Extended Data Fig. 7: Constraint on right-handed beyond-standard-model currents. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Constraint on right-handed beyond-standard-model currents.

From: A per-cent-level determination of the nucleon axial coupling from quantum chromodynamics

Extended Data Fig. 7

Measurements of cold neutron decays (\(n\to p{e}^{-}\bar{\nu }\); n, neutron; p, proton; e−, electron; \(\bar{\nu }\), antineutrino) provide some of the most stringent constraints on new physics. A recent comparison of constraints from low-energy experiments and colliders found comparable constraints on right-handed beyond-standard-model currents29. The figure has been adapted from figure 12 of ref. 29 using our determination of gA. The vertical orange band is the constraint on the right-handed coupling (ξ ud ) from our result. The blue circle arises from collider constraints on W- and Higgs-boson production (WH) at collision energy \(\sqrt{S}=14\,{\rm{TeV}}\), and the diagonal red band is from pion decays (long direction; π → μ\(\bar{\nu }\), where μ is a muon) and super-allowed 0+ → 0+ nuclear decays, which constrain corrections to the axial (left (δV ud ) minus right) and vector (left plus right) currents, respectively.

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