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Published By Lithuanian Sports University


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (17) ◽  
pp. 8-17
Victoria Lobas

Автор пытается путем основательного исследования структуры тела, его функционального значения показать возможность управлять им и даже конструировать его. Практики Йоги позволяют по-новому посмотреть на тело человека. Они также способствуют созданию особой когнитивной ситуации вокруг темы управления телом и телесным. Это раскрывает совершенно новые горизонты жизни для определенной части населения и возможность инвестировать знания в процесс конструирования телесного. Знание о теле, которые мы находим в древних текстах и ​​на которые опирается Йога, еще раз подчеркивают особую миссию Йоги. В статье подтверждается идея целостности духовного и телесного, чего Йога никогда не теряла. Ключевые слова: управление телом, Йога, конструирование телесного, тело как конструкт.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (17) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Assem Seitimova ◽  
Ardak Beysembinova ◽  
Yernur Baekeyev

В статье изучены перспективы для развития туристской деятельности на особо охраняемых природных территориях, в частности государственных национальных природных парков в Республике Казахстан.  Определены сдерживающие факторы, слабые стороны для развития туризма на территориях нацпарков. Даны пути решения проблем и сдерживающих факторов в условиях пандемии для переориентации выездного туристского потока на развитие внутреннего туризма. Проведен анализ самых популярных туристских направлений среди нацпарков. Ключевые слова: национальные природные парки, туризм, пандемия, государство

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (17) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Arijus Kanovalovas ◽  
Edmundas Jasinskas

Straipsnyje analizuojama sporto renginių kokybė Lietuvos krepšinio rinktinių rungtynėse. Buvo atlikta kokybės vertinimo modelių lyginamoji analizė ir pasirinktas tinkamiausias sporto renginių kokybės modelis šiam tyrimui – SPORTSERV. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, jog Lietuvos krepšinio rinktinių (Lietuvos nacionalinės krepšinio vyrų ir moterų rinktinės, Lietuvos jaunučių, jaunių ir jaunimo) rungtynių renginio kokybę vertina gerai ir labai gerai. Kaip svarbiausią, tyrime naudoto SPORTSERV modelio sporto renginių kokybės kategoriją, respondentai išskyrė saugumą (renginio vietos ir aplinkos saugumo užtikrinimas). Analizuojant skirtumus tarp vyrų ir moterų, paaiškėjo, jog vyrai geriau vertina Lietuvos krepšinio rinktinių rungtynių renginio kokybę negu moterys. Tiek vyrai, tiek moterys kaip mažiausiai įtakos turintį veiksnį įvardijo, jog arenoje galima nusipirkti kokybiško maisto ir gėrimų. Raktiniai žodžiai: sportas, renginiai, kokybė, lemiantys veiksniai.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (17) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Perkumienė Dalia ◽  
Olegas Beriozovas ◽  
Maria João Escudeiro

Research problem and degree of the research. Protecting the rights of the child is one of the most important issues today, both nationally and internationally. The situation is particularly complicated when it comes to international adoption. The adoption institute transcends all cultures and has long since existed, having played different functions over time. This institute has come to reflect social changes relating to how society faces a child’s needs, the way of exercising parental responsibilities and the needs of birth parents and adoptive parents. This is a subject increasingly relevant within the phenomenon of globalization and the urgency given to children and their rights in contemporary society. This is a subject for today and for the future. The adoptive child, due to his or her subjective characteristics, is unable to exercise his or her rights properly. This obligation must be exercised by the child’s parents or the State and its authorities. Although the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania guarantees that every child has the right to grow up in a family, many children do not have a family and are forced to grow up in foster care. In this situation, an adoption institute emerges, which, at least from dallies, gives the child a chance to live in a family. In Portugal, the strong connection between the principle of the child´s best interest, major principle of family law, deeply influences the entire legal institute and, specially, the matter of international adoption. The placing of children in a foreign family is a subsidiary option, in great deal due to the difficulties that they will find from the moment they exit their country of origin. Difficulties such as differences in culture, language, religion, habits, among others that may result in children´s cultural uprooting and affect their cultural identity, beyond the cut with their biological family, implied in any adoption. Subject of the article:  protection of the rights of the child and problems in cross-border adoption.  Aim of the work: to analyse whether the rights of the child in the case of international adoption are violated.  Research methods: teleological, historical, comparative analysis of legislation, generalization, analysis, and synthesis of scientific literature, descriptive, comparative, analytical methods. The right of the child to grow up in a family is enshrined in the basic international instruments. It is in the family that the life and socialization of each child begins. It creates an atmosphere for the child to grow, develop and explore the world. The child should grow as much as possible to feel the love, care, and responsibility of his parents. Adoption is a significant process in many states. The main international instrument governing adoption is the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption. States, in accordance with both their national and international legislation on adoption, seek to enable the child to grow up in a new family, while ensuring that such adoption best protects the rights and interests of the child. In Portugal, the child’s best interest is a fundamental concept in this matter, for a true concept of individual rights is one in which the child is considered a subject of rights, and not object of them. This principle is the guiding principle for the exercise of private responsibilities in relation to children, as well as public ones, and should be considered both in state and judicial decisions and actions. The child’s best interest is an indeterminate legal concept, varying with the customs of each society, taking into evolutionary and dynamic nature, and depending on case-by-case evaluation. This continues to be a divisive issue in Portugal and Law No. 2/2016, of 29 February eliminates discrimination against persons of the same sex who live in a de facto union or are married, in access to adoption, civil sponsorship and other family legal relationships, making all the legal changes. Key words: child, adoption, child’s right to grow up in a family, international adoption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (17) ◽  
Alina Pestova ◽  
Alexander Makogonov

Цель данной статьи – раскрыть особенности корпоративного этикета и культуры общения. В статье затрагиваются такие темы как: коммуникативная культура, показатели культуры речи в деловом общении, виды, формы и стили корпоративного общения. Особое внимание уделено навыкам, которыми человеку необходимо обладать для общения в деловых кругах. Статья посвящена актуальной на сегодняшний день проблеме корпоративному этикету и культуре общения, так как в любой ситуации необходимо иметь хороший словарный запас, грамотно поставленную речь, умение правильно выходить из трудного разговора и обладать всеми необходимыми навыками для работы и делового общения. Ключевые слова: коммуникативная культура, этикет, общениe, собственная личность

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (16) ◽  
Natalia Chernikova

Research object. Research problem. Recently, both in the economic theory and in the practical activities in several countries, the concept of digital economy has emerged. Digitalization of processes, digital transformation, digital education, digital marketing – the word “digital” has been on everyone’s lips for several years now. The current crisis with its bomb-blasting effect has already proved that not only is the future of business a shift to digital technology, but the present is at stake if we do not act quickly. The beginning of the 21st century brought the development of digital technologies through the information revolution and the processes of economic globalization. Information in society and management processes has become a major resource. In the hands of man, it is transformed into knowledge, and social as well as economic relations are increasingly transferred to the network space. The development of digital culture is a key factor in the digital transformation of market actors. The authors show that at the present stage the institutional structure of a transformational society has features and requires the formation of a digital economy, which is now an actual task. The problem is the study. Although the crisis has to some extent mitigated the widening technological divide, the development of the digital economy in individual countries needs further government regulation and institutionalization.  In the near future, employers will face labour shortage to meet the new requirements, but the same acute problem will affect a large part of the working-age population, which will not be in demand in the new realities of digital life. Is the domestic economy ready for short- and medium-term digitalization, as the digital world has already entered our daily lives in most of its segments? The aim of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of the global trends of digital economic processes. Research methods. Analysis of scientific literature, synthesis, generalization. Scientific literature and theoretical interpretation to summarize the studies carried out on this topic, to find answers to what are the existing features of the current situation of digital economic development, because this phenomenon is interpreted on the basis of scientific analysis. The concepts will be analyzed, the most important concepts will be clarified and substantiated. Outcomes and conclusions. With the growing number of participants in digital transformation, both in individual countries and around the world, the issue of cybersecurity at the enterprise level, both at the state and international level, becomes more urgent. Therefore, there is a need to pay great attention to software and legislation (national and international) in the protection of the information space, as cybersecurity is the guarantor of “healthy” competition in the technological world. Analysis of global trends in the digitalization of the economic processes of enterprises confirms that such transformations will contribute not only to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in world markets, but also to improving the quality and standard of the population. Keywords: digitalization, economics, digitalization trends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (16) ◽  
Dmitry Panferov ◽  
Alexander Averin

Relevance and novelty. The article examines the issues related to the marketing activities of Russian football clubs in order to identify patterns in this process, as well as assessing the prospects for an integrated approach to evaluating such strategies in modern conditions, in particular, solving the issue of maximizing the effectiveness or efficiency and increasing the attractiveness of Russian football clubs in the international arena. Justification for the study. Therefore, it is the actions of specific specialists that largely determine how exactly a football club positions itself in the external environment, and also with the help of which tools it solves the problems of increasing the brand’s popularity and attracting fans to stadiums, which directly contribute to the increase in sales of related products to clubs. Marketing management in a football club as well as in companies of other industries should be based on a marketing strategy that should solve a number of specific issues and ensure that the football club is stable in the external environment even in times of crisis. In this regard, the relevance of theoretical and practical research of this problem cannot be questionable. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Russian football clubs deal with marketing activities in the new reality and consider the ways of optimizing their work. Methods. The main research methods were literary review, analysis and synthesis of information, modeling and statistical analysis. Results. As a result of the work, it was concluded that a marketing strategy is necessary for every football club, since it can be used not only to generate new ways of interacting with stakeholders, but also to create a good idea of the brand and ensure its promotion with much lower costs and problems. and also evaluate the effectiveness of brand communications. Realizing that organizational efficiency and effectiveness to a large extent depends not only on titles won, but also on financial performance, fan base growth, as well as the number of followers in social networks, which then turn into loyal fans, we can conclude that for a correct and adequate assessment of the club's marketing strategy and its overall activities requires a system that will consider these, as well as unnamed, but no less important, indicators. Conclusion. Based on the research, it is necessary to understand that the marketing strategy of a football club can significantly facilitate its task of increasing material well-being, as well as provide audience growth in the stands and brand recognition not only in the territory of a particular country, but also beyond its borders. Keywords: football, marketing, integrated approach.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (16) ◽  
Nikita Egorov ◽  
Alexander Averin

Background. The main goal of this research was to study the activities of Formula 1 team Toro Rosso in order to understand the peculiarities of its functioning and its role in realization of the performance program of Red Bull concern in this auto racing championship. This study provided an in-depth look at one of the most unusual examples of partnership in professional sports – Red Bull and Toro Rosso alliance. Methods. The main research method was the collection and interpretation of statistical data concerning various characteristics of the performance of Toro Rosso team and its pilots in Formula 1, primarily sports performance. Also, additional facts were collected, which made it possible to give a more detailed description of the role of the Toro Rosso team in realizing the goals of Red Bull concern in Formula 1. Results. During the study various characteristics were identified that reflect the peculiarities of managing Toro Rosso team. Among them we want to admit the next ones: A) Toro Rosso confirms the status of the team that prepares pilots for the performance in the main team Red Bull; B) TR, with some features, matches the status of “junior” team; C)–among the personnel decisions, connected with the Toro Rosso team in Formula 1, there were both successful and ineffective ones; D) the team brings sufficient benefits to both the main team of Red Bull and the entire Austrian concern. Conclusions. Toro Rosso team proves the effectiveness of its existence and its value for Red Bull concern, and in order to increase the efficiency of its activity the leaders of Austrian company should continue to realize the strengths of the team, taking into account the interests of the RB main team, and, at the same time, improve the principles of personnel policy, carefully think out the positioning of team and correct the character of work of Red Bull Junior Team program. Keywords: sports partnership, management, motorsport, team-satellite.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
Renata Neniškytė ◽  
Viktorija Grigaliūnienė

The purpose was to investigate violence experienced in work environment by emergency medical service workers of Lithuania’s biggest cities and methods of violence management.Methods – Questionnaire survey.Relevance of the research.  Violence and aggression in the workplace affect many fields and workers of different levels. However, healthcare sector has the highest risk of experiencing violence. In recent years, it was found that healthcare specialists were under substantial risk of experiencing violence from patients or their companions and it raises concern about the medical personnel. Although workers may experience violence and aggression in every healthcare field, it is more likely for the specialists providing emergency medical aid. Therefore, it is of great importance to put efforts into protecting emergency care providers and patients from incidents of aggression or violence in order to deliver quality care for the patients. The objective of this study was to explore violence in the workplace experienced by Lithuania’s biggest cities emergency medical service workers and ways it can be managed.Research results and conclusions. After the analysis of the survey results it was found that emergency medical service workers of Lithuania’s biggest cities most frequently experience violence in form of verbal aggression (on average 57 times a year), provocative aggressive behaviours (22 times a year) and threats (20 times a year). The rarest form of violence experienced was sexual harassment.After analysing the responses, it was noted that emergency medical service providers of Lithuania’s biggest cities experienced violence from patients in more than half of all cases and in about one third of cases of violence it was received from relatives. It should also be noted that a small part (one-tenth of all cases) of violence was received from colleagues at work.In situations of violence, emergency medical service workers try to hide their fear and do not retreat, they remain close to the exit door and try to reduce excessive triggers and noises that could escalate frustration.Keywords: violence, ambulance, aggression. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (15) ◽  
Alma Paškevičė ◽  
Jūratė Požėrienė

Research background. Physical activity is considered to be one of the most important opportunities for the realization of non-formal education, considering the groups of the most vulnerable persons, i.e. refugee children and young people. Physical activity and sport shape the development of human mobility and at the same time develop and strengthen all systems of the body. So the question arises, how does the development of personality occurs in the process of non-formal education? How is physical activity recognized through internal and external training / motivation factors? The above-mentioned aspects form the basis for the scientific problem of this study. The article analyses the contextualization of non-formal education development, deepens the basis of internal and external motivation in order to reveal informal education of refugee children and youth through physical activity.The aim was to analyse the non-formal education of refugee children and youth through physical activity.Method. The method of scientific literature analysis was used in the study.Results and conclusions. When analysing the development of personality in the process of non-formal education, the conclusion is that non-formal education has its own origins and history, in which a flexible curriculum is suitable and freely available to such a target group as refugees. There is also a factor of internal and external motivation in the educational process, which could address the shortcomings of teaching / learning motivation, the difficulties of social adaptation, which is important in the analysis of non-formal education of refugees.Keywords: non-formal education, refugees, physical activity, children and youth. 

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