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scholarly journals Features of regional development processes in modern conditions

N. A. Kurmanov ◽  
A. T. Uskelenova ◽  
N. V. Nikiforova ◽  
A. Zh. Satbayeva

The relevance of the study is due to the issues of the successful development of any economic system based on the high dynamism of its links. The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the processes of regional development at the present stage. The article touches upon the topic of the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Kazakhstan, gives a comparison by the size of the regions, gives the features of their development. The authors focus on the complex solution of the problems of regional development. As a research task, the authors attempted to assess and systematize the features of regional development in Kazakhstan. Considered and given the characteristics of the socio-economic development of the regions. The taxonomic levels of research and the views of scientists who have made a great contribution to the development of theoretical concepts of regional science are analyzed. The article substantiates the priority and effectiveness of the application of the «smart specialization» model to the development process of the region. The characteristics of the sectors of the economy of the raw material region are determined. The effects of the transition of the raw materials region to innovative development according to the «smart specialization» model are indicated. In general, the generalization of the experience of the development of regions according to the «smart specialization» model allows us to draw certain conclusions and recommendations when implementing the «smart specialization» strategy in the regions of Kazakhstan.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Slobodan Majstorović ◽  
Vladimir Malbašić ◽  
Miodrag Čelebić

Curent situation of raw material base and study of limestone like construction stone deposits in the Republic of Serbian were relatively poorly considered during the last decades, and the main problems are the following: low production capacity fragmentation of production, needs for raw materials homogenization and delivering of standard quality, undeveloped market, the recession of the domestic economy and the economies in the region, the relatively low level of exploration by many deposits, especially lack of knowledge of the occurrence legality for certain types and quality of raw materials and lack of complete quality indicators for raw material, which sometimes causes the utilization of only the highest quality deposit parts.This paper provides an overview of active quarries in the Republic Srpska with exploitation of limestone like technical building stone and present an attempt to determine the basic quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the raw material and the current working conditions at these quarries. The purpose of such a review would be in an effort to create a clearer picture about production, market, social and other aspects of the limestone exploitation in the Republika Srpska and the realistic possibilities of maintaining and developing of these mineral resources utilization, which can certainlybe interesting for the development of many other industries in the Republic Srpska.

2021 ◽  
pp. 201-209
Kamola Vakhabjanova Raimova ◽  
Nodira Gulomzhanovna Abdulladzhanova ◽  
Farrukh Nazimovich Toshpulatov ◽  
Nurali Azamovich Ergashev ◽  
Alimzhan Davlatbaevich Matchanov

The results of studies of the content of polyphenolic compounds and their antioxidant activity in the Pontic hawthorn plant Crataegus pontica K.Koch., growing in the mountainous regions of the Tashkent region of the Republic of Uzbekistan are presented. The collection of raw materials took place in the spring at the beginning of October 2019 and at the end of April 2020. The conditions for the isolation of polyphenolic compounds were selected under various conditions. It was shown that the optimal content of polyphenols is extracted with 70% acetone, followed by fractionation of the aqueous residue with ethyl acetate and precipitation with hexane. It was shown that in the plants harvested in spring, the amount of polyphenols was 4.28%, and the collected volume was 2.6%, of the air-dry mass of the raw material. Chromatographic methods (BC and TLC) revealed that the composition of plant leaves collected in spring contains more polyphenols than those collected in autumn. This plant contains compounds belonging to the class of flavonols, phenolic acids and flavan-3-ols. Polyphenols were identified by rutin, quercetin, quercetin-3-O-β-galactoside, catechin, and gallic acid by BC and TLC methods. The antioxidant activity of the sum of polyphenolic compounds was studied in the model of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in rat liver mitochondria. It was found that polyphenols have a protective effect on mitochondria, a reduced damaging effect of Fe2+ / ascorbate and antioxidant activity depends on the concentration of the studied polyphenolic substances. The introduction of rutin into the incubation medium in 5 μM medium inhibits LPO processes by 32.0%, and at 10 μM – by 85.9% and in 20 μM – by 96.8%, compared with the control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 18-47

Climate change as well as ecological and social problems requires new goals and instruments of economic policy, based on the principles of sustainable develop­ment. However, over the past 20 years, an increase in energy prices has resulted in the raw material growth model prevailing in Russia. Has this growth led to sustainable regional development? We propose an approach to evaluating eco­logical efficiency of the Russian regions as the ratio of the output of non-primary goods and services to the input of resources (labor, capital, raw materials, and environmental costs). This is a new indicator of the quality of economic growth. The sustainable development model, combining growth of GRP per capita and ecological efficiency, has been observed for more than half of the period in most regions. The eco-efficiency of the average region has been growing since 2003, except crisis periods, following an increase of the services sector share and the closure of inefficient pollution-intensive factories. According to the econometric results, ecological efficiency was growing faster in densely populated regions with a high share of high-tech services, investment attractiveness and intensive tech­nology implementation (Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Belgorod and Kaliningrad regions etc.); it decreased in most northern and Siberian regions. Great potential for raising eco-efficiency remains in most regions. In general, the results of regional development in Russia do not contradict the principles and goals of sustainable development (SDGs), although it was largely achieved due to the system of inter-budget transfers, distributing the oil rent surplus among the regions. In the future, an increase in investments in the non-primary sector, en­ergy efficiency and public transportation will be required. Corresponding changes can be accelerated in the context of an emerging economic crisis caused by the pandemic and falling oil prices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ririt Yuniar

Generasi nasionalis, mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa Negara di atas kepentingan pribadi dan golongan. Artinya generasi yang taat hukum; disiplin; cinta tanah air; menghormati keragaman suku, agama, budaya; rela berkorban; mampu mengapresiasi budaya bangsa sendiri; menjaga kekayaan budaya bangsa; unggul dan berprestasi; serta mampu menjaga lingkungan. Sekolah, masyarakat, dan keluarga menjadi ekosistem pendidikan yang harus bersinergi. Terciptan karya seni kreatif dan inovatif yang memuat kelima sila beserta butir-butir Pancasila sebagai sebuah nilai luhur, keberagaman dan Kebhinekaan di Indonesia menjadi salah satu solusi alternatif bagi terwujudnya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Hal ini sejalan dengan Visi Misi ISI Yogyakarta, yaitu adanya penerapan dan pengoptimalan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam konsep dan karyanya dengan memegang teguh konsep ideal bangsa Indonesia guna mewujudkan penciptaan seni maupun mengkaderisasi pendidik seni secara efektif juga menjadi tujuan utama tulisan ini. Teori strategi komunikasi (mengenal khalayak, merancang pesan, menetapkan metode, dan proses seleksi dalam penggunaan media) sangat relevan jika diterapkan oleh kreator seni dengan menggunakan pendekatan performance studies sebagai sebuah metode guna meningkatkan kualitas dan kreativitas para kreator seni yang lebih mengutamakan nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagai pedoman berkarya. Nilai-nilai Pancasila diimplementasikan melalui karya seni yang “borderless” artinya tidak terbatas lintas ruang dan waktu dalam konsep dan praktiknya. How to karya itu diciptakan, diproduksi, ditampilkan, dilestarikan, oleh para seniman, serta penikmat seni lainnya. Melalui pendidikan karakter yang berintegritas karya seringkali memuat substansi pesan moral di dalamnya. Nilai-nilai Pancasila raw-material yang fundamental dan terinternalisasi dalam kehidupan keseharian melalui berbagai profesi. The nationalist generation prioritizes the interests of the nation and state above personal and group interests. It means the law-abiding generation; discipline; love for the homeland; respecting ethnic, religious, cultural diversity; willing to sacrifice; able to appreciate the nation's culture; maintain the nation's cultural wealth; excel and achieve; and able to protect the environment. Schools, communities, and families become educational ecosystems that must work together. The creation of creative and innovative works of art containing the five precepts and the points of Pancasila as a noble value, diversity and diversity in Indonesia is one of the alternative solutions for realizing the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This is in line with the Vision and Mission of ISI Yogyakarta, namely the application and optimization of Pancasila values in their concepts and works by upholding the ideal concept of the Indonesian nation in order to realize the creation of art well as to regenerate art educators effectively. The theory of communication strategy (knowing the audience, designing messages, determining methods, and selection processes in media used) is very relevant if applied by art creators using a performance studies approach as a method. This approach is to improve the quality and creativity of art creators who prioritize the values of Pancasila as a working guide. Pancasila values are implemented through borderless artwork, meaning they are not limited across space and time in concept and practice. How to work it was created, produced, displayed, preserved by artists and other art connoisseurs. Through character education with integrity, the work often contains the substance of the moral message in it. The values of Pancasila are raw materials that are fundamental and internalized in daily life through various professions. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 96-99
Алена Владимировна Сумина ◽  
Вадим Игоревич Полонский ◽  
Татьяна Михайловна Шалдаева

Одним из путей повышения функциональной ценности пищевых продуктов является увеличение содержания в них химических соединений, обладающих антиоксидантной активностью. Последние, как известно, играют важную роль в профилактике различных заболеваний человека. Антиоксидантами богаты зерновые культуры, на основе которых изготавливаются наиболее употребляемые населением продукты питания. Целью данного исследования являлось определение величины суммарного содержания антиоксидантов (ССА) в зерновом сырье на разных этапах производства хакасского национального продукта талган, изготовленного из пророщенного зерна овса. Овес выращивали на территории Бейского района Республики Хакасия в 2019 г. Очищенное зерно проращивали при комнатной температуре в течение 56 ч, затем его просушивали и обжаривали при температуре 180…200 °С в течение 10-15 мин, а далее измельчали и просеивали через сита с ячеей 0,9 мм. В результате получали продукт талган и отходы в виде отрубей. Для определения уровня ССА в зерне использовали два растворителя - горячую бидистиллированную воду и 70 %-ный этиловый спирт. Измерение значения ССА выполняли на приборе «Цвет Яуза-01-АА». Среди исследуемых образцов более высокие показатели ССА были зарегистрированы при использовании в качестве элюента горячей бидистиллированной воды. В работе выявлен эффект увеличения уровня ССА в конечном продукте по сравнению с исходным сырьем после этапа проращивания зерна в среднем в 2 раза, а после этапов обжаривания и измельчения в 2,1 раза. Величина ССА в отрубях превышала таковую в исходном зерне в среднем на 47 %. Таким образом, в результате исследований было установлено, что введение в технологию изготовления овсяного талгана дополнительного этапа, заключающегося в проращивании зерна, является одним из эффективных способов повышения величины ССА в полученном на его основе продукте. One of the ways to increase the functional value of food products is to increase the content of chemical compounds that have antioxidant activity. The latter are known to play an important role in the prevention of various human diseases. Antioxidants are rich in cereals, on the basis of which the most commonly consumed food products are made. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of the total content of antioxidants (TCA) in grain raw materials at different stages of production of the Khakass national product talgan, made from sprouted oat grain. Oats were grown on the territory of the Bey district of the Republic of Khakassia in 2019. The purified grain was sprouted at room temperature for 56 hours, then it was dried and fried at a temperature of 180…200 oC for 10-15 minutes, and then ground and sieved through sieves with a mesh of 0.9 mm. As a result, the product talgan and waste in the form of bran were obtained. To determine the level of TCA in the grain, two solvents were used - hot bidistilled water and 70 % ethyl alcohol. The TCA value was measured on the device «Color Yauza-01-AA». Among the studied samples, higher TCA values were recorded when using hot bidistilled water as an eluent. The paper reveals the effect of increasing the level of TCA in the final product in comparison with the initial raw material after the stage of grain germination by an average of 2 times, and after the stages of roasting and grinding by 2.1 times. The value of TCA in bran exceeded that in the original grain by an average of 47 %. Thus, as a result of research, it was found that the introduction of an additional stage in the production technology of oatmeal talgan, which consists in the germination of grain, is one of the effective ways to increase the value of TCA in the product obtained on its basis.

V. S. Boltovsky

Plant raw materials are practically an inexhaustible natural resource, since they are constantly renewed in the process of plant photosynthesis, which determines the prospects for their use for industrial processing in various ways, including hydrolytic. The main biopolymer components of plant biomass in terms of their quantitative content are polysaccharides, the hydrolytic processing of which by acidic or enzymatic hydrolysis leads to the formation of monosaccharides and various products obtained from them. This review of scientific literature analyzes theoretical concepts and the current state of research on the development, improvement and prospects for the use of enzymatic hydrolysis of plant raw materials. The efficiency of this process and the composition of the resulting products largely depend on the features of the supramolecular structure of cellulose, the content of hemicelluloses and lignin in the raw material, the balance and activity of the cellulase complex of enzymes. It is shown that the main directions of development and improvement of the processes of enzymatic hydrolysis of plant raw materials at present are the production and use of more effective strains of microorganisms that produce highly active enzymes, the directed creation of complex enzymes (hydrolyzing not only cellulose, but also hemicellulose, as well as destroying lignin), the development of methods for pretreatment of raw materials to increase the reactivity of cellulose and remove lignin and improve the processes of fermentolysis.

V. M. Shishmarev ◽  
T. M. Shishmareva ◽  

The coenopopulations of Serratula centauroides in various plant communities of Transbaikalia have been studied. In the study areas 10 geobotanical descriptions were made in plant communities with the participation of S. centauroides. In the investigated area S. centauroides is found on dry rocky slopes, in herb and sandy steppes. Depending on the growing conditions, the density of individuals in coenopopulations ranges from 0.18 to 1.80 individuals per 1 m2. The highest occurrence of S. centauroides is noted in communities dominated by Gramineous and Artemisia: Gramineous-Artemisia-herb, Filifolium-Artemisia-Gramineous, Gramineous-Artemisia, Oxytropis-Gramineous and Allium-Artemisia. Studied coenopopulations S. centauroides are confined to the following communities: Filifolium-herb, Gramineous- Artemisia-herb, Sophora-herb, Filifolium-Artemisia-Gramineous, Gramineous-Artemisia, Agropyron- Carex, Carex-herb, Oxytropis-Gramineous and Allium-Artemisia. The phytomass, biological and exploitation resources, the possible volumes of annual harvesting of raw material of S. centauroides were determined. The phytomass of S. centauroides herb ranges from 8.10±3.46 to 75.93±19.55 g/m2 (air-dry raw material). The average phytomass of 1 individual of S. centauroides herb varies from 13.67±3.59 to 67.14±14.30 g (air-dry raw materials). The total biological resources of S. centauroides herb is 777.9 t (fresh raw materials) and 266.8 tons (air-dry raw materials). The total exploitation resources of S. centauroides herb is 224.7 t (fresh raw materials) and 79.8 t (air-dry raw materials). The possible volume of annual harvesting of raw materials of S. centauroides in the studied coenopopulations on the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Republic of Buryatia amounts to 37.5 t (fresh raw materials) and 13.3 t (air-dry raw materials).

2019 ◽  
Z A Yaralieva ◽  
G I Kasyanov ◽  
P R Tagirova ◽  
L N Shubina ◽  
S A Ilyasova ◽  

A technology, based on the production of wine beverages from grape cryopowders in the mountain-valley zone of the Republic of Dagestan, is proposed. The data on the vacuum microwave drying of grape raw materials and subsequent grinding in a cryomill are presented. The modes of grape raw material preparation and its subsequent dehydration and cryo-grinding, which provide the possibility of successful use in the dried state in the production technology of wine drinks, are proposed. The principal feature is the use of whole grapes as a raw material, with rinds and seeds. The physical and chemical indicators, the content of phenolic substances and the organoleptic indicators of wine beverages made according to the traditional technology and the beverage made from grape cryopowders were studied. A comparative assessment of beverages was made. It is established that vacuum microwave drying conduces to better preservation of the properties of raw materials and finished products. The organoleptic assessment showed that the wine drinks developed according to the proposed technology had a more intense color and a more pronounced flavor of sweetness and sourness than traditional wine beverages. The advantage of this technology is the ability to transport grape cryopowders in unregulated temperature conditions to any point close to the consumer and carry out the production of wine beverages there.

2021 ◽  
pp. 70-77

In the conditions of Uzbekistan, to increase the ranгe of production of natural and environmentally friendly wine products from fruit and berry raw materials, as well as to effectively use raw materials, the production of export-oriented natural younг wines is a very urгent problem, based on the fact that the purpose of our study was to improve the existinг technoloгies in the Republic. for the production of fruit and berry wines on a biocatalytic basis, by stimulatinг zymoгenic enzymes of raw materials and yeast exohydrolases. To achieve this гoal, berries such as red cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants and shotut were used as objects. The subject of the study was the creation of a fundamentally new technoloгy for the production of natural and export-oriented wine products from fruit and berry raw materials, as well as the research method was the determination of physicochemical, biochemical, technical and technoloгical parameters and the analysis of orгanoleptic indicators of objects by standard methods. The study showed that under an unfavorable environment, the cells of fruit and berry raw materials fall into stress as a result, under the influence of zymogenic exo- and endo enzymes of plant cells, it degrades biopolymers such as pectin and protein, which are the main components of the cytoplasmic membrane of cells, and a fundamentally new technology was developed, which allows to separate the fermentation process from the extraction of valuable components of raw materials due to the enhancement of the secondary metabolism of yeast associated with "high synthesis" in a controlled fermentation process. Moreover, in the process of carbon dioxide maceration, the yield of high-quality juice from 1 ton of raw material was increased by 10-12%, and the yield of wine material due to a decrease in yeast increased by 3.5%, due to the continuity of the process by 0.7% and the biosynthesis of ethyl alcohol was increased by 1 ÷ 1.5% vol. Natural wine products have been developed that have a pleasant harmonious taste and aroma due to their organoleptic properties.

Trevor Gyles ◽  
Alicia Mruthyunjaya ◽  
Franley Sanchez ◽  
Jerry Valentino ◽  
Marcos Esterman

As the topic of sustainability continues to gain momentum, companies are seeking ways to integrate environmental solutions into their product development process. Decisions made throughout the product development process affect the sustainability of the product from raw material extraction, to production process impacts, to end of life disposal. One such impact is the generation of waste by-products. By utilizing waste as raw materials, companies can continue to cycle technical and biological nutrients thus minimizing the scatter of waste to the natural environment. The focus of this research is to explore the enablers and barriers to utilizing waste streams as raw materials. Using a qualitative approach, nine different organizations from four companies crossing over multiple industries are studied. Key characteristics of production waste that enable successful by-product exchanges are identified, as well as the role the product development process needs to play in creating value from exchanges.

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