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TiReX: Tiled Regular eXpressions
matching architecture
Alessandro Comodi, Davide Conficconi {alessandro.comodi, davide.conficconi}@mail.polimi.it
Alberto Scolari, Marco Santambrogio {alberto.scolari, marco.santambrogio}@polimi.it
25th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW) 2018
GenomicIntrusion Detection Systems
Current issues
• The trade off between performance and flexibility
• Current approaches lack flexibility
– If they use FPGA, require embedding the regex into
the architecture (= re-synthesis)
– ASIC technology no flexibility at all
Our solution and claims 3
Based on previous work [1] proposing Regular Expressions
as a high level language driving a custom processor
The improvements with respect to ReCPU are:
• A better preprocessing mechanism of the RegExp and a
renewed single core design
• A scalable multi-core architecture for parallelized
computations reaching 100x speedup over Flex
• Cross-platform design able easily integrable with
heterogeneous architectures
[1] M. Paolieri et al “ReCPU: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc Springer 2009
• Related work
• TiReX design and implementation
• Evaluation
• Conclusions and future work
Related Work (1) 5
Most works use DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) and address DFA
limitations, offering high matching speed at the cost of a fixed structure
Growth of memory usage along with RegExp complexity
• [1], [2] cluster states and group transitions
[1] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014
[2] J. van Lunteren and A. Guanella, “Hardware-accelerated regular expression matching at multiple tens of gb/s2” in INFOCOM, 2012
[3] K. Agarwal and R. Polig, “A high-speed and large-scale dictionary matching engine for information extraction systems,” in Application- Specific Systems,
Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2013 IEEE 24th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013
[4] X.-T. Nguyen, H.-T. Nguyen, K. Inoue, O. Shimojo, and C.-K. Pham, “Highly parallel bitmap-based regular expression matching for text analytics,” in Circuits
and Systems (ISCAS), 2017
Other focus on achieving an efficient lookup process
• Hash based encoding scheme are another way to solve the problem [3]
• Bitmap index structures [4]
Related Work (2) 6
[5] C. R. Meiners et al “Fast regular expression matching using small tcams for network intrusion detection and prevention systems” 2010
[6] J. Yang et al “Pidfa: A practical multi-stride regular expression matching engine based on fpga” ICC 2016
[7] K. Atasu et al “Hardware-accelerated regular expression matching for high-throughput text analytics,” in FPL 2013
[8] G. Vasiliadis, M. Polychronakis, S. Antonatos, E. P. Markatos, and S. Ioannidis, “Regular expression matching on graphics hardware for intrusion detection,”
in International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. Springer, 2009
Some works leverage hardware parallelism to match input against multiple RegExp
• [8] uses GPU to activate a new DFA for every initial character
Single character analysis for the basic version
• [5] Ternary Content Addressable Memories (TCAMs)
• [6],[7] precomputation of transitions
DFA encodes a single RegExp and matching one character at time, so it is
intrinsically sequential
Our Approach 7
As in ReCPU, RegExp are translated into program
TiReX matching core run instructions on input data based on
a dedicated Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
RegExp is software compiled into a sequence of TiReX
Flow RE 8
1 & ACGT
2 JIM offset
3 (
4 |)* AC
5 & TT
Instruction Set
Match results
Opcode RegExp Description Reference
0 00 000 NOP No Operation
1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine
0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches
0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches
0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for
0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most
0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters
0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one
0 00 100 ) End of subroutine
0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis
0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match
TiReX ISA 10
Opcode RegExp Description Reference
0 00 000 NOP No Operation
1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine
0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches
0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches
0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for
0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most
0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters
0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one
0 00 100 ) End of subroutine
0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis
0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match
All characters in the Reference must be
equal to the input data to have a match
Input 1:
Input 2:
TiReX ISA 11
Opcode RegExp Description Reference
0 00 000 NOP No Operation
1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine
0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches
0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches
0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for
0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most
0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters
0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one
0 00 100 ) End of subroutine
0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis
0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match
Special instruction to direct the jump backward
in the program like in a «for loop» with Kleene
RegExp: (ACGT)+
TiReX ISA 12
Opcode RegExp Description Reference
0 00 000 NOP No Operation
1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine
0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches
0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches
0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for
0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most
0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters
0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one
0 00 100 ) End of subroutine
0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis
0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match
Special instruction to direct the jump forward in the
program like in «if else» statement with chained
RegExp: (TTTT)|(GCAT)|(CTGA)
Single Core Architecture: Overview 13
Instruction Memory Data Buffer
Fetch & Decode Execution
Control Path
Address Address
DataInstruction Opcode
MatchControl ControlOpcode
Single Core Architecture: Details 14
Single Core Architecture: Details 15
Fetch & Decode
F&D Unit A: Back up
F&D Unit B: Next one
F&D Unit C: Jump
Single Core Architecture: Details 16
4 Cluster of 4 Comparators
Engine compute stage result
Single Core Architecture: Details 17
Data Buffer
Addressable Buffer
Intermediate registers:
• Back up
• Hold data
• Shift of 1-4 characters
Single Core Architecture: Details 18
Control Path
Status Register of the computation
Stack for nesting parenthesis
Completely redesign FSM
Multi core 19
Being the recognition process highly parallelizable we adopt a multi-core
Multi core 20
Being the recognition process highly parallelizable we adopt a multi-core
Data1 Data2
Datan-1 Datan…
Multi core: Boundary conditions 21
Customizable conditions to avoid boundary match
Match of length N
Chunk 0
Chunk 1
Chunk 2
Chunk 3
Experimental setup and results 22
Evaluation environment:
• VC707 evaluation platform powered by a Virtex-7 FPGA
• Digilent PYNQ-Z1 board powered by a ZYNQ SoC
comprising an ARM CPU and a Xilinx FPGA
We compare against:
• Flex program compiled with O3 optimizations and
runs on an Intel i7 with a peak frequency of 2.8GHz
Single Core Area Utilization 23
VC707 Board Slice LUTs Slice Reg. F7 Muxes
Used 1921 1175 261
Percentage 0.63% 0.29% 0.17%
PYNQ Board Slice LUTs Slice Reg. F7 Muxes
Used 1845 1775 261
Percentage 3.46% 1.66% 0.98%
VC707 Resources utilization
PYNQ Resources utilization
VC707 and PYNQ Results 24
Regular Expression Flex 16-core (VC707)
@130 MHz
ACCGTGGA 271 µs 2.07 µs 130.90x
(TTT)+CT 121 µs 4.54 µs 26.65x
(CAGT)|(GGGG)|(TTGG)TGCA(C|G)+ 263 µs 3.36 µs 78.27x
Regular Expression Flex 8-core (PYNQ)
@ 70 MHz
ACCGTGGA 271 µs 7.2 µs 37.63x
(TTT)+CT 121 µs 8.21 µs 14.73x
(CAGT)|(GGGG)|(TTGG)TGCA(C|G)+ 263 µs 30.3 µs 8.67x
Dataset with 16KB of the first Homo Sapiens chromosome
Comparisons with Related works 25
Solution Clock Frequency
Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility
VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54
PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92
[1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18
[2] FPGA 150 230 – 430
[3] FPGA 100 3.2
[3] ASIC 1000 256
[1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip.
Springer, 2009
[2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE
Symposium on.
[3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium
Comparisons with Related works 26
Solution Clock Frequency
Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility
VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54
PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92
[1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18
[2] FPGA 150 230 – 430
[3] FPGA 100 3.2
[3] ASIC 1000 256
[1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip.
Springer, 2009
[2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE
Symposium on.
[3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium
Comparisons with Related works 27
Solution Clock Frequency
Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility
VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54
PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92
[1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18
[2] FPGA 150 230 – 430
[3] FPGA 100 3.2
[3] ASIC 1000 256
[1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip.
Springer, 2009
[2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE
Symposium on.
[3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium
Comparisons with Related works 28
Solution Clock Frequency
Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility
VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54
PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92
[1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18
[2] FPGA 150 230 – 430
[3] FPGA 100 3.2
[3] ASIC 1000 256
[1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip.
Springer, 2009
[2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE
Symposium on.
[3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium
Conlusions and future work
• We have presented a multicore pattern matching
architecture implemented on an FPGA
• Overcome Flex solution gaining a 100x speedup
with a remarkable flexibility
• Future Works
– Performance improvements
• Exploration of different memory hierarchies
• Multicore interconnection studies
Conlusions and future work
• Future Works
– Performance improvements
• Exploration of different memory hierarchies
• Multicore interconnection studies
Thank you for your attention… Questions?
Alessandro Comodi, Davide Conficconi {alessandro.comodi, davide.conficconi}@mail.polimi.it
Alberto Scolari, Marco Santambrogio {alberto.scolari, marco.santambrogio}@polimi.it
NECST: www.necst.it
Slideshare NECST: www.slideshare.net/necstlab
RAW FB Group: facebook.com/groups/ReconfigurableArchitecturesWorkshop

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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
Flipflops Team - Wave U
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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Bug(atta) Team - Little Brother
NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
#NECSTCamp: come partecipare
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
PLASTER - PYNQ-based abandoned object detection using a map-reduce approach o...
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
Luns - Automatic lungs segmentation through neural network
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
BlastFunction: How to combine Serverless and FPGAs
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NECST Lab @ Politecnico di Milano
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TiReX: Tiled Regular eXpression matching architecture

  • 1. TiReX: Tiled Regular eXpressions matching architecture Alessandro Comodi, Davide Conficconi {alessandro.comodi, davide.conficconi}@mail.polimi.it Alberto Scolari, Marco Santambrogio {alberto.scolari, marco.santambrogio}@polimi.it 25th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW) 2018 21/05/2018
  • 3. Current issues • The trade off between performance and flexibility 2 • Current approaches lack flexibility – If they use FPGA, require embedding the regex into the architecture (= re-synthesis) – ASIC technology no flexibility at all
  • 4. Our solution and claims 3 Based on previous work [1] proposing Regular Expressions as a high level language driving a custom processor The improvements with respect to ReCPU are: • A better preprocessing mechanism of the RegExp and a renewed single core design • A scalable multi-core architecture for parallelized computations reaching 100x speedup over Flex • Cross-platform design able easily integrable with heterogeneous architectures [1] M. Paolieri et al “ReCPU: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc Springer 2009
  • 5. Outline • Related work • TiReX design and implementation • Evaluation • Conclusions and future work 4
  • 6. Related Work (1) 5 Most works use DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) and address DFA limitations, offering high matching speed at the cost of a fixed structure Growth of memory usage along with RegExp complexity • [1], [2] cluster states and group transitions [1] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 [2] J. van Lunteren and A. Guanella, “Hardware-accelerated regular expression matching at multiple tens of gb/s2” in INFOCOM, 2012 [3] K. Agarwal and R. Polig, “A high-speed and large-scale dictionary matching engine for information extraction systems,” in Application- Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2013 IEEE 24th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013 [4] X.-T. Nguyen, H.-T. Nguyen, K. Inoue, O. Shimojo, and C.-K. Pham, “Highly parallel bitmap-based regular expression matching for text analytics,” in Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2017 Other focus on achieving an efficient lookup process • Hash based encoding scheme are another way to solve the problem [3] • Bitmap index structures [4]
  • 7. Related Work (2) 6 [5] C. R. Meiners et al “Fast regular expression matching using small tcams for network intrusion detection and prevention systems” 2010 [6] J. Yang et al “Pidfa: A practical multi-stride regular expression matching engine based on fpga” ICC 2016 [7] K. Atasu et al “Hardware-accelerated regular expression matching for high-throughput text analytics,” in FPL 2013 [8] G. Vasiliadis, M. Polychronakis, S. Antonatos, E. P. Markatos, and S. Ioannidis, “Regular expression matching on graphics hardware for intrusion detection,” in International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection. Springer, 2009 Some works leverage hardware parallelism to match input against multiple RegExp • [8] uses GPU to activate a new DFA for every initial character Single character analysis for the basic version • [5] Ternary Content Addressable Memories (TCAMs) • [6],[7] precomputation of transitions DFA encodes a single RegExp and matching one character at time, so it is intrinsically sequential
  • 8. Our Approach 7 As in ReCPU, RegExp are translated into program instructions TiReX matching core run instructions on input data based on a dedicated Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) RegExp is software compiled into a sequence of TiReX instructions
  • 10. TiReX ISA 9 Opcode RegExp Description Reference 0 00 000 NOP No Operation 1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine 0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches 0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches 0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for 0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most 0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters 0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one 0 00 100 ) End of subroutine 0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis 0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match
  • 11. TiReX ISA 10 Opcode RegExp Description Reference 0 00 000 NOP No Operation 1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine 0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches 0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches 0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for 0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most 0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters 0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one 0 00 100 ) End of subroutine 0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis 0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match All characters in the Reference must be equal to the input data to have a match RegExp: ACCGTGGA Input 1: Input 2: TGGA GACCTACACCG ACCA TGGACTAGAGG
  • 12. TiReX ISA 11 Opcode RegExp Description Reference 0 00 000 NOP No Operation 1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine 0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches 0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches 0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for 0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most 0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters 0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one 0 00 100 ) End of subroutine 0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis 0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match Special instruction to direct the jump backward in the program like in a «for loop» with Kleene operators RegExp: (ACGT)+ Input 1: ACGT ACGT GACC
  • 13. TiReX ISA 12 Opcode RegExp Description Reference 0 00 000 NOP No Operation 1 00 000 ( Enter subroutine 0 10 000 AND And of cluster matches 0 01 000 OR Or of cluster matches 0 11 000 . Match any character 32 bits for 0 00 001 )* Match any number of sub-RE at most 0 00 010 )+ Match one or more sub-RE 4 characters 0 00 011 )| Match previous sub-RE or next one 0 00 100 ) End of subroutine 0 00 101 OKP Open Kleene Parenthesis 0 00 111 JIM Jump If Match Special instruction to direct the jump forward in the program like in «if else» statement with chained ORs RegExp: (TTTT)|(GCAT)|(CTGA) Input 1: GCAT GACCTAC
  • 14. Single Core Architecture: Overview 13 Instruction Memory Data Buffer Fetch & Decode Execution Control Path Address Address DataInstruction Opcode Reference MatchControl ControlOpcode
  • 16. Single Core Architecture: Details 15 Fetch & Decode F&D Unit A: Back up F&D Unit B: Next one F&D Unit C: Jump
  • 17. Single Core Architecture: Details 16 Execute 4 Cluster of 4 Comparators Engine compute stage result
  • 18. Single Core Architecture: Details 17 Data Buffer Addressable Buffer Intermediate registers: • Back up • Hold data • Shift of 1-4 characters
  • 19. Single Core Architecture: Details 18 Control Path Status Register of the computation Stack for nesting parenthesis Completely redesign FSM
  • 20. Multi core 19 Being the recognition process highly parallelizable we adopt a multi-core architecture BRAM TiReX core1 BRAM TiReX core2 AGCT(A|C)*TT AGCT AG*(TTAC) GTTTG(AC)* Data BRAM TiReX coren-1 BRAM TiReX coren … …
  • 21. Multi core 20 Being the recognition process highly parallelizable we adopt a multi-core architecture BRAM TiReX core1 BRAM TiReX core2 BRAM TiReX coren-1 BRAM TiReX coren AGCT(A|C)*TT Data1 Data2 Datan-1 Datan… … …
  • 22. Multi core: Boundary conditions 21 Customizable conditions to avoid boundary match Data Match of length N Chunk 0 Chunk 1 Chunk 2 Chunk 3
  • 23. Experimental setup and results 22 Evaluation environment: • VC707 evaluation platform powered by a Virtex-7 FPGA • Digilent PYNQ-Z1 board powered by a ZYNQ SoC comprising an ARM CPU and a Xilinx FPGA We compare against: • Flex program compiled with O3 optimizations and runs on an Intel i7 with a peak frequency of 2.8GHz
  • 24. Single Core Area Utilization 23 VC707 Board Slice LUTs Slice Reg. F7 Muxes Used 1921 1175 261 Percentage 0.63% 0.29% 0.17% PYNQ Board Slice LUTs Slice Reg. F7 Muxes Used 1845 1775 261 Percentage 3.46% 1.66% 0.98% VC707 Resources utilization PYNQ Resources utilization
  • 25. VC707 and PYNQ Results 24 Regular Expression Flex 16-core (VC707) @130 MHz Speedup ACCGTGGA 271 µs 2.07 µs 130.90x (TTT)+CT 121 µs 4.54 µs 26.65x (CAGT)|(GGGG)|(TTGG)TGCA(C|G)+ 263 µs 3.36 µs 78.27x Regular Expression Flex 8-core (PYNQ) @ 70 MHz Speedup ACCGTGGA 271 µs 7.2 µs 37.63x (TTT)+CT 121 µs 8.21 µs 14.73x (CAGT)|(GGGG)|(TTGG)TGCA(C|G)+ 263 µs 30.3 µs 8.67x Dataset with 16KB of the first Homo Sapiens chromosome
  • 26. Comparisons with Related works 25 Solution Clock Frequency [MHz] Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54 PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92 [1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18 [2] FPGA 150 230 – 430 [3] FPGA 100 3.2 [3] ASIC 1000 256 [1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip. Springer, 2009 [2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. [3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on.
  • 27. Comparisons with Related works 26 Solution Clock Frequency [MHz] Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54 PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92 [1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18 [2] FPGA 150 230 – 430 [3] FPGA 100 3.2 [3] ASIC 1000 256 [1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip. Springer, 2009 [2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. [3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on.
  • 28. Comparisons with Related works 27 Solution Clock Frequency [MHz] Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54 PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92 [1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18 [2] FPGA 150 230 – 430 [3] FPGA 100 3.2 [3] ASIC 1000 256 [1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip. Springer, 2009 [2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. [3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on.
  • 29. Comparisons with Related works 28 Solution Clock Frequency [MHz] Bitrate [Gb/s] Flexibility VC707 16 – core 130 16.64 – 66.54 PYNQ 8 – core 70 4.48 – 17.92 [1] ASIC 318.47 10.19 – 18.18 [2] FPGA 150 230 – 430 [3] FPGA 100 3.2 [3] ASIC 1000 256 [1] M. Paolieri et al “Recpu: A parallel and pipelined architecture for regular expression matching,” in Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip. Springer, 2009 [2] L. Jiang et al“A fast regular expression matching engine for nids applying prediction scheme,” in Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. [3] V. Gogte et al “Hare: Hardware accelerator for regular expressions,” in Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on.
  • 30. Conlusions and future work • We have presented a multicore pattern matching architecture implemented on an FPGA • Overcome Flex solution gaining a 100x speedup with a remarkable flexibility • Future Works – Performance improvements • Exploration of different memory hierarchies • Multicore interconnection studies 29
  • 31. Conlusions and future work • Future Works – Performance improvements • Exploration of different memory hierarchies • Multicore interconnection studies 30 Thank you for your attention… Questions? Alessandro Comodi, Davide Conficconi {alessandro.comodi, davide.conficconi}@mail.polimi.it Alberto Scolari, Marco Santambrogio {alberto.scolari, marco.santambrogio}@polimi.it NECST: www.necst.it Slideshare NECST: www.slideshare.net/necstlab RAW FB Group: facebook.com/groups/ReconfigurableArchitecturesWorkshop