
The OIST campus has four locations:

Access OIST venues

OIST campus location map


Employees, students, and visitors to the campus can use the following parking options:

  • Village Center Parking
  • Parking Building
  • Conference Center Parking
  • Visitor Parking

Parking at OIST

Parking Garage

Tunnel Gallery

Visitors enter the Main Campus through the main reception and pass through the Tunnel Gallery before they ascend the elevators to the Center Building. The Tunnel Gallery serves as the main public entrance and as a space for art and science exhibitions and events.

Main Reception

Please be sure to sign in at the main campus reception desk at the entrance of the tunnel.  

Main campus reception desk

Event Venue

OIST offers state-of-the-art facilities for research, comfortable and convenient lodging for visiting professors and exchange students, and attractive and functional venues for international symposia, workshops, and industrial-related and community-related events.

OIST hosts international workshops to enhance cooperation with overseas and Japanese research and academic institutions in order to pursue world-class research in science and technology.

Event venue

Auditorium seating

Research Facilities

The OIST campus includes a diverse range of research facilities.

Research Facilities at OIST

Lab 5 research facility

Shops and Restaurants

The following shops and restaurants operate on the OIST campus.

Shops and Restaurants

Aien Coffee and Bakery

Community Facilities

Many of the university's community resources are located on the first floor of the Village Center.

Community Facilities

Gym in village center

Wellbeing Services

Ganjuu Wellbeing Service is staffed by 3 full-time clinical psychologists who provide counseling and mental health care education for the OIST Community. This includes anyone who works or studies at OIST as well as their family members.

Wellbeing Services

Big tree and a house

Healthcare Facilities

The Health Center, located in the Center Building, manages regular employee and student health exams, including special health screening for research personnel and influenza vaccinations for all OIST members. The center also provides first-aid and health consultation during work hours and events.

lady measuring a pacient's blood pressure

Childcare and Education

OIST offers employees and students a full range of childcare for preschool children and afterschool and holiday programs for school-age children.

Childcare and Education

Entrance to the child development center

Seaside House

The OIST Seaside House is a multi-functional building which hosts visitors and serves as a venue for international workshops and seminars.

Seaside House

Seaside House exterior view

Main Campus Map

OIST campus map
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