I expected nothing from this series, and i was about to drop the first episode within the first 5 mins, because the jokes were really lame and, well, it didnt look great at all. But then some weird stuff happens and the father showing up were actually really funny, especially the father in general, who saved the first episode for me and made sure that I will continue on this one.
This show turned out to be more charming than expected, and during the second half of the very first episode I laughed more than in an entire HIMYM season.
I dont think, that any current sitcoms got that big of a potential than this series, so if u dont compare it to Friends or King of Queens and also be a little bit open minded, you might be able to actually enjoy it.
This series really tries hard to get you into the chill atmosphere of a good family, and they got me in the end with that adorable situation, who made all main characters really sympathetic.
I feel like most of the people generally dont like any sitcoms except the classics, so dont mind those one star rates.