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10.1007/978-3-031-47754-6_16guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts

Published: 01 December 2023 Publication History


The proliferation of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO), which in current form are exposed to front-running of token transactions and proposal voting, demonstrate the need to shield user inputs and internal state from the parties executing smart contracts. In this work we present “Eagle”, an efficient UC-secure protocol which efficiently realises a notion of privacy preserving smart contracts where both the amounts of tokens and the auxiliary data given as input to a contract are kept private from all parties but the one providing the input. Prior proposals realizing privacy preserving smart contracts on public, permissionless blockchains generally offer a limited contract functionality or require a trusted third party to manage private inputs and state. We achieve our results through a combination of secure multi-party computation (MPC) and zero-knowledge proofs on Pedersen commitments. Although other approaches leverage MPC in this setting, these incur impractical computational overheads by requiring the computation of cryptographic primitives within MPC. Our solution achieves security without the need of any cryptographic primitives to be computed inside the MPC instance and only require a constant amount of exponentiations per client input.


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  1. Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Guide Proceedings
          Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 27th International Conference, FC 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia, May 1–5, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I
          May 2023
          385 pages
          • Editors:
          • Foteini Baldimtsi,
          • Christian Cachin



          Berlin, Heidelberg

          Publication History

          Published: 01 December 2023

          Author Tags

          1. Blockchain
          2. DeFi
          3. MPC
          4. Privacy


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