).values
    return ts_df

We can create a single indicator feature for all holidays.

add_holiday_features(train_data, country_holidays, include_individual_holidays=False).head()
target log_target weekend Holiday
item_id timestamp
D1737 1995-05-23 1900.0 7.549609 0.0 0.0
1995-05-24 1877.0 7.537430 0.0 0.0
1995-05-25 1873.0 7.535297 0.0 1.0
1995-05-26 1859.0 7.527794 0.0 0.0
1995-05-27 1876.0 7.536897 1.0 0.0

Or represent each holiday with a separate feature.

train_data_with_holidays = add_holiday_features(train_data, country_holidays)
target log_target weekend Ascension Day Ascension Day; Labor Day Christmas Day Easter Monday German Unity Day Good Friday Labor Day New Year's Day Reformation Day Repentance and Prayer Day Second Day of Christmas Whit Monday Holiday
item_id timestamp
D1737 1995-05-23 1900.0 7.549609 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995-05-24 1877.0 7.537430 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995-05-25 1873.0 7.535297 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
1995-05-26 1859.0 7.527794 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1995-05-27 1876.0 7.536897 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Remember to add the names of holiday features as known_covariates_names when creating TimeSeriesPredictor.

holiday_columns = train_data_with_holidays.columns.difference(train_data.columns)
predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(..., known_covariates_names=holiday_columns).fit(train_data_with_holidays, ...)

At prediction time, we need to provide future holiday values as known_covariates.

future_index = get_forecast_horizon_index_ts_dataframe(train_data, prediction_length=14)
future_timestamps = future_index.get_level_values("timestamp")
known_covariates = add_holiday_features(pd.DataFrame(index=future_index), country_holidays)
Ascension Day Ascension Day; Labor Day Christmas Day Easter Monday German Unity Day Good Friday Labor Day New Year's Day Reformation Day Repentance and Prayer Day Second Day of Christmas Whit Monday Holiday
item_id timestamp
D1737 1997-05-28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997-05-29 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997-05-30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997-05-31 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1997-06-01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
predictions = predictor.predict(train_data_with_holidays, known_covariates=known_covariates)

What data format is expected by TimeSeriesPredictor?

AutoGluon expects that at least some time series in the training data are long enough to generate an internal validation set.

This means, at least some time series in train_data must have length >= max(prediction_length + 1, 5) + prediction_length when training with default settings

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(prediction_length=prediction_length).fit(train_data)

If you use advanced configuration options, such as following,

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(prediction_length=prediction_length).fit(train_data, num_val_windows=num_val_windows, val_step_size=val_step_size)

then at least some time series in train_data must have length >= max(prediction_length + 1, 5) + prediction_length + (num_val_windows - 1) * val_step_size.

Note that all time series in the dataset can have different lengths.

Handling irregular data and missing values

In some applications, like finance, data often comes with irregular measurements (e.g., no stock price is available for weekends or holidays) or missing values.

Here is an example of a dataset with an irregular time index:

df_irregular = TimeSeriesDataFrame(
            "item_id": [0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
            "timestamp": ["2022-01-01", "2022-01-02", "2022-01-04", "2022-01-01", "2022-01-04"],
            "target": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
item_id timestamp
0 2022-01-01 1
2022-01-02 2
2022-01-04 3
1 2022-01-01 4
2022-01-04 5

In such case, you can specify the desired frequency when creating the predictor using the freq argument.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(..., freq="D").fit(df_irregular)

Here we choose freq="D" to indicate that the filled index must have a daily frequency (see other possible choices in pandas documentation).

AutoGluon will automatically convert the irregular data into daily frequency and deal with missing values.

Alternatively, we can manually fill the gaps in the time index using the method TimeSeriesDataFrame.convert_frequency().

df_regular = df_irregular.convert_frequency(freq="D")
item_id timestamp
0 2022-01-01 1.0
2022-01-02 2.0
2022-01-03 NaN
2022-01-04 3.0
1 2022-01-01 4.0
2022-01-02 NaN
2022-01-03 NaN
2022-01-04 5.0

We can verify that the index is now regular and has a daily frequency

print(f"Data has frequency '{df_regular.freq}'")
Data has frequency 'D'

Now the data contains missing values represented by NaN. Most time series models in AutoGluon can natively deal with missing values, so we can just pass data to the TimeSeriesPredictor.

Alternatively, we can manually fill the NaNs with an appropriate strategy using TimeSeriesDataFrame.fill_missing_values(). By default, missing values are filled with a combination of forward + backward filling.

df_filled = df_regular.fill_missing_values()
item_id timestamp
0 2022-01-01 1.0
2022-01-02 2.0
2022-01-03 2.0
2022-01-04 3.0
1 2022-01-01 4.0
2022-01-02 4.0
2022-01-03 4.0
2022-01-04 5.0

In some applications such as demand forecasting, missing values may correspond to zero demand. In this case constant fill is more appropriate.

df_filled = df_regular.fill_missing_values(method="constant", value=0.0)
item_id timestamp
0 2022-01-01 1.0
2022-01-02 2.0
2022-01-03 0.0
2022-01-04 3.0
1 2022-01-01 4.0
2022-01-02 0.0
2022-01-03 0.0
2022-01-04 5.0

How to evaluate forecast accuracy?

To measure how accurately TimeSeriesPredictor can forecast unseen time series, we need to reserve some test data that won’t be used for training. This can be easily done using the train_test_split method of a TimeSeriesDataFrame:

prediction_length = 48
data = TimeSeriesDataFrame.from_path("")
train_data, test_data = data.train_test_split(prediction_length)

We obtained two TimeSeriesDataFrames from our original data:

  • test_data contains exactly the same data as the original data (i.e., it contains both historic data and the forecast horizon)

  • In train_data, the last prediction_length time steps are removed from the end of each time series (i.e., it contains only historic data)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

item_id = "H1"
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=[10, 4], sharex=True)
train_ts = train_data.loc[item_id]
test_ts = test_data.loc[item_id]
ax1.set_title("Train data (past time series values)")
ax2.set_title("Test data (past + future time series values)")
for ax in (ax1, ax2):
    ax.fill_between(np.array([train_ts.index[-1], test_ts.index[-1]]), test_ts.min(), test_ts.max(), color="C1", alpha=0.3, label="Forecast horizon")

We can now use train_data to train the predictor, and test_data to obtain an estimate of its performance on unseen data.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(prediction_length=prediction_length, eval_metric="MASE").fit(train_data)

AutoGluon evaluates the performance of forecasting models by measuring how well their forecasts align with the actually observed time series. For each time series in test_data, the predictor does the following:

  1. Hold out the last prediction_length values of the time series.

  2. Generate a forecast for the held out part of the time series, i.e., the forecast horizon.

  3. Quantify how well the forecast matches the actually observed (held out) values of the time series using the eval_metric.

Finally, the scores are averaged over all time series in the dataset.

The crucial detail here is that evaluate always computes the score on the last prediction_length time steps of each time series. The beginning of each time series (except the last prediction_length time steps) is only used to initialize the models before forecasting.

For more details about the evaluation metrics, see Forecasting Evaluation Metrics.

Backtesting using multiple windows

We can more accurately estimate the performance using backtest (i.e., evaluate performance on multiple forecast horizons generated from the same time series). This can be done using an ExpandingWindowSplitter.

from autogluon.timeseries.splitter import ExpandingWindowSplitter

splitter = ExpandingWindowSplitter(prediction_length=prediction_length, num_val_windows=3)
for window_idx, (train_split, val_split) in enumerate(splitter.split(test_data)):
    score = predictor.evaluate(val_split)
    print(f"Window {window_idx}: score = {score}")

The evaluate method will measure the forecast accuracy using the last prediction_length time steps of each validation split as a hold-out set (marked in orange).

MultiWindowSplitter splits each original time series into multiple evaluation instances. Forecast is evaluated on the last  timesteps (orange).

Multi-window backtesting typically results in more accurate estimation of the forecast quality on unseen data. However, this strategy decreases the amount of training data available for fitting models, so we recommend using single-window backtesting if the training time series are short.

How does AutoGluon perform validation?

When we fit the predictor with, under the hood AutoGluon further splits the original dataset train_data into train and validation parts.

Performance of different models on the validation set is evaluated using the evaluate method, just like described above. The model that achieves the best validation score will be used for prediction in the end.

By default, the internal validation set contains a single window containing the last prediction_length time steps of each time series. We can increase the number of validation windows using the num_val_windows argument.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(...), num_val_windows=3)

This will reduce the likelihood of overfitting but will increase the training time approximately by a factor of num_val_windows. Note that multiple validation windows can only be used if the time series in train_data have length of at least (num_val_windows + 1) * prediction_length.

Alternatively, a user can provide their own validation set to the fit method. In this case it’s important to remember that the validation score is computed on the last prediction_length time steps of each time series., tuning_data=my_validation_dataset)

Which forecasting models are available in AutoGluon?

Forecasting models in AutoGluon can be divided into three broad categories: local, global, and ensemble models.

Local models are simple statistical models that are specifically designed to capture patterns such as trend or seasonality. Despite their simplicity, these models often produce reasonable forecasts and serve as a strong baseline. Some examples of available local models:

  • ETS

  • AutoARIMA

  • Theta

  • SeasonalNaive

If the dataset consists of multiple time series, we fit a separate local model to each time series — hence the name “local”. This means, if we want to make a forecast for a new time series that wasn’t part of the training set, all local models will be fit from scratch for the new time series.

Global models are machine learning algorithms that learn a single model from the entire training set consisting of multiple time series. Most global models in AutoGluon are provided by the GluonTS library. These are neural-network algorithms implemented in PyTorch, such as:

  • DeepAR

  • PatchTST

  • DLinear

  • TemporalFusionTransformer

This category also includes pre-trained zero-shot forecasting models like Chronos.

AutoGluon also offers two tabular global models RecursiveTabular and DirectTabular. Under the hood, these models convert the forecasting task into a regression problem and use a TabularPredictor to fit regression algorithms like LightGBM.

Finally, an ensemble model works by combining predictions of all other models. By default, TimeSeriesPredictor always fits a WeightedEnsemble on top of other models. This can be disabled by setting enable_ensemble=False when calling the fit method.

For a list of tunable hyperparameters for each model, their default values, and other details see Forecasting Model Zoo.

What functionality does TimeSeriesPredictor offer?

AutoGluon offers multiple ways to configure the behavior of a TimeSeriesPredictor that are suitable for both beginners and expert users.

Basic configuration with presets and time_limit

We can fit TimeSeriesPredictor with different pre-defined configurations using the presets argument of the fit method.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(...), presets="medium_quality")

Higher quality presets usually result in better forecasts but take longer to train. The following presets are available:



Use Cases

Fit Time (Ideal)


Fit simple statistical and baseline models + fast tree-based models

Fast to train but may not be very accurate



Same models as in fast_training + deep learning model TemporalFusionTransformer

Good forecasts with reasonable training time



More powerful deep learning, machine learning, and statistical forecasting models

Much more accurate than medium_quality, but takes longer to train



Same models as in high_quality, more cross-validation windows

Typically more accurate than high_quality, especially for datasets with few (<50) time series


You can find more information about the presets and the models includes in each preset in the AutoGluon source code.

Another way to control the training time is using the time_limit argument.
    time_limit=60 * 60,  # total training time in seconds

If no time_limit is provided, the predictor will train until all models have been fit.

Manually configuring models

Advanced users can override the presets and manually specify what models should be trained by the predictor using the hyperparameters argument.

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor(...)
        "DeepAR": {},
        "Theta": [
            {"decomposition_type": "additive"},
            {"seasonal_period": 1},

The above example will train three models:

  • DeepAR with default hyperparameters

  • Theta with additive seasonal decomposition (all other parameters set to their defaults)

  • Theta with seasonality disabled (all other parameters set to their defaults)

You can also exclude certain models from the presets using the excluded_model_type argument.
excluded_model_types=["AutoETS", "AutoARIMA"],

For the full list of available models and the respective hyperparameters, see Forecasting Model Zoo.

Hyperparameter tuning

Advanced users can define search spaces for model hyperparameters and let AutoGluon automatically determine the best configuration for the model.

from autogluon.common import space

predictor = TimeSeriesPredictor()
    "DeepAR": {
        "hidden_size": space.Int(20, 100),
        "dropout_rate": space.Categorical(0.1, 0.3),

This code will train multiple versions of the DeepAR model with 10 different hyperparameter configurations. AutGluon will automatically select the best model configuration that achieves the highest validation score and use it for prediction.

Currently, HPO is based on Ray Tune for deep learning models from GluonTS, and random search for all other time series models.

We can change the number of random search trials per model by passing a dictionary as hyperparameter_tune_kwargs
    "num_trials": 20,
    "scheduler": "local",
    "searcher": "random",

The hyperparameter_tune_kwargs dict must include the following keys:

  • "num_trials": int, number of configurations to train for each tuned model

  • "searcher": currently, the only supported option is "random" (random search).

  • "scheduler": currently, the only supported option is "local" (all models trained on the same machine)

Note: HPO significantly increases the training time for most models, but often provides only modest performance gains.