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Discussion List Archives

IUCr discussion lists

The International Union of Crystallography provides facilities for e-mail based discussion lists on topics relevant to the Union and the field of crystallography.

Current lists

Name Purpose Type* Archive  
General community lists
high-pressure-crystallography A community discussion list established by the IUCr Commission on High Pressure. O Public subscribe
sa_scat A community discussion list established by the IUCr Commission on Small-Angle Scattering. O Public subscribe
IUCr Commissions
compcomm Commission on Crystallographic Computing R Public subscribe
teaching-commission Commission on Crystallographic Teaching R Public subscribe
IUCr Subcommittees
epc Committee for the Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and Storage of Information. R Public subscribe
Regional Associates
ecacomsig European Crystallographic Association Computing Special Interest Group. P Public subscribe
The CIF Project
cif-developers Forum for CIF software developers O Public subscribe
COMCIFS Committee for the Maintenance of the CIF Standard R Public subscribe
coreDMG COMCIFS Core Dictionary Maintenance Group R Public subscribe
ddlm-group COMCIFS methods dictionary definintion language (DDLm) Working Group R Public subscribe
cif2-encoding COMCIFS Working Group exploring CIF2 encodings and content validation schemes R Public subscribe
coreCIFchem COMCIFS Core DMG working party on chemical and molecular descriptions in CIF R Public subscribe
magCIF Magnetic CIF Dictionary Working Group R Public subscribe
pdDMG COMCIFS Powder Diffraction Dictionary Maintenance Group R Public subscribe
imgcif-l Working Group on imgCIF/CBF (binary format for the storage and archiving of image data) O Public subscribe
* The following types of subscriptions exist:
Open: Anyone may subscribe
Private: Subscribers are added at the discretion of the list owner
Restricted: Subscribers are restricted to the members of a Commission, Committee or Working Group
Communications by non-subscribers to private or restricted lists should be directed to the list owner.