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Economic effects of defense industry projects

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. 2112-2132
Ivan V. NEVOLIN ◽  

Subject. This paper discusses the assessment of economic effects of project implementation in the defense industry. Objectives. We investigate economic effects in the defense industry from the bottom, i.e. we calculate methods for analyzing specific project in specific conditions. Methods. The study rests on the rules for licensed trade, tax and accounting practices. Results. We offer tables to assess the effect of job creation, license and tax payments in international transactions. Conclusions. The economic effect of defense projects is very ambiguous, as it depends on the country, the existence of the national defense industry, and indicators in question. Given the high interest to defense technologies in the military technology recipient country, it is possible to remove technology transfer transactions from the general regulation, and create special conditions for projects implementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
Irina Orlova ◽  
Artem Sukharev ◽  
Maria Sukhareva ◽  
Mikhail Deikun

The main objective of the article is to substantiate a systematic approach to the introduction of all types of innovations in the development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the modern world it is especially important to ensure the national security of the country and the defense industry plays a crucial role in this. At the same time, one cannot but note the importance of the defense industry in the production of high-tech civilian products and dual-use products, which enhances the country's competitiveness in the world market. In addition, the relevance of the topic is due to the presence of rather serious problems in the Russian defense industry, which require immediate resolution. The article uses the methodology of structurally functional analysis, the institutional approach and the method of comparative assessments. The authors conclude that technological innovation alone will not be able to achieve strategic results for ensuring national security, only in conjunction with organizational, product, social and marketing innovations, the domestic defense industry is able to solve its tasks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Alin Teodor Huseraș ◽  
Andrei Ciprian Spînu

AbstractNational defense is one of the key sectors responsible for maintaining national security, being considered at the same time an element of great importance and strict necessity of the public sector. The performance of defense functions and missions are closely linked to the military capabilities of this sector, which in turn depend on the budget for defense spending. This paper deals with some theoretical issues in the economic field of defense, regarding the size of defense spending in GDP and their social effects. It is also trying to carry out an analysis on the efficiency versus inefficiency in the use of defense resources, to finance the two types of recruitment systems, namely: by conscription or voluntary will. In order to be able to achieve the above, graphical analysis methods and calculation dermination method were used. The efficiency of spending public funds depends on both objective factors such as: distribution of a certain share of GDP to a certain area; attracting internal and external funding, as well as subjective factors, like: allocating resources to certain categories of expenses; allocating resources to certain defense programs; effective management of these resources by the competent structures. Therefore, for a program to be considered effective, it must meet the requirements of the collective needs of society, be rationally implemented and be sustainable.

Yishai Beer

This chapter deals with the lack of coherency between strategic reality—which uses deterrence as an essential strategic tool—and the prevailing law. Deterrence is a tool for enforcing compliance with the law; it promotes the containment of potential conflicts. It is pivotal in strategic thinking and, in many cases, an essential component of the national-defense strategy of law-abiding states. But although deterrence is central to the management of global security, in current international law deterrence considerations are perceived with suspicion and mistrust. It is perceived as an unlawful punitive measure. The lack of consensus on lawful deterrence, however, might create a vacuum that invites aggressors and transgressors. This chapter offers normative suggestions for introducing defensive deterrence and overcoming the practical problem of putting it into practice within the current contours of the law, by using the military professionalism criterion.

2011 ◽  
Vol 393-395 ◽  
pp. 288-291
Min Chuan Huang ◽  
Chao Yen Wu ◽  
Jang Ruey Tzeng

This study sought to resolve the current imbalance of demand and supply of the military instructors on the campus in Taiwan. Having witnessed the importance of a sustainable supply of certified military instructors to support the all-people-defense-education, the study first reviewed two versions of teacher training programs carried out by the Ministry of Defense and normative colleges. After exposing the weaknesses of these two versions of selection practice, this study continued with its recommendation. It is hoped that with its suggested concept of building partnership via outsourcing, professional identity of the military instructors can be elevated and ascertained. Specific contributions of this study are: the National Defense Education Division made sophisticated system of teacher education and teacher key capabilities. Project commissioned by the National Defense Education recruitment agency approach teacher education ideas

2012 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 399-420 ◽  
Eric Calderwood

AbstractThis article analyzes two accounts of the Hispano-Moroccan War of 1859–60 in light of scholarly debates about historiography, translation, and modernity in the colonial context. The first text is Ahmad b. Khalid al-Nasiri'sKitab al-Istiqsa(1895), which explores the organization of the Spanish army in an effort to understand the military technology and state apparatus behind colonial domination. The second text, Clemente Cerdeira'sVersión árabe de la Guerra de África(1917), is framed as an annotated Spanish translation of al-Nasiri's text, but Cerdeira suppresses key passages from al-Nasiri's account in order to undermine any hint that the Moroccan historian's thinking is reformist or modern. By comparing these two accounts of the same war, the article aims to situate al-Nasiri's text within the reform movements that spread through the Muslim Mediterranean in the 19th century and to use al-Nasiri's historical thinking as a model for theorizing Moroccan modernity.

1999 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 537-565 ◽  
Vally Koubi

Because of the nature of modern weapons, significant innovations in arms technology have the potential to induce dramatic changes in the international distribution of power. Consider, for example, the “strategic defense initiative” (SDI), a program initiated by the United States in the early 1980s. Had the program been successfully completed, it might have led to a substantial devaluation of Soviet nuclear capabilities and put the United States in a very dominant position. It should not then come as a surprise that interstate rivalry, especially among super powers, often takes the form of a race for technological superiority. Mary Acland-Hood claims that although the United States and the Soviet Union together accounted for roughly half of the world's military expenditures in the early 1980s, their share of world military research and development (R&D) expenditures was about 80 percent. As further proof of the perceived importance of R&D, note that whereas the overall U.S. defense budget increased by 38 percent (from $225.1 billion to $311.6 billion in real terms) from 1981 to 1987, military R&D spending increased by 100 percent (from $20.97 billion to $41.96 billion). Moreover, before World War II military R&D absorbed on average less than 1 percent of the military expenditure of major powers, but since then it has grown to 11–13 percent. The emphasis on military technology is bound to become more pronounced in the future as R&D becomes the main arena for interstate competition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 479-530
Evans Metobo

This paper uses data collected for an MA Thesis to explore the effects of slum upgrading on security management in Soweto slums, Roysambu sub-county in Nairobi, Kenya. The study was guided by three objectives to establish social effect of slum upgrading on security management in Kahawa Soweto slums; to examine the economic effect of slum upgrading on security management in Kahawa Soweto slums; and to establish the challenges of security management in the slum upgrading programme for Kahawa Soweto Slums. The study adopted a descriptive research design and random sampling to select 318 respondents (main respondents) and 10 Key informants (K.I). Questionnaire was the main method of data collection while interview was used to collect data from K.I. Data collected was organized, and systematically interpreted thematically by use of graphs, frequency tables, and percentages. This study established the relationship between slum setting and rise of crime and insecurity in Kahawa Soweto slums in Roysambu sub-county in Nairobi, Kenya with 69.2% of respondents agreeing to this count. According to this study, poor roads, high poverty levels, low education levels, poor spatial designs/environmental design of slum area and housing, absence of police station and poor lighting predisposed the slum dwellers to crime and insecurity. According to this study slum upgrade will reduce crime and insecurity, given that special aspects such as improvement in spatial designs/environmental design of urban areas and housing with enhanced modern lighting will significantly reduce crime in slums by eliminating criminogenic and insecurity risk factors. Additionally, improved economic effects of slum upgrading on slum dwellers would build resilience to crime and insecurity. This includes; Job creation, provision of educational facilities such as vocational training institutes (polytechnics), basic education institutions (primary and secondary schools) as well as other skills enhancement institutions. Community empowerment aimed at income generating activities, construction of police station to provide security to the slum dwellers (77%), and construction of better roads (55.3%) were recommended to reduce crime and improved security management in Kahawa Soweto slums in Roysambu sub-county in Nairobi, Kenya.

Marco Jowell

The army has been a central part of Rwanda’s political system from the precolonial period until the early 21st century and is intrinsically part of the construction and politics of the state. Civil–military relations in Rwanda demonstrate not only the central features of transitioning a rebel group to a national defense sector but also how some states construct their armed forces after a period of mass violence. Since the civil war and genocide in the early 1990s, the Rwandan military has been the primary actor in politics, the economy, and state building as well as in regional wars in central Africa and the Great Lakes region. Practical experiences of guerrilla insurgency and conflict in Uganda and Rwanda, postconflict military integration, and the intertwining of political and economic agendas with the ruling party have shaped civil–military relations in Rwanda and have been central to how the Rwandan defense sector functions. Contemporary Rwandan civil–military relations center around the two elements of service delivery and control, which has resulted in the development of an effective and technocratic military in terms of remit and responsibilities on the one hand, and the creation of a politicized force of coercion on the other hand. The military in Rwanda therefore reflects the pressures and dynamics of the wider state and cannot be separated from it. The Rwandan army is thus a “political army” and is part and parcel of the political structures that oversee and govern the Rwandan state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (13) ◽  
Donatas Palavenis

Object of the analysis. Increasing defence expenditures bring back a discussion weather the national defence industry is necessary to sustain economic welfare of a country, boosts innovations and enhances own military sector. Investigation problem. The use of political economy theories in that case could facilitate further research steps and guide scientists that will look for a precise answer to this issue. The aim of this manuscript is to review political economy theories that can be used in defining defence industry as such, and consider practical applicability options of different methodological approaches in the context of defence industry. To reach this aim, following objectives were designed: 1. Describe political economy phenomena and define its evolution; 2. Evaluate traditions of political economy and define their practical significance; 3. Assess methods used in actual analysis of defence industry and define the main findings. Research methods. While writing this article, the comparative literature analysis method was used. The famous scientists such as R. Abdelal, C., Adam, S. Dercon, G. Agostino, J. P. Dunne, L. Pieroni, M. Blyth, G. Browning, A. Kilmister, J. P. Dunne, E. Skons, D. Braddon, A. Gilpin, A. Goldstein, R. Jacson, G. Sorensen, S. Jevons, R. O. Keohane, C. W. Mitchell, I. D. Salavrakos, A. Sen and R. M. Smith were cited and referenced. All used literature is referenced. This article is structured into two big parts. The first part is devoted to the analysis of political economy subject itself and its approaches towards empirical research. The second part is designed to reveal possible application options of different theoretical political economy approaches in the context of defence industry. Outcomes and conclusions. In the context of current analysis of different political economy theories, different approaches on methodology, analytical side, linkage with defence industry, defence spending and possible insights about investigation possibilities the following conclusions were found: Political economy that originated in the XVII–XVIIIth century and currently is adopting different theoretical approaches in most cases is still relying on “grand” theories such as realism (mercantilism), liberalism, and Marxism. The existing variety of research methodologies and tools suggests the “correct” way to examine features of situation based on selected theory. Researches should be aware that even a proper methodology does not guaranty the reliability of research results due to the complexity of political economy subject itself and its interdependency to both political and economic science features. There are different scholars explaining trends and proposing different theoretical approaches to analyse defence sector and its connections (influence) with state. Current dynamics of defence industry led to renewed debates over whether the increase of the military expenditure enhances or deteriorates economic growth and welfare of the state. There have been numerous studies done in defining military expenditure (also research and development programs in the military sector) impact on local and state economies. Regardless of different methodologies used (econometric analyses, macro econometric models, time series models, demand side model, supply side model, cross-country correlation analyses and historical case study) there was no strong evidence that military expenditure is likely to have the negative economic effects on states. Keywords: political economy, defence industry, military expenditure, defence.

2020 ◽  
pp. 48-54
Andrii Boichuk ◽  

In the context of the reform of the tax system and the accounting and reporting system, as well as the integration of Ukraine with the European Community, the issue of simplifying the conditions for doing business, building an effective and understandable system for administering taxes and other duties acquire special significance. One of the important aspects of reforming the tax system of Ukraine is the introduction of unified reporting on personal income tax and unified social tax. The purpose of the article is to identify the positive and negative aspects of the process of reforming the reporting on personal income tax and unified social tax and scientifically substantiate the structure of such unified reporting. The existing forms of reporting on personal income tax and unified social tax, proposed by government agencies, were analyzed. In addition, the unified reporting models from these taxes proposed by scientists were critically assessed by the author. It was found that such indicators as the presence of Ukrainian citizenship, gender and the sign of a new job, do not participate in the process of monitoring the completeness of tax payments. Therefore, it is impractical to fill in these indicators for each employee, and it is enough to submit the total number and structure of these indicators on the reporting title page. The opposite situation exists with the military tax, which is advisable to display for each employee in the reporting for more effective control over its accrual and payment. The author has improved the structure of unified reporting on personal income tax and unified social tax, which will reduce the time spent on filling out such reports, increase the efficiency of control by the fiscal authorities and simplify the process of processing unified reporting data. The main advantages of the proposed form of unified reporting are: significant reduction in the number of indicators; simplicity and compactness; personalized registration of military tax; ease of filling and processing information.

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